
11 years ago by

This summer, I’ve been attracted to simple glasses. Nothing too big or flashy.

So naturally I turned to Ray-Bans and as I wasn’t able to make a choice, I got a little bit carried away. I started with a good old pair of Clubmasters, then a few weeks later I realized I can’t possibly live without a good pair of Aviators. Then I lost my folding Wayfarers and had to replace them.

Ok so maybe it’s due to the fact that I love them all and can’t choose – and also that compared to the prices of other glasses these are about a third of the price, which may have “justified” my multi-purchases. But here we are.
Which are your favorites ?

PS : Have you tried the polarized ones ? Yep ? Don’t.
If you want to be able to look at your phone while keeping your glasses on (WHO DOESN’T), don’t get polarized sunglasses. I guess it protects you better from the sun. But it’s crazy! It changes all the colors in you phone and in one second you feel drunk (it took me at least 5 mn to figure out it was the glasses) (so, weird)(no, not because of the rosé !).
Anyway. Which ones would you pick ?


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  • A beauitful collection.
    One can never have too many.
    Have a splendid week Garance.

    Priscilla Joy
    Dutch Caribbean

  • i have several pairs: new, vintage. you need a few pairs, right? :)


  • The gold clubmasters are my favorite pair right night!

    Paris-New York Fashion Blog
    The Deep Blue Cory Fashion Blog, NEW POST! Street Chic – White Choc 
    The Deep Blue Cory Facebook Page
    Xoxo Cory

  • I couldn’t choose so I have all three and many variation of each, I love ray-ban but I do have a soft spot for the Aviator.


  • Lizzie July, 29 2013, 9:15 / Reply

    Aviators! got the foldable one and it rocks!! plus it can fit into teeny weeny bags too =)

  • Ksenia July, 29 2013, 9:17 / Reply

    I’ve got myself an Erica Ray Ban… They are awesome, simple chic and light!

  • Les wayfarer Garance !

  • Definitely the aviators, though I like warmer tone of the brown lenses with the gold frame (like this: http://www.theseventhsphinx.com/fashion/flowers-and-stripes/ ). They are like the sunglasses a stylish lion cub would wear.

  • moi c’est plutôt lunettes PERSOL (très myope, j’ai besoin d’une protection irréprochable avec mes lentilles, et chez PERSOL, les solaires sont parfaites en gamme)

  • J’ai porté pendant 4 ans les Aviators couleur Chrome et verres fumés, et là j’ai une paire de Wayfarers à verres grisés, car je n’aime pas les verres verts de base.
    Donc je suis à 100% pour les Wayfarers à verres polarisés, c’est génial au niveau de la vision, et j’adore le design.

    Mafalda ?

  • LOVE the clubmasters. I’ve never actually owned a pair of raybans, which seems weird to me now that I think about it, but if I were to get a pair for sure it would be the clubmasters.


  • rounded wayfarers, rigt now: epos orfeo http://www.eposmilano.com//product/show/125/370

  • I like the wayfarers, Garance! I actually need a pair myself…

  • Si je peux avoir les trois ça me convient, sinon, je choisirai les wayfarer!


  • Andrea July, 29 2013, 9:44 / Reply

    Drôle, samedi j’en ai essayé plusieurs. Les Wayferer sont celles qui me vont le mieux mais je cherches toujours (infructueusement) les Caravan depuis que je les ai vues un jour dans Vogue.

  • wayfarer verres polarisées

  • AURELIE July, 29 2013, 9:49 / Reply

    Les lunettes j’adore à commencer par les Ray Ban et je suis tobée amoureuse d’une paire Thierry Lasry plus féminine et singulière avec une plaque écailles qui la rend un peu classique.
    Les verres polarisés me font pourtant de l’oeil depuis l’année dernière où je les vois régulièrement en photo sur ton blog …

  • I have Wayfarers and they’re the best investition that I ever made. Now I’m considering to buy pair of Clubmasters, they’re so retro cool. Aviators for me are boring.

