I still can’t believe….
We’ll miss him so much. we’ll need him so much.
I just hope he find the peace he was looking for, if now he’s right, I’m right.
Still is very sad anyway.
I feel deep solidarity with all the NYC citizens who paid that tribute and… nothing to say about it. Nothing needed, actually. I really appreciate Alexander’s work. Having been the luckiest one of the Berardi-Fawley-McQueen Trinity… oh God, so hard.
I’ve been wearing clothes by him for 3 days, already. It has nothing to do with
window dressing or solidarité de façade. I just feel like that.
Je suis encore shocked…he was such an inspiring artist, in my opinion one of the most important designers in the whole fashion scene. He will be missed a lot because he was so inimitable.
Hope his fashion house will continue!
Hope a book (MONOGRAPHY) about his life & work will be published soon!
Hope to have some events in memory of ISSIE BLOW & LEE McQUEEN.
When I spoke to Mr. Blow in 2007 about Issabella’s monography,I also
mentioned the idea of opening Isabella Blow’s Cultural Centre.
Maybe now it can be together with Alexander.
Ljerka Susanna Lukic, Designer & Writer, Toronto, Canada
Work in Progress:
(show & exhibition of dramatic headwear
as a tribute to Isabella Blow
whom I met in London in 1992)
It is really sad. I keep thinking it is one of his macabre jokes and he will pop up and say fooled you. London is so much poorer for his absence from us.
This all just seems so surreal. I’m definitely still in a state of shock. I don’t even know what to say that could do justice to all the amazing things he created :(
Pour répondre au commentaire d’Aurore: “tous les new-yorkais sont t’ils habillés en noir?” en fait j’espère pour un meilleur hommage que tous les new yorkais sont habillés en kilt… en voilà un bel hommage que ce serait!
C’est tragique, et j’espère que tous les créateurs s’inclinent et lui rendront hommage via leurs futures collections!
Finalement il y aura bien eu un défilé Alexander Mc Queen à NY cette année…
Le dernier hommage sincère et triste d’un monde endeuillé à cet enfant génial et torturé.
J’espère qu’il a trouvé la paix.
Merci Garance : tu nous offres un mur où déposer nos fleurs aussi.
il est la preuve qu’on peut vivre sa passion à fond mais ne pas êtres heureux , car sans les êtres qui nous sont cher au coeur , la vie ne trouve pas son sens
Horrible, horrible horrible. I am so sad and miserable that he is gone. He was a true artist and the world is a poorer place for the loss of his genius.
Garance, thanks for posting this photo. I stopped by his store on Friday afternoon and took a cellphone picture of the window. I saw some of the notes — with kisses — and flowers and tributes left by his fans, and I started to get teary-eyed. What a loss for fashion and its fans, but undoubtedly, a tremendous loss for McQueen’s family and friends. May he rest in peace.
Every time I see posts like this, it hits me again that he is gone and we will never again be witness to his next stroke of creative genius. But when I say that, I feel selfish because I am sure that for his family and close friends the grief is different and they will miss much more than his talent because they got to know him as an individual, not just a designer. It’s such a tremendous loss all around.
J’ai pleuré toute la soirée, vidé deux boite de mouchoir entières, ruiné mon maquillage et usé ma lotion au bleuet pourne pas avoir les yeux gonflets. Il était si formidable, si … parfait, original, provoquant, extrantrique. C’est terrible de savoir que plus jamais, il n’ya aura de vêtement Mcqueen, des purs, déssiné par le vrai. Que si l’entreprise est sauvée, il n’y aura que de Fake. horrible.
Who can replace Lee?
Should The Alexander McQueen Fashion House be closed?
Isabella Blow, Philip Treacy and Alexander McQueen were ONE!
Unfortunatelly, Issie and Lee are not here any more.
It would be interesting to hear Mr. Treacy’s opinion about everything.
And The McQueen Family.
Ljerka Susanna Lukic,
Toronto, Canada
There’s a space and a sentiment in the picture that you’ve captured which reminds me of air. Of freedom. Of beauty. Of breath. Mr McQueen decided, on his own terms, that it was his time to enter the eternal dream. May his soul travel far; travel wide; travel free. From us: Goodbye Lee.
Ahhhh the bun!! As you know, in my past hair life I was totally a top knot girl. But there is something about the low chignon that I also really love....
Years before I ever realized that I would actually end up working for her, Garance was my introduction to a certain kind of fashion. At the time, she...
Until recently, I was a hard-core bronzer fanatic, it was my hero product in my beauty routine since high school. I tried every version under the sun...
I still can’t believe….
We’ll miss him so much. we’ll need him so much.
I just hope he find the peace he was looking for, if now he’s right, I’m right.
Still is very sad anyway.
Thank you for posting this photo. It is a sad and great loss of one with such skill and imagination.
TRISTESSE. Tous les New-Yorkais sont ils habillés en noir?
(quoique le noir ne soit pas un hommage suffisant.)
J’étais tellement triste en l’apprenant… C’est un de ces moments où les mots ne suffisent plus…
This is breaking my heart. That someone so talented is gone just breaks my heart.
so sad…. .
How was that, Garance?
I feel deep solidarity with all the NYC citizens who paid that tribute and… nothing to say about it. Nothing needed, actually. I really appreciate Alexander’s work. Having been the luckiest one of the Berardi-Fawley-McQueen Trinity… oh God, so hard.
I’ve been wearing clothes by him for 3 days, already. It has nothing to do with
window dressing or solidarité de façade. I just feel like that.
Personnellement, j’espère juste qu’il a trouvé ce qu’il recherchait là où il est maintenant :-)
RIP Lee McQueen. You will be missed. XOXO
Je suis encore shocked…he was such an inspiring artist, in my opinion one of the most important designers in the whole fashion scene. He will be missed a lot because he was so inimitable.
Such a tragic loss.
Hope his fashion house will continue!
Hope a book (MONOGRAPHY) about his life & work will be published soon!
Hope to have some events in memory of ISSIE BLOW & LEE McQUEEN.
When I spoke to Mr. Blow in 2007 about Issabella’s monography,I also
mentioned the idea of opening Isabella Blow’s Cultural Centre.
Maybe now it can be together with Alexander.
Ljerka Susanna Lukic, Designer & Writer, Toronto, Canada
Work in Progress:
(show & exhibition of dramatic headwear
as a tribute to Isabella Blow
whom I met in London in 1992)
very tasteful, garance.
It is really sad. I keep thinking it is one of his macabre jokes and he will pop up and say fooled you. London is so much poorer for his absence from us.
It really is a true loss, he was such a genius in his field…
This all just seems so surreal. I’m definitely still in a state of shock. I don’t even know what to say that could do justice to all the amazing things he created :(
Beaucoup de fleurs en pensée, pour sa démesure, sa créativité et s
Des fleurs, de la vie, de la couleur, pas de noir ou de bougie . . . La meilleure façon d’honorer un esprit rebelle, délirant et novateur.
Beaucoup de fleurs en pensée, pour sa démesure, sa créativité et sa place unique dans le monde de la mode.
the flowers are beautiful and alexander(lee) mcqueen will be missed.
rest in peace
Its hard to believe…
Really Really hard to believe. We will miss him. C’est un génie de la mode qui vient de nous quitter. Rest in Peace.
C’est si triste…
so sad…
Pour répondre au commentaire d’Aurore: “tous les new-yorkais sont t’ils habillés en noir?” en fait j’espère pour un meilleur hommage que tous les new yorkais sont habillés en kilt… en voilà un bel hommage que ce serait!
C’est tragique, et j’espère que tous les créateurs s’inclinent et lui rendront hommage via leurs futures collections!
La photo parle d’elle même. Elle est d’une triste beauté.
J’ai toujours rêvé d’assister à l’un de ses défilés, je ne pourrais jamais le faire …
Il était et restera l’enfant terrible de la mode.
I don’t think anybody is going to be able to take over Alexander McQueen.
Nobody has Lee’s boldness.
Beautiful window and flowers.
mon dieu. ça.. c’est vraiment… ça parle. ça pleure ça.
So terrible and so sad. Thank you for posting this.
Pourquoi un tel geste ?
Tristesse …
Nous avons perdu le créateur le plus talentueux et novateur de ces vingt dernières années.. La nouvelle a été un choc.
Bonne continuation,
This is so sad.
Tellement belle cette image et cela pour un si triste évènement……
La beauté de la contradiction .
RIP lee Alexander Mcqueen
Un grand homme vient de s’éteindre en laissant derrière lui une trace profonde dans le monde de la mode.
La photo est d’une triste beauté comme le souligne Eva.
i am still shocked. the only words i have are i really can’t believe it…
rip lee.
Finalement il y aura bien eu un défilé Alexander Mc Queen à NY cette année…
Le dernier hommage sincère et triste d’un monde endeuillé à cet enfant génial et torturé.
J’espère qu’il a trouvé la paix.
Merci Garance : tu nous offres un mur où déposer nos fleurs aussi.
de la créativité et de la sobriété j’ai quelques pièces de ce style parti trop vite.
tchao alexander…
créativité et sobriéte j’adorais
tchao alexander parti trop vite
This is so sad, I can’t even look at this.
He was such an inspiration for everyone, very sorry about his loss :((
La photo parle d’elle même…
You have a great blog!
Best of luck! ;)
Follow me if you want on http://ptitevalentine-be.blogspot.com/
x Valentine
It’s so sad :( I don’t think I have the words to express all the feelings that I have about it.
tristesse totale.
Je suis dégoûté… Pourquoi Lui ?
this is really beautiful and so heart-breaking…
So sad. Such a beautiful display for such a great man!
– http://www.21Arrondissement.com
Il va nous manquer.
il est la preuve qu’on peut vivre sa passion à fond mais ne pas êtres heureux , car sans les êtres qui nous sont cher au coeur , la vie ne trouve pas son sens
I still can’t believe it- I dont want to believe it.
The Day After… son âme, qui doit planer pas loin au dessus de toutes ces fleurs, et ici-bas ça tord toujours le ventre.
I still can’t believe. I don’t have the strengh to go and see his shop’s window here in london. He was unique.
we´ll miss him.
Mon Dieu cet homme était et le sera toujours super <3
It was the same here in London to. So many people paying their respects to a great artist.
Horrible, horrible horrible. I am so sad and miserable that he is gone. He was a true artist and the world is a poorer place for the loss of his genius.
Une photo, un millier de mots. Repose en paix, Alexander.
Merci, Garance.
I am in shock. This is an amazing, haunting image that does not come close to doing him justice. It is such a sad turn of events.
www. greeneggsandglam.blogspot.com
this picture really is both
so unbelievably sad
and incredibly beautiful
Un très grand créateur qui manquera à toutes les modeuses.
gotta say though i never really in to his design
mais, i still admire his creation for ever single piece!!
it’s all brilliant :))) R.I.P
It’s so sad…
I will miss him very very much.
here’s a link to the best retrospective of McQueen.
it’s fabulous! what a gifted artist.
R.I.P McQueen
Another genius lost. Still can’t believe it.
Rest in peace McQueen, you will be missed in the fashion world.
je suis si triste, McQueen sera manqué par tous les gens qui aiment la mode. quelle perte!
Quelle tristesse… Il lui restait encore des années d’imaginations à mettre en défilé. Une grande perte. Je suis encore remplie d’émotions de chagrin.
Garance, thanks for posting this photo. I stopped by his store on Friday afternoon and took a cellphone picture of the window. I saw some of the notes — with kisses — and flowers and tributes left by his fans, and I started to get teary-eyed. What a loss for fashion and its fans, but undoubtedly, a tremendous loss for McQueen’s family and friends. May he rest in peace.
Every time I see posts like this, it hits me again that he is gone and we will never again be witness to his next stroke of creative genius. But when I say that, I feel selfish because I am sure that for his family and close friends the grief is different and they will miss much more than his talent because they got to know him as an individual, not just a designer. It’s such a tremendous loss all around.
J’ai pleuré toute la soirée, vidé deux boite de mouchoir entières, ruiné mon maquillage et usé ma lotion au bleuet pourne pas avoir les yeux gonflets. Il était si formidable, si … parfait, original, provoquant, extrantrique. C’est terrible de savoir que plus jamais, il n’ya aura de vêtement Mcqueen, des purs, déssiné par le vrai. Que si l’entreprise est sauvée, il n’y aura que de Fake. horrible.
R.I.P Alexander! Tu est le créateur que j’envie , qui a marquer ma culture mode et la marqueras encore …
Un vrai créateur ne s’oublis pas!
Who can replace Lee?
Should The Alexander McQueen Fashion House be closed?
Isabella Blow, Philip Treacy and Alexander McQueen were ONE!
Unfortunatelly, Issie and Lee are not here any more.
It would be interesting to hear Mr. Treacy’s opinion about everything.
And The McQueen Family.
Ljerka Susanna Lukic,
Toronto, Canada
There’s a space and a sentiment in the picture that you’ve captured which reminds me of air. Of freedom. Of beauty. Of breath. Mr McQueen decided, on his own terms, that it was his time to enter the eternal dream. May his soul travel far; travel wide; travel free. From us: Goodbye Lee.
too heart breaking
I am still trying to understand it