Fabulous Dress + Classic sneakers

10 years ago by

Lisa Marie Fernandez

When I predicted the arrival of flats 26 seasons ago (Garance is in Susan Miller mode), I never would have thought they’d reach such a deep layer of the fashion world. Take my friend Lisa Marie Fernandez, for example – there are over 10 photos of her on this blog and there’s not even one where she’s not wearing heels (except for the ones we took at the beach – we’re not at Hugh Hefner’s, after all), and now, all of a sudden, bam!!!

Adidas Gazelle.

Ok, sure, she wears them Lisa Marie style, and that’s what’s interesting about it. With a big dress and super accessories, the sneakers are what make the outfit – and in the process, they make for a super young look.

Same thing with Stephanie in the second photo, the mastery of the sneakers + dress ensemble is happening right here just for you.


Stephanie Gundelach

A revolution is underway, I say, and we’d better take advantage of it. Because just when this trend is finally starting to really be accepted and worn by everyone, its exact opposite is about to make a come back (now G is in trends mode) – and 12 agressive heels along with it.

But let’s not even think about that nightmare – let’s live in the present moment (now G is in Eckhart Tolle mode).



Margherita Crotti

Right now, classic Adidas – Stan Smith and Gazelle, seem to have taken over all my friends’ wardrobes.

But what I really want is a pair of Nike Huaraches – they’re more technical and you can jump around in them.

What about you, which school of shoes do you belong to? Classic sneakers or bouncy ones?


Translated by Andrea Perdue


Photo 1 and 2  by Sandra Semburg.


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  • juston loric October, 13 2014, 9:28 / Reply

    it’s really nice!

  • I have a pair of Nike. Would like to buy the Stan Smith but as I dont wear very often senakers, I hesitate!

    Le monde des petites

  • 1st match: neah
    2nd match: yeah, it works!
    3rd match: subtle and perfect!! :)


  • That white dress! I never would have though tot pair it with sneakers, she looks so unbelievably unique!


  • I love flats since the first time we met!
    XOX, Gap.

  • I love this look and I was so excited to try it. So I bought myself a new pair of Adidas Gazelles (which I last sported in about 1995 at the height of brit pop, remember that??).
    However I have a problem…. they are so uncomfortable! Is this a phase I just have to go through and I am being a wuss about breaking them in?

  • @Ava I remember the Gazelles being very comfortable. I used to wear them all the time, especially with the skirt that had stripes going down both sides like athletic pants. I wore my Gazelles until I ground a hole in the soles. Unless they’re manufactured differently today, I’m surprised to hear they’re painful to wear.

  • FREEDOM!!!!!

  • Michelle Lee October, 13 2014, 9:50 / Reply
  • J’adore ces sneakers portés avec des robes comme celles-ci, mais bon, le problème c’est quand on ne mesure pas 1,80 m, c’est quand-même un peu compliqué à porter…


  • I love old school New Balance, like in the third photo. Very cute outfit!


  • Those are fabulous combinations indeed! As a sneaker girl I can only say that I’m super happy for this trend. Hopefully it’ll be around for a little longer ;)

    Lisa – AT LEAST BLOG

  • I’m a flats kind of girl myself….I walk very distances through out the day…so it’s no brainer really!

  • Le troisieme look est de loin mon prefere.
    Quant a la preference des sneakers, j’en suis encore aux Converses !

  • I’ve never worn anything else but sneakers with dresses, because all other shoes hurt my feet so much. Even for the prom dance, it was silk skirt and Converse All Stars.
    I prefer classic skate shoes, but I picked up a pair of Adidas Flux in a black and white print, and they’re fabulous. And I will wear them to my graduation.

  • J’adore! Et j’adore aussi le fait que ce soit des “vraies” baskets et pas des interprétations de baskets par des marques qui ne sont pas sportives. Pour moi c’est carrément une faute de goût de porter des baskets Chanel, Gucci ou Prada.

  • J’ADORE !!! Et en plus, ce qui est canon avec ces looks, c’est que si l’on a un boulot où l’on peut se permettre de porter des sneakers, c’est quand même beaucoup plus pratique/confort pour les trajets en métro & co !…

    Le blog à boire au bureau

  • Drole je viens d’acheter des Nike Vintage pour JCrew, je les adore…. Vive la révolution!



