
10 years ago by

But but but… a Coca-Cola sweatshirt!??

What is this? Trendy, ironic, cooler than cool or way too much?

Ok, first of all, I have to tell you: I’m a fan of sweatshirts. I wear them pretty often, and right now I even prefer to them to wool sweaters. I like the way they look, I like their cool side, and my favorite is by Isabel Marant for H&M. I put it on every time it comes out of the machine, and I wear it until it’s time to wash it again (we all have clothes like that, right?) I like really simple sweatshirts, but I also like ones with inscriptions — preferably vintage, even though I’ve also seen some new ones that caught my eye…

But…a Coke sweatshirt, really? Where did that come from?

Well, I really don’t know. I mean, I know! I know where the idea came from — it’s from the amazing Marc Jacobs collection that came out this summer, and frankly I want to buy it all — even the sweatshirt with the reclaimed Coca-Cola logo on it.
The thing is, if it’s Marc, we all know it’s ironic — he’s making it his own, making a statement about our society. That’s what he’s always done, and I love him for it.
Seeing his show really makes you understand his vision. It was like the girls had come out of a storm, wearing whatever they had found in the wreckage… It was sad and poetic and beautiful.

Marc Jacobs Spring 2014 Photo

But this sweatshirt isn’t Marc’s. It’s from Topshop. I don’t doubt they were inspired by the idea and decided to take it even further. Keisha was wearing it the other day at the Studio, and I thought it was a really fun piece. A little ironic, a little iconic. You know what — I actually think I like it.

What do you think?

Translated by Andrea Perdue.


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  • Bien que ce ne soit pas le vêtement le plus féminin, j’adore les sweats, mes deux préférés étant un Isabel Marant et un Team Paris de MISBHVE. Je trouve qu’ils sont parfaits lorsqu’on ajoute une touche féminine (un joli bun comme sur la photo) ou de jolis escarpins. En plus ils sont super chauds pour l’hiver!

  • i love sweats but not brands so… it’s a no for me, sorry! :)

  • Caroline Mt April, 1 2014, 9:14 / Reply

    Autant le porter à défaut de le boire!!
    Moi je cherche une bouteille de Coca à mon prénom pour en faire un vase : trop pop!

  • I really like it! I think it goes hand in hand with the whole street wear we have been seeing of late. Running shoes, sweatpants, sweatshirts…they are everywhere. I like this trend because it is easy and oh so comfortable. However, you still feel stylish. It is kind of the best of both worlds. I’d like to get an oversized sweatshirt tshirt for summer.
    Thanks for the inspiration!

    Quinn Cooper Style

  • I love fashion sweaters too. Love the Givenchy Bambi scuba one, but my favorite in this moment is from No. 21, scuba with a palm picture in the front and lace in the backside! Honestly, however, I find that 1.380 € for the Marc’s is a bit too much!! (Even if sequined)


  • Samantha April, 1 2014, 2:18

    Yes pricey for a sweatshirt! Maybe that’s the ironic part? ;o)

  • I love the first photo, is amazing!

    -MR ÀLEX BURCH blog-

  • Andrea April, 1 2014, 9:52 / Reply

    I think it’s retro-cool. Coca cola sweatshirts were all the rage when I was in in high school in the early 80s. Not as well known as leg Warner’s and members only jackets but I remember them.

  • Andrea April, 1 2014, 9:53 / Reply

    Sorry – that’s leg warmerss

  • Carrément iconic. J’en veux un !
    (sweater addict aussi…)

  • Love sweatshirts! You’re so right! They do have a real cool factor to it!


  • I love it! Topshop, huh? Um… this weekend I’ll be in London… Should I pay a visit to Topshop?

    By the way, Keisha has amazing eye lashes!! Envy!!!!


  • La couleur le rend assez chic je trouve. J’en avais un, à l’époque, rouge coca. C’était pas aussi seyant!

  • I love these cool sweatshirts and the first photo is amazing!

  • Lovely picts but I disagree Coca Cola company. In Spain is doing things badly… sorry

  • The sweater looks so great. I love it! Unfortunately the sweater weather is over;)

  • I love Coca-Cola and I like this sweatshirt.

  • I have a coca cola tank that I adore, but I also love it bc I am from the South and it’s a Southern brand. Southern women are really into Coke stuff like all older women keep Coke collectables and stuff lol.

  • I’m southern and drink Coke, as do most southern women if they aren’t drinking ‘sweet tea,’ but I don’t want to wear the logo.