  • marion July, 29 2013, 9:54 / Reply

    je suis ray ban forever j’ai des aviators avec les verres en mirroire elle me quitte pas depuis 4ans mes j’aime bcp les wayferer je pense a en acheter une paire

    je te conseil ce site les lunettes sont pas cher et de tres bonne qualiter et y ‘ en a pour tous le monde hihi


  • I love these classics, they are perfect for every summer!!


  • Oh you’re so right about the polarized ones, I bought them last summer and I hardly ever wear them because it makes my head hurt and the colors are constantly changing. I can’t drive nor use my phone if I wear them.

    But I adore Ray Ban in general, love its simplicity and I don’t think I’ll ever stop buying them :) Clubmasters and Wayfarers are my faves :)

  • Love Ray Bans, got my first pair back in the late 80’s.

  • I have a beautiful pair of vintage aviators that I love. I would love being able to pull off the Clubmasters and Wayfarers, but unfortunately I can’t (small face, huuuge eyes).

    So, apart from these, I have a pair of great, golden Dsqured, a cat-eye Diesel, and I’ve been thinking lately of a beautiful pair of heavy, pitch-black pair by Prada… :)

  • these are perfect perfect perfect

  • Waferers for me it is, i have the folding ones, a pair of polirised ones
    For the beach, Two pairs of over sized wafarers.
    I just can not get enough of them.

  • The clubmaster! So cool!

  • This post made me realize, that I’m missing a pair of Clubmasters in my growing collection, hehe ;-)

    I love to switch sunglasses and I usually switch between Aviators, Wayfarers, Spektre Mirrored sunglasses and a brown pair of Illesteva. xxx

  • Hotmamma July, 29 2013, 10:36 / Reply

    Les premières

  • Amandine July, 29 2013, 10:37 / Reply

    Pour moi, les wayfarers restent indetronables, c’est toujours à elles que je reviens.

  • J’ai beau avoir une paire d’aviator, je voue un culte à mes Wayfarers depuis 4 ans ! Elles sont pas dans un excellent état, mais je les aime quand même.

  • the top one! def.

  • OMG I want them all 3! Even tho the clubmasters would be a double..

  • I have black/gold Clubmaster and all black Wayfarer and 4168 Meteor limited edition! I love aviators but looks silly on my face!

  • Moi je préfère les aviators j en ai 3 paires;-) Je suis bien d’accord sur ta remarque sur les prix, les autres marques sont hors de prix genre les aviators Chanel c’est n’importe quoi….

  • Haha the same thing happened to me with my polarized Persols, I felt kinda dizzy! I think my favorites are the Wayfarer!

  • Moi j’adore les lunettes aux couleurs vives (ou formes spéciales), et cette année j’ai craqué pour les lunettes des Italiennes avec une paire de Spektre monture transparente et verres miroir vert-bleu, j’adore, ca met du peps !! :D

  • I loved it!!!
    I’m posting looks from Los Angeles and accessories:


  • J’ai aussi une paire de chaque que je trimbale, je touche du bois, depuis quelques années déjà !
    Je délaisse un peu mes aviators sauf pour les longs voyages en voiture car c’est ma seule paire polarisée et ayant les yeux clairs c’est l’extase auculaire ! J’ai l’impression d’une bouffée d’air frais quand je les mets, mes yeux peuvent s’écarquiller librement !

  • I’m also a Ray-ban addict, but I tend to prefer them in colours for summer.



  • I am in love with the aviator right now.


  • Aviators for me! I have been wearing my new/old vintage aviators I bought at this awesome vintage Rayban shop on Etsy, my favorite pair by far :]

  • I love the three of them! And they are a great purchase because they are never, completely, out of style and don’t cost a lot compare with the other brands. Love it, love it!

  • I’m sunglasses obsessed. I personally couldn’t live without Oakley Frogskins. And the new Frogskin LX, amazeballs (just got them in brown/blue). Polarized- ehhh, I hate them as well. I don’t get everyone’s obsession unless you’re fishing or something, but who does that. Salt Optics have some amazing shapes as well.


  • polarized glasses are amazing. you can’t see your phone in bright sunlight anyway.

