10 years ago by Garance Doré
The Place: Lower East Side Coleman Skatepark, NYC
The Girl: Karin Hansson
The Style: Taking bermudas from the beach to the city.
I am really into wearing bermudas in the city. Pairing them with something a little less tropical, like a stripe tee and a cool flat sandal instantly gives them more street cred. Add a scarf and messy braid and even the boys in the skatepark will be jealous.
Hair by Rodney Cutler and Brielle Johnson for Cutler/Redken.
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So cool !
J’adore!!! <3
Le monde des petites
i love her entire outfit! :)
J’aime bien les bermudas, c’est une meilleure option quand on est un peu plus âgée et qu’on ne veut pas trop montrer ses jambes, et puis ça va avec tout type de chaussures.
J’aime beaucoup le portrait de Karin, elle a un visage magnifique, et j’aime beaucoup sa tresse sur le côté, c’est une de mes coiffures préférées.
Amazing photos! I love her look, is very cool! The bermuda shorts combined with the Fendi’s sandals are amazing!
Love those blue sandals!!!
Check out my lifestyle blog based in Rio/São Paulo:
Love, love, love the shirt! Where’s the scarf from?
Yes!!!! I like this bermuda shorts!! Great look!
Passa a trovarmi VeryFP
Ah j’adore la perspective de ta photo très BD !
Very good style! I’ll try to copy…
Such a stylish girl!
It’s a no from me. I would consider them if they were wider, sort of like a skirt, structured, but not these.
Sandra from http://www.chicplaisir.com
Très joli shooting, une fille magnfique… J’aime beaucoup ce bermuda, je vais essayer de trouver le même genre à un prix abordable pour cet été ;)
I’m happy to know that the beach will come in the city this season. Love the post.
XOX, Gap
Good Morning
I really like the graphic contrast stripes vs Hawaiian flower!
So cool
yes, cool :)
Xo, Giada
she looks gorgeous
I buy tropical fabrics in the downtown Los Angeles fabric shops , the same ones that you buy for hawaiian shirts, and then I give them to my dressmaker and she makes my boy-cut bermudas to measure.
I have a cut I adapted from the surfy/skate bathing trunks/bermudas and tapered it , made it slightly longer at knee and took the sag out of the butt
they are my summer uniform…..bright bermudas with toucans and hibiscus worn with a simple white liken shirt hanging over them or a great slouchy t shirt
check out the fabrics here http://www.fashionsphinx.com/because-it-is-summer/
Only digging the “woody” print in smaller scale…but more importantly — what do your shorts look like? That is a lot of thought to put into them! I love a Bermuda — but I also find the cut can be kinda dumpy.
Je suis navrée. Si, vraiment. Parce que je suis prête à faire beaucoup d’effort pour me renouveler, rester dans le coup tout ça, mais le bermuda, c’est niet. Même pas en rapport avec l’effet peu avantageux d’un bermuda au-dessus du genou sur un cuissot généreux, mais parce que le bermuda-chemisette-foulard de catho bien sage, j’ai donné. Et que franchement, même planqué sous un imprimé des plus funs, le traumatisme est trop profond.
They look good on those skinny legs, but I feel like they’d make my athletic legs look like tree trunks!
Très joli look, confortable, léger, fashion pour se promener en ville tout l’été ???
Magnifique mais 800 € le bermuda ! Quand même !
The clash of prints and that scarf, awesome! Ciao
Great photo! The movement and the bright colors are super cool!
Love it.
xox, Gap.
What a great photo. Så much lovely DETAIL in this girls look. The outfit is absolutely just sooo charming on her silph-like form. The mix of patterns really works – and the surprise element: those sandals! Hmmm… And what is that big black bag she’s got down there? This girl looks like a Scandinavian Royal (her name gives us a clue) trying to escape her fancy life by hanging with the scaters. I do believe there is more of a story there. Thanks for this inspiring image!
Those sandals are the best.
Rien de tres original pour moi qui vis en Floride bien que les tres jeunes filles portent plutot des short shorts. Ce bermuda est plus porte par des femmes au-dela de la quarantaine…….et encore !
Def a cool combo!
New outfits and trends on lowbudget-lowcost Fashion blog
Parfait! Exactement l’uniforme dont j’ai envie cet été :)
Comme d’habitude, les photos sont sublimes!
Merci et bisous,
Really don’t like outfit — makes a lithe pretty girl look “dutchy” no “clunky/cool” which is what I imagine they were going for. I’m thinking it is a) The clash of whites and the b) clash of this particular blue & particular black and c) needed to be less “uptight” stripes maybe?
Sorry — Can I make it up to you by telling you I bought my 1st pair of Berks?