  • je suis totalement fan des sweats bien coupés dans lesquels on passe la journée avec (et presque la nuit…)
    ce retour aux année 80 entre les sweats, les jeans déchirés et les slippers, j’adhère carrément!
    trop cool à 30 ans de pouvoir se la jouer comme une ado (attardée lol)

  • Very pretty, I love it. And sweatshirts?? Yes, but worn in a very feminime way. xo hanneke

    Check out my personal style blog on

  • I really like the cut of the sweatshirt in that photo, but the coke logo would make me feel like a walking advertisement:)

  • I love this sweatshirt!!!
    Passa a trovarmi VeryFP

  • I think it is perfect!!! I love it!

  • Coke sweatshirt is all good with me. I think it’s all about how you style it. Even better that it’s from Topshop because that means I can probably actually afford it :D

    Keep in touch with me on Bloglovin

  • Ahahah, le sweat a prendre au second degrés, si on me l’offre je le porterais, mais je ne l’achèterai pas.


  • Would you wear clothing with an EXXON or Haliburton logo if Marc Jacobs made it?
    My opinion is that you should choose your logos carefully, the way you choose your political party. You are a walking billboard for a huge multi-national company who is laughing all the way to the bank and you’re giving them free advertising space on your body. We treat this too casually now. Ironic? yes.

  • I agree. Totally. I know, I know it’s “fashion” but I could no more wear a sweatshirt advertising a product that is so bad for your health… think diabetes…than I could wear one advertising Monsanto. Ugh. Coke is not cool.

  • Well said!

  • I agree with you completely on this. I am not doing free advertisement for something that is not healthy.

  • Kathleen April, 1 2014, 2:44

    Right on Paula. You nailed it! I wouldn’t wear a logo if you PAID me, and I sure wouldn’t PAY a corporation to promote their brands on my body. I prefer my own identity and personality, thank you very much. This kind of thing is a particularly thoughtless kind of consumption in my view.

  • Amélie April, 1 2014, 3:14

    Ooouf, yes!!! I agree COMPLETELY!!

  • Well said, I agree completely!

  • Va falloir se faire l’œil les filles car le sweat débarque en force en 2014!!!!! On va pouvoir s’amuser pour les mix de nos fringues! Je me réjouis déjà je guette LE parfait sweat!

  • Sinivali April, 1 2014, 12:12 / Reply

    Moi, je ne suis pas d’accord pour porter dela pub sur ma poitrine sans être payée pour, que ce soit CocaCola, Guess ou Nike….

  • Honestly… I am a little torn.. I like the “wave” but the sign is just.. to much.


  • Je ne pourrais pas…Ce n’est pas chez vous qu’on lutte contre l’obésité?

  • Okay, but after, can we talk about those lashes? so pretty!

    I love that sweatshirt, but I think the real truth is I love anything that IS a sweatshirt! And the irony in this is superb!


  • Cute designs but I’m not sure I’d want to advertise some of the brands!

  • Laurianeiris April, 1 2014, 12:41 / Reply

    Moi j’ai deux t-shirt mixte avec Coca dessus et je suis fan mais c’est toujours un point de vue… mais moi J’ADORE…..

  • April Fools! Just no.

  • j’aime aussi les sweaters…pff je craque par le premier….en burgundy c’est super !!!… mais avec un autre message ou dessin en blanc :)

  • a massive NO NO NO!!!

    Sandra from

  • Why be a walking billboard for a big corporation? For this and many other things. Big designer labels. It’s absurd, and not necessarily in a good way.

  • ainhoa April, 1 2014, 1:03 / Reply

    j’aime les French Disorder que Missblablabla m’a fait découvrir l’été dernier :)

  • Caroline April, 1 2014, 1:23 / Reply

    I agree with some of the comments, why carry a major corporation’s logo?
    Plus, logos and messages age really quickly; You’ll look at your sweater or whatever in 5 years’ time with embarrassment…

  • Branding? It’s up to the wearer. It’s a free country. But classic sweatshirts are cool! I just bought an old school solid navy Hanes sweatshirt at the corner store for $9.99 over the weekend and I LOVE IT! oldschool is newandcool.

  • Another twist on normcore? (Faux normcore?)

  • Ce sweat est super cool je trouve, j’aime beaucoup la coupe en plus !


  • Roberta April, 1 2014, 2:12 / Reply

    J’aime bien quand la mode est second degré, ça rappelle à quel point il est important de ne pas se prendre au sérieux! Bon, la couleur du pull est canon! Et la fille! La fille! SUBLIME! A chaque post avec elle, je craque complètement! Hahaha. Un Beauty Minut/routine avec Keisha, ce serait si biiiien!

