
10 years ago by

It froze this week in New York.

It was 30 degrees below during the day, and I’m not just saying this – it’s obvious, really – no one knew how to dress, so everyone decided to stay home. I was on Broadway on Tuesday afternoon, and it was totally quiet, there wasn’t even a stray cat, as we say in French…

Since the freezing temperatures aren’t going away, and at some point you just have to get out of the house, we’ve been considering all possibilities. I really like Evgenia’s idea here – she’s one of the classiest Eskimos I’ve seen this week.

Coat, boots, and thick leather pants, black and white, and lots of heat-tech underneath, she told me. I love it.

Coat, Isabel Marant Étoile; Pants, BLK DNM; Boots, Sorel; Hat, Eugenia Kim; Gloves, COS; Scarf, Flandana


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  • J’adore son look, elle a un chic fou. Lorsque j’étais à New-York fin novembre, je ressemblais plutôt à un yéti échappé de sa cage malheureusement pour moi, car c’est très dur d’avoir du style quand il fait froid!

  • J’aime beaucoup son look également! Pas facile de rester chic tout en étant habillée très chaudement!
    J’ai vécu 5 mois au Canada, de septembre à septembre! Les températures pouvaient descendre jusqu’à -30C, il faisait horriblement froid, j’avais un manteau esquimau plutôt sympa mais je n’ai jamais réussi à trouver de belles winter boots à mon goût!!!! (j’ai de tous petites pieds et je ne trouvais pas ma pointure), j’ai fini avec des sortes de chaussures de montagne de type Caterpillar, pas très esthétiques mais très confortables!!!
    Des bisous

    Jul du monde des petites

  • Ah les Heat-tech! quelle invention! pas forcément plus glamour que les Damart mais bon…quand il fait froid hein! ;)

  • C’est un art de rester présentable lorsque la température fait concurrence au Pôle Nord!!!

    La semaine passée, j’ai épluché les magasins à la recherche d’une paire de bottes chaude mais surtout qui ne faisait pas un trop gros pied, pas trop sport, pas trop inuit. Bref, sobre! Et les Sorels n’étaient pas une option puique tout le monde en a. J’ai du changer de ville pour la trouver.

    J’aime beaucoup, beaucoup son manteau Étoile d’Isabelle Marant. Et puis habillée en noir et blanc, elle ne se trompe pas. :)

  • I hate winter because I never know what to wear!
    I always feel I end up dressing every day the same as I have a coat and a leather jacket I often use.
    But that girl is amazing! Makes me wanna wear heat-tech clothes in the middle of summer!


  • Alors je dois dire chapeau, son look est très classe mais je ne suis quand même pas certaine que ce soit une craie frileuse car elle ne me semble pas couverte outre mesure :-)

  • This look is perfect!! Love the coat so much.

    My Fantabulous World

  • Venant de Montréal, le froid on connait. En fait, plus les gens veulent essayer des looks qui sont comme a Milan ou Miami ou Paris mais en version chaude et capitonnée, plus ils ont l’air con car on sait qu’ils se les gelent et ca n’a pas l’élégance recherchée. Plus on sent le confort, l’emmitouflé assumé et sympa, plus c’est charmant; de beaux manteaux en Duvet, des bottes Sorel ou autres avec des couleurs neutres ou vives mais bien choisies, de jolis foulard en vrais laines, des tuques marrantes ou des superbes chapeaux de trappeur et le tour est joué.
    L’hiver, etre sexy c’est ne pas essayé de faire sexy!

  • De Montréalaise à Montréalaise, je suis tout à fait d’accord avec ce que tu as dit, tu as su mettre des mots sur ce que j’aime de la mode hivernale à Montréal, un confort assumé! Il a suffi que je me les gèle quelques années pour comprendre que aucune coquetterie ne vaut un bon manteau en plumes et des bottes Sorel. Le pire c’est que je trouve ça beau maintenant et j’ai toujours chaud :)

  • Mais viens donc sous le soleil de Toscane ! Les hivers y sont si doux…
    Baci et bon weekend

  • I can see why! Gorgeous .. Have a nice weekend, and hopefully the weather will be more easy to cope with soon!


  • Margarita January, 10 2014, 10:43 / Reply

    I worship my thermals, they are the first layer in everything I wear in such weather. And then I sandwich it all with the Michelin-man coat from Zara I got some years ago.

  • With your bed. Dress with your bed & take the all thing out.

