11 years ago by
Here is Mary Kate’s fashion questionnaire. Mary Kate works at Teen Vogue (which I love), has an AMAZING style (like, I literally stalk her during fashion week), and here she shares all of her fashion secrets!
Heels or flats during fashion week?
For a very long time I was religiously heels only. Until I realized it was okay to embrace my personal style and wear flats, and by flats I mean my sneakers. I will wear a mix because nothing makes me feel more polished and sophisticated than a beautiful high heel. During the February shows my main objective is comfort and warmth, the weather can be brutal. So I’m sure I’ll be wearing my flat Miu Miu motorcycle boots and flat studded Gucci boots a lot.
We love your style mix, a little bit girly, a little bit sporty. What are your wardrobe essentials?
I find myself buying the same types of things; full skirts in luxe fabrics, bright colors, funky prints and embellishment, classic crew neck t-shirts, cashmere sweaters and sweatshirts, anything white – lace, leather, denim, and beautiful dresses that require nothing else, they are an outfit in and of themselves. I find that shopping this way, makes getting dressed easy. I know what I love to wear, I know what I like to mix together, and I’m not really trying to follow any trend. Its definitely a combination, and I think girly and sporty is the best way to describe the eclectic mix.
What is your signature?
I still think I’m a little young and green to have a “signature” yet. I’ld like to give myself a few more years to really establish my personal style. Wouldn’t it be nice to say my signature is a different color Celine bag for each day of the week? Someday…
If you could only choose one, what would be your:
Jean: J.Brand 811 Mid Rise Skinny in Creamy White, I love white jeans, year round.
Heel: Miu Miu. Consistently my go-to brand for heels. I have classic pumps, funky platforms and amazing boots all from Miu Miu. I can complete a full day out on market appointments in a Miu Miu heel comfortably, and know that the shoe looks beautiful while doing so.
Flat: Nike AF 1 or Dunk sneakers. A secret sneaker freak, I’m always excited about a new collaboration or color.
Shirt: Splendid crew neck long sleeve white tee. Classic and can be worn with everything. I love it with jeans, and I love it with an elegant full brocade skirt. I stock up every year on my white tees. Its hard to find the perfect one, but for now I’m happy with my Splendid!
Bag: Lanvin Happy Bag. I have a few and aside from the name, the size, ribbon wrapped strap and colors always make me a very happy girl. I love adding little quirky keychains, and tied scarves to my bags and they always look organic with the droopy ribbon that is the Happy Bag’s signature.
Lingerie: Eres. Each season they come up with colors I never knew existed and the most beautiful and delicate lace and smooth satin. Eres lingerie is an ultimate luxury.
Lipstick: 100% Pure. Never a stick, always a gloss. I found my go-to gloss on set for a photo shoot. 100% Pure is a small natural brand, its tinted with fruit pigments. The Island Kiss Lip Palette has the perfect berry colors for lips. I prefer something that gives a pop of color to my face. It feels incredible on my lips and the color truly stays. Sometimes its exciting to find a beauty product that is new and unheard of.
Mascara: Chanel Inimitable in black. Classic black, never clumps, long-lasting.
Moisturizer: Kiehls Facial Fuel For Men. Yes its for men, but when it comes to Kiehl’s don’t we all borrow from the boys? I borrowed it from my boyfriend in desperation, and now it’s my everyday moisturizer. It has a bit more zing than their other face creams, and I love the way it feels in the morning. SPF 15 in face moisturizer is also a must for daily use.
Nail Polish:Essie All In One Base. I never get color on my nails. When I have a manicure, its a clean, buff, and then a clear gloss. I feel its more classic and then you don’t feel your nails have to match your outfit.
Fragrance: My favorite fragrance WAS Marc Jacobs Violet. I think I bought out every last bottle from stores, then from off-price stores once it ceased production. Then I even attempted to email the company directly to plead for its rebirth. No luck. Now I’m very content with a perfume I borrowed from my mother and now love, Prada Infusion D’Iris. I wear it every day.
Shampoo: Frederic Fekkai Essential Shea Shampoo. I think I use this more because of its refreshing scent than what it does for my hair, but it is reliable for soft, shiny hair.
What is your daily beauty routine?
I try to keep it simple! I work out every morning, so a shampoo and shower is always how I start my routine. I do wash my hair every day, but it has natural wave, so I can let it air dry for the most part and do without damaging blowdrying. Sometimes I’ll blow dry my hair straight to feel a bit more polished, but usually I let it dry naturally. Post shower, I spritz my Prada perfume, and use Oil of Olay Quench Daily Lotion Plus Shimmer. I moisturize my face, conceal any blemishes with Stila 10-In-1 HD Beauty Balm , dust on some Guerlain Terracotta Blonde 01 bronzer, freshen my cheeks with NARS blush in Gaeity, apply my Chanel mascara, and that is about it.
