Les Deux
9 years ago by
I know what you’re going to say… here she goes, talking about coats again but I really love them! And besides, there’s a lot to talk about! One thing that you’ll know if you live somewhere with a long, cold winter is that it can get tiring wearing the same coat day in and day out.
Really, you need at least two (or three?). Fine, Two. One neutral and one in a great color, like Jenny wears here.
A neutral coat (especially in a darker color, so it doesn’t need to go to the dry cleaner all the time) will stand the distance and is always a go to — plus you can always wear colorful clothing underneath it.
Having a coat in a color you love will always make a really cold day easier to bear. It also feels a little more unique in a sea of black coats! And when it’s almost too cold to leave the house (but you do because you have a great, colorful coat), that’s a nice feeling to have…
What is your favorite neutral for winter? And your favorite color??
Jenny wears pink coat, grey coat and grey scarf, all Club Monaco; jeans, Rag & Bone; shoes, Zara.

Coats … love them too! For a short but stylish one check out http://www.trovea.com/isabell-yalda-hellysaz/lilian-short-jacket.html, Garance…I love it !
Shop emerging designers from around the world!
I’m the one that invest in one coat every year…if you choose a sartorial one, it will last fore more than one season…great for having a lot of them, but also for saving money!
XOX, Gap.
Where is the first coat from?
I really like it!!
I think she wrote, both are from Club Monaco!
Love both of them!!
I like these coats, I love to wear coats in winter!
Passa a trovarmi VeryFP
Le camel ! D’ailleurs mon manteau basique est un camel, je le porte plus que mon gris. A part le gris justement, le camel supporte toutes les autres couleurs, une note de rouge ou de rose, et on a presque l’impression que c’est l’automne !
Comme toi Garance I have about 10 coats ( different size and colors depending on my mood, the weather etc…) black, one grey, white, camel blue marine, a fur coat… Le manteau neutreest génial car on peut l’assortir avec un foulard coloré ( Faliero Sarti évidemment!!)
I love coats too! You can wear the simplest jeans and sweater underneath and a great coat can make you chic! I have 2 very classic coats. A simple black wool trench goes with everything. My classic camel-coloured coat is loose and allows extra layers for our cold Canadian winters. Both coats get compliments all the time!
Your blog makes me smile. Thank you Garance.
I’m a navy coat sort of girl but I do have a hot pink one for very grey days :)
Beautiful! Love the casual but all so chic look!
Darker color for me for sure. Sometimes pink doesn’t really go well for me.
But, hk doesn’t really have winter. Perhaps different sweaters are better for us.
A Coat in winter is like having a second skin..this is what people see first when they meet you ..it’s truth winter is long and you need a change….. what i do is a trench or a light coat for September October than i move to a warmer one for November and around Christmas i need a very hot one that i will need till the end of February…and back to a lighter one…i don’t buy all in one year i have my old one that i use for my everyday shopping in the neighborhood ..one that i have for going out with a nice dress …one for the mountain and a snow day in the city…
Yael Guetta
Nice elegante coats!:)
Et Pardon my french alors ?
I love both looks… (I -really- like the grey socks with the black patent mules!) :)
No matter what my mother says, you can never have too many coats! I adore coats, and why shouldn’t you seeing as that’s all anyone outside ever sees?
Quant il fait (rarement) froid en Floride, je porte un caban ou une parka, mes manteaux dorment dans leurs housses depuis tres longtemps…
Lovely pictures
I love coats too!! It’s hard to find a good one when you’re petite! I have so much trouble but I want one!
Someone said that a good coat is 50% of your winter wardrobe! However, I recently started wearing capes over a classic leather jacket – they are less expensive than a coat so you can really have more than two and you can be different every day. Plus this combo is really warm!
I posted a casual outfit idea with this combo in my website today!
You look amazing!