  • Love her look too! Heat tech underneath and good shoes are the most important part and a good coat, that gives you warm and also protects from the wind, wind chill can freeze you to death instantly…. well it feels like that…. I just found a super warm and not too bulky coat from Patagonia, its perfect cause the fit is good and it’s so thin, it doesn’t add this bulk that can look a bit unflattering and the best thing of this coat is, that I can roll it together to a tiny little packet, like a mini sleeping bag, really very practical when your on the go and you need an extra layer for the night.

    Hope that the US will not suffer any longer from that terrible cold! But I heard, that soon it will come to Europe and you guys will be done with it. xxx

  • Pour les hivers froids, rien de mieux que le gros pull islandais, les mouffles + la toque trappeur en peaux, le duvet woolrich ou northface ( ou le manteau fourure type russe), les bottes et les bas en soie (sous les chaussettes—ça tient chaud). J’ai rien trouvé de mieux à l’époque oú je vivais en Islande. Et en janvier il y fait TRÈS froid et nuit..mais c’est divin ne serait-ce que pour les aurores boréales.

  • Tres fan du manteau!
    Moi je n’ai pas eu le choix de sortir pour aller au travail. Entre ma Canada Gosse et mes UGG (sans vouloir faire de pub) j’etais bien au chaud. Apres niveau style… Mais bon j’ai vu pire!

  • We are holding oru breath in Paris, hoping winter will spare us! It is still very nice out, let’s hope it stays that way.
    Getting dressed for cold weather is the worse.
    Good luck to the New Yorkers!

  • Yes! Good quality thermal under layer is key! Some sports ones are really good, the only problem is that they usually have quite high neck lines, so you either wear a turtle neck on top or just let it show, when you’re indoors. Actually, the fact that you have thermal underwear on at work or school or at the store, and you’re hot is also a problem.

    Also, love the coat! You, Garance, could just wear your parka and all would be good.

  • Joli look, belle photo, j’aime beaucoup le manteau.

  • A lifetime in NY means that I’ve given up trying to look chic in this weather and have succumbed to the puffer coat. But maybe the heat tech layers would allow me to wear a nicer, wool coat… But my new Zara blanket scarf has been a godsend. As are all the hand-knit items I make!

    Shani x

  • If you want to keep on using short skirt or dresses under those low temperature, it is still possible. In Sweden, we use a DOWN SKIRT on top of any outfit in winter. It is warmer than any other heat tech underneath and it is easier to put on and take off when you are in a train or coffee shop for a short time and you bike (we bike with snow and ice if we have changed the bike tire to spiked winter ones).
    I think that the first designers of those down skirt where from SKhoop, a company from Åre a classical Swedish Ski town ( There are cheaper models but not as warm.
    I have now more than 3 of them in different colors and I cannot think about a winter without it. If those skirts are not yet popular in US, there is a big market if the temperature keep on going in that direction.

  • I love it too! Ugg boots are my favorites, the feeling of going to the street on slippers.. <3


  • I love all your photos! The always look so classy and I know each one of them would look amazing on my wall :)

  • Très joli look !

  • Love her look! I would probably only get out of the house with 3 layers on top of that… Seriously??I definetely can’t imagine New York THAT cold! Brrrrrrrrrrrrr!

  • Hello,

    Je suis fan :p

    A , Laëti

  • wow, great look for a cold winter!!
    Passa a trovarmi VeryFP

  • GREAT LOOK ! thank you Garance ! so effortless.

    and for these long cold winter months when all you want to do is hibernate and not move from the couch , check out this amazing video called HAPPY that will make you and the studio jump around and dance with joy

    also because it is friday

  • Il fait toujours aussi froid ? Je devais venir la semaine prochaine, ma fille enregistre son album là-bas au studio Avatar, mais du coup les températures polaires ne me tentent pas trop !

  • Katherine January, 10 2014, 1:35 / Reply

    I’m in Edmonton, Alberta, and it’s this cold pretty much through the entire winter, which starts in November and lasts through April. We embrace it with giant scarves, parkas, and knee-high winter boots. I’m living in thick leggings and long sweaters underneath the outer layers. I bought these Uggs this winter and they’re great: (in a black/slate grey combo that doesn’t seem to be available anymore). Come April, I will be living in bright dresses and sandals to make up for lost time!

  • Nathalie Sabbagh January, 10 2014, 2:32 / Reply

    pffff……-35c here in Montreal on pretty much any given day. Tshirt, Canada Goose, Ugg (Waterproof) boots and BRING IT ON BABY!