At night I always wash my face with Boscia Black Cleanser, and I use a Boscia Clarifying Detox Mask a few times a week. I tone with Glo Professional Clear Complexion and always use a night eye cream thought I’m not partial to any one. (I think its my own denial that I’m old enough to use eye cream, but yes, the wrinkles are on their way)
What is the secret to rocking a baseball cap? You always look so cool…
My dad works for the NBA and my brother works for Major League Baseball, so I certainly was raised in a sportswear oriented family. I was the odd duck who went to work in fashion, so a little part of me feels like its my nod to sports to sport a baseball cap here and there. But also, for me, a baseball cap is an essential accessory. I love Supreme’s prints, and they make any outfit super cool. But I also love a chic solid black leather hat. They key is that I’m not wearing a beat up baseball hat. As I said these are accessories, so I’m wearing hats that have a fashion view-point, not for the baseball field.

Is there a fashion item you wouldn’t dare wear to work but are always wearing at home?
A Patagonia fleece, and embarrassingly enough, I HAVE worn it at work. I will always love outdoors brands like Patagonia and The North Face and nothing is warmer than a Patagonia fleece. The fleece has made an appearance at the office, but it was after 7pm, when most of the staff had gone home for the night.
One fashion trend you would love to see come back?
Its not really a trend, but something I love that has lost its prevalence as time passes. I really wish people would dress up more on a day to day basis. I love being comfortable and carefree as next as the next person, but there is something about a polished, well dressed and put together person that always impresses me. It doesn’t mean you have to be in designer clothes or a fashion icon, but everyone should take more pride in themselves in public. Certain events and activities call for a certain way to dress, and for the majority of those, it doesn’t mean sloppy jeans and a t shirt. Of course in the fashion industry everyone is always embracing personal style and dressed up, but that’s a small portion of the world. and that’s our job. I would love to see everyone in general taking more pride in how they put themselves together each day.
… And one you aren’t sad to see go?
I don’t think its gone yet, but the wedge sneaker. I love my sneakers, but I don’t need my sneaker to also be a heel. There are cool girls who can pull it off, but its not something I want to ever wear myself. Girls who can wear boy’s clothing or accessories always look effortlessly cool, so why try to tweak them into being more girly?
What are the secrets to the fun and fresh Teen Vogue style?
The mix, we say it again and again. It means hi and low, it means designer and mass, it means trends and personal style, it means colors and prints. No one should be head to toe in one brand, or head to toe in only designer clothing or head to toe in a trend. The key to having fun with personal style is mixing it up. There is always something unexpected in a Teen Vogue styled look, something you wouldn’t think of to mix yourself, but it works.
Your first designer clothing purchase was….
Satin Cynthia Rowley dress for my freshman year Homecoming dress.
Your last designer clothing purchase was…
Satin Miu Miu mini dress.
If you could walk in any runway show, which show would you pick?
Chanel Couture. Its the most beautiful show you could pick. For the clothing, for the sets, for the hair and make-up, for Karl.
Movie: Say Anything. Always makes me smile, no matter how many times I watch it. Diane and Lloyd’s “friends with potential” relationship will always give me butterflies.
Book: The Bell Jar. Sort of a symbol of teenage angst, its relatable for any young girl navigating the editorial world in New York City. It was the first “required reading” book from high school that I would happily reread.
To dance to: “Otis” – Kanye West and JayZ
To cry to: “Home Again” – Michael Kiwanuka
To fall in love to: “For Once in My Life” – Frank Sinatra
To sing in the shower to: “Someone Like You” – Adele (don’t we all?)
My “at bat song” (you know at baseball games each player has a song when they are at bat…): “Ego” – Beyonce and Kanye West
Artist: Gustav Klimt. Bildnis der Mada Primavesi was one of the first pieces of art I saw during my first trip to the MET while in college so it resonates with me. I love his landscapes and later works including portraits of women because your eye doesn’t know where too look because there is so much on the canvas.
I really like that leather skirt! Mary-Kate’s style seems very original. Thanks for sharing, Garance.
Gaby Lang,
i love her style! :)
I really love the combo leather skirt/baseball cap. It’s chic and so realxed at the same time! Thta’s definitely a look I’ll try! Mary Kate seems really cool indeed! ;-)
Cheers! Cory
ah, enfin une qui dit que les sneakers compensés, ras-le-bol! merci! merci! :-)
Elle est tres cool Mary-Kate, surtout sur la photo ou tu l’as prise avec son jean beige et sa veste en jean super. Ce n’est pas du tout mon style, mais j’adore quand meme.