  • the ones in the middle. I should form an aviator shade appreciator club <3


  • all classics…love them all….xoxo

  • sandrine July, 29 2013, 12:23 / Reply

    Team wayfarer depuis toujours, celles a écailles.
    J’hésitais pour les verres polarisés pour ma prochaine paire, tu m’as aidé a me décider, on restera classique.
    Bisous, Sandrine.

  • Ah, les lunettes… Always the same problem with me, ’til i found out that aviators work best in my face! Love ’em.

  • KaLaville July, 29 2013, 12:28 / Reply

    cette nuit j’ai rêvé que je m’achetais des Ray Ban, et je ne savais pas quel modèle choisir…et là je tombe sur ce post ! C’est un signe, il FAUT que je m’achète des Ray Ban, peu importe lesquelles !

  • Estupenda colección ,nunca pasan de moda.
    Un beso

  • J’aime tellement les Rayban <3 J'ai la dernière paire en bas sur la photo, les classiques :) Je ne les quitte plus !

  • Pour cet été, les Oakley frogskins, elles sont parfaites.

  • I think polarize is absolutely supreme, the RayBan lenses are made out of glass which gives better optics and much harder to see the stretches.

  • cacolazatchok July, 29 2013, 1:04 / Reply

    aviator définitivement!
    Mais j’aime bien les wayfarer sur les autres.

  • I’m addicted to Ray-Bans, too! I have two pairs of Wayfarer (one is cool limited edition, bought last year), a pair of Aviator and a pair of Meteor. I love them all!
    This summer, I would like to try Italian Independent, because they’re beautiful and incredibly light.

  • Judith July, 29 2013, 2:11 / Reply

    Les Ray-Ban, ce sont des lunettes éternellement indémodables!
    Très bon choix.


  • Philippine July, 29 2013, 2:30 / Reply

    Clubmaster, pour sûr. J’ai les miennes depuis des années et ce sont bien mes favorites. Indémodables et originales, elles allient l’utile et l’agréable!! Je les aiiiime!

    Ensuite, ça sont les Wayfarer. ;)

    En tout cas, les Ray-Ban sont toujours de bons choix. :)

  • Classic aviators! I love the shape of them, the laid back style and look great with jeans!


  • Sabrina Delafield July, 29 2013, 2:34 / Reply

    I would love to have all three…but my Ray-ban Wayfarer’s were a cast off from an ex-boyfriend. I still love them.(the sunglasses;)

  • Very nice collection. Great day.


  • Bernardeta July, 29 2013, 2:52 / Reply

    My favourite glasses are by Persol great Italian brand since 1917 .Actually made in Italy which is quite rare now.

  • Je préfère froncer les sourcils et mettre ma main en visière! Tout le monde sait que c’est tellement plus élégant. Et je suis certaine qu’un jour ce sera un must!

    J’ai les Wayfarer…mais je ne les porte presque jamais.
    Je suis une traumatisée des lunettes de vue depuis des années…Du coup je suis une allergique à tout ce qui est lunette de soleil ou pas!

  • Ray-Ban Vagabond !

  • Je n’ai que des lunettes marrons, ça me va mieux ;) En ce moment j’ai des lunettes de la marque Polaroïd (très discret la mention de la marque), assez classique, une belle forme, ni trop grosse ni trop petite, un peu papillon, je fais un peu italienne avec, c’est simple et classe, j’adore.

  • No question, I’m a Wayfarer fan! Not to shill my own blog, but I did a series of vacation posts featuring style inspired by dream locales and the Wayfarers were the common link in all the posts. (yes I love ’em that much…) :)

  • I love how u presented them. The mirror, the reflection, ….. Your photography is improving by the bounds ! And great collection, i am tempted to get another pair of raybans looking at ur collection.

  • Daniella July, 29 2013, 4:06 / Reply

    i ray-ban sono sempre di moda
    ho un paio di aviators verdi e uno di wayfarer neri
    ma oggi ho comprato un paio di StellaMc favolosi

  • Très belle collection !


  • Anika Zebron July, 29 2013, 4:19 / Reply

    Foldable wayfarers! The perfect pair of sunglasses for a person (ME) who constantly smashes them (i.e. sitting on them, covering them with books, dropping them, *sigh*).

