11 years ago by
You know that I’ve always loved Emmanuelle Alt’s style. This very very French, extremely chic discretion.
Even when I try to explore different style areas (not aaaaalways for the best, ooooh no) when I really need inspiration I always come back to pictures of her. This season, Emmanuelle is still wearing a lot of neutral tones and blacks, but I love the femininity and coolitude of these belted jackets.

Cette femme a beaucoup de classe, et le chapeau …. comment dire je crois qu’il n’y a rien à dire!
OMG the belt over the coat, French genius!
Xoxo Cory
she’s the quiet climax of minimal style :D
J’adore son chapeau. Elle est glorieuse, tout en simplicité !!
I do like her style, but more so on the first picture than the second, which I find a little too structured for my taste, but I guess she needs to look sharp and professional, and in this case she manages to do that while looking edgy.
Elisa – Wandering Minds
oh, me too .. especially her hair.. I’m just letting my grow longer again! ;)
Always so ‘so savoir-vivre’ .. elegant & chic! And not over the top!
xo Cam
Fabulous! At this very moment, this Argentinian who lives in North Carolina is nostalgic of France, having never lived there :)
Her style is chic, cool, and spohisticated. Love it.
chic and classic, simple and details = perfect !
Really really loooove her sense of style!!I think if I could do a makeover I would want her closet, super chic and perfect in every way, but with an air of “oh I just grabbed this in the morning”, love it, so relaxed!
J’aime beaucoup son style. Une grande source d’inspiration!
I dont mind the neutrals or the blacks, in the top photo she mixes in so many textures and tone variations that it would never be boring (actually as one with red hair, sometimes i prefer it because it will let my hair colour pop just a bit more).
Et bah. T’es mieux !
Parce que le chic tu l’as.
+ le grain de folie et d’inventivité.
Tu es un beau compromis entre Alt et Tomasi.
Love her! So cool and feminine!
Oh yes! Love her style too! Relaxed French Chic brought to the point! No fuzz, just chic! And the belted coats and jackets are having quite a moment since a while. I always find it really difficult to find the perfect belt for the coat or jacket I want to wear, quite often it’s just not right…. might have to invest in some really classic and good belt! Oh, this would actually be a good theme for a post, “the perfect belt”? xxx
Ah belts! Maybe it is time to bust the belt model wide open. I’ve often thought, why not more colorful soft belts more like scarves in lots of different colors and textures that we can use to brighten up and change our outfits? Why mainly just leather leather leather? I love the soft belt on her jacket. Now imagine if you had a whole series of belts like that in different colors?
obsessed with the ALT!!! can you please do a pardon my french on paris vogue team? it would be my dream come true! they are the real icons!!!! xx
Yessss! Ahh I would love that too. I love the Paris team’s style. So effortlessly chic.
Great idea Kristen, I completely agree!
Emmanuelle is my idol and I’m a guy. I love her style because most of the time her outfits can go both ways; a woman or a man could pull it off (with the right alterations). Yes, PLEASE do a Pardon My French on the Paris Vogue team! Well, actually, any post or interview with Emmanuelle will make my day!
Emmanuelle toujours égale à elle-même ! Il y a 20 ans (elle bossait d’ailleurs à 20 ans!) elle avait déjà la même dégaine hyper cool (sa silhouette y est aussi pour beaucoup !). En plus elle a l’audace de (re)porter les mêmes fringues d’une saison sur l’autre, ce qui la place un peu au dessus de la mêlée…
C’est vrai qu’elle a un style très français. D’ailleurs Garance, tu ne trouves pas que l’on reconnait toujours les françaises à l’étranger ?
I simply love her style! She’s amazing.
Les manteaux ceinturée, comme ceux de Marc Jacobs, sont très beaux aussi
thank you for indulging out ALT obsessions!!! so in love with her style- it’s a real philosophy. now i have to go watch your PMF interview with her again haha. GARANCE– emmanuelle seriously looks like YOU in the first photo! until i saw the title i thought it was a photo of you ;)
exactly what i thought :) Garance, you can totally be just as cool
Love her style!!
She looks sooo chic,. Very nice pics and she looks great. Have a nice friday.
This woman is so chic, and I like the fact that she dress according to the seasons. She’s not one of those who, with 0°, goes out barefoot and with summer clothes.
I swear I thought it was you in that first picture!
Oh, she’s so wonderful. Absolutely a home base for all that is chic, edgy, and classic–she’s gorgeous in the most effortless, individual way. I love whenever you or Scott post photos of her!
I totally agree, these belted jackets are amazing! They are feminine and powerful at the same time. Very cool!
Frieda for http://www.theprojectstyle.com
Ah la la… Bonheur.
Ici aux US, on se prend assez rapidement au jeu du style parfois “over the top/premier degre” prise par les Americaines. La plupart du temps, j’adore cette liberte vestimentaire qu’on a ici, le fait que personne ne te jugera si tu portes une tenue trop coloree/imprimee/un poil fashion-faux-pas (faut bien experimenter avant de trouver, hein ;)).
Et puis, je tombe sur des photos d’Emmanuelle Alt, et je me rappelle a quel point je suis attachee a ce “style a la francaise”, si evident et si indefinissable. C’est parfait, sans jamais faire trop travaille. Comme si on s’etait levee le matin, attrape une tenue sans trop reflechir, sans effort. Et quelque chose dans le naturel avec lequel Emmanuelle porte ses vetements me fait penser que c’est surement ca qui se passe dans son dressing chaque matin !
PS: OK, maintenant, il me FAUT un fedora noir…
Elle a toujours une touche rock and roll, j’adore!
This is just so stunning!
Garance!!!! She wearing her furniture!!!!
