10 years ago by
I love heading to the studio in the morning. I walk, put my earphones on and listen to a podcast (do you know of any good ones?) cross my neighborhood, Washington Square Park and then Soho – and here I am.
What’s fun is that super often, a few minutes before getting there, I see my friend Laura – also on her way to work.
I’m always inspired by her outfits.
So, a second of inspiration, a big hello, and we’re back on our ways…
Click on the arrows to see more images…
Amazing style! I love the midi skirt with the StanSmith sneakers and the palazzo pants print!
the first pic is the best outfit! :)
I love this style, great pics!!
XOX, Gap.
Canon cette tenue!
Super style!
Le monde des petites
Les podcasts géniaux sont les émissions de France Culture :
Une vie une œuvre : sur un artiste, un politique, ça peut aller de Gainsbourg à Jean de la Fontaine.
Les interviews de Laure Adler sont bien aussi Hors CHamps.
Des gens inspirants quoi
I would love to walk to work!! I have to drive everywhere in south florida :(
Anyway, I love the second outfit. the top and the purse are awesome!!
Xo, Belen
A Hint of Life
Un super podcast: Si l’Amérique m’était contée sur France Inter :)
Le podcast de Ève Salvail aka DJ Evalicious, superbe DJ Québécoise, qui vit à NY d’ailleurs!
Il parait que tu vas venir nous voir au Québec bientôt pour le festival Mode et design? On est très happy!
Oh là là j’aime tout ! En plus elle est française aussi et habite à New York, ça serait super de faire une interview career avec elle !
Les podcasts d’Instantanés du monde!
où comment passer 20 minutes
à boire un thé avec un moine Tibétain dans son ermitage
ou essayer des robes avec Miss India
ou se perdre dans les ruelles de Zanzibar
des rencontres
de voyage
entre maison et studio
ça change
Wow, effortless style for days! She is beautiful!
Trop stylouuuuse Laura!!
She’s gorgeous and love these pics. Question for you Garance, what kind of lens do you use for these pics?
Ses tenues sont vraiment belle et pratiques! J’adore
La planète bleue de Yves Blanc
Pour les thématiques, les découvertes musicales et sa voix…
Always in the interest in careers, what work does Laura go to every morning?
Hi Garance – I also love my morning commute, cycle to the city, walk to my fave coffee shop for a takeaway coffee and granola and finally get the tram . I love listening to my favourite podcast Rich Roll who has a weekly podcast on health, wellbeing and general life coaching stuff with his wife Julie Piatt. Such a chilled out time in the morning.Jill xo
Son style est super, j’adore le premier look!
She has great style!!!
Passa a trovarmi VeryFP
Love her style….and that skirt !
Podcasts…..anything from Radio Nova : http://www.novaplanet.com they are brilliant and IMO the best radio station in the world if you like to discover new sounds
and also , anything from the BBC…..from nature podcasts to politics to jazz to classic , all the time , all day long…..brain food
I personally would be scared to walk around NY with my earphones on….get run over by a bike ?
…….those City Bikes are dangerous to pedestrians
My favourite thing to listen to is the Totally Laime podcast – it’s American, hosted by Elizabeth Laime with special guest stars each week who work in comedy and all kinds of creative industries. There are also two spin-off podcasts, which I also love – Totally Married (about relationships which Elizabeth does with her music producer husband, Andy Rosen) and Totally Mommy (about parenting). Really hilarious, honest and has a lot of heart. Check them out!
On va tous y passer sur France Inter c est drole, fin j adore…. Et puis ca te rappelera la France ????
Ce mélange de décontraction et d’élégance, j’adore!
Love Laura’s style! Those palazzo pants are fantastic.
xx, Kristi
Favorite podcast
Et bien j’aime aussi beaucoup les tenues de ta copine Laura :) Moi aussi, sur le chemin du travail le matin, je croise presque tout le temps les mêmes personnes, c’est sympa de voir les différentes tenues selon les jours, la météo, …
xo CarolineJ
Favorite podcasts:
-Snap Judgement: a great storytelling podcast
-RadioLab: also storytelling, but with a more investigative bent, often related to science
-99% Invisible: talks about things related to architecture and design in an interesting way
-Big Picture Science: an amazing podcast that delves into interesting science-related matters. They talk to experts and ask great questions (if you can’t tell, I love the science stuff).
Podcasts that will make you laugh (not sure if that is a good look when walking to work, but it works when I am driving to work (LA after all)):
You made it weird – with pete holmes
WTF – with Marc Maron
Doug loves Movies – with Doug Benson and guests
That is such a great post! It would be lovely if you could do more of these – people on their way to work and their daily outfits!
