
10 years ago by

What the h#@! am I going to wear today?

Come on, you know you’ve asked yourself this about a million times since the weather has started to change. The morning starts off cool (you’ll need a scarf, maybe a hat) and by the time of your 3pm coffee run, you wish you were in a bikini. Then you leave work at 7pm and put your hat back on. Why, why, why, why weather gods, must you screw with our outfit psyche?

What are your tricks for a foolproof transitional wardrobe?


Add yours
  • ohlalalala,mais elle trop cool la nana!

  • i like her outfit: simple but interesting! :)


  • c’est vrai qu’elle est très élégante a regarder, mais ce n’est pas très pratique. bras nus et longues bottes ne vont pas ensemble, sauf si la météo est différente pour la tête et les pieds, ce qui arrive pas tous les jours. ^^

    Surtout pour la période de transition ou on peut avoir 5° degrées le matin et 25° l’aprè-midi, ces bottes sont une recette sûre pour une souffrance prolongée et affreuse, ce qui signifie manque de concentration au travail, transpiration. non merci.

    mais ce que j’adore est que c’est le temps pour les jambes nues: jupe lonque ou robe longue, sous-robe, chemisier, veste légère, écharpe, chaussures fermés, plus sac à dos pour ranger ce qui donne trop chaud à un moment donné.

  • Yes, same question here!

    My French boys became really American so they have no issue wearing their shorts and ask for their flip flop!?! I dare white jeans even their season is not officially on with shorter sleeves :)

  • it is true! During this time I usually dress in layers!
    Passa a trovarmi VeryFP

  • Très belle photo de transition saisonnière, j’avoue que mon quotidien est beaucoup moins sophistiqué! Je porte un pull en cachemire le matin, car il fait un peu froid, et l’après midi, je me change pour mettre un chemisier et un joli blazer rose pâle… Le tout avec un jean et une paire de Stan Smith, c’est un peu mon uniforme printanier.

  • Oh yes it’s true, I’ve always the same problem and unfortunately no solution! I just make sure to have a jacket with me all the time and a light scarf in the bag! :)
    Je te souhaite une bonne nuit!


  • I have a calf length trench coat, that I only get to wear for a few weeks of the year. It is perfect for transitioning, thanks to its incredibly deep pockets. I can fit sunglasses in one pocket and an umbrella in the other. It’s a great windbreaker with a large pop-up collar, so all i need is a cardigan underneath, and I am set!

  • I like to layer with a lot of light weight fabrics – chiffon, silk, viscose and modal are my favourite. That way I can bundle up in a tank or tee with a super light sweater on, wear a pair of jeans and a light jacket, and I’m usually good to go. Plus, the lighter, thinner fabrics take up less room if I want to store them in my purse!

    Arielle from Tangled Musings

  • Oh yes, recognize this! Layering is the answer for me, I only wear a solid knit during serious cold now I come to think about it .. also because I appreciate how one can vary with layering. And oh yes, don’t forget the scarf! :)

    X STYLONYM http://www.stylonym.blogspot.com

  • layers! basic tee, jacket, a trench,a scarf. Then the problem is carrying them around when it’s warmer. But it’s hard when it comes to shoes. Flats? can be too cold. Boots? can be too hot. It’s hard to decide on the shoes. Maybe sneakers or oxfords are better for this weather.

  • Layers! The best solution for these days! ;)


  • Barbara April, 9 2014, 5:24 / Reply

    Chemise veste jeans derby

  • Fabienne April, 9 2014, 5:25 / Reply

    Bonjour, TEE shirt, doudoune ultra light Uniqlo violette, blouson en cuir rouge, jean et sandales à talons.
    À midi lorsqu’il fait plus clément, je roule et plie la doudoune dans sa sacoche et hop ! Direct dans mon cabas !!!! Bisous

  • La tenue de cette fille est fabuleuse. Oh que j’aimerais être dans ses bottes !

  • I love her outfit!!!
    I wish we had that problem in Hawaii :) It’s always hot!

  • stephanie cole April, 9 2014, 6:48 / Reply

    I love skirts and boots with bare legs. T-shirt and light jacket. I wear boots until it’s ultra hot, but I love being able to wear them without tights during the in between season

  • Ha! Yup, its très confusing!

  • All so true! I usually wear a skirt, a light top, and boots. Then grab a sweater just in case it gets chili, better safe than sorry!

  • We’re having the same trouble in this beginning of fall here in São Paulo. It feels a lot like summer still, but when the evening comes, it’s already winter. Have a look at my outfits: http://minimal-ista.com


  • Layering is the key! In LA it’s chilly in the morning, but then by noon it’s around 80 degrees. Usually I throw on a sweater over a summery dress to suit both weather conditions.

    xx Ella

  • Layers! Thanks to this blog I’ve learned how to do it so it looks cool. Plus, I have what I call my foolproof old man look, which is actually cute: short sleeve tee under a light cardigan under a tailored blazer.