Elisa – Wandering Minds fashion
J’aime bien que une pro de la mode dise que elle aimerais voire plus des gens habillee d’une façon sophistiquée. Moi je ajoute que je aimerais que tous le monde trouve sa façon personnelle de se habiller e donc de s’exprimer. Je hais de voire tous le monde habillée avec les même jeans basket duvet. Bisou
I have a question Garance: do you always meet the people you interview, or do you sometimes do this via phone or even sending them questions and they send you their answers…?
(How spontaneous are their answers….?)
She certainly does make that baseball cap look so effortlessly chic. I wear them too, I’ll admit it, but it doesn’t ever come off so elegant and thoughtful on me.
C’est super intéressant ! J’aime bien la fraicheur de Mary Kate bon j’avoue que je suis jalouse de sa garde-robe (et de son boulot)… Mais globalement, ces filles-là tu nous donnes envie de les suivre plus régulièrement ! :)
Vu d’Europe, ce qu’elle dit et porte est super américain, alors je vois plus cette interview comme une étude sociologique. Par exemple aimer porter une casquette de base-ball (=look américain) (je ne trouve pas que ca donne une jolie allure du tout du tout, mais on peut aimer comme on peut aimer les polaires parce que c’est super confortable mais ca donne pas une jolie allure du tout du tout), ou écouter du RnB (démocratisé à toutes les couches sociales aux US, pas tant en Europe), ou encore toutes les références beauty sont des produits américains (ou je me trompe peut être).
Mais tu vois, quand je lis des trucs sur NY, je touve que ca fait bien la transition Europe/US. C’est aussi le rêve américain des immigrants et c’est mythique, et ca semble pas SI américain que ça. Pas middle west quoi.
Et hier j’ai découvert Linda Rodin grâce à Advanced Style, cette vraie Carry Bradshaw new-yorkaise, OH LA LA !! Quel style, quelle grâce, quelle jeunesse, quelle allure !! Et je ne pense pas à une différence US/UE en la voyant, alors qu’en voyant Mary-Kate, oui, vraiment beaucoup. D’où l’aspect étude socio pour moi, j’apprends des choses.
Very cool outfit. Love it and would totally wear it!
Oil of Olay ça fait mille ans que j’avait pas entendu.
J’aime l’expression écrite de sa mixité vestimentaire.
Her style is girly meets comfort and somewhat minimalistic, I love it. Her skirt is gorgeous. And I envy her job lol
J’adore sa robe avec un petit visage sympathique en incrustation (pour les curieux)
J’adore le rituel beauté dans tes interviews c’est très intéressant d’avoir les petits secrets et conseils de chacunes.
It’s very interesting get to know more about the people that you feature for having an special style.
She is a cap girl! :) Great!
Besazo Garance!
J’aime beaucoup son style !
Nouvel article: http://www.thestilettoholic.com/
Great peek into her style. Surprisingly very classic.
I’m cracking up at the “at bat song”. I refer to it as my “boxing entrance song” or my hype song. It’s the song in your head that always gets you fired up to do something amazing… :)
I love her. She’s so raw and adorable. I like her style. I’ve grown up around sports and love how different people incorporate it into their own style.
We share the same love for Lanvin Happy bag! (although Happy bag isn’t the only Lanvin that I love)
She seems to keep it quite simple.. great tips..
I really love her! Great style.
Love the whole look… especially the unexpected – the baseball cap!
Great interview, love her style too and I really laughed while reading this with the fleece. I have one too and I think it’s perfectly cool to have one. Being stylish is important to me, but sometimes I’m more the outdoor type and then my clothes have to be functional, Swiss winters are cold and then a fleece does the trick, grate for layering under my ski jacket. xxx
Nice post as always and I really like her outfit. That leather skirt looks so nice. Have a great day.
Very fun read! She’s already got a signature, any gal that is clear and knows that much about herself… does.
Very awesome.
Great style and substance to her answers. I really agree with her on the “wish people would dress up more” comment…totally true! Love her style…it looks very much in line with her personality to feminize the sports accessories she wear…nice mix and contrast. She looks lovely on this picture!
Thanks for sharing!
Totally agree with her on the wedge sneakers!
Pirate Hart
Marc Jacobs Violet. I thought I was the only one orphan without it :-)
La NBA? Base-ball? T’es sûre?…je croyais que c’était juste pour le basket ball, maintenant je me trompe peut-être hein mais moi qui suis une fan de basket ball Ça m’étonne ;)
Sinon l’interview est vraiment cool, j’aime beaucoup :)
Moi les rituelles beauté ça ma saoulent parce qu’on a toutes une peau et des cheveux différents…Donc ce qui s’applique à l’une ne s’appliquera pas forcément à l’autre. Mais c’est pas grave, hein. J’aime bien l’itw quand même !