  • J’aime beaucoup beaucoup ce look: élégant sobre et réaliste!! En gros, immédiatement portable. Et la photo est sublime comme d’hab: elle allège la lourdeur de ce street style hivernal <3

  • J’aime beaucoup son look, bien emmitoufle mais pas lourdaud, impossible pour moi qui habite le sud de la Floride.

  • Looks very chic! Must be very cold though :( Stay safe Garance!


  • I need these boots and jacket! I have the rest – minus the cold! It was 15 degrees celsius today, in this part of the world!

  • J’adore son look super simple mais sophistiqué!

    Sandrine x

  • I feel for you. I really do. It’s funny but I really am craving the cold like you seem to be having. I need to see snow once in my life you see. Maybe New York @ Christmas time one year.

  • Garance, when, when, when are you going to publish a book of your photographs? You are such an inspiration to so many of us!

  • C’est vrai qu’il est bien difficile d’être jolie, sexy et féminine par temps de grand froid !!!! bravo, elle a tout juste :-)

  • Très jolie tenue en effet !


  • TIP: Wool underneath!! the best you can do when the temperatures drop!!
    I learned this when I moved to Oslo!!

  • I would love to look as stylish as she does when it is that cold! Really cool look!

  • J’adore those boots, perfect for very very cold weather; one of my friends had the same in Montréal :)

    New on my French fashion blog:

    Silver skirt + Perfecto

  • Bernadette January, 11 2014, 7:18 / Reply

    Winter is great! I just hope it will get colder in Germanyand the rain will stop…
    For clothing nothing beats a good down coat (North Face) and warm boots (Keen does nice ones). If the coat is long enough, you don’t have to layer that much. I hate wearing tights or thermal underwear undernneath other clothes (except for outdoor activities) becausse as soon as you step inside somewhere, you start sweating or Itching or whatever.

  • This solution is cozy and cool too!! In France you use the cats to say that there is nobody, instead in Italy we use dogs, something like “there is neither a dog!”

    New post on lowbudget-lowcost Fashion Blog

  • I feel your pain!!
    It was -40 here in Montreal! Winter survival while being fashionable is not always easy ;)

  • J’imagine le dilemne pour sortir par -16° quand moi j’ai du mal à +10° …
    bon courage !
    La parenthèse Enchanté

  • You’ve finally had your first taste of a real NY winter! Congratulations!
    Even when it gets that cold, I definitely prefer that to the milder yet humid/rainy/grey winter here in Paris. At least, in NY, you have the beautiful sunny, winter light. How I miss it so…
    I went to college near Rochester, so I’m especially familiar with the real cold.

    So, yeah, thermals are definitely the way to go. Makes life a lot warmer and comfy. :)
    Also, don’t ever forget to take your coat off when you go indoors. If you keep it on and/or don’t open it, you’ll lose the benefit of its warmth when you go back out.

  • I know how it is. In Poland there were also (not now) temperatures below 30 degree and it was freezing. I kind of miss that :)
    And she looks really cool in this cold weather, I love it!
    Keep warm all of you :)))

  • Garance, tu viendras nous rendre visite, ici à Montréal! :p

    Le matin, quand je me réveille et que je vois -16 degrés Celsius…. Presque un soulagement! Malgré tout. je crois que Montréal arrive à être une ville vibrante, probablement grâce à son contingent étudiants… Mais malheureusement, je dois admettre qu’il est particulièrement difficile de garder un style top lorsque les températures approchent le cinquante sous zéro! Ça demande un effort supplémentaire!


  • Stéphanie January, 13 2014, 8:25 / Reply

    Quand j’étais gamine et ado, les bottes Sorel étaient le summum de l’anti-fashion. Même pas rebelle, juste sur une voie parallèle à la mode. Et je parle de Montréal là. Mais l’an dernier j’ai acheté les mêmes bottes qu’elle, et en général ça va pour -16. Nous, on est descendus à -30 et ouf, j’ai sorti les monstres. Québec est une ville superbe, mais oui, c’est froid. Et pour les amateurs de musique électronique, c’est l’igloofest qui commence la semaine prochaine à Mtl!!! Ça, y’a rien de mieux pour se réchauffer!

  • ah oui en effet c’est super joli, moi ça serait plutôt l’équation flemme à savoir gros pull et slim (et ma doudoune si je l’ai sous la main)

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