  • Love your blog!
    I’m posting looks from Los Angeles and accessories:


  • Ah les affres du “trans-seasonal dressing”… Superposer les vêtements me parait être une bonne solution…

  • I totally know what you mean! I always feel dressed inappropriately during the transitional periods! Grr– Loving your style (both fashion & writing). Looking forward to your future posts! ;D

    <3 Carsla
    Founder & CEO of Connect-the-Cloths
    A stylist, foodie, & writer's blog in development.

  • Ai-Ch'ng April, 9 2014, 11:54 / Reply

    Good question!

    After years of gaffing about and being too hot or too cold, I’ve realised my spring wardrobe is similar to my autumn wardrobe. And like many of the posters here, I love a few light layers in all natural fibres.

    For casual times- silk singlet under a cotton or lightweight wool tee-shirt/silk shirt, jeans, cardigan, silk scarf, leather cocoon style-jacket, flat brogues/ankle boot. If it gets warmer, I take my socks off and put them in my handbag, along with the scarf.

    For work – all the same items, except that I’d replace the jeans with pants.

  • Wish I could help!! I like in LA we have 1 season lol

    giveaway on my blog!


  • Aurélie April, 10 2014, 3:15 / Reply

    Pour ma part, je joue la technique de l’artichaut ! Ce n’est peut-être pas le plus pratique mais ça a le mérite de marcher …

  • Never ending layering. I’ve bought one of those floor length thick cardigans to replace my winter coat and I wear it with another cardigan and sweater under so that I can take my layers off as the day progresses…and yes pile them all back on again at the end of the day!


  • Je ne quitte plus mes foulards, mes étoles, ils passent des mes épaules, à mon cou à mon sac selon l’heure de la journée. Mais à Paris, c’est quand même moins marqué il me semble cette différence de température. Et je sers les dents le matin en me disant qu’il fera plus chaud tout à l’heure ;-)

  • Aucune solution à part faire l’oignon à 4 couches. Ma nouvelle technique c’est la veste sous la veste, afin d’enlever la plus chaude et le pull, et de rester un tee shirt et vestounette. 2 tenues en une au final !
    Baci, Ali

  • MissPimpin April, 10 2014, 5:24 / Reply

    Manteau de demi-saison !!!!!
    J’en ai plein, et c’est parfait pour glisser vers les beaux jours; on peut s’habiller en dessous comme on veut selon la température

  • this is by far my favorite look, outfit, photo i’ve seen on the blog. i know the word love is so overused, but i do believe i love this picture.

  • Mais c’est la meilleure période !
    On peut mixer tous ses vêtements ensemble.

    Mon secret : un gilet noir col V fin mais chaud imperceptible sous un blazer.
    Fermé juste le matin le temps d’aller au métro, ouvert tout le reste du temps et invisible s’il fait bon et enlevé s’il fait carrément chaud !

  • The only solution is a well choreographed formula that includes 6 steps. After freezing my a@-#% off too many a time with fake spring mornings luring me in only crush my hopes after 2pm with ivy winds and rain I stick to these 6 steps. Ignore at your own peril!

    1- carry a large handbag that fits all the pieces of your complex dress puzzle
    2- fill the bag with sunglasses, large silk scarf, hat (felt Panama works for rain and shine), thin black cashmere sweater folded in a roll into small cotton pouch hidden at the bottom of your handbag
    3- wear medium lightness clothes, yes to jeans, cotton and silk shirts but no to linen! When I say shirts I mean cover your shoulders, pick cleavage out or arms out, not both. It is not summer!
    4- resist the urge to bare legs, you will regret it and get blue legs. Plus it looks a little try hard for April.
    5- stick closed shoes, it’s too soon for sandals. Too. Soon. (Unless you want to rock the sock sandal look)
    6- wear a blazer, mid season jacket or trench as your top layers

  • Jane with the noisy terrier April, 10 2014, 7:40 / Reply

    Layer, sure. But psychologically you’ll feel more Springlike if you invest in a Spring coat –a heavy poplin or canvas will keep the wind at bay but the color and change of weight and texture will lift your spirits too. Next, swap out your winter scarf for a bright silk square to tie at your neck–both warm and chic. (Plus I have no doubt that thanks to her years in Paris, Garance can show you how to perfectly tie a scarf in that utterly cool yet nonchalant way…) If silk’s not your thing, invest in a tissue-thin cashmere scarf from Epice. My Parisienne pal Sabine swears they take 10 years off you! Again, light, wonderful colors and just warm enough. Bon chance!