  • Absolute love for these outfits!
    Passa a trovarmi VeryFP

  • Inconditionnelle des converses blanches, new balances, et même une paire compensée de Bocage.
    Mais ce qui me fait rire, c’est son cable de iphone branché qui finit dans le sac. Elle a un micro générateur de poche dedans ou bien ?

  • Les photos sont magnifique !!
    Et le style d’une robe avec des baskets je trouve ça top :)


  • Love the dress with the sneakers it works perfectly in all the 3 images (i would take of some of the jewelry in the first image..it’s too sophisticated…with the sneakers ..)otherwise why not being comfortable and elegant at the same time…
    Yael Guetta


  • Peut on parler 1 seconde de la beauté des lunettes de soleil Prada de Lisa Marie ?
    Baci, Ali

  • I have never been a heels girl! I am 5 ft tall (152cm) and I embrace the my shortness and wear my sneakers!


  • Jane & her noisy dog Petey October, 13 2014, 11:42 / Reply

    Two summers ago, I spied “une femme de une age certaine” — the most stylishly intriguing Frenchwomen, in my opinion — who was wearing a black pantsuit with a crisp white shirt, collar flicked up just so, classic black handbag, and white-soled black Nikes. She had a headful of silver curls cut in a long bob and she was just breath-taking. Now, I’m not too sure about the sneakers with dresses trend — the lovely Stephanie reminded me a bit too much of the Reebok-wearing office workers a la “Working Girl” who changed into their sensible pumps when they got to the office. I’m a big fan of flats, loafers, boat shoes, velvet tuxedo slippers and skater-style slip ons. And I’ve got my Converse and Nikes side-by-side in the my closet, but I tend to go for an unlaced shoe more often than not —slip on and go.

  • Mobile alert! Since the arrival of the new design i have been having problems viewing full text and images! I see only the left side of them and i am unavailable to zoom out and move to the right side! Is there a way to go on back to the web version from a mobile?

  • I used to be a die hard heels fan, teetering on my 4 inches JC as much as I could. But how far can you go in a stiletto? There was always a compromise involving carrying extra bag with chic flats and basically & having to think about two pair of shoes for the outfit rather than one. Now… my Rockstuds kitten heels version are life changers!


  • Je dois dire que j’aime bcp les deux, j’ai une paire de New Balance bordeaux que j’adore, et des Adidas Superstar 80s que j’aime tout autant, alors ça dépend si je suis d’humeur sautilleuse ou non :)

    xoxo CarolineJ

  • Ahaha!!! Et bim, nous revoilà en 1998!!!!! (j’ai toute la panop’, je n’ai jamais quitté les 90’s)

  • I absolutely love this. I gave up heels a couple years ago and poured myself into flats. I will forever love Converse and Vans. Always classic though I’ve been wanting Adidas and that first image of Lisa Marie Fernandez is making that pull very strong! Great post! xo

  • Yay, I have a trendsetter moment! When I became a full time mom, I discovered (not the brightest spoon in the drawer, heh?) that pushing a pram for tens of kilometers every single day in heels / ballet flats / flip-flops / mules / loafers is virtually impossible and poses a serious hazard to my, well, every single cell of my body. So I switched to sneakers – a plethora of New Balance, Nike Free (super-ultra light and in amazing colours), high tops by Merrell for winter – you name it! I love, love, love sneakers. Every now and then when I glam myself up and reach for a box with more, emmm, adult shoes, I shudder. Because no Loubutins / Choos / Pradas can give my feet the same comfort and the same spring to my step. And, as a bonus, wearing sneakers makes me feel… cool and much, much younger :) So, there you go: I adore sneakers and am grateful that the manufacturers introduced so many pretty models to the market. Because, frankly speaking, when I began my adventure with amateur running some years ago, the view of the shelf with running shoes made me weep. They were the ugliest things ever – a blast from aerobic class in the 80’s only even uglier.

  • This is totally the kind of outfits I’m wearing! Love love love x


  • Sans oublier les stylées et éthiques VEJA!!! http://www.veja-store.com

  • Renata de Rabakoz October, 13 2014, 3:45 / Reply

    un peu les deux, mais attention, il faut marcher avec aussi joliment comme font les filles au défilé Chanel, sinon ce n’est pas féminine du tout

  • No. Just, no.

