
11 years ago by

Here are two or three things I’m bringing to Bali.

Simple things that I’ve had for years and others that have recently found their way into my rotation, like my summer pajamas by Sea that I just love, this Carioca bathing suit (a Corsican brand that I told you about here), neither of which are too pricey and can go with anything…

Some yoga outfits, a few t-shirts, my Rondinis that have had quite a few wearings (I’ve worn them every summer since I bought them, oh and their color has changed*!), a super light white linen dress, some shorts I can romp around in on my bike…

So, maybe I’ll end up adding a few more things (I always toss in an extra 500 pounds of “just in case” stuff at the last second) – but these are my essentials!!!


*An entire bottle of oil broke in my bag last time and the weird part is… my Rondinis literally absorbed all of it. Check it out:
1/ They totally changed color.
2/ They protected the rest of my bag, a save I’ll never forget.
3/ They smell like Monoi from a mile away!

Military Hat, Vintage; Sunglasses, Barton Perreira; Bracelet, Maiyet, Swimsuit, Carioca; Scarf, Bungalow 8; Dress, Nili Lotan; Passport Cover, Smythson; Travel Products, Aesop; Pajamas, Sea; Notebook + Pen, Muji; Necklace, Aurélie Bidermann; Sandals, Rondini; Shirts, Everlane; Yoga Top, Garbe Luxe; Shoes, Sperry x Jeffrey; Shorts, RRL.


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  • Cette valise me semble être absolument parfaite pour un séjour à Bali ;)
    Enjoy Garance et SURTOUT prends plein de photos ;)

    Des bises

  • Thumbs up for everything (but the hat)!

    Paris-New York Fashion Blog
    The Deep Blue Cory Fashion Blog : NEW POST!
    The Deep Blue Cory Facebook Page
    Xoxo Cory

  • J’ai le même maillot! :) J’adore cette marque de maillot!

  • The white linen dress is so great – you are always somehow posting the exact stuff I am looking for! Long white linen dress: check. Although this is the kind of shape that would look great at every length, from the scandalously short, to the just above the knee, to the just below the knee, to the ground-skimming.

  • J’aime bien ces trucs, car il sont simples, pas trop voyant e se adaptent bien a l’esprit de une vacance décontracté!

  • I love your Rondinis. the scarf, the pajama with planes make me want to travel…it’s fantastic!! Beautiful things for a perfect trip!

  • N’oublies pas une étole Sarti, les plus fines, elles sont agréable quand le soleil tape trop fort, ou le soir quand les moustiques se font insistants…

    Va tester le spa du Alila Villas Soori, ils ont leur propre gamme de soins, et notamment un insect repellant à la texture et au parfum divins.

    Bon Bali !

  • Cheryl July, 3 2013, 9:29 / Reply

    Hope you can hop on over to the Philippines!

  • Ouh la la ! ce pyjama me fait rever… (et je pensais que cela ne s’appliquait qu’aux chaussures et aux sacs à mains !)

    Check out my new outfit post :

  • Love the simplicity of what what you packed.


  • Un contenu de valise comme je les aime : l’essentiel.
    Bonnes vacances !

  • Dear Reader July, 3 2013, 9:44 / Reply

    Hi Garance
    I’m going to Bali too the week after next- very exciting given how cold it is here in Sydney! I’m also sorting out my wardrobe (but still only in my head) and Rondini’s, Aesop products, a light scarf and touches of pink are definitely on my list too!

    My dear friend who knows Bali well and has spent a lot of time there did send me the following link:

    She adds:
    “Essentially, everyone should bring their own spirits to Bali. each person can bring in a litre, i.e. Gin, Vodka etc. Wine there is fine and bad (an Australian $15 bottle, will be $40.00 there roughly) but I think at least, safe…”

    She is no alarmist, but rather streetwise and sensible, so I thought I would share.

    Have a wonderful holiday!

    Dear Reader x

  • De très chouettes essentiels ! J’adore la robe :)


  • Olala chaque pièce de cette photo fait rêver, hyper joli!!!

    Et bonnes vacances! :-) Vivement les photos!

  • Great items, Garance! I feel like packing my bag, too! Have fuuuuun!!

