10 years ago by Garance Doré
“But I’ve been doing that for years!!!!”
You know that feeling, right? A trend pops up, it gets huge and all the sudden you are like wait…waiiiitttttt…STOP! I’ve been doing that for forever! Seriously forever. Since like, G-ception.
I don’t really know why, but I’ve always worn my earrings only on one side. We can maybe trace it back to not wanting to look like The Laughing Cow, a very popular cheese in France.
Also, wearing two pairs of big earrings made me feel way too proper.
The thing is, I’m doing it so much that people often tell me, with a horrified look : “Miss, I think you just lost an earring!!!”
Anyways, I found a solution to stop people in their tracks when they’re about to tell me I lost an earring: I wear a big one on one side and a smaller one on the other. That way, you can see the unbalance is not an accident, and everybody’s happy. I mean at least I’m happy.
Here are some of my favorites mix and matched earrings!
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Yes, I like this!
Passa a trovarmi VeryFP
i like the idea, but i have never pierced my ears! :)
i like the idea of asymmetric …it’s so much more interesting than only one earring …you feel there is a story ..while only one you feel something is missing..myself i have been looking for big i mean big hoop earring..i like the Aurelie Bidermann one you put in the selection ,but they are too small…the commercial ones are always too small…
Yael Guetta
like, like, like! I’ll try that.
Katharina // ktinka
LOL – this is adorable. I, too, can relate to doing something intentional with my outfit and having someone interpret it as a mistake. Vive la fashion! :)
moi je porte les 2 BO identiques classiquement . 1 sur chaque oreille.
Et c’est très bien! ;)
Je le fais aussi lorsque les boucles sont très grandes, et de toute façon avec la raie sur le côté celle de droite est toujours cachée ^^ je trouve que ça donne l’air moins guindé, mais effectivement cette nouvelle tendance n’est pas nouvelle! J’aime beaucoup le modèle corail ;)
ben oui, ça se fait depuis la nuit des temps, la dame préhistorique devait déjà le faire ! Et plus proches de nous, les bab’ fin années 1970’…
J’avoue que la grande verte et la petite rouge ou la toute fine d’à côté… Tu nous ouvres de nouvelles perspectives, pour nos petitezoreilles !!
Mais j’avoue hormis la période 70-80, je porte sobrement deux BO identiques… mais qui sait…
I like it!!
I like the idea, I have to confess that I always have a pair of earrings on my purse to solve this problem. kisses
I wore only one big earring for many years, but I had to stop it a few years ago. My eyes got worse, I can’t read a thing without my glasses, and for me earrings an glasses are too much. I always felt like a Christmas tree, so I only wear two little diamonds now. Why is it so difficult to wear glasses and jewelry at the same time? It tends to looks overdone.
Your favorites are amazing ….. they make me a little bit sad! By the way, I love your blog, kisses from Hamburg.
Lordy, I haven’t commented in ages….maybe a year. You are so big and busy now I felt it wasn’t necessary as lots of others were already speaking for me. But my New Year’s Resolution (because truly September is the New Year for me) is not to be one of “those people”, you know the ones who get all snarky when someone or something they discover gets so huge they feel it isn’t cool anymore…
Since Madonna (that’s how old I am) I have been wearing multiple bracelets, mixing and matching metal, braids, charms and bangles as my whims dictated. People always asked me “aren’t they noisy?” but no they weren’t to me, and then all of a sudden, along comes arm candy and poof, it’s a fashion thing!
C’est la vie n’est-ce pas?
p.s. big hugs about, you know.
Vive l’assymetrie et le depareillage !
Gosh, I’ve been doing it for so long, too, and for that exact reason: not to look too proper or made up. I, too, have been told I’ve lost an earring, and it’s always a bit funny.
My mom has been doing this for years!
hahaha…yes i totally understand that feeling of “But I’ve been doing that for years!!!”, it happens…
My daughter just made me some earrings out of pink and yellow rubber bands. Wearing just one looks silly, however, I like the idea with my Chanel silver hoop.