What a great black suit. So chic.
xo annaofgreengable
Simple et tellement efficace… J’adore !
super style !! en ce moment j’adore les ceintures sur les manteaux ou les gilets !
la vraie classe à la francaise ! :)
bon week end !
I have quite a few of her pictures in my “inspirational” folder on computer :). She’s awesome. So feminine and still sooo chic and cool!
Juste une ceinture et voilà la petite différence, à retenir !
We love her style, her way of holding the belt coat, it’s so inspirational!
Sí al sí quiero
I really love her style too!!! She has a beautiful and so simple style!!!
C’est ce que j’appelle avoir de “l’allure”, la classe super chic de la simplicité ! J’adore ces deux photos et surtout quand elle sourit, ses pommettes et ses fossettes !
Wow ces deux looks, la grande classe.
Sinon, Garance j’ai lu cet article dont tu es le sujet … http://www.businessoffashion.com/2013/02/the-business-of-blogging-garance-dore.html … SUPER SUPER INTERESSANT, un article vraiment inspirant, tu as une vie vraiment exceptionnelle j’espère que tu le sais, bises bises :)
Chere Garance, en regardant (et admirant) la premiere photo, j’ai cru que c’etait vous ! C’est tout a fait votre style.
Evidemment, E.Alt ne fait aucun faux pas et garde son style perso a travers les annees.
I’m so jealous at her style. Already pinned one of her photos yesterday without knowing it was her because I only saw her hat. Now I see your photo I see that was her :D xx
Emmanuelle is my style role model. She is the ultimate cool girl!
Les deux photos sont super, et le style vraiment parfait!
Je suis fan de son style ! Elle a toujours tout bon :)
PS/ Yeah Garance! Je viens de m’ acheter le dernier Elle, et là que vois-je? 4 pages sur le New York de Garance Doré, énoooorme et ça fait trop plaisir! (je sais c’est débile on ne se connait pas mais c’est comme si je voyais une pote sur ces pages….) C’est vraiment cool de te voir dans le Elle spécial mode, tu ne pouvais pas tomber dans meilleur numéro. Bravo pour ton succés :)
i absolutely agree ! it really makes me want to ” simplify” my outfits
Moi aussi j’aime beaucoup Emmanuelle….beaucoup plus que Carine d’ailleurs. Je sais on me demande pas de les comparer mais le style d’Emmanuelle est plus moderne, un brin rock’n roll and elle fait plus saine
She always looks chic. Beautiful photos.
She’s handsdown my fashion inspiration. Funny, I just wrote on Scott’s post about her, saying how she doesn’t give a damn about the rest of the flashy-flashy gang. She’s challenging the attitude that one can only wear something one season long. That’s rubbish. I love her style. Always have. Simple, clean, intelligent dressing. And most of all comfortable and stylish.
Show us more. It’s not colorful, but it’s inspirational.
she is the best xxxx
Oui elle est super classe…
J”ai une ceinture tressée noire, avec une veste grise en laine, faut que j’essaie ce que ça donne, j’ai envie de me la jouer “Alt”, moi aussi on verra bien !
I adore her and her French sensibilities. Her style is second skin to her, not costumey like others. Wearing all black is the best too! It’s all about mixing different fabrics, innovative cuts and creating the illusion of the perfect silhouette. That black coat is perfectttt. http://teawithtran.tumblr.com
The belt is awesome…but the jacket — so soft that it belts and remains draped instead of poofing out like a peplum. Does she buy them too large…are they her boyfriends?….vintage?
Certes, elle est très stylée. Mais sa coupe de cheveux ne me vend vraiment pas du rêve ;))
J’adore son style ! Super classe, super chic ! J’adore !!!!!!
Garance…I swore that first picture was of you!!! Naturally…it looks just like you. You ARE just as fabulous!
Both jackets are simply beyond incredible!..
I thought the first pic. was of you at first Garance before I noticed the title. You too have that French discreet chicness. I love that about your style!
Her style is so clean! I love that she’s stuck to a “uniform” of sorts but manages to maintain a distinctive look all from the use of simple wardrobe basics (blazer/button down top/skinny jeans).
quelle classe ! Quel chic! juste sublime!
“the belt over the coat, French genius!” Euh, non ! Pô du tout !
C’est juste une façon appropriée de lutter efficacement contre le froid :D
P’têt que je suis une française géniale après tout et que je ne le savais pas :)
Belle photos Garance :)
Love Love Love Ms Alt! The epitome of “coolage” if ever I saw it. x
J’aime bien le style de d’Emmanuelle Alt.C’est l’élégance, la simplicité et la haute couture.J’adore apporter ces dernières création.Bravo un style formidable et bien organisé et très chic.
Sooooo chic!
She’s a super stylish woman! (But you do too :) )
Vittoria from 5 IN THE MORNING
Love the smoking…great photo’s….
she epitomises casual cool elegance. she is perfect.
january, x
She is the best
It is funny to think I clicked on the image hoping it would be a video. Looking forward to more on this talented woman.
Ouah, qu’elle classe en effet!!le manteau de la deuxième photo est superbe!!!
Like Guest and Slow Pace, I too thought it was you! Thanks for giving us more of Alt. She’s da bomb, no question about it.
Emmanuel est vraiment l’image du chic et de la classe, naturellement
J’adore son style, toujours sobre et élégant!
C’est magnifique! x
At first glance I thought it was you! I love the belted tweed, cosy large scarf and the hat in the first pic!
I love her style, I think she is possibly one of the most elegant women. Somehow it looks like she tries a new style all the time but she just knows what looks good ….. no more words, except ….. LOVE
Love the tux jacket. I love the pointed shoulder structure.
I love her style! She is the best! Super chic….
She is the best…very chic