Both of the coats are beautiful! I personally got a red and a nude one x
2 coats??? Come on…you don’t have 2 coats, do you?… I don’t have 2 coats, I stopped counting them, sorry. In The Netherlands we have warm weather, cold weather, wet weather, windy weather etc. Than we have to be sophisticated some times, and sporty and more styles in all kind of weather. So enough resons to have more coats. I got a black and white sixties style and that is one of my favourites. And my lovely man gave me a birthday present in Venice in the summer, pfieuw…a coat ‘The Cube of Max Mara’ (also favourite) and now he already gave me my Christmas present which I didn’t have yet…a night blue Lammy!!! Definately a favourite. Isn’t he a super sweetheart?! Yes he is!!! I love the winters more now. X
love this
I love that you love coats so much =)
Wearing heavy knits and coats is the best part about wintertime! Classics you can wear year after year and won’t get tired of it. Fair-a-porter offers coats from transparent production http://www.fairaporter.com/post/100657531379
I’m partial to a navy or black coat for a neutral coat, but I like the idea of having a red or yellow coat for more pep. I definitely agree that it’s nice to see people wearing a pop of color in all that black and gray.
I live in a very cold climate and winter lasts at least 5 months. I have a camel wool car coat and a grey wool peacoat and a long wool plaid coat in camel navy and orange. I save the vavoom colors for my down jackets. I have one in lemon yellow and one in cobalt blue. I wear those when there is a blizzard in case someone has to find me in a pile of snow :)
Coataholic! Yes, I agree with changing up your coat as it’s the first thing people see you wear in colder months. I have too many but even so never tire of them. Camel wool car length, a great looking practical (but never boring) Grey DKNY that I’ve had for years and will have for many more years to come. A navy pea coat, a beautiful black wool short coat and for really cold days a perfect black, light long down with hood. Then there’s the cold weather vests, Lululemon long black with polka dots for casual/or gym/or rainy days. Etc……. Yeah, coats are classic!
Today: Capes on my blog (we know you love them too – see some really nice ones here)
Moi je rêve d’un manteau de couleur cet hiver ou d’un manteau crème!
A great coat balances out all the other elements of style that I love, that are more dressed-down. Messy hair+ Nice coat= Balance. 2 day old jeans + Nice coat= Balance. Birkenstocks + Sweat pants + Nice coat= Balance. Every year I buy at least one new coat, and now I have a collection. It is the easiest way to feel pulled together in the winter, hands down.
Je suis tout à fait d’accord le manteau est une pièce dans laquelle il faut investir tant on nous voit de loin et tout les jours avec. En avoir plusieurs (pas non plus 150) permet de casser cette monotonie.
Garance, I share your obsession with coats. Indeed, there is never enough coats. So I counted: 3 black, 1 dark grey, 1 light grey, 1 green and 1 navy. And these are just the winter ones:))
Je ne me lasserai jamais des discussions sur les manteaux, il en faut tellement (beaucoup plus que 2 ou 3 !) J’aime beaucoup le rose et le gris, ça va à tout le monde en plus et ça change du noir !
Les 2 sont super beaux! Ils ont tout ce que j’aime : simplicité, joli couleur assez neutre qui va avec tout et en plus ils ont l’air très douillets et donc agréables à porter. Le choix est trop dure à faire : je prends les 2 (en photo) car mon porte monnaie lui n’est pas d’accord ((
Pour moi c’est un gris foncé, un court blanc cassé et un rose flashy ! J’adoooore !!!
Je suis tellement d’accord avec la theorie du manteau couleur qui aide l’ humeur dans les jours gris que je viens d’en acheter un super orange!
Colour therapy!
nice coat.
I have two winter coats, black, more dressed up, Cole Haan with a leather belt tie. I love this coat and feel glamorous in it, even if I have jeans on. Then I got last year the JCrew metro coat in this amazing red, that vermillion red orangey colour. I get stopped in this coat all the time. It’s amazing, super warm without being heavy.
