9 years ago by
Ok, so we’ve talked about how street style often gets a little crazy during fashion week – and how sometimes the best remedy is to just be true to your style, go for classic looks (avoid the 8 inch diamanté encrusted heels, etc…). That’s what we all love about Natasha’s style during the shows, and we’ve been keeping note over the seasons. She can take a distinctive trend piece but always wears it in a relatable way – and that feels like her interpretation.
And that’s what we call personal style ;)
So we wanted to show you a few of her different outfits, which you can see she seamlessly weaves in a less-than-average piece (or pieces) into. An oversized blanket shawl with jeans and classic pumps; a long leather skirt of various colors paired with a simple shirt…
It’s all a little different and inspiring, but it feels completely wearable – and isn’t that what we’re all trying to achieve? (And what we actually want to see from street style?!)
Text: Neada Jane | Photos: Erik Melvin
Ha enfin du streetstyle ou l’on peut s’identifier et s’inspirer ! Ça fait du bien ! Je n’ai rien contre les looks d’Anna Dello Russo mais comment dire, à porter au bureau ce n’est pas vraiment approprié.
Duh… Wonderful woman and style …
I love these looks and how wearable they are. I always want to wear some sort of heel with skirts (because I’m so short) but find that after two NYC blocks, my feet are killing me! I love the flats paired with the skirts and how elegant it still looks!
Je regrette, mais je trouve ce style assez laid, et d’ailleurs, est-ce vraiment un style ? On ne peut pas dire que la silhouette soit mise en valeur…
Complètement d’accord.. surtout le 2ème look, non enfin tous..
she reminds me a lot of Mira Duma
Ray-Ban Giveaway on my blog!
J’adore ! Je m’attendais presque à voir apparaître un homme nu sur la première photo, du genre “Hiiiii, Rends moi la couverture !” :-) C’est un savant mélange de camouflage et de mise en avant…
Love her style !
Exactly! Different but wearable! That’s the street style that I love! Back in 2008 or 2009 that’s what you could see on street style websites. I used to love it because it was inspiring and helpful. I could take notes and actually make some changes in my wardrobe. Now, everything is so… exaggerated, that I feel it has nothing to do with me, with my life. I can’t relate.
Alors pour ma part, je ne vois là ni allure, ni élégance, ni dégaine qui rendrait le tout attrayant … et pourtant elle porte de très belles pièces… comme quoi -et heureusement!- l’empilage de marques ou de pièces-phares ne fait pas tout :-)
I love her line of accessories!! very interesting..i am not always fun of her mix but the woman is interesting!!
Yael Guetta
Désolée mais je ne vois rien de particulier ni d’inspirant dans ces looks. Et de plus en plus souvent les “soi disant” looks ou découvertes de ce site sont très montés en neige. Bref beaucoup de bruit pour rien.
OÙ est passé l’esprit frais et sincère de Garance? Pourquoi ai-je le sentiment que de plus en plus de post (s) sont là pour remplir et non plus pour partager quelque chose avec nous?
I see where you can see that the outfits are wearable, but no. Bear legs let’s say ankles give all the style, but in real life it is either too hot for the the clothes from the pictures, or too cold for the bear legs. These are not outfits that you can wear whole busy day long and it is precisely for this reason :).
When I read the description of the post on Facebook, I thought, wow, how unrelatable. Street style? Isn’t that supposed to be what people wear? I mean, sure, I understand that everyone pushes themselves during fashion week and I guess you have to work in fashion to really understand it. I, personally, couldn’t ask if street style can be wearable, without a sense of irony.
Your post brings a smile to my face. I think it also highlights what’s off within the fashion industry. It used to be that the runway clothes were outlandish to force us to think outside of the box, showcase a creative idea in the most extreme way possible and create a mood, but it was never intended for people to wear those clothes, as seen by the fact that when the collections hit the stores the clothes were modified quite a bit to fit “real” life. However, now we have all these people trying to bring the runway to the street, a concept which has been labelled street style. An oxymoron as no other as you greatly pointed in your comment. And unfortunately, the point is not to express themselves (like it used to be to the predecessors of street style like the late Isabella blow) but to compete and be the bird that catches the most attention. Street style is just a currency to get fame, not a true form of expression. So we get people that when they realize that their rainbow jacket is not standing out enough, go out and get a rainbow hat 12 inches high and hope that’s the key to pull all the attention.
Wearable to you, and wearable to me are always going to be different things, quite obviously. In this case, it simply means something most any woman could find wearable. Street style is always going to show something wearable to the one wearing it. I don’t think anyone is scratching their head over that.
Wow – that first look is gorgeous!
x. Mirjam
I thought that was Miroslava Duma at first glance. They have many similarties.
Very on trend with the fur lined loafer.
J’aime le style de la premiere photo, peut-etre grace au mouvement du chale et aux couleurs du background !
That striped skirt is the bomb.
Her style is awesome
Have a look at our new collection:
the look with the gucci slides loafers….love her proportion ….she appears petite..the shawl and spike heels….r so overwelming …and the jeans r not flattering at all
J’adore son style! C’est vrai que cette jupe « bigarrée » est très originale et pour la porter… Mais là, je pourrais totalement sortir comme ça lors d’un événement fashion!
Merci pour cet article plein d’aspiration!
Bizous, Christelle
Love so much the first outfit!!! <3
Petite and So What
I soooo agreeee with this post! I went to Paris Fashion Week too as an editor and it really bugged me to see most people put on everything for the cameras (8 inch diamanté encrusted heels included…)
So happy to see you talk about personal style here! Practical, elegant with personal twists, that’s personal style.
I’m not a fan of the blanket shawl. I just don’t get it at all. Now if I were at a football game or some other outdoor event and I wanted to keep warm… This is fashion victimhood–a trend we shall soon look back on and laugh.
le boyfriend jeans, cet intemporel….
Can someone tell me where I can find those green shoes/sandals , pretty please! :)
Je l’adore Natasha, elle a toujours un style dingue, mais qui paraît naturel !
The first pic is perfect. Its pretty much what i wear. So, YEAY…especially as i hate socks, and don’t wear them until boots are absolutely needed.
Tout est Un peu originale et inspirant, Mais Reste Complètement “mettable”, Mais le luxe shopper d’aujourd’hui a envenimé sur ces signes évidents de richesse, en particulier les produits de logo-arborant que ces marques est devenu connu pour que ils ont ouvert agressivement magasins dans les marchés émergents à Paris et en Europe.
Je adore ces regards et comment ils sont portables. Je veux toujours porter une sorte de talon avec des jupes (parce que je suis si chic ) mais vous pouvez trouver que, après deux blocs à NYC, mes pieds me tuent.
“Ceci est vraiment ce qui me tient éveillé la nuit,” ces vêtements , été une déclaration lors d’une conférence d’affaires la semaine dernière. “Parce que les gens avec de l’argent ne voudront pas le montrer que quelquefois si les parents de un enfant ils sont on chômage ils ne pas toujours de acheter des vêtements de luxe mais je pense que ce magasin offre des produits chic à des prix de fou .
This is so wearable, but yet it changes a lot from what we see !