Beautiful interview en love the fact she wears sneakers to FW !xx
i love this interviews. From the begining of your blog you always present the fashion world as something real and really close to everyone, its like being right next to you on your everyday go. and abaout Mary Kate, i loved her style, and i also love that as a young girl, she understands that a personal style is much more important than following trends, fashion can makes us unique. :) bisous!!
Belle interview, j’adore !
Please, please tell us where the skirt is from!!!!
Love hearing about the beauty routines, so interesting to see how we all develop our own, that nonetheless overlap here and there.
NBA = National BASKETBALL Association et non Baseball
J’adore son style très décontracté, bon choix de la mettre sur ton blog!
Totalement d’accord avec la partie où les gens devraient s’habiller plus sophistiquement !!
Mary-Kate a gagné mon admiration éternelle avec cette interview. Et en plus, lorsqu’elle a dit qu’elle n’aimait pas vraiment les sneakers à talons, j’ai sauté au plafond. Depuis le temps que j’attends que quelqu’un se joigne à moi pour le dire ! Il y a des filles qui les portent très bien. Sur qui c’set même très jolie. Mais là simple idée de la basket + talon me donne envie de vomir. Même si cela fait presque un an que tout le monde en met. Et dire que ma marraine a voulu m’en offrir pour Noël…
Superb interview, G. Love that she’s got a bit of tomboy in her. I must say that with respect to face products, I never borrow from the boys. Mine uses Nivea or whatever body lotion he gets from the drug store that’s on sale or something . . . loving that not so much. I stick with girl stuff formulated for our skin. The fact that whatever Mary Kate used from her boyfriend’s dopkit stings means that it has a cooling agent meant to cool a man’s face after shaving . . . But to each her own!!
J’aime beaucoup les photo que tu a prises d’elle, surtout celle où elle est sur un rebord de fenêtre. J’aime son style avec les baskets et le gros pull! Ça à l’air confort et en même temps elle est pas en polaire ;)
i love this interview! and i sort of agree with the wedge sneaker statement and havent bought a pair yet but i did slip my feet into a pair of ash sneakers the other day and boy was it comfortable!! now thinking about it again… :P
btw, love that black turtleneck she’s wearing!
At bat song….LOVE THAT. Mine would be Jay Z’s “Give it to Me”..
Thanks a lot for putting this interview!
Mary Kate gives me inspiration on how to rock my personal style. Thanks, Garance!
cheers from Jakarta,
Putri Soe
Chic lady and I do agree about people dressing up more in everyday life, it is a joy to see someone really interestingly dressed. where is her skirt from?
J’aimais beaucoup le début, la simplicité, le côté casquette, sportswear et fan de sport assumée mais j’ai été un peu refroidie par le passage “J’adorerais que tout le monde fasse plus attention à son apparence au quotidien.”.
Loin de moi l’idée d’être désagréable ou de porter un jugement hâtif mais je trouve que ce détail montre bien que des fois, dans ce milieu, on est vite déconnecté de la réalité et du quotidien de monsieur tout-le-monde qui a, au jour le jour, d’autres préoccupations que la sophistication
Love her style!!
probably one of the best sets of questions asked! sophisticated and down to earth
Cant agree with Mary Kate anymore: pls let go of those wedge sneakers…. Sneakers are sneakers, dont make them into wedges or heels!
I like the current trend of wedge dessert booties cuz they are really mixing well the girlie touch to the boylish classic. Yet wedge sneakers make me feel odd, so do those platform sneakers…. They look real bulky and not cool. Just in my personal humble opinion :P
Canon en effet! Merci pour cette interview que tu partages avec nous!
Garance, je suis une fan inconditionnelle,
Mais là vraiment, je trouve que toutes les références tellement précises (Produit, ligne, numéro, couleur, etc.) allourdissent le texte et le rendent moins agréable à lire.
Je me permet de faire part de mon impression uniquement parce que tu nous a proposé de le faire dans ce post tellement apprécié portant sur les dessous du Blog
Voilà, c’est dit ! Peut-être que de les mettre en référence “*” en bas de texte pourrait contrevenir à ce désagrément ? (Parce que c’est tout de même vrai que d’avoir le produit ou la marque exacte peut être cool!) Enfin, ce n’est que mon humble avis !
Bonne journée, bisous xo
aghhhh – i love her mentality! it’s so great that she values comfort just as much as style. love it!
MK has style! and love her taste in movies, books, music. She is the real deal and Teen Vogue is lucky to have her. Thanks for sharing this refreshing interview.
Bonjour les filles,
C’est un très bon récapitulatif de la tâche énorme qu’une fille doit faire pour se mettre en valeur.
Juste de le lire prend du temps, alors pour tout appliquer…
Increíble, me encanta la combinación
Toda la ropa online en http://bolaboo.com Zapatos, bolsos, vestidos, ¡qué quieres! Está todo!