12 years ago by Garance Doré
Love this necklace by Shourouk, shot at Maryam Nassir Zadeh.
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C’est vraiment superbe. Les couleurs…
Interesting design, many things going on here!
I love gaudy necklaces like this! Especially when you pair it with something simple. :)
Love this! It’s like neon vintage glitzy tribal! All things in one!
J’étais dans la même promo que Shourouk au Studio Berçot, elle avait déjà beaucoup de talent et de personnalité. Talent qui s’est confirmé par la suite et qui ne se dément pas.
Cela me fait penser à un dessert à la fraise, à la rhubarbe et à la menthe fraîche que je mange en regardant le débat télévisé de deux grands orateurs…Avec un petit oeil sur Garance, pour me rafraîchir…Merci, c’est réussi!
Wow! Super cool!!!
I loved!
Kisses the Brazilian Girl… Karoll.
AH! I saw this necklace at Maryam Nassir Zadeh too!! I was in awe, it’s so beautiful!!!!
Loveee the neon combo with the stones.
j’aime le contraste des matières, le melange du strass en opposition au plastique…. bref le luxe face au brut. Merci Garance ce blog est d’une extreme richesse.
black quinqua from guadeloupe
Une jolie phrase.
De mon côté, je suis assez éclectique en bijoux.
Ce qui est certain, c’est que je les adore ! Ils complètent magnifiquement une tenue et l’ensoleillent.
En outre, si les bijoux deviennent un cadeau que l’on reçoit, alors c’est un must car ils ont alors une valeur sentimentale (et oui, je suis un peu fleur bleue)…
Très beau ce collier ! :)
This necklace is SO YOU, Garance. It is very luxurious and sophisticated, but also fun and playful and colorful – and sporty, even. I also love it.
x Peter @ http://low–couture.blogspot.com
I was eying up some Shourouk jewellery in Paris last week! So striking, love the combo of gliziness and neon!
Who doesn’t girl!
Great necklace!
I really want to get a neon necklace for this summer! Any tips? What looks best? Most wearable…for us office peeps? :)
~Natasha Fatah~
Large necklaces is so IN right now. Here is another large necklace made with silk I really love and received a lot of compliments on, very easy DIY project too http://bit.ly/HAqEZ7
je me suis acheter un bracelet et une bague shourouk le mois dernier, i am in loooooooove tres belle collection!
Un peu Bollywood <3
amazing necklace!! the colours are stunning.
Composition Two
So beautiful.
Please a picture of you with this kind of jewelry!!!
Raaaaaah je l’aime tellement moi aussi ce collier! Et tout ce que fait Shourouk d’ailleurs! C’est original, gai, je suis archi fan! Je vendrais père et mère pour le porter à mon cou (enfin presque!).
purée il est imposant mais sacrément beau et majestueux !
I prefer fun jewelry too, Garance. Really like the juxtaposition between the two colours, very beautiful.
Des scoubidous et des (faux?!) diamants, c’est dément !!!! Moi, j’dis vouiiiiiii !!!! Et le vert fluo c’est LA couleur qu’il nous faut !!!! Al’
Waouh! Waouh! Waouh! Chaque jour je tombe un peu plus en admiration devant tes dessins, tes photos, ton goût pour la mode, la manière dont tu nous embarque à chaque nouvel article…
P.S : Caroline Issa dans le Elle France du 20 avril 2012, page 92^^
Je l’adore aussi! Je fais en ce moment une obsession sur les colliers funky & flashy. Merci pour cette belle inspiration.
I prefer fun jewellery too, like Dries Van Noten’s cluster ball necklace, Tom Binns and Dannijo, and Lanvin’s…I’d take them over Tiffany’s or Cartier any day…
That is a great necklace. I love the antique finish on the stones but the neon color accents scream out for the quirky girl. That necklace would look great with a simple black button down shirt.
The top chain is like those rubber braided keychains I used to make when I was little…
Très beau en effet ! J’aime bien son côté lyrique.
i love how your style is so simplistic but you add such fun pieces. really gives it an edge.
xx, http://wordbyjessie.com/
Loved the necklace! There’s a brand here from Brazil that i also love: Camila Klein. You should see their jewelry! Kisses
This jewelry piece is ART! I have never been a huge jewelry fan but recently i’ve been discovering this amazing world, so luxurious and interesting, nowadays only few people could adquire a real piece but dreaming is totally free :)
AMAZING necklace. Such a statement, so fun!
Qu’il est beau! J’adore les derniers modèles de bracelets aussi…
Magnifique ! ça “sent” le soleil, les robes légères, le sable !
that’s fabulous!
I loved it!!!
I just posted the amazing video Love sucks vs Love rocks and summer accessories !!!
check it out
In one word, gorgeous!!!
i like it! its so magic!
génial !!
Fantastic! It is everything you can wish for… sparkle and neon all in one!
wouhhhhaaaaa le collier scoubidou!!! <3
Magnifique collier ! les couleurs sont superbes ! c’est le genre de pièce qui ne passe pas inaperçue ;)
Gorgeous, I love Shourouk!
Yes it looks superb, as an object. I don’t see myself wearing it because big necklaces are not my style, unlike Iris Apfel. I agree though with the quote, they are so fun (on other people) !
Great design I love the color!
I love it. The guy is genius.
Is it a ‘subtle’ message to your friends and family for your birthday?
Il est vraiment beau !!
Très joli collier ! http://www.lauraoupas.com
Interesting that we can barely read the words. It seems like we have to iron them to make them appear in the paper, which is what happens when you write with lemon or like those lamps shapes you only can read when the light is on. I like the necklace but I see to much Tom Binn on it so I am not really impressed. Happy birthday!
Beautiful necklace! Glam and fun all at the same time.
J’adore moi aussi!!!! Parfait!
I love her pieces of jewelry… Ideal for a statement necklace!
You can wear jeans and Petit Bateau tee shirt, with a Shourouk, you’ll look stunning!!
Good selection ;)
Wow, un collier qui plairait surement à ma chérie !
(oui oui il y a des hommes qui s’interessent aux bijoux )
Très beaux, et les couleurs sont splendides!
Superbe collier ! Il est vraiment du plus bel effet ! Je l’imagine parfaitement bien porté sur une petite robe noire classique … Magnifique !
Waaaaaaaah. Les couleurs sont chouettes!
Reminds me of Frida Kahlo, she would have probably worn a necklace like this, I can imagine this in one of her paintings. It’s beautiful, I would wear this with a simple top/dress.
I totally love it.
And I would wear it with something very casual just to intensify its splendour.
A big kiss from Greece!
Very nice!!!.
Glamour & Casual…Perfect combo!!So style….
Mind blowing!!
J’adore ce collier! Très jolie.
Gaby Lang,
love the necklace!!!!
such a great quote!
january, x
Love it too!
totally aree (:
x Anna
I love the SHourouk jewelry, too bad I can’t afford it !
Beautiful necklace
fashion & lifestyle in Belgium
Il est magnifique !!!
Love, love, love, love! Want, want, want want!
Everything is beautiful about it…..
Garance — have you ever looked at Anna’s designs at http://www.dorjedesigns.com? They will blow you away!