The best podcasts are Radiolab and This American Life! Very interesting stories, and great production on both
Elle est hyper belle et très classe parce qu’elle est hyper naturelle ! J’adore.
i love audio books and subscribe to audible. my current favorite is ‘the elephant whisperer’, it’s the personal memoir of a conservationist who accepts a troublesome herd of wild elephants. the story is compelling and the narrator’s voice is gorgeous.
Moi c’est pareil, je pars à pied, je traverse la couette, puis le palier et hop, je suis arrivée. Et souvent avant d’arriver je croise ma chaise de bureau, elle-même en route pour le travail. J’aime toujours ses tenues, du plaid en moumoute au vieux gilet troué que personne n’est censé voir. Mais on se connait bien, elle et moi.
I love this. I have the same experience when I am walking to work in soho. Whenever I run into a friend on my way it gives me this since of neighborhood that makes NYC really feel like home. I love that in such a big city small encounters with people happen all the time.
Simply Perfect!
When i look at her i can see her personality and i don’t see only cloth..that is being a woman!
J’aime beaucoup ce genre de chemises (2e image) – a rayures a col blanc – tres NY-style pour moi.
Ou peut-on les trouver?
Pour les podcasts,
France culture / une vie une oeuvre
Rebecca Manzoni dans Eclectic sur France Inter
Paul fait son cinema
Design matters avec Debbie Millman sur designobserver.com
I second Panos recommendation — WTF with Marc Maron. His interviews are in depth and fascinating with comedians, actors, musicians. You have to get past his long intros and grumpy style but they’re worth it. And I’m surprised no one’s mentioned Fresh Air with Terry Gross. I also download “NPR: All Songs Considered” podcast to catch up on new tunes somewhat outside the mainstream.
J’aime beaucoup le pantalon large, souple au bel imprime.
She looks great.
Podcast Si l amerique m était contée France Inter
Pop ect france inter
Les lives de morning becomes ecletic kcwr
Audio guide couleur 3
Tanger glasgow couleur 3
So simple and so chic. She looks great !
Favorite podcasts: This American Life, Radiolab, Fresh Air and Professor Blastoff! All very typical, but all the way fantastic.
J’habite à 1h 10 du travail en transport en commun, pas cool du tout.
Mais je n’ai aucun dress code, donc je suis libre de m’habiller comme je le veux même si pour le moment j’ai un look sac à patate.
Love the outfits and the photos!
I discovered this great podcast called The Moth on NPR recently . It features different people each time telling their true life stories in front of a live audience. It’s super interesting !
Podcasts: Even though I live in France, I couldn’t survive without my NPR podcasts:
Planet Money: economics made simple
Fresh Air: Terry Gross talks with people about a million interesting and timely topics
TED Radio Hour: Distillations of TED talks (I also subscribe to actual TED talks), to give you an idea about what’s 10 steps down the road.
This American Life: Unfailingly interesting stories about life.
Tes photos sont magnifiques.
Comme podcast, je te conseille le Masque et la Plume de France Inter et n’importe quelles emissions de Radio Nova.
Podcast suggestions:
BBC’s “Desert Island Discs”:
BBC’s Radio 4 “In our Time”:
Amazing style! I love midi skirt in combination with denim shirts, so chic!
Inspiration Point by Paula Fleur
C’est rafraîchissant de voir qu’elle porte le même sac (un peu défraîchi) sur les trois photos…
Love Laura’s effortless style. I feel like lately it’s been getting harder and harder to look good walking to work with NYC’s sweltering humidity. Makes me end up opting for the bus instead of walking even though I don’t live very far away from work.
? Gita @ mimiandchichi.com
Love her style, but mostly her bag. So much!! Can anyone ID it?
Check out Radiolab podcast. It’s brilliant.
she has really great style
Ça serait génial de faire un post career avec elle!
This American Life podcast is always really interesting. Also Ricky Gervais podcast always makes me laugh when walking down the street.
Definitely check out the Bookworm podcast on KCRW : http://www.kcrw.com/news-culture/shows/bookworm
I’m always getting great reading recommendations from the brilliant author interviews. http://www.theseventhsphinx.com/lifestyle/books/reading-perfume-eugenides-kincaid-skincare/
I think we are gravitating to less formal and uniform, to more chic smart work clothes. I love the first outfit. Thanks, Garance. That is outfit inspiration of the day!
I walk to work as well (takes around 30 min) and it is a lovely way to start the day!
What industry does Laura work in?
I am a lawyer and her outfits, while nice, would not pass for work wear any day of the week. It is always a big dilemma for me in summer about whether to walk to work in work-out gear and get changed into a suit at work (involves lots of planning and bringing clothes) or whether to walk to work wearing work clothes (due to the heat if I walk in wearing work clothes the clothes are much more summery – no sleeves or stockings etc)
Laura’s style is by far my favorite…..alongside Lolita Jacobs.