  • Je ne sais plus, je crois que je commence à me lasser ! (j’avoue, j’ai de nouveau envie de talons…ou de nouvelles Church’s)

  • aren’t these adidas campus instead of gazelle? the latter ones usually feature a white shoe tongue… but both styles look very similiar whereas the campus is my personal fav: very comfy, very classy and the perfect match with an elegant dress AND combined with jeans and a plain tee. however, love the first look!

  • Garance and Emily …
    I love the gazelle OG. My friend in Notting hill london has many great colors. In usa we cannot get the gazelle OG. If you have influence…just saying.

  • I am excited that I no longer look eccentric when I wear sneakers with dresses; now I’m in style! Yay.

  • I think you should wear what you like and not what is in style. If heels come back I’ll still be in my Converse.

  • Hi Garance,
    Of course Sneakers are back on the front scene! :)
    Not totally sure but it looks like that on the first pictures, she is wearing wedges, so not totally flat ;)
    You should have a look at PUMA too, with their casual suede.
    have a good day

  • The total white look is just divine!


  • Florence October, 14 2014, 4:51 / Reply

    Un des effets collatéraux du talenteux Jacquemus!?

  • Catherine October, 14 2014, 5:09 / Reply

    I am surprised you haven’t done a post on Giovanna Battaglia wearing flats. There was an interview with her (here?) a couple of years ago where she said she absolutely had to wear heels. I would love to know what changed her mind. Of course, with legs as long as hers, she looks fantastic in anything.
    My favorite shoes are Sketcher Go-Walks. They weigh nothing: 124 grams, vs. 366 g for my Nikes and 255 g for my usual Asics running shoes. I have white ones that I keep immaculate by tossing them in the washing machine now and then. Actually, I have four pairs, in different colors. I had a bunion removed on one foot but not the other and have trouble finding shoes, but these never hurt, no matter how many hours I have to walk or stay on my feet.
    They aren’t as fabulous as my daughter’s Sketchers, which have light-up rhinestones all over them. Too bad those don’t come in adult sizes.

  • Caroline October, 14 2014, 5:22 / Reply

    Definitely Huarache! Just bought my first pair – kinda feel like an astronaut, but cool they are! I am also crazy about the Nike Flyknit Racer.

  • ..Yes, I really like it! Very chic ;)

  • Jennifer October, 14 2014, 9:07 / Reply

    I have been wearing KSwiss sneakers for tennis since I was in grade school, the models have changed but I still love them. I wore Asics, Adidas, and Nikes for running, gym and just found this neat blue pair. However I feel as if I look ridiculous in them when not in athletic attire. I love this look with the white dress and Adidas but I could never make that work.
    My next best thing, Micheal Kors Fulton flats.

  • To say that I love this trend is an understatement!! I adore all kinds of sneakers. I do.

  • Et bien moi je n’ai jamais porté que ça et ça me soule de voir les Gazelles au pied de toutes ces fashionistas qui n’ont aucune personnalité. Et qui au passage ont fait sérieusement grimper les prix. Merci les modeuses, vraiment. Vivement le retour du talon.

  • Mmmh…long dress+sneakers: it reminds me of altar boys with heavy gym shoes (blame it on my Catholic upbringing), accompanied by the sensation of sweaty feet. Not for me! :)

  • At 41, I have decided to no longer consider flats as a trend. They are now a staple. Not that I am giving away all of my heels or my platforns…I will keep them for special occasions. No more shoe trends for me, they are my staples.
    I love the combos above also but i think #1 may have been better paired with a graphic/colorful slip on.

  • Et qui au passage ont fait sérieusement grimper les prix. Merci les modeuses, vraiment. VivementI love the combos above also but i think #1 may have been better paired with a graphic/colorful slip on. le retour du talon.

  • I’m a classic girl, all the way. I’ve been against the whole futuristic, $100+ sneaker thing since Air Jordans in the sixth grade. I love Chucks and low-profile NBs and Nikes. Have the burgundy pair shown above and can’t get enough of them. My urban-dwelling, underground stair-climbing feet are thrilled that sneakers are happening right now. Thank you, Garance, for the inspiration to pair them with some skirts.

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