J’adore absolument, cette classe “naturelle” !
J’adore totalement son sac aussi, quelqu’un saurait de quel marque est-il ? =)
Merci Garance c’est super !
J’adore ses lunettes papillons , et la manière dont elle porte sa veste (comme tu souhaitais la portée ) vraiment ses une super photo , je trouve que d’années en années tu affirme ton style au niveau de la photographie mais je pense que tu le sais déjà car de plus en plus de projet mode te sont confiés
Bisou Garance bonne journée <3
Beautiful! I love Palm Springs.
Garance, Check out Korakia Pensione. It is the absolute, perfect hidden spot to stay. I will be there for my birthday next month.
le flouté apporte une touche de brume matinale fort belle…
mais comment fais-tu ?
je veux dire, aimerais-tu partager avec nous quelques uns de tes “trucs” photographiques ou est-ce top secret ;) ?
bizz & bon week end !!
If only I could roll out of bed in the morning and put myself together like that! So elegant and beautiful!
Garance as always I love your pictures and your take on life!
Garance, I really love your photos!!! And this is absolutely dreamy! I can imagine another era, another time – a very stylish lady having a coffee (with her lovely bag!), like from time tunnel…
Thanks for the dream!
Oops! j’ai cru voir Carla! Superbe cliché Garance. Et pour la dame l’Allure avec un grand A! La vraie, celle qui est innée! Celle qui n’a pas besoin d’artifice, celle que nous aimerions toutes avoir…
Love this black & white photograph, makes it more mysterious. The look: sunglasses + sweater + coat hanging over shoulders + bag + ring + hair = lady-like conservative BUT then she added that spiked bracelet. NOW, it’ s more interesting. :) Nice touch…and boy I need my morning espresso! Yummy. ?
so european! the cafe, the expresso… the jacket over the shoulders…
but is it dated? 20th century look?
visit the salon of rights: http://theskyofstars.blogspot.com/
Magique Garance… la lumière, les lunettes, la beauté du modèle… tout évoque l’Italie.
C’est une photo superbe. Si tu en fais des tirages, je suis preneuse pour en décorer mon mur ;)
veste sur épaules PLUS café PLUS air-dégagé-regard-lointain : définitivement, la classe, c’est inné je crois!
(j’aime bcp le traitement de la photo, surtout)
Ahhhh the bun!! As you know, in my past hair life I was totally a top knot girl. But there is something about the low chignon that I also really love....
Years before I ever realized that I would actually end up working for her, Garance was my introduction to a certain kind of fashion. At the time, she...
Until recently, I was a hard-core bronzer fanatic, it was my hero product in my beauty routine since high school. I tried every version under the sun...
Bon sang quelle classe ! et j’adore sa tenue……. Merci Garance pour ce cliché magnifique !
Des bisous !
wow!!! this photo is stunning!!!!
xoxo from rome
(i’m having my coffee right now ;)
Nice one! Very fancy :P
Coffee never looked so good.
Maybe I can pull something together this morning. Thanks for the inspiration!
Wow this picture is so amazing and typically Italian, I absolutely love it!
Superbe photo! Son sac et son manteau sont d’une élégance… j’adore!
Le café et l’attitude, Nespresso pourrait s’en inspirer =)
All sweet, all the time! Santé Grance, merci pour la belle photo!
J’adore absolument, cette classe “naturelle” !
J’adore totalement son sac aussi, quelqu’un saurait de quel marque est-il ? =)
Merci Garance c’est super !
Love the jacket over her shoulders and the beautiful sunglasses!
*Garance, oups!
Absolutely gorgeous. Amazing shot. So full of elegance and style. Well done!
Mmmm, j’adore le caffè! caffè noir, caffè au lait. capuccino… et cette photo ce très jolie! A really glamourous breakfast! :)
Beautiful photo. Love it. How do you achieve the fogginess on the left side? morning light? Lightroom? PS? Inquiring minds want to know:-)
Les lunettes … ?
Et l’allure ! ?
Bref, photo parfaite, encore !
i love the sheer white in the foreground– the fuzziness and that teacup is gorgeous!
Beautiful picture. I love her prada glasses !
Cette photo est sublime…
Elle me fait penser aux photos de stras italiennes de l’époque…
Sublime… j’ADORE!!! ;D
NEW IN: http://magmoiselle.fr
What else ?
J’adore ses lunettes papillons , et la manière dont elle porte sa veste (comme tu souhaitais la portée ) vraiment ses une super photo , je trouve que d’années en années tu affirme ton style au niveau de la photographie mais je pense que tu le sais déjà car de plus en plus de projet mode te sont confiés
Bisou Garance bonne journée <3
Garance j’ai oublié un truc , c’est la cordillère des andes sur la photo (twitpic ) ?
Mon dieu ! Cette classe !
alors le café, meilleur accessoire que la clope, niveau coolitude?
très belle photo!
That is a beautiful picture, so captivating.
J’aime beaucoup cette ambiance… vraiment belle
photo absolument superbe. Bravo Garance !
Beautiful! I love Palm Springs.
Garance, Check out Korakia Pensione. It is the absolute, perfect hidden spot to stay. I will be there for my birthday next month.
belle photo en noir et blanc.
Classe et fausse simplicité; tout est très bien étudié et coordonné, pas de fausse note.
Leçon de style !
Molto italiano (and very chic!)
? Ylenia
from longuette
so chic in line for coffee! love the cat eyes + poncho
Gorgeous picture!
Hmmm….. feel like having some coffee too.
Tres belle photo, qui rend honneur a la beaute du sujet
It’s not omly that she is a very elegant figure she also takes her coffee in such a chic way!!!great photo! <3
her sunglasses are so vintage btw ;)
This picture made my morning, thank you Garance. Everything about this is scene is gorgeous..and makes me miss Europe!
elle a quelque chose de bruni, croyez pas?
very nice capture! one of the highlights of living in Milan is my daily cappucio (that’s how Italians abbreviate cappucino:)
tellement chic !
Your photos are always stunning!!
This woman’s cheekbones make me sweat…amazing
le flouté apporte une touche de brume matinale fort belle…
mais comment fais-tu ?
je veux dire, aimerais-tu partager avec nous quelques uns de tes “trucs” photographiques ou est-ce top secret ;) ?
bizz & bon week end !!
je pense que le sac est un TL180 …
If only I could roll out of bed in the morning and put myself together like that! So elegant and beautiful!
Garance as always I love your pictures and your take on life!
Que bellisima donna :) Sauriez-vous d’où provient le sac svp j’en cherche un de ce modèle!
I’m so in love with this photo and the tone.. and the girl.. and the coffee.. and the vibe it brings.. everything about it is lovable!!
The Picnic Girl
Garance, I really love your photos!!! And this is absolutely dreamy! I can imagine another era, another time – a very stylish lady having a coffee (with her lovely bag!), like from time tunnel…
Thanks for the dream!
Chic :)
That picture makes me want to go back to Italy and get an espresso! Beautiful!
At first glance, I thought it was Carla Bruni! This looks like a still from an Italian movie from the 1950’s. Love it.
So Chic! Love that her cuff adds a bit of edge to her look!
I miss my morning, mid morning, lunch, afternoon, mid afternoon, early evening…late evening espresso when I lived in Rome!!!
those Italianos are truly caffeine-addicted.
SO STYLISH. What city is this? I’ll be living in Rome for 4 months, and can’t wait for the coffee!
Quelle classe!!!
So classy and elegant!! Lovely photo!
i wish desperately that i looked THAT fabulously beautiful while downing caffeine in the morning.
? those cat eye shades!!
I love it
I’m your follower. :=)
Your blog is amazing!!!!
I hope you will follow me http://www.welovefur.blogspot.com
with love
ooh love the studded cuff!
what cheek bones!!
Très classe ;-)
Oops! j’ai cru voir Carla! Superbe cliché Garance. Et pour la dame l’Allure avec un grand A! La vraie, celle qui est innée! Celle qui n’a pas besoin d’artifice, celle que nous aimerions toutes avoir…
i think it´s giorgia tordini…real beauty!
Pourquoi les italiennes ont ce truc en plus ???
Trop chic !!!
she is so understated yet chic. i love the look.
Love this black & white photograph, makes it more mysterious. The look: sunglasses + sweater + coat hanging over shoulders + bag + ring + hair = lady-like conservative BUT then she added that spiked bracelet. NOW, it’ s more interesting. :) Nice touch…and boy I need my morning espresso! Yummy. ?
Express Our Branches
Nourish Our Roots
Wow..j’ai presque cru que c’etait Carla (Bruni-Sarko) et puis non… beautiful shot Garance, you make everything look so stunning!
Such a lovely photo!
Très belle photo ! Joli modèle !
Sarah So Trendy
Coffee and fashion equals AMOR!
so chic!!!
Very calming picture. I love her bracelet and sunglasses. Ohhh I wish to be there
Ehéh!! Ca donne envie!!
Et Palm Springs c’est comment ? :)
Je VEUX la collection ENTIERE Jil Sander Printemps/Eté 2011 ! Tes shoots sont sublimes!
I sometimes go to bed looking forward to my morning cup of heaven.
So pretty!!
I featured you in my blog, hope you will stop by :)
Ca me donne envie d’aller me boire un p’tit café au Saint Eustache à Rome…Sinon quelle classe cette fille…
Palm Springs??? Rhoooo … rien que le nom ça le fait! J’espère que tu feras des tas de photos de cet endroit! ça doit être top! :D
La bise et bon week end!
P.S/ Cool les photos twitter qui apparaissent sur ton blog !!! :))
yes please!
I love her studded cuff. Such a great photo!
Happy weekend,
I loveee this photo! She looks amazing!
so european! the cafe, the expresso… the jacket over the shoulders…
but is it dated? 20th century look?
visit the salon of rights:
this is SO beautiful
january, x
Un p’tit air de Carla Bruni… Avant lifting.
this picture is superb, simply perfect. it is stunning on so many levels; cinematic and realistic. i am in love.
Looking chic drinking coffee! So cool!
À quelques détails près on se croirait dans un film d’antonioni des années 60 :)
Even in black & white photography, that handbag is absolutely beautiful!
love her sunnies! so chic.. <3
Simply stunning!
wow! what a beautiful shot. just like in the movies.
beautiful photo Garance! I need those sunglasses and that cuff.
the black&white effect in this photo is perfect, congrats! <3
Magique Garance… la lumière, les lunettes, la beauté du modèle… tout évoque l’Italie.
C’est une photo superbe. Si tu en fais des tirages, je suis preneuse pour en décorer mon mur ;)
veste sur épaules PLUS café PLUS air-dégagé-regard-lointain : définitivement, la classe, c’est inné je crois!
(j’aime bcp le traitement de la photo, surtout)
Giorgia Tordini AMAZING girl.
Elle ressemble à
Carla Bruni, non?
The perfect way to start every day – indulgent coffee and a great handbag!
I’m ready to go – thank you for the smile to start my morning!
Funny, I have the same sunglasses, and my hair is the same color and lenght as hers but I would never look so put together even if I try a lot.
Très belle photo !
from the back the man beside her could be mistaken for Michael Stipe. Like how half the photo is washed out by the early morning sun perhaps
Magnifique : exactement moi quand je prends un café (bon, pas exactement exactement)
Comme d’hab joli cliché. Cette femme a un classe folle !
this is such a great picture! I love it!
Oh my, Oh my Oh my!!!!
How can someone be this classy?
[and how can someone SPOT such classiness! =)]
Très, très chic !
Le café, véritable accessoire glamour finalement…
I love the look. A great monochrome image.
~ V
Quelle classe !!!!
I LOVE IT! very classic.
and the way you present it…adds to the luxe.
Quelle classe !
C’est la vrai image de “La Dolce vita”!!
Felicitations Garance!! J’adore la classe de ton blog.
Beautiful photo. Makes me want some coffee.
– Meredith
c’est belle!
wow.. stunning picture! Loving the black & white effect, really fab.
très très chique
that’s how one should drink coffee – totally graceful :)
So chic and glamorous – the most divine combination.
So chic!!!
Beautiful!, just gorgeous