  • I go for bare legs if the temperature is at all the least bit warm; a sweater/cardigan as a layer; a scarf on or in my bag; a jacket, longer e.g. trench length–not time for short jackets yet, as the morning and evening can be very cold. The cardigan is often wool or cashmere and the dress or top lighter weight, to play with the layers. Sometimes the coat is heavier than others. Some days it’s a sweater + skirt, that seems to do the trick. The weather report helps me know how much variation to expect.

    I’m a skirts/dresses person, but there are some awkward days per year where it’s too cold to go bare legged but too sunny and bright for tights; then I go to skinny ankle cropped pants.

  • I don’t have one! I also feel like this winter has broken my internal thermostat so I’m cold ALL THE TIME. I feel like an actual failure when I leave the house in the morning, still in a wool coat and scarf, and everyone on the subway is in leather jackets, some without jackets. Once in a while I meet the eye of another person more bundled up and we share a knowing look. Sigh. Will I ever be warm again?

    Shani x
    She Dreams in Perfect French

  • Ai-Ch'ng April, 10 2014, 12:08

    Ohhh! I feel for you! Four winters ago I was like you – a broken internal thermostat. Then I changed a few things that have made all the difference in the world.

    To my usual daily regime of vitamins, I added a cup of hot water to sip every morning, did twenty minutes of yoga, showered, had a good breakfast of egg, toast and fruit, and realised I didn’t feel the cold anywhere as much. I also recently cut out nightly computer time after 7:30pm until 8am: it makes a huge difference to my sleep – and my internal thermostat.

    Now, I only struggle with the heat – it gives me a headache when paired with humidity above 70%.

    And I need to switch off the computer – it’s midnight Down Under right now :-)

  • Layering is the way!

    40 Outfits for every day on lowbudget-lowcost Fashion Blog
    + GIVEAWAY here

  • haha… wish you were in a bikini might be a bit of an exaggeration… it isn’t that warm in New York yet, but thank God the never ending winter seems to be almost over!!!

  • I’ll pretty much dress like 2 months ago except, depending on forecasts I’ll put on a blouse or sweater or layer both, combine it with a light or heavy coat, add a linnen scarf and add some sneakers or loafers. Never socks.

  • Clotilde April, 10 2014, 1:34 / Reply

    Pareil que misspimpin, “manteaux” de demi-saison! Ou manteaux-gilets avec manches 3/4, un peu le même principe.
    J’en ai un de chez Cos, il est en maille sèche, parfait avec du noir ou avec du blanc, avec un pull (dans ce cas les manches du pull dépassent des manches 3/4 du manteau et c’est très joli) comme avec un débardeur! Je n’ai qu’à enlever le pull s’il fait trop chaud, pull que je prends fin comme ça il rentre dans mon sac.
    Franchement, ça change la vie ce genre de fringues hyper pratiques!

  • Don’t have any!! I’m going to read all the comments on this post hoping to sort something out! :/

  • Living in the Netherlands, we sometimes have all 4 seasons in one day: it can be hot in the mornings, cold in the afternoon, rainy in the evenings and freezing in the night. I find it also frustrating not to wear ‘the right color’… Not only I get physically cold when I wear a white jacket, I can also feel it in my head (am I crazy? ;)) when the sun is gone. Bright red or pink lipstick can also be used in the layering process: you instantly feel warmth… By the way: love the tips of AI-CH’NG! Merci bien!

  • This is interesting, and cool but so inappropriate- not very practical for the cold. Her arms are bare. It is incongruous with the over layered outfit. It might be better for the runway/ photoshoot, but I dont see her walking in NYC on a windy day.

  • KAHLO AUX CHRYSANTHÈMES April, 11 2014, 2:07 / Reply

    Je ne peux que regarder la silhouette et la pose impeccables de cette fille, les mains juste là où il faut, sa jambe tournée à l’angle parfait… Je suppose que l’on apprend ça quand on est comme elle, mais des fois photographe et mannequin s’unisent pour créer quelque chose d’aussi sublime. Je te félicite, Garance, et je te remercie pour nous apprendre à trouver cette beauté rêveuse, crude, stoïque.

  • Nicole D April, 11 2014, 4:37 / Reply

    Can you please tell me where the items are from? The dress, the pants and the bag????

  • Shorts and a nice shirt with some boots.
    BTW, I love the outfit that woman is wearing!! The boots with pants and shift dress is amazing! :D


  • Layers!! ou tenue oignons en français (beaucoup moins classe).
    teesh ou blouse sous un gilet et/ou veste, foulard pour maintenir le cou et le haut du dos au chaud, et je retire les couches si le temps le permet.
    Par contre, je n’ai pas fait la transition aux pieds encore! je maintiens mes pieds au chaud, surtout au bureau lorsque l’on ne bouge pas trop.

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