  • Moi cette année j ‘ai succombé aux New Wayfarer ;)! Pour les polarisées c’est parfait si on met l’iPhone en position horizontale!!

    Bizzzz!!! J’adore ton blog!!!

  • Je suis une inconditionnelle des Ray Ban, j’en ai plusieurs pairs, les Wayfarer sont mes preferees, dans la voiture, toujours a portee de main.

  • I agree! Can never have too many classic Raybans! I just had my first venture to Europe (love Paris!!) and took note that EVERYONE wears Raybans! I, of course, had to add to my collection, too! Fun to feel pretty and classic while protecting our eyes!

  • Lowshinypurple July, 29 2013, 6:11 / Reply

    J’ai fait l’acquisition d’une jolie paire de Clubmaster entièrement violette. Je les adore.

  • garance, have you ever looked at the ocean with polarized glasses? it’s as if you suddendly had eagle eyes – you see perfectly clear, no light is reflecting on the surface. it’s amazing! you have the same effect in the rainforest or other situations with contrasts of light and shade. you have to try it on your next vacation!

  • Although all 3 styles you have there also looked good on me :) I chose the same color aviator you have, my favorite this summer. Classic and the nose pads helps!

  • Susiebelle July, 29 2013, 7:25 / Reply

    Hi! I wear Rayban sunglasses. They are prescription and bifocals to boot. My regular glasses are Raybans as well. If I wear my contacts (loving my Raybans too much) I’ve got aviators from Fossil.

  • Bah écoute … Moi je suis comme toi : fan des Ray Ban!
    Et j’ai les 3 comme toi, mais je craque pas mal aussi sur les persol dans le même style.
    En revanche j’ai craqué sur les pilotes miroir cet été !!

    Xxx from Corsica

  • Garance! I know how you feel losing your Wayfarers. My husband accidently through mine in the trash (they were hidden inside my shopping bag). I still haven’t bought my next pair because I kept hoping they would randomly show up and we’d realize they didn’t end up in the trash. I had tortoise shell before, but I think I’ll go for black next.

  • I only wear Wayfarers, I can’t even think of wearing anything else.

  • Sylvia July, 29 2013, 9:54 / Reply

    Les Ray Ban sont des classiques mais je viens de m’acheter de jolies Persol de couleur brun ambré avec une forme ni arrondie ni trop carré et juste ce qu’il faut de look et de classicisme. Voilà mon choix!

  • Léia Medeiros July, 29 2013, 9:55 / Reply

    I love my Aviator Ray Ban!

  • I love PERSOL!!!! It’s sooooo classy!! :)

  • I have a pair of the Aviators and a newer style called the Meteor. The Aviators don’t really fit (they keep sliding down my nose) but I still like them. And I absolutely love my Meteor. I think I’d like to pick up a pair of the Clubmasters too at some point. And I totally had the same experience with a pair of polarized Warby Parker sunglasses I picked up just last month. I love them, but had no idea they were polarized. Now every time I look at my phone the screen is a trippy aquamarine colour.

  • I love all your choices, Garance!
    I have had all at various times over the years, but right now I have three to choose from: Tom Ford, Cary in black (these are similar to the Wayfarers, but since my son has them, I want to be a little different…); Tom Ford, Nicola in black and Céline, Audrey in tortoise.
    The Céline ones are the newest so am wearing them the most… :)

  • After you first posted about your Folding Wayfarer’s, I just had to get a pair. And yes, I got Polarized lenses. First time every, and I was bamboozled when I put them on, felt drunk too…Still haven’t gotten 100% used to it, but absolutely love my sunglasses! I also have a pair of aviator’s (Tiffany, not Ray-Ban, but am contemplating their folding pair). I recently bought a pair of sunglasses from Paris (cat eye), and also have a couple of more ‘classic’ Chanel sunglasses. But really, it’s mostly the Wayfarer and Aviator’s for me (and more recently the cat-eye). Can’t get enough of sunglasses, but I thought I was on the conservative side!


    Brigadeiro’s Blog

  • Laurence July, 30 2013, 1:43 / Reply

    Sarkosy nous a définitivement dégoûté des Aviators, sinon Wayfarer pour toujours!