The picture looks great however… One has to be extremely pretty and slim to pull it off. There are only very few pieces of clothing that work exclusively on tall, skinny girls, but this is one of them, right?
I absolutely don’t see how it could be flattering on a girl who doesn’t have a model-like body.
Maybe that’s just me.
Crazy to pay for a pair of shorts 800 something!!!
J’adore ce bermuda!
Bonjour garance ,
Petite remarque quand tu fais des articles qui mettent en lien des tenues qui sont une bonne idée…je ne suis pas contre mais s’il te plait 820$ pour un short….c’est pas très sympa pour les 95% des lectrices qui ne pourront jamais se permettre ce type d’article…
J’adore tes articles, toujours bien trouvés !!
Je viens d’ouvrir mon blog, si ça te dis d’aller y jeter un œil : http://laposemode.blogspot.fr/
Des bises !
I liked these shorts until I clicked through and saw 1.) they cost $895 and 2.) they’re made of WOOL. Wool, lined with silk. Cannot imagine anything less comfortable to wear on a sweltering summer day. (It was like a Michael Kors show I saw years ago where he paired thick chunky knit cashmere turtleneck sweaters with bermuda shorts and sandals. Looked awesome but in real life, half of you would either be sweating or freezing.)
So expensive wool shorts aside, I think the pattern mixing is interesting and unexpected. Like the trim shape of a bermuda short for summer. This model reminds me of a very young Sarah Jessica Parker. And I have to agree with an earlier comment that I don’t think this is a look that anyone over 25 (or bigger than a size 4) should attempt.
Oui… Ça donne envie d’été…
Bises de barcelona
Dear G,
The look is pretty, as almost any look on a model. I agree with many comments above. Most of us, your readers, aren’t able to spend that much on some Bermuda shorts. We still can have some fashion fantasies, though :)
I just hope that the blog doesn’t turn into a lookbook with very pretty models with super expensive clothes. I have enjoyed your posts since 2008. Please keep it real, G! You have been able to do it for many years now :)
Yuck!! Too loud, too masculine and too West Coast for NYC! Not a fan, sorry.
Alors le bermuda, ce sont des souvenirs d’adolescence, presque traumatisants… Je ne crois pas que sur une femme avec un corps de femme : je veux dire “des hanches”, je remarque l’absence de hanches sur le modèle… cette tenue soit très flatteuse, c’est une tenue, non pas masculine, mais asexuée.
Si le bermuda est tendance, tant pis je m’en tiendrais au short court, voire au short-jupe, autre souvenir des années 90.
Tout à fait ok. Pour la ville c’est vraiment l’alternative à la jupe ou au petit short pas toujour adéquat…!
Coup de cœur pour celui-ci:
Simple et efficace en ville comme en vacances
Joli mais difficile à porter tout de même ! :-)
Pas mal le bermuda, j’aime l’idée même si je pense que ça ne m’irait pas vraiment! Par contre ça va très bien à Karin qui est très jolie.
I am 5’1″ and love Bermuda shorts. I think they work best on my short legs when in a narrow cut. I love mixing patterns but feel the mostly taller, very thin people pull that look off best. I will likely stick with solid colors. I like the pairing with the French sailor shirt and now have another inspired way to wear mine.
Yes to these. A woman of a certain age prefers to cover some of the thigh.
Mind you, they are far too expensive. I can sew a pair in an afternoon for ten bucks.
Garance, Just finished the NY times piece. I was incredulously yelling at it as I read! My first thought was: I hope this doesn’t stress them out! I’ve been religiously reading you for years. I originally found you through Scott (whose books I buy and who I still read as well!). Journalists feel they have to come up with an ‘angle’ for every piece. The Scott vs. Garance bullsh*t being this piece’s made-up angle. Obviously, no one doubts Scott’s talent (or yours) for a minute. Love you both!
I like her entire outfit a lot, the little red scarf is such a nice detail!
Oh my God, I have a website (it is written in Portuguese because I am Brazilian, but I live in Miami) I did a post last week about bermuda shorts and how into them I am this season. I love the many different ways that designers presented them this summer. I like to dress them up with a high heal.
BTW, on another completely different matter: I NEVER thought of you as a sidekick or a amrpiece, as said in the NY times article this week. It didn’t even matter the complements that came after that. Who is this writer?????? How can she write stuff as if this was the general understanding of the fashion public.
I love Scott, and I know he knows that he is the lucky one to be on your side :)
Ps: I don’t have your email but I do know Scott and I emailed him as soon as I saw the article and told him exactly the same thing.
Sa tenue est manifique! Tres belle photo!
The whole outfits look so cool, I love it.