Now we want to know more about Lauren. Who is she? Where does her necklace come from? What does she do in life that seems to make her so happy and quietly confident and pull off the colour orange so well?
she has beautifully styled her outfit – those boots and necklace – I don’t think I could make it work but she totally does it. love her fun and easy haircut too.
I really love the mood of the picture! It’s really nostalgic and dreamy! And so is our Roaring 20s party! You are also invited! Let’s reinvent together the roaring 20s!
Is it Zulu? (from the Natal region of South Africa). Traditionally the different colours had meanings, so the necklaces could carry messages. It is lovely to see such a necklace incorporated in such a modern outfit. A very joyful picture
this reminds me of the streetstyle you used to put up that made me so enamored of your blog- an image without too much explanation and no mention of who/what/when. Just a photo to inspire and reset your thinking to a world unlike what surrounds you.
Ahhhh the bun!! As you know, in my past hair life I was totally a top knot girl. But there is something about the low chignon that I also really love....
Years before I ever realized that I would actually end up working for her, Garance was my introduction to a certain kind of fashion. At the time, she...
Until recently, I was a hard-core bronzer fanatic, it was my hero product in my beauty routine since high school. I tried every version under the sun...
What a beautiful girl.
She a real Emma Stone thing going on.
Love that gorgeous orange/coral dress she’s wearing. I always love that colour on blonds.
~Natasha Fatah~
J’adore son collier.
Très charmant. Belles couleurs et lumière. C’était où?
Now we want to know more about Lauren. Who is she? Where does her necklace come from? What does she do in life that seems to make her so happy and quietly confident and pull off the colour orange so well?
Wandering Minds fashion
Wouhhaa c’est quoi ce collier? Lauren, le petit rayon de soleil sur Paris aujourd’hui #tempsdemerde
elsa de
Fantastic outfit. The fit of the coral piece is perfect, and the industrial burlap bag – and the shoes – are a very fun and unexpected contrast.
x Peter @ http://low–
Pretty! And I love the way she stands!
//laughing// I wish she was waiting for me!
She reminds me a bit of Michelle Williams. It’s like she couldn’t even hurt a fly, such an innocent look.
The White Studio
Elle est rayonnante !!
Très jolie photo !
Just wow !
zara la chemise ? sinon zara l’ont faite :) … #YouLoveZARA_HEIN
trop jolies ces tâches de rousseur!!!
et ce collier…
I agree with Jennifer…she does look like Michelle Williams! Love that first shot:)
Awesome necklace. Nice pics. Cheers. :: Photography+Fashion+Rants
She looks really nice, so fresh and beautiful!
And the necklace is to die for :))))
Wow, indeed! Love the coral dress (great length) and the colorful beaded collar is fabulous. She reminds of a very young Kim Cattrall.
very pretty necklace
love the necklace!!!!
Love that necklace!
Son collier est superbe et sa tenue bien colorée comme j’aime :)
J’aime beaucoup sa robe orange!
Théa Unknown
Love the colour!
I love how effortless and breezy her look it. I also like that she’s re-purposing what might be boots from winter. Love it.
Love her outfit. What an amazing dress and great necklace!
Un visage doux et lumineux, une tenue éclatante : que de belles images sur ton site !
Je trouve le sac et les chaussures trop lourds pour cette belle robe ensoleillee.
Superbes bijoux et beau sourire.
Her necklace is AMAZING !!! Garance you need to tell us where it’s from :)
Is that a Masai necklace from Kenya?
I Loved it!
I’m posting looks from Los Angeles and summer accessories:
she is gorgeous!!! love the outfit!! great Photos Garance!!!
Beautiful! And the dress is simply gorgeous.
I love the colour – orange is just so energising!!!
So pretty! and I love it when people dare to use colour
LOVE the necklace greets from Amman
Such a great summer look. I want that necklace!
Elle a un style incroyable! :)
Ce collier avec toutes ses couleurs, j’adore, et ce corail, so trendy !
Belles couleurs pour un minois adorable !
La couleur de la robe et très jolie… c’est l
La couleur de la robe est très jolie… C’est la couleur de l’été…. et j’aime beaucoup le collier.
she has beautifully styled her outfit – those boots and necklace – I don’t think I could make it work but she totally does it. love her fun and easy haircut too.
Love her effortless style and your picture !!!
So beautiful – lovely photographs, as always x
the colours and the light are amazing. gives the right summer feeling! thanks
I really love the mood of the picture! It’s really nostalgic and dreamy! And so is our Roaring 20s party! You are also invited! Let’s reinvent together the roaring 20s!
she works for freepeople.
Is it Zulu? (from the Natal region of South Africa). Traditionally the different colours had meanings, so the necklaces could carry messages. It is lovely to see such a necklace incorporated in such a modern outfit. A very joyful picture
Love her orange dress , looks great on her
new outfit post
Orange!!! Love it and love the necklace,
it’s quite similar to the Chaquira Necklace handycraft by Guaymi Tribe in Panama.
She is so sweet. that colour necklaces really eye-catching
elle est très jolie !
j’aime beaucoup son sourire =) et sa robe ..
I love the colour combo of the shoes, bag and dress. And the blond hair tops it off! Love it!
beautiful lauren! looking perfectly cool and as sweet as a summer strawberry. she’s even better in real life..xx
this reminds me of the streetstyle you used to put up that made me so enamored of your blog- an image without too much explanation and no mention of who/what/when. Just a photo to inspire and reset your thinking to a world unlike what surrounds you.
orange color is beautiful for summer! If you like it, this DIY project with large leather pockets is for you
She is gorgeous! I love her outfit! x
Kate {Something Fabulous}
The necklace!!! Where from???
What a beautiful girl! I love her timid face, yet bold style…
J’adore la couleur de la robe
Belle photo, la fille au sourire lumineux. Bravo…………
That necklace is amazing… love it!
Visit the shiny new blog http://www.offdutychcic.ocm & let me know what you think of my latest post!
I love her hair… makes me want to chop mine! And her necklace is beautiful. I wonder where it’s from? x
Fresh and beautiful!
Love the first image. Lauren looks so carefree and cool but genuine at the same time.
A bit like Marilyn Monroe!! Where is her necklace from?
She’s quite lovely!