  • Not ‘reclaimed’, Garance; you mean ‘appropriated’. It’s not the same thing at all (especially when it comes to art, fashion, advertising and copyright law). MJ et al would’ve paid for the use of that Coke ‘swirl’, as it’s protected by countless legal restrictions. Which is good to know, just in case there’s something you might want to ‘appropriate’ yourself one day ;)

  • Jane with the noisy terrier April, 1 2014, 2:36 / Reply

    As I write this, I’m still in SC and wearing a navy blue sweatshirt with “Y’ALL” emblazoned in white in Yale’s font. If someone mistakenly takes me for an Ivy Leaguer, okay!

  • J’adore tellement les sweats que j’ai décidé d’en créer dans une collection capsule !!! Tout doux, tout bio … Peut-être qu’ils te plairont si tu as une minute pour aller les voir ! ;-)
    Par contre celui de Topshop, mouais, pas trop !

  • Amélie April, 1 2014, 3:13 / Reply

    No, no, no. I’m sorry, no. I don’t care if it’s Marc Jacobs, TopShop. or YSL. I don’t do corporate logos. I do not provide free advertising; I am not a billboard. Non.

  • I think it’s awesome! But I do have my limits when it comes to this trend. The whole oscine McDonalds trend is one bridge too far if you ask me…xx

  • J’aime les sweat oversized mais sans logo.

  • i approve of this design!
    find some great vintage sweatshirts on my shop :)

  • I love – I want to work somewhere that I can wear this to meetings!

  • I love it!!!

  • How ironic, just had been looking at this top the other day and trying to decide if I liked it or not

  • Hate Logos…Love Sweatshirts…they’re cozy when you want it — but not too hot when you don’t. You can work in them, shove up their sleeves (and not worry about stretching them out), Haul gear in them and eat french fries and burger in them…they rule.

  • Savannah April, 1 2014, 11:26 / Reply

    C’est marrant ce débat sur les marques de consommation courante mises en avant par de grandes maisons, cela me rappelle la surprise généraledevant le show Moschino.

    Pour moi c’est juste de la pop culture, tout comme Warhol le faisait. Rien de plus.
    Les gens affichaient avant les groupes de musique qu’ils écoutaient, maintenant ils affichent les marques qu’ils apprécient. Mais au delà de la marque c’est surtout ses valeurs et l’esthétisme des logos qui sont mis en avant.

    Coca a toujours promulgué des valeurs de joie, de partage de fun.
    J’ai moi même un t-shirt Starbucks et dès que je le porte les gens sont amusés.
    C’est prendre l’initiative de montrer son gout pour une enseigne. Mais après tout c’est déjà ce qui se fait avec Nike ou Adidas ou dans d’autres mesures le sweat Kenzo, non?

    De nous jours, dans le marketing on ne segmente plus uniquement les gens par leurs gouts alimentaires, musicaux, littéraires mais par les marques qu’ils consomment. Dites moi quelles marques tu consommes, je te dirai qui tu es!

    Alors, c’est juste une approche fun de marques qu’on apprécie.
    Certain y verront de la publicité gratuite, le consumérisme poussé à son paroxysme, je pense qu’il faut y voir du fun. Le rouge d’un t-shirt Coca est tellement emblématique!

    Voyons cela avec ironie!
    Pour ma part, J’adore arriver avec mon t-shirt Starbucks au Coffee Bean, ca ne laisse pas les gens indifférents!!

  • We also know this is a joke about drugs, right?

  • Ai-Ch'ng April, 2 2014, 12:47 / Reply

    It’s not even free advertising, because I have to take money out of my pocket to wear it and advertise something that – in any amount – is just BAD for health… Coke is getting me to pay for THEIR advertising? No thanks.

    So although I love wearing proper vintage sweats, in this case – for me – no: just “No”.

  • Alison April, 2 2014, 3:31 / Reply

    Weirdly, Coke tastes like what I imagine rust to taste like. I’ve never been a fan. The irony is definitely reserved solely for Marc Jacobs who is profiteering off the status obsessed. Really? Wearing an advertisement for the Coca-Cola Company? Akin to wearing an expensive shirt with Monsanto emblazoned on it. This is not intelligent fashion. In fact it’s not fashion at all. It’s an ugly unfashionable grab … tasteless. Sorry to sound so curt, but to me it represents what is wrong with the world.