My podcasts i listen to while on an L.A. freeway, A Prairie Home Companion. http://prairiehome.publicradio.org/
they’re celebrating their 40th anniversary of being on the air. Its an old-time variety show that celebrates live performance. And The Moth Hour
http://themoth.org/. Live and true storytelling by sometimes famous and sometimes not famous people who must tell their interesting tale without notes.
Quelle délicieuse façon de prendre le chemin du travail! Et de trouver des sources d’inspiration!
She looks so effortless stylish, I love her look!
Elle a beaucoup de style en effet ! :)
J’adorerai aller au boulot à pied. Croiser des gens (même inconnu) et décrypter leur style m’amuse beaucoup ;) Mais c’est beaucoup trop loin (et e travaux) pour pouvoir le faire…
Bise !!
She has really nice, but also doable style. the birdy skirt is beautiful!
I love how natural and beautiful this woman looks. She looks so organic! http://madelienerose.com/
Yes!! Garance, I know so many great podcasts and listen to them on my commute to work as well.
Unmistakable Creative, After the Jump (by Grace Bonney), Life in the Woods, and of course my own, Our Style Stories!
Des copines qui ont un vrai style ..:) j’aime …oui des podcasts ou de la musique jazz ou reggae suivant la saison …A écouter le dernier album de Zara McFarlane ..superbe ! Bel été à Garance et toute l’équipe
You can listen my playlist with the DJ POD app : https://www.djpod.fr/joyana
Impossible pour moi de marcher avec les écouteurs dans les oreilles. J’ai besoin de voir, d’entendre, de sentir la vie, la ville, les gens autour de moi. Par contre, en train, voiture, tram, avion, j’écoute volontiers musique ou podcasts.
Bel après-midi
I love the first outfit especially (though they all look awesome), I’m always looking for more looks into which I can incorporate my chambray top.
As for podcasts, I particularly enjoy Freakonomics and Radiolab, but I also like Selected Shorts from PRI and Welcome to Night Vale.
<3 Katie
The Freakonomics Radio podcast is delightful, in my humble opinion! http://freakonomics.com/2014/07/03/a-better-way-to-eat-a-new-freakonomics-radio-podcast/
Pour tes podcasts, moi j’écoute France Inter tous les matins, y’en a pour toutes les humeurs; que tu veuilles rire ou apprendre des choses ! bisous Garance !
T trop helle mon lapin …????.. Love you so muvh!!??
I love all the How Stuff Works podcasts especially Stuff You Should Know and Stuff You Missed in History Class
J’écoute les podcasts de France Culture, notamment
Le secret des sources sur le journalisme et la fabrication de l’information. Je te le recommande! Ils parlent beaucoup de l’impact des réseaux sociaux sur le métier
Concordances des temps qui rapproche un fait historique avec un évènement contemporain
Planète terre sur la géographie
I like her style natural and in
The style is so trendy! Sporty and feminine!
Yes, Ruch Roll is the best! I listen to his podcast on my walk to work as well.
What an effortlessly chic look! I enjoy listening to Timothy Keller’s Podcasts.Very geared towards New Yorkers: Intellectual, Relevant and Proactive!
Je te conseille le Gai savoir, le podcast de philo de Raphaël Enthoven sur France Culture :
C’est très accessible, ça permet de se remettre dans le bain de la philo même si on n’y a pas touché depuis la terminale…
Waa je suis une méga fan de podcasts! Ça crée de l’espace et ça alimente mon esprit quand je fais la vaisselle et d’autres trucs un peu ‘plates’ comme on dit ici.
Une “mini” liste (sans parler de This american life et The Moth)
http://www.dharmaseed.org/talks/ (pas vraiment un podcast mais presque)
Love her style, she would inspire me if I passed her in the mornings on my way to work! love sojustnice.com
Les Podcasts de France Culture sont vraiment bien!
Loved all outfits casual but still pull together. As for podcasts there is this comediane by the name of Aisha Tyler that has a podcast called girl on guy. It’s amazing
So glad you asked about podcasts because I love to listen to them myself AND to suggest them to my friends… and you and I are friends, No? Here’s a list of what I (more of a science/history/book/film/style fan) listen to regularly… in no particular order.
StarTalk Radio – mostly physics but done for laymen.
Science Fantastic with Michio Kaku
Stuff you missed in History class
Fresh Air (an NPR interview show)
Hardcore History – superb show
This American Life
Snap Judgement
World Book Club
The Treatment – interviews with mostly film makers
The Great Detectives of Old Time Radio
Oh, and yeah, I dig what the girl is wearing.