

10 years ago by

There is a real difference between the jumpsuits I wear and have been showing you recently on the blog. Mine are a little used and oversize, Sunday-at-the-farm vibe and the ones I’m showing you today, that are way more fitted.

There is a world of sophistication, and I think that, to keep on going with my gowns-are-the-devil post of last time (and after yet another wardrobe crisis about what to wear at Carine’s black tie party tomorrow)(just know for future references that a Carine party is a black tie party okay)(I’m not complaining, if we were not pushed to get dressed a little sometimes, we would all end up in jeans except for Anna Dello Russo), I might be ready to explore the idea.

London Fashion Week Street Style Sandra Semburg

Photo by Sandra Semburg.


Because, you know, that sort of jumpsuit is pretty sexy and revealing, but you still feel protected and if you’re lucky, you even get pockets!!! +12 for attitude.

Okay so of course, if the jumpsuit is tailored and revealing, just go imagine the headache when it’s time to take it off. Ooooof.

Even more so that as Françoise Sagan very rightly said, a dress only makes sense if a man wants to take it off of you. Yeeeeaaaah so on that note, let’s say the jumpsuit might need a little think.

What do you think? Stick to dresses or try the jumpsuit?


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  • je me suis toujours sentie plus sexy en combi qu’en robe car sûrement plus à l’aise. du coup j’ose la totale avec maquillage, talons (hauts les talons pour une fois) et bijoux (bon en juste dosage, on est d’accord). il faut juste trouver celle qui correspond à sa morphologie (et c’est loin d’être simple)! bonne fin de journée… et on veut des photosde la soirée de Carine Roitfeld…

  • the girl in brown looks like she’s out of an italian film! :)

  • I love the first one!
    XOX, Gap.

  • Love the second one!
    Gorgeous style! <3

    Le monde des petites

  • Love love love the jumpsuits….totally obsessed with jumpsuits…. I still love dresses but they give a more edgy kind of sexyness !

  • Je portais une combinaison lors de ma dernière soirée de mariage. Je n’ai eu que des compliments. Et ça m’a pris chaque fois 20 minutes pour aller faire pipi !

  • Try the jumpsuit! A.L.C. makes some amazing ones.

  • je suis particulièrement fan de la deuxième combi, avec ses détails smoking. Franchement, à part pour aller aux toilettes, la combi, c’est le trucs le plus pratique à choisir. Et au niveau des accessoires à porter avec, entre ceinture, pochette ou juste un petit collier, c’est la folie :-)

  • J’aime bien la combi, ça change de la robe!

  • ALERTE BUG : le site est bloqué sur un ancien post depuis des semaines, celui-ci : On a encore accès aux pages françaises, oui, mais de manière indirecte, plus depuis Il faut passer par le site en anglais, puis ensuite cliquer sur fr pour avoir la version française.

  • Hi Ccil! We know about this issue and are working hard to fix it– thank you for being patient! xo Alex

  • Ça m’a fait ça aussi mais c’est maintenant rentré dans l’ordre !

  • I would opt for a jumpsuit. Way more sexy and sophisticated than an evening gown!

  • A suit would be a nice choice for this event! Good luck with finding the right one :)

    Lisa – AT LEAST BLOG

  • Hello Garance,
    Tu es très combinaison en ce moment!!! Je suis sure que tu seras très cool demain pour la soirée de Carine Roitfeld!! no problemo…

    Bonne journée
    big bisous

  • MissPimpin September, 29 2014, 10:47 / Reply

    Les combi c’est parfait pour remplacer une robe du soir, mais ça a un inconvénient, un seul mais majeur, le passage aux toilettes est un véritable cau-che-maaaaard.
    J’ai eu assez peu de soirées black tie dans ma vie, mais pour la dernière, j’ai fait pantalon, top dénudé (pour le côté sexy), accessoires pas discrets du tout (pour le côté habillé quand même), et surtout, MANTEAU DE SOIREE !!!
    Toi qui aime tant les manteaux …. je sais que tu vas y voir que ça fait toute la silhouette, aussi bien qu’une robe du soir (si ce n’est mieux)

  • It is worth a try.
    Priscilla Joy
    Dutch Caribbean

  • I absolutely LOVE jumpsuits, but I always end up looking like someone who’s working at a gas station…… I’ll stick to dresses. But everyone else please do the jumpsuit, because I love looking at them :-) !!

  • I think go with the jumpsuit, but keep the pant leg slim because anything wider like Jeanne’s gets in John Travolta territory. #morethanawoman

  • I love the jumpