Wow ! Quelle délicate et poétique scénographie ! Très apaisant…
Et j’aime beaucoup aussi le nouveau “défilement” des photos . Quite tricky for the eye at the 1st time :) !
The all event was so beautiful ,what a great idea..last year it was chanel with the’s nice to put fashion in the context of real life..
Yael Guetta
I really like this new layout Garance – makes it easy to see large photos and also easy to navigate. The flower market is gorgeous, loveee Marni’s aesthetic and also Giorgia’s outfit !! This is probably one of my favourite posts from you …..:D
oo except that some of the images (the REALLY big ones!) can’t be saved easily to computer because they seem to be part of the webpage as opposed to an image on the webpage?
love, absolutely love this way to navigate the photos!!!! It’s funny, I have seen this feature before on AOL but it was not as impactful then as you have been able to accomplish with your rendition. It felt more experiential and brought the world/moment you were sharing with us closer (I felt as if I was there, which I haven’t felt with the other photo layouts, even though until just now I had no complaints about them.) Of course it didn’t hurt that the pictures were soooo amazing and had so many wonderful colors and contrast. Great job, It was delightful!!!!
I love this new template — I haven’t seen anything like it anywhere else. I also love how you have expanded this over the past couple of years from a fashion blog to an online fashion magazine. Garance, I really appreciate how generous you are in bringing other voices and creating opportunities and jobs for people through your site. You are definitely doing your part in helping lower unemployment!
Eh bien c’est magnifique, quel chic, et surtout : incoroyable cette manièe de faire défiler les photos, je crois que c’est le meilleur changement du nouveau site, suprenant et inédit, c’est rare, épuré, quelle bonne surprise !
Giorgia, Giovanna (on peut parler une seconde de sa jupe D&G?) et Eleonora… toutes mes hit-girls italiennes préférées!
Sublimes les photos.
Baci, Ali
Jenny, I was not in Milan but really wanted to show this, and also I like Sandra’s work. Yes I’m getting friends to help me because there is definitely a lot to shoot and I can’t be everywhere – I wish ;)
Thank you for this! Sometimes the cheesy line “Stop and smell the roses” is in fact just what the doctor ordered. It reminds us all to make sure we are keeping ourselves inspired with the simple, yet beautiful things in life. May this be a bright reminder to us all! xo
Ahhhh the bun!! As you know, in my past hair life I was totally a top knot girl. But there is something about the low chignon that I also really love....
Years before I ever realized that I would actually end up working for her, Garance was my introduction to a certain kind of fashion. At the time, she...
Until recently, I was a hard-core bronzer fanatic, it was my hero product in my beauty routine since high school. I tried every version under the sun...
Stunning shoots, I’d love to be there in such a stunning atmosphere!
XOX, Gap.
Merci pour ce bel article!
Les photos sont canon!!! <3 <3 <3
Le monde des petites
i love the idea! it puts a smile on anyone’s face! :)
Mrs Dalloway said she would buy the flowers herself *•.
Beautiful photos!
Wow ! Quelle délicate et poétique scénographie ! Très apaisant…
Et j’aime beaucoup aussi le nouveau “défilement” des photos . Quite tricky for the eye at the 1st time :) !
J’aime beaucoup le deroulement des photos et quelles photos ! Magnifiques !
J’ai remarque le tres beau collier de Giorgia. Elle a beaucoup de classe.
The all event was so beautiful ,what a great idea..last year it was chanel with the’s nice to put fashion in the context of real life..
Yael Guetta
I love it!
Stunning. Love the flowers, bags and papers!
I really like this new layout Garance – makes it easy to see large photos and also easy to navigate. The flower market is gorgeous, loveee Marni’s aesthetic and also Giorgia’s outfit !! This is probably one of my favourite posts from you …..:D
oo except that some of the images (the REALLY big ones!) can’t be saved easily to computer because they seem to be part of the webpage as opposed to an image on the webpage?
Aahhh, an eye orgy!
love, absolutely love this way to navigate the photos!!!! It’s funny, I have seen this feature before on AOL but it was not as impactful then as you have been able to accomplish with your rendition. It felt more experiential and brought the world/moment you were sharing with us closer (I felt as if I was there, which I haven’t felt with the other photo layouts, even though until just now I had no complaints about them.) Of course it didn’t hurt that the pictures were soooo amazing and had so many wonderful colors and contrast. Great job, It was delightful!!!!
What a CRAZY BEAUTIFUL presentation. You always astound, Garance!! Such amazing photos.
très très belles photos,vraiment très impressionnant !les fleures,les sacs,les chaussures…,tout ça j’adore !
I love this new template — I haven’t seen anything like it anywhere else. I also love how you have expanded this over the past couple of years from a fashion blog to an online fashion magazine. Garance, I really appreciate how generous you are in bringing other voices and creating opportunities and jobs for people through your site. You are definitely doing your part in helping lower unemployment!
Une bonne bouffée d’ambiance printanière avant la morne saison!
Que dire, c’est sublime !
Eh bien c’est magnifique, quel chic, et surtout : incoroyable cette manièe de faire défiler les photos, je crois que c’est le meilleur changement du nouveau site, suprenant et inédit, c’est rare, épuré, quelle bonne surprise !
Belle journée.
So gorgeous! And I really need those totes – one in every print.
Cool post like the firts part!
Passa a trovarmi VeryFP
Giorgia, Giovanna (on peut parler une seconde de sa jupe D&G?) et Eleonora… toutes mes hit-girls italiennes préférées!
Sublimes les photos.
Baci, Ali
So delicate, fresh and elegant vibes!
Gorgeous photos and concept. Personally, much nicer than the ‘comercial’ supermarket at the Chanel shows.
J’adore la manière dont les photos défilent. TIP TOP ..
Les habits et l’ambiance sont magnifiques
I can almost smell the flowers and the herbs….Wish I was there as well
Why does it say photos from Sandra Semburg? I thought you took them Garance?
Jenny, I was not in Milan but really wanted to show this, and also I like Sandra’s work. Yes I’m getting friends to help me because there is definitely a lot to shoot and I can’t be everywhere – I wish ;)
Dream market, everything and (everyone) is so beautiful!
Incredible post! LOVE IT!
wow, the pictures are so beautiful! Really want to go to this flower market! LOVE it! <3
I love this. It is spectacular.
Flowers everywhere – that is what life is about.
Have a lovely weekend
Priscilla Joy
Dutch Caribbean
Very nice ! But I think my favorite one is Columbia road flower market in London ! :)
Can’t…see….post…having…too much…fun…sliding new…blog around…..:)
This new layout I’m definitely in love! Lovely pictures x
The pop up shop looks amazing! And I am quite distracted (in the best way possible) by your cool layout and the sliding feel of scrolling down :)
The woman in black. First photo Marni Flowers. What grace and beauty.
What a beautiful place! And I love the new design!
Quelles belles images de fleurs !!
C’est tellement joli assorti aux motifs des sacs
Trrrrrèèèèèès joli !!!!!!
Thank you for this! Sometimes the cheesy line “Stop and smell the roses” is in fact just what the doctor ordered. It reminds us all to make sure we are keeping ourselves inspired with the simple, yet beautiful things in life. May this be a bright reminder to us all! xo
Ravissant, chic, frais, lovely…Et quelle présentation !!!