waw, elle est magnifique !! les couleurs vont tellement bien ensemble !!! la jue, les chaussures, la blouse, tout est parfait !!!!!
très jolie photo !!
I love Ulyana’s unique and other-worldly style (perhaps other-timely rather than other-wordly). This is such a stunning photograph! Love the lighting, especially how it highlights the texture of the lace…
Fidèle lectrice de ton site, je tiens à te féliciter pour ta collection pour Louis Vuitton! C’est génial tous ce que tu entreprends, ça motive vraiement car le monde de la mode est si inaccessible et ton parcours motive.
Look at those shoes – yowza! Loving those… How is it that she can wear a long skirt in the Tuileries and not have a speck of dust on her? Every single time I walk through there, my hems look like I’ve been walking through flour!
Wow! I wish I had her ability to look so serene on a bench. Something I am going to practice for my next trip to Paris… (Note to self: don’t rush around so much. And wear heels!) ;-)
Merci pour le partage x
I really like the fall aspect. her top looks so quiet but it’s a great color on her. her skirt is more peekaboo and it looks like some very red layer underneath. her shoes are beautiful but so daring. I like them better on her than me. she must have an amazing balance.
she reminds me of the spanish, rural, petulant version of conchita in the bunuel film “the obscure object of desire”…. sensual and seductive without effort.
Je n’aime pas du tout la tenue ,en revanche belle allure corporelle ;mais je viens surtout te dire :qu’est ce que tu es belle sur le blog de Scott !!!!!!!!
how beautiful! this makes me beyond excited to go back to paris in only 2 short weeks. AH its so soon i can’t even believe it :)
xx, http://wordbyjessie.com/
La couleur de la photo, la tenue, la coiffure, les accessoires font penser à une belle gitane ! C’est l’élégance incarnée ! J’aime particulièrement la jupe longue. Elle est faite en dentelle c’est bien cela ?
Ahhhh the bun!! As you know, in my past hair life I was totally a top knot girl. But there is something about the low chignon that I also really love....
Years before I ever realized that I would actually end up working for her, Garance was my introduction to a certain kind of fashion. At the time, she...
Until recently, I was a hard-core bronzer fanatic, it was my hero product in my beauty routine since high school. I tried every version under the sun...
waw, elle est magnifique !! les couleurs vont tellement bien ensemble !!! la jue, les chaussures, la blouse, tout est parfait !!!!!
très jolie photo !!
She is lovely and most elegant. The fall colors in her outfit and your photo are amazing!
This whole looks is gorgeous! You captured the light beautifully too.
I love Ulyana’s unique and other-worldly style (perhaps other-timely rather than other-wordly). This is such a stunning photograph! Love the lighting, especially how it highlights the texture of the lace…
I love how the sun lit up her face.
Fidèle lectrice de ton site, je tiens à te féliciter pour ta collection pour Louis Vuitton! C’est génial tous ce que tu entreprends, ça motive vraiement car le monde de la mode est si inaccessible et ton parcours motive.
Beautiful blouse!
lovely ! She kind of reminds me of Monica Bellucci ;) And that lace skirt is sublime !
what a stunning fall outfit! Love the scenery as well;)
Quelle belle femme….
Look at those shoes – yowza! Loving those… How is it that she can wear a long skirt in the Tuileries and not have a speck of dust on her? Every single time I walk through there, my hems look like I’ve been walking through flour!
I am speechless. This is art.
Kisses from Greece!
Elle est tout simplement..splendide !
this is such a gorgeous photo! I love the light on her face
Yeeey autumn is there… And there is no better picture than this one to illustrate it!
Diary Of a Fashion Stylist..!
Wow quelle belle photo automnale! …et ces chaussures, pfff quelle est leur label? J’adore …
L’allure est incroyable, un port de reine …
Superbes couleurs superbe posture, serait-elle danseuse par hasard ?
Cette femme est belle. Et les couleurs de la photos sont magnifiques, très automnale en effet !
I love this look so much I’m going to feature it on my blog next week. Those shoes are to straight die for!
Wow! I wish I had her ability to look so serene on a bench. Something I am going to practice for my next trip to Paris… (Note to self: don’t rush around so much. And wear heels!) ;-)
Merci pour le partage x
I miss fall in Europe… no falling leaves in Kenya :/
Quel regard… quelle lumière ! Pfoulala… magnifique cette photo :)
Belíssima foto com essa atmosfera de outono!!
Street Style by Stela
So regal! Such a lovely photo.
Look at the way her legs cross, why do I never look like that when I sit on a bench???
Very classy!
I have never liked wearing brown too much but this might make me reconsider my colour credos :) Thanks Garance
I really like the fall aspect. her top looks so quiet but it’s a great color on her. her skirt is more peekaboo and it looks like some very red layer underneath. her shoes are beautiful but so daring. I like them better on her than me. she must have an amazing balance.
J’aime tellement sa collection de vêtements vintage ! J’imagine que les vêtements qu’elle porte proviennent de cette collection ?
Comme si le soleil brillait uniquement pour elle :) !
I love this sunny picture!
This photo has amazing colors :-)
Quelle beauté ! Ce style andalou lui va à ravir.
Filtre sépia ?
Belle posture bien capturée….
I love the colors in this picture.
I am not a pro but this is a beautiful composition.
P.s I love her shoes.
Beautiful photo of autumn!
Elle dégage bcp de prestance…^^
Beautiful earrings. And how does she look into the sun that way without squinting? That’s a photographic gift.
– Meredith
she reminds me of the spanish, rural, petulant version of conchita in the bunuel film “the obscure object of desire”…. sensual and seductive without effort.
Magnifique, quel équilibre, j’adore.
♥ http://www.estelleblogmode.com ♥
Je n’aime pas du tout la tenue ,en revanche belle allure corporelle ;mais je viens surtout te dire :qu’est ce que tu es belle sur le blog de Scott !!!!!!!!
This is an elegant and wonderfully old fashioned look. The lighting and setting of your photo are just beautiful.
The Styleseer
très magnifique! j´adore ;)
la beaute de cette femme est encroyable!!!! E ta foto aussi!!!! J”ADORE!!!!!?
beautiful light…<3
Hi Garance, Très romantique ce portrait…
Voici le mien !!
One Swag
Does anyone know where to buy her clothes?
I love this photo – and the Tuileries as a back drop makes Fall feel so chic!
oh I love her and her collection!: I blogged about her here: http://balladofseasons.blogspot.com/2011/10/ulyana-sergeenko.html
xoxo, Betül
how beautiful! this makes me beyond excited to go back to paris in only 2 short weeks. AH its so soon i can’t even believe it :)
xx, http://wordbyjessie.com/
grace,she is great!
la photo est magnifique mais elle, je la trouve trop fake. elle me mets mal à l’aise.
She has such an elegant attitude. It`s not just about her clothing, but her posture and her expression i think…
Ooooh je suis en arrière plan :)
Elle est just parfaite, si feminine et elegante! Encore une magnifique photo de la FW Parisienne!
Elegance of a woman captured right here love it Garance xxx
I have a crush on that women
La couleur de la photo, la tenue, la coiffure, les accessoires font penser à une belle gitane ! C’est l’élégance incarnée ! J’aime particulièrement la jupe longue. Elle est faite en dentelle c’est bien cela ?