Mmmmm…. moi j’aurais préféré si ç’avait été une combi avec un short… Je ne suis pas très fans des jupes/robes archi courtes, même si la fille qui les porte a des jolies jambes.
I agree with you… the city I am not a fan of anyone over 19 wearing short shorts or short dresses
I think those are best left to the beach or for a private party…..I like the mystery of not seeing so much flesh in an urban environment…..specially since not all girls can carry off showing so much skin
This to me is the quintessential summer dress. Crisp, easy, chic. She looks so lovely. But I can’t find that little dress Anywhere! Cindy – are you sure, it’s J Crew? Can we get an update? You would positively make my day :)
Ahhhh the bun!! As you know, in my past hair life I was totally a top knot girl. But there is something about the low chignon that I also really love....
Years before I ever realized that I would actually end up working for her, Garance was my introduction to a certain kind of fashion. At the time, she...
Until recently, I was a hard-core bronzer fanatic, it was my hero product in my beauty routine since high school. I tried every version under the sun...
she looks so stunning!
Lovely style!!! <3
Love the colors white and camel!
Le monde des petites
So chic!!! I love her sandals!
Passa a trovarmi VeryFP
I need this dress! Anyone know the whose it is? I can’t place it…
I believe it’s J.Crew!
Très jolie
I have wanted that Elsa Peretti Bone cuff for eons. Looks so great with the dress!
She looks great- perfect for summer! Does anybody know where that dress is from?
love her style! she’s so pretty
Gorgeous! What are those sandals? Love them!
So chic !
I always find the greatness of being simple, but also have the “something-something” you feel me?!
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Très jolie tenue, j’adore les sandales, elles sont magnifiques!
Mmmmm…. moi j’aurais préféré si ç’avait été une combi avec un short… Je ne suis pas très fans des jupes/robes archi courtes, même si la fille qui les porte a des jolies jambes.
I agree with you… the city I am not a fan of anyone over 19 wearing short shorts or short dresses
I think those are best left to the beach or for a private party…..I like the mystery of not seeing so much flesh in an urban environment…..specially since not all girls can carry off showing so much skin
Un vrai look d’été, tu es sublime ^^
She looks a amazing. I have got a massive crush on Miranda’s sandals. Cx
She’s gorgeous!
Love her sandals!!
XOX, Gap.
She has the perfect style!
Ah les petites robes blanches qui fleurissent un peu partout, elles sont top ;-)
Ces chaussures!!!!! OU ets ce que ca se trouve??!!
Gosh, i love her Céline sandals soooo much ! They are perfect with a LWD and her Tiffany’s cuff.
Such a perfect summer outfit! X
She looks beautiful! Where is that dress from? It’s the perfect length for tiny girls like me!
Un style simple, mais une allure terriblement classe !
Bises ,Marine
This to me is the quintessential summer dress. Crisp, easy, chic. She looks so lovely. But I can’t find that little dress Anywhere! Cindy – are you sure, it’s J Crew? Can we get an update? You would positively make my day :)
Ok, I need those shoes immediately.
This look is very chic and feminine. And the sandals are perfect
LOve the skirt. I kind of wish she was wearing different shoes. Maybe flats. Love the simplicity and the short length.
S’il te plaît, dites moi où es qu’on peut trouver ces chaussures!!! Merci dès Madrid!
I need this dress!! Already have the cuff. I tried Jcrew’s website with no luck. Any other ideas?
LOVE this dress !!! can you please tell us where from ??