Laughing out loud about the Laughing Cow Cheese visual :) It makes me want to re-think large earrings
Pareil, je fais ça depuis des années, à tel point qu’on m’offre parfois directement des paires de BO conçues sur ce principe – même inspiration mais deux tailles différentes, ou des motifs qui se répondent, genre la chouette et l’œuf… Perso, je mélange plutôt les paires en fonction de l’inspiration ou de l’occasion. Par exemple, j’ai depuis des années une paire de fleurs ciselées roses en résine Les Bijoux de Sophie, qui fait super tarte sur moi si j’en mets une à chaque oreille, alors que si je les porte toutes les deux du même côté, tout de suite ça marche beaucoup mieux. Avec un pendant un peu rock de l’autre côté, c’est mon combo préféré.
I love mixing eating around! Sometimes I just want to wear more than one, so mixing them is great and looks effortless!
Raison pour laquelle j’ai 4 trous ( 2 de chaque côté) et m’amuse en en mettant 3 ou même parfois 4!!!
Yes! Like Birkenstocks. I’ve been wearing them for years, with fancy dresses, every possible outfit and it had an irreverence to it because they are so dressed down and not stylish… Until now! Still wear them, and will continue long after the trend has ceased.
When I decided to pierce a second hole in my earlobe, I didn’t want to do the same on the other side, always loved the assymetric and I was only 14^^ In the end I ended up with 2 on one side and 3 on the other one, but I stopped ages ago to wear earrings in all of them. Now it’s back to small or big earrings but only by pair. I definitely want to try on one side! kisses from another reader from Hamburg! (but French^^)
I’ve been doing a white collar shirt w/a cropped sweater over, shirt tails long forever…and now it is everywhere for fall…J Crew even has the shirt tails ATTACHED to a sweater, no shirt needed…welcome to the party…
Je suis comme toi Garance, je fais ça depuis très longtemps…. et j’ai toujours droit à cette réflexion. Alors j’ai choisi la même option en mettre 2 différentes suaf que je mets un clou et un pendant ou un anneau.
Cool je suis tendance !!!!
Bonsoir Garance
C’est drôle moi aussi j’ai souvent porter qu’une bo, avec effectivement toujours la même réflexion ” bin t’as perdu 1 boucle!” Que neni … Pfff comprennent rien!!
Bon ok pour mes 20 ans mon amoureux m’avait offert 1 diamant , en me disant que le 2ieme que je l’aurai pour mes 40…. Bon à 37 ans on s’est séparé, donc dans le cul lulu ( rooh c vulgaire!) m’en fout j’aime finalement n’en porter qu’un .
Et ton idée de dépareiller c top:)
Merkii et plein de courage pour ta nouvelle vie
This made me laugh a lot! Now you have the issue of what to do once the trend tires…!! Lol.
Je n’ai pas les oreilles percées mais l’asymétrie me plait beaucoup dans ce domaine !
Bonjour Garance & toutes,
Chez moi aussi, c’est rarement symétrique des 2 oreilles ! A droite > 2 trous : une étoile en or rose + un petit anneau avec une petite boule tout or. A gauche > 1 trou > le même anneau. C’est pratique au quotidien, ça va avec tout… Je change pour les grandes occasions. J’ai un mix from Zara > anneau moyen à picots-clous // mini tête de mort magenta + plume verte suspendue à une longue chaînette, très sympa.
In Czech Republic we have this beautiful brand Antipearle which makes wonderful earrings perfect for pairing like this. I’m sure you will like them. http://www.antipearle.com/index.php/en/collection-shop/category/33-earrings
Have a lovely weekend, Annie
This is really a great idea, it gives an original touch…
I like this idea!
I feel you my dearest G.-I ‘ve been doing this for ages, too!! Great pics here…
Garance, as-tu essayé une couleur de vernis sur une main, une autre sur l’autre?