I have a Michael Kors short black jacket but it’s more casual. I’d love a pea coat in Ivory but scared it would be dirty all the time.
Does anyone know where I can find the flat Zara mules in the second photo? Can’t find them on their site! :(
Winter coat is essential.light color make people feel warm.
Ici au Québec on connaît des hivers particulièrement rudes : des – 40, de la neige jusqu’aux genoux, des rafales de vent polaire, et ce pendant au moins 4 mois… la majorité des gens s’emmitouflent dans des Canada Goose ou d’immenses doudounes matelassées, pas toujours très stylé, surtout lorsqu’assorti avec des bottes Sorel, Pajar, bref des bottes d’esquimaux! Donc mes trois manteaux correspondent plutôt au temps qu’il fait: le gros sac Canada Goose (blanc, mauvaise idée, ça devient gris) pour affronter la tempête, le duvet plus cintré avec col de fourrure pour le froid chiant normal, et le noir chic (Mackage, une marque québécoise) en laine et cuir quand le mercure redescend un peu. J’avoue que tu m’as tenté Garance avec ton punch de couleur pour contrer la grisaille… ;)
Je pense que le choix de ces deux couleurs est parfaitement judicieux et apte à couvrir la plus grande partie de nos looks, c’est le cas de le dire! ;)
It gets really cold in winter where I live. This year I am in love with all things army green but I think a light blue coat would also look great
Gris anthracite et jaune citrus !
Le blog à boire au bureau
Cette année, je vais probablement alterner entre blanc et gris. J’ai bien d’autres manteaux, mais ce sont ces deux-là que j’ai envie de porter en ce moment :)
Chez moi à Nantes, l’hiver n’arrive (et j’adooore ça !) et je n’ai pas encore porter de manteau ! Mais je pense que ça va bientôt arriver… J’adore le manteau sur la première photo ! :)
Only 3 ? I’m a sucker for a good coat .. as we speak, I’m looking for the perfect camel number !
I’ve also got a new ‘coat’ addiction and that’s a slouchy chunky mohair one I’ve got in neutrals as well as bright .. I actually make them myself and people react to it in a very positive way when I wear them. They look super soft and comfy ; people get touchy and I love that !
I wish there was a chic winter coat that actually keeps really warm or would come with wide enough arms that I could layer better underneath. BTW abhor down coat/parkas.
moi aussi, j’aime bien les manteaux, c’est vrai que parfois un beau manteau aide de donner envie de (re)sortir quand il y du vent, etc. … chez nous c’est encore la saison des blousons et les vestes ….. Je trouve très beau le col tailleur de manteau clair. moi personnellement, j’évite le noir en hiver (aussi), pour couleur neutre j’ai un manteau bleu marin en style marin, (mais pas avec les bouton doré) sinon j’aime bien mettre le vert foncé en hiver
Il est doué ce photographe !
Ma copine aussi fait des manteaux pour l’hiver …
When I lived in the U.S for two years I was fortunate to purchase a long plum coloured coat from St Vincent De Pauls for not much money. I love colour! Especially in cold Indiana winters.
Now that I am back in Australia I have a navy wool coat, which I bought in 1989 as a student for the then princely sum of 150 dollars. It has padded shoulders to be sure, and my clever Mum replaced the lining when it perished, but it has proved it’s worth. My favourite coat is a lightweight teal coloured trench which I bought second hand. I always receive compliments when I wear it. I am a fair skinned brown eyed brunette. Browns and camels and greys look ‘blah’ on me. Yay for coats and colour!
Un noir et un crème, tous les deux Max Mara. Mais le crème c’est pas évident en Belgique, un peu trop flashy…vu l’ambiance générale….
Moi aussi en ce moment je suis a fond sur les manteaux ! et aussi les écharpes, d’ailleurs J’ADORE l’énorme écharpe doudou avec le long manteau gris <3
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