  • So much good stuff in such a small little pile! I’m crazy about Everlane designs for basics, they inspired this just the other day:

    Maiyet is an amazing brand, and their videos are totally entrancing:

    And I’m totally coveting some baron perreira eyeglasses right now:

    It’s like you read my wishlist and went out and got it all! The J Crew linen dress looks perfect for vacations too, and now I’m going off to check out Sea, I’m sure I’m going to add their pjs to my list of coveted items in about 5 seconds. So fun to travel and shop vicariously through you!

  • gracie July, 3 2013, 10:15 / Reply

    Garance–I hope you are having so much fun in Bali—a lovely, relaxing, adventurous and surprising time. oxox

  • Ah mais je me disais bien que les Rondini n’étaient pas de cette couleur habituellement, ça m’a sauté aux yeux !

  • Yvonne Marie July, 3 2013, 10:46 / Reply

    Just beautiful!! You’ll look so lovely and hot!
    (Btw…. Glad you’re not bringing those tacky in-your-face logo espadrilles). Lol!!
    Garance is way cooler than that, I say. xo

  • Simple yet utterly chic!!! Have a great holiday Garance! :) xxx

  • perfection! have a wonderful time xoxox

  • So amazing! Beautiful selection :)


  • Love your choices Garance and I hope you have a grate time! xxx

  • Everything look perfect!
    Have a nice time in Bali!!!

    With love
    Elisa – My Fantabulous World

  • C’est marrant parce que tes Rondini sont encore plus belles de cette couleurs je trouve :)
    Bon voyage !


  • christelle July, 3 2013, 11:30 / Reply

    magnifique, j’adore tout ! tu seras divine à Bali (enfin, tu y es déjà normalement ;)

  • Great colors and that pinks shoes looks great.

  • haaha.. those rondini are obviously a miracle shoe.. and they look so cool!

  • GREAT SELECTION!! … the best you can carry on your luggage but the Very BEST, is the Destination!!! LOVELY PLACE …. hope you´ll Enjoy a LOTT!!

  • Everything looks very ‘you’, but I would have gone for a straw hat (but then that’d be very ‘me’ haha) xx

  • Ca semble parfait! Et ça donne envie!

  • Garance, I’m thinking about buying those Rondini sandals as well.. But I don’t have long legs, do the straps around the ankles have a shortening effect on the legs? Thank you :)

  • Eliza Nina July, 3 2013, 12:16 / Reply

    See you there in Bali ! :-)
    Except for the items in pink, we pretty much have the same choice of colors!

  • J’adore tout ce que tu enmènes , je vais bientot faire un article sur notre rencontre avec Scott et toi ! Bon voyage ! Bisous <3

  • Ca m’a l’air tout à fait adapté tout ça :-) moi je ne sais jamais aller à l’essentiel !! Il me faut un coach valise, je crois ! Bonnes vacances :-)

  • Marielena July, 3 2013, 12:42 / Reply

    PLEASE GARANCE….mets tes liquides dedans des sacs en plastic!! et bonne repos!

  • Marcia July, 3 2013, 12:47 / Reply

    Oh Garance, You’re going to look so beautiful in Bali

  • I LOVE posts like this! Your edit and layout is always so clean looking, and totally inspiring.

  • Ubud, n’oublies pas d’aller manger dans le meilleur Resto d’Asie, tâche de décider Scott à t’inviter!
    Un bonheur!

  • Great !

    À bientôt, Laëti

  • Buena selección ,no falta detalle.
    Un beso.

  • Dear Garance, put a little bit of plastic foil on the bottle before you twist it shut, that is what I do when I travel with liquids.

  • A chaque fois que je lis votre blog, j’ai un rêve un peu fou qui émane en moi : qu’un jour vous ayez envie d’écrire un livre. Un livre où vous parleriez de votre style de vie, de votre conception de la vie, de la mode, du style.
    Je lis beaucoup de blogs mais aucun ne me touche autant que le votre. Il est écrit avec tellement de sincérité. Il est magnifique. Et vous aussi, vous semblez être une magnifique personne.
    Alors voilà, je me dis que peut-être, un jour, je tiendrai entre mes mains un recueil de vos conseils. Et il ne me quitterait plus parce que je trouve que vous avez toujours les bons mots pour décrire les choses de la vie.
    Bref, en un mot j’adore vous lire !