Hahahaaa Garance! La remarque de la bo perdue… c’est peut-ê ça qui m’a fait abandonner l’asymétrie.
En attendant, je pense que celles qui ont tjs fait ça ont été jeunes dans les années 80, non? Quand on se sentait trooooop punk avec 1 modèle différent à chaque oreille. Tout ça ne nous rajeunit pas dites donc.
J’adore cette nouvelle tendance, je viens de m’y mettre, mais bon, j’avoue que les regards insistants sont parfois un peu énervants :) Mais avec ta coupe courte, ça doit être tellement chic !
I had three holes pierced in my right ear when I was 15 (1979 election day, our school was a polling station, I went into London by myself & had my ear pierced in the basement of Topshop at Oxford Circus. I remember that the beautician was not at all convinced) and wore earrings in just that ear for years. I got a lot of criticism but I had fun putting together earrings that went well together. I can’t remember when I had my other ear pierced, certainly by the time I was working. I am half amused when things I’ve been doing for years suddenly become fashionable, but half irritated too. The teenage daughters of a good friend were very impressed that I had had multiple piercings so long ago & suggested that I start wearing more earrings but only one of the two holes is still open & I’m not really sure about having the other one repierced (too deliberate; I think I would wear my tiny pearls in the extra holes if they were open)
Je le fais souvent, comme aujourd’hui d’ailleurs: une boucle dessous de lobe à gauche, une puce doré à droite sur le premier trou et un petit anneau doré dans le deuxième: qui dit mieux!
Aujourd’hui je porte les deux BO identiques, une de chaque côté, à la “tradi”. Mais quand j’étais ado, je portais une petite tête de mort sur une oreille et une petite rose sur l’autre. Je trouvais ça hyper rebelle :-) Mouahahaha !
I am very boring with my earrings. I was blessed to receive a very special pair of diamond studs many years ago and I pretty much wear them every day. They are classic, simple and go with anything and everything.
Whether they are a signature or an old stand by they work and I love them.
These are too chic, love them!
I loved it!
I’m posting looks from Los Angeles and accessories:
Your combinations are so balanced in their asymmetry, if that mkes sense. Rather like the Yin ‘n’ Yang of earrings.
I’ve loved wearing odd earrings in both ears for over twenty years now.
My face is quite asymmetrical and the little old jeweller who first pierced my ears with a hot needle and cork when I was six years old and squirming in pain in my seat, pierced my ears unevenly as well- probably due to my incessant squirming.
So, when I went for my second set of piercings, I ended up with uneven ones then, too. Since then, I’ve had an additional six ear piercings that are all in slightly different places, and liked to emphasise that inconsistency with mismatched earrings- a small sapphire stud, a few small ear hoops, one side of my great grandma’s antique pearl flower hook earring, a black long spear by Maria Black, and a couple of her spiked small hoops in black and gold.
Mismatched is interesting. I only wonder what I’ll do when I get long sighted and need reading glasses! Maybe all studs with one spear. I’ll up my bilberry intake to ward that off as long as I can.
Bonne idée !!
i don’t think i’ve even worn matching earrings, and i love that you can now commonly purchase singles instead of pairs. i feel i can invest more in the single piece knowing that i’m not obligated to purchase that second earring!
Mmmmmm… Laughing Cow…
reminds me when I was a kid I always lost one side of earrings at pool while swimming
so I HAD TO wear mismatched earrings at some point haha
These images are just lovely. I really like all the earrings too.
And I so know what she means about the trends.
great suggestions!
(please provide the shopping link to the last earring set you suggested (the little ball stud and the one that shape like question mark ?) – the link directs to PAIGE NOVICK, but I do not see the earrings to purchase)
thank you – love your site.
Tiens, moi aussi je le fais depuis longtemps. Et comme c’est souvent des plumes (gigantesques), il y a toujours des gens pour s’imaginer que l’une s’est envolée. Et c’est pas totalement faux : des fois, j’ai une plume qui prend son envol …