  • J’adore les nouvelles collections de lunettes de soleil Ray-Ban de cette saison. Elles ont pleins pleins de couleurs flashy et pep’s. Mais malgré tout, les basiques comme aviator, wayfarer et la must have de la saison la clubmaster ! En noire elles sont cool mais l’écaille reste ma couleur préféré :) I <3 RB

  • Caroline Dé July, 30 2013, 6:37 / Reply

    J’aurais sûrement choisi les Wayfarer il y a quelques années mais maintenant, les Club Master !!!

  • J’ai les Aviators déjà et je les aime beaucoup même si je ne les porte plus vraiment mais après j’adore les wayfarer, leur style est superbe mais malheureusement, elles ne me vont pas :(

  • ‘ a third of the price of other sunglasses’ , how different are our worlds. I have doubted for months whether or not to buy the all time classic aviators. They come around a 140 euros and I just couldnt spend that much money on sunglasses. On sunglasses! In the end my boyfriend gave to me for my birthday. I’m very happy with them cause they are a lot sturdier than cheap ones, and the vision is great. However, still sometimes I feel ashamed I’m walking around with a 140 euros on my nose.

  • Is it possible that nobody mentioned Clubmaster Catty???!! Cateye Clubmaster anybody??
    I have photosensitive prescription lenses put into them, which means I can wear them all day and year long.

  • I have the exact same trio: aviator, clubmaster and wayfarer
    Love them all. Recent fav is clubmaster though.

    BUT wayfarers are the best; either when you go inside a store or when your gets messed up bc of the wind, you can simply put them on top of your head.
    The other two won’t stay there and even if they do, they ruin your hair when you take them of.

  • Je me suis prise les Clubmaster mais avec une monture métal. Sinon j’ai les Wayfarer et les pilote depuis des années et les Aviators en verres colorés verts et monture transparente. Tu as raison les Ray Ban sont d’un super rapport qualité-prix et toujours aussi stylées, donc pourquoi s’en priver !

  • BTW a style question to all the gals out there:

    Is it still ok to put your glasses on top of your head inside or whenever you desire or should you just simply take them off??

  • The Ray-Ban thick cat-eye wayfarers from J.Crew!!!! They are truly the best. I am going to get a second pair because I never want to be without them. They are cool without being over the top. View them on my instagram: http://instagram.com/fortyovertwenty

  • Alexina July, 30 2013, 11:15 / Reply

    J’ai les wayfarer , elles sont parfaites! Mais j’ai aussi un faible pour les Clubmaster.

  • Jolie collection!! Pr ma part, je n’ai qu’une paire de lunettes de soleil: de grosses Gucci qui me suivent-même sous l’eau- depuis des années. En revanche, en plus de lentilles, j’ai pas mal de lunettes de vues, notamment les raybans dorées ci dessus que j’ai fait monté en lunettes de vues ainsi que des courrèges solaires détournées de la même façon. Ca me donne un air de martienne mais ‘jadoooore :-)

  • I had all of three but now I would never buy again a pair of Ray-Ban! They’re a low quality sunglasses and everyone have them! I prefer Persol, first because they’re handmade in Italy and the quality of the lenses is higher! Try a polarized photocromatic Persol instead of a Ray- Ban and then you can tell me what you think about them!!


  • Je ne sais pas choisir non plus j’ai les trois ^^, et c’est clair que le prix des autres donne mal au crane (et aux yeux ^^)

  • Sophie July, 31 2013, 5:11 / Reply

    Maybe my face is too big but Raybans never look good on me. Anyone else have the same problem? :*(

  • Je les ai toutes eues et malheureusement toutes perdues (dont une paire de Wayfarer qui dort bien sagement au fond d’un lac – étang? – de Central Park…). En ce moment j’ai les Ray-Ban rondes mais c’est vrai que les autres modèles sont intemporels et toujours hyper élégants.
    Un petit bémol pour les aviator, bien qu’elle soient revenues (traumatisme Sarkozy je pense…).

  • hahahaha @ your drunk comment…i can just imagine you with your polarized glasses doing a double-take on your cell phone! ca me fait rire hihi…

    xo, dina

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