  • I think it looks awesome. I love the normcore trend of laid back dressing, and this with some beaten up sneakers and jeans would be perfection.

  • Bernadette April, 2 2014, 4:46 / Reply

    I like sweatshirts, but no logos, please.
    By the way: What’s up with those ladies who “wear” all this McDonalds stuff??? It doesn’t look iconic, just silly.

  • jeanne April, 2 2014, 5:04 / Reply

    talking about coke… cette lettre ouverte d’une blogueuse berlinoise à ses amis cocaïnomanes a fait parler d’elle ces dernières semaines :

  • Merci Jeanne de remettre les choses en perspective. Nous ne sommes pas obligées de devenir les porte-flingues/fringues de designers en mal d’inspiration et qui pondent de la daube qu’ils trouvent certainement géniale entre eux. Nous avons un cerveau, utilisons-le :)

  • Bernadette April, 2 2014, 5:17 / Reply

    Do you remember the 80es “enjoy Cocaine” logo? With the Coke swirl and all? That was ironic…

  • I actually think it’s a fashionable shirt! it’s like the ninetees all over again but with a doze of posh! I think I’ve even seen some fashionistas wearing someting like that for some fashion shows in Paris, London and NYC! So why not? Wearing this type of logo sweater, you can always say you’re prepared for a run, or a show!

  • Nicola April, 2 2014, 8:06 / Reply

    Looking at the picture it looks cool and as a fashion picture or in a fashion show it is cool,but I think it depends on who is wearing it, like so many clothes in the real world unless worn by a person whose personal style can carry it off, it would just look like someone wearing a Coca Cola sweatshirt.

  • Je dirais “Femme Sandwich” non ?

  • Pas mal du tout ! Mais cela reste difficile à porter, ne correspond pas à toutes les morphologies.

  • When I was a manager at a big department store in the late ’80s we sold Coca-Cola clothing, and it looked like this. Nothing is ever original, is it? I’m sure the stuff we sold was at a much lower price point than Marc Jacobs. Alas, most of it ended up in the clearance bin!

  • Love this Coca-cola sweatshirt

  • POP POP POP du déjà-vu mais un joli bordeau, du coup, j’adhère :-)

  • I worked as a photographer at the World of Coca-Cola museum last summer. As you can imagine, I happily ended up with quite a few Coca-Cola t-shirts and sweatshirts. Based off of your comment, “But but but… a Coca-Cola sweatshirt!??,” I think you must be on #teampepsi Garance ;)

  • Jessica April, 2 2014, 10:01 / Reply

    Playful, but not in any way ironic. Those sweatshirts are like wearing Mickey ears outside of disneyland. You aren’t subverting them, you aren’t using them against meaning, you are just being cute and playful by wearing them.

    Same thing here. Coke would never object to this sweatshirt. It does not go against the meaning or associations of coke to wear this sweatshirt. It’s a young, healthy person and a coke logo. As it always has been.

    So, yeah, it’s playful. On the other hand, if I were (still?) a young beautiful woman i wouldn’t want to be a shill for any brand other than my own personality/reality/self.

  • Je ne sais pas bien si j’aime ou pas… trop pub pour moi à vrai dire ? mais la couleur est tellement belle…
    par contre, UNE QUESTION : comment fait cette fille pour avoir des cheveux aussi brillants !! :-) je VEUX son secret !!! :-)
    Bonne journée Garance!
    (NB : je suis justement à Londres pour 3 jours. mine de rien, ça m’a encore plus donné envie d’aller faire une descente chez Topshop : comme quoi je ne déteste pas… ;-))

  • Izabela April, 3 2014, 7:09 / Reply

    Paula, how true…people would wear anything without thinking. Well, we see plenty of people on the streets wearing t-s with che guevara and it looks like they are proud of it, maybe one day we will see other heroes of the history on some t-shirts too.
    It’s so annoying because at the same time many would love to find anything but logo. Even my favourite striped petite bateau t-shirts for kids got small logo this year:(
    Coke means nothing better than Marlboro to me (even if I drink it once or twice a year).

  • Pourquoi faire un procès à Jeremy Scott et pas à Marc Jackobs?
    Moi j’adore ce détournement ironique des iconiques!

  • Coy Kretschmer April, 10 2014, 11:00 / Reply

    Honestly, I love each and everything about the dress. The colour, the pattern, the texture, the design and the fabric all come together to give the dress that elegant and romantic appeal.

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