    Profitez bien de Bali !

  • Looks like you are totally ready for it, have fun!! xx

  • ChicTrends July, 3 2013, 4:13 / Reply

    Have a great time in Bali!

    Best, x

  • I love loveeee the way you took the picture…so nice and organized.

    I like it when bloggers pay attention to those details.

    Brunette Letters Blog

  • Only you can make packing look cool; my suitcase is a sea of ziplock bags (to prevent Monoi oil meltdowns). Perfect essentials. I love that scarf!

  • lucile July, 3 2013, 6:36 / Reply

    cool bob

  • Definitely some great basics and a good start! Love those shorts and PJs…I have a love for pjs and lingerie. Good luck packing!! and wishing you of course an incredible trip!

  • martina July, 3 2013, 8:45 / Reply

    If you need to throw extras in for Bali, long skirts or sarongs are necessary there. The locals are actually a bit conservative and appreciate it when people cover up. It is also polite to cover the legs when visiting the temples. All my photos from there have me in one sarong. I did not pack wisely and had to cover up with the same thing every time I visited a temple which are numerous, beautiful and so picturesque.

  • lovely !
    love those nude color…love everything !

  • I’ve gone to Bali every summer for a few weeks and this is my first summer off in about eight years… I already miss it. Cisco’s guide was spot on about where to go (and where not to go–Kuta). Definitely check out Ku De Ta for sunset, Sarong for mouthwatering Asian fusion food and Hu’u for drinks in tapestry drawn canopies. For a more low-key day head to Echo Beach and watch the pro surfers. You can usually find Hurley/Quicksilver/Rip Curl photographers and videographers there that are really interesting to talk to and you and Scott would love. Make sure to eat at Echo Beach House at least once. If you do, ask for Putu or Kadek and tell them Aria and Abha sent you, they will treat you like a queen. For breakfast they have great raspberry and banana pancakes and fresh juice that rivals even Miss Lily’s. Every night for dinner they have a large selection of fresh seafood out that they grill (but avoid having dinner there on a weekend as it gets really crowded). I highly recommend the prawns and tandoori chicken. Transportation is Bali is very cheap and I recommend getting a driver (and rent bikes one day just for the experience). If you don’t have one already, call Prestige Bali Villas and see if you can hire Fanny for your trip. He’s been our driver since I was little and knows the island better than anyone else I’ve met. He speaks perfect English and will accommodate any of your Bali dreams. Let me know if you want any more recommendations and I hope you have a fantastic, relaxing break!

  • Melissa July, 3 2013, 9:32 / Reply

    those sandals look gorgeous!

  • it would be too hot to wear the sneakers in Bali.. stick to flipflops instead :)

  • C’est nickel ! Les couleurs et les matières. Enjoy Bali, un véritable voyage au pays des sens.

  • Merci Garance pour cet article ! J’adore avoir des idées de trucs à mettre dans ma valise car je prends toujours 200 millions d’affaires ! Je m’habille en fonction de mon humeur (comme tout le monde non ?) et savoir de quelle humeur je serai la semaine prochaine… et puis c’est toujours ce que je n’ai pas pris qu’il me manque ! C’est un vrai dilemme ! Aussi je calquerai un peu ma valise à la votre (même si je ne vais pas à Bali mais en Italie), comme ça, si il me manque un truc, ça sera de votre faute ! hahaha !
    Belle journée !

  • Judith July, 4 2013, 5:54 / Reply

    J’adore, c’est tout mignon!

  • Géraldine July, 4 2013, 6:00 / Reply

    Le bob en haut à gauche, je ne suis pas sûre mais tout le reste est très joli!

  • Quelle chance tu as! Bali! mon rêve!
    tu as la valise idéale je pense!

  • christelle July, 4 2013, 6:36 / Reply

    Très chouette § je partirais bien à Bali aussi, moi !
    Finalement, je ne vais qu’à St Cyr sur mer, mais j’emporte les mêmes choses. ;))

  • I think Bali is quite a different experience than one can imagine while reading about it or hearing people talk about it. It’s so crowded, there are people literally everywhere and the traffic is overwhelming but it is overall a great experience.
    The difference between the amazing places built for foreigners and the actual houses of the locals is huge and be a bit depressing.
    Would definitely recommend travelling by taxi as each of the drivers are truly enchanting to talk to and can improve the overall understanding of the place. Also it’s one of the few chances to interact with Balinese people.
    For an island adventure a few days on the near islans of Lombok, where you can sit and think about what you just lived and also catch up on the books you packed probably didn’t touch in Bali.

  • Thank you for your comment. So huge discrepancy? This makes me sad, really sad. I do not know if I could handle the huge difference between wonderful places which were built only for tourists, and the poverty on the other side. :(

  • I love your sandals! They also have wonderful ones in Greece, the best I think are from the island Rhodes, and if you go to Rhodes city, you will find millions of small shops with handmade sandals for 10 Euro one pair, so you can really buy them all :)
    If you do not happen to go there, you can get them online, i.e. I prefer the plain ones, they have strange ones, too, or some with small shells on top that are really cute. and cheap :)

  • Alors moi aussi je me souviens de l’explosion d’un contenant dans ma valise, mais c’était un peu moins glamour. Un kilo de feta, ça vous tue un sèche cheveux!
    Bonnes vacances Garance!

  • It seems like there’s everything you need for a perfect little relaxing vacations :). Love all the bits and pieces, you did awesomely .).


  • Sounds like Rondinis are you savior! :) This roundup is perfect.

  • J’adore cette photo, elle offre un peu de ton univers et du soin que tu as pris à choisir tes affaires. Je plongerais presque ma main dans l’écran pour les toucher!

  • Andrea July, 4 2013, 12:02 / Reply

    L’histoire es Rondini m’a beaucoup amusée car ma version des Rondini c’est les sandales Hermès oranges ( mais heureusement elles sont encore intactes!).

  • Your Rondinis are even lovelier now with a bottle of monoi oil in them! that blueish-beigeish-grey is absolutely sublime.

    I love how simple and pared-down your wardrobe is here. Illusory but worth working for. I’m finally overhauling my closet and getting rid of a million things before my move this summer–keeping this for inspiration!

  • Have a terrific time! xxxx J

  • Haha when I pack for a vacation, I’m going to place my leather sandals with my bottle of oil…just in case! :P

  • Perfect choices for a vacation! i love it! so freshy!!!! ohhh i just regret i can understand french …. :(

  • Awesome photo. Love your blog!



  • I love your sandals and the story which goes with them. I have a similar handmade pair which I bought in Croatia (another beautiful Mediterranean country!), and I absolutely love them (even available online on Etsy). I love everything in the photo. Great essentials. Have a good time!

  • Hey Garance !

    Excuse moi de te déranger durant tes vacances mais je souhaite me faire un voyage “sac au dos” en Indonésie et surtout, à Bali (et surement en profiter pour passer en thailande aussi) dans un an.

    J’essaye donc de pêcher quelque informations dès que je le peux !
    C’est pourquoi je t’écris, si tu pouvais me dire à ton retour quel compagnie aérienne tu as pris, quel hôtel, qu’est ce qu’il faut voir la bas, comment sont les gens, as tu croiser des voyageur sac à dos… ?

    Enfin voila, je voudrais UN MAX d’information !

    Merci à toi !

  • Dear Garance, I wish I knew you’re in Bali. I would’ve stay longer and guide you through Ubud ;P

  • Très frais et joli ! Clap clap !

    Ça donne envie de partir de ce pas ;)

    Bonne soirée,

  • Perfect choices!! I would like to be in Bali right now ;) Enjoy!!
    Style and Paper

  • Oh Sadness!!

    I fell in love with the Sperry slip-on’s and clicked through to order from Nordstrom’s — warning!
    the sizes were only for men! I am weeping over the hot pink (I fantasized about how to fade them out…ha!) pony skin sneakers. Must put them (slightly damp) back in their box and return. If you can wear them — there were incredible bright yellow one’s also. If they had fit? I would have lived in them…still looking for replacements for my 10-year-old old Bottega woven orange slip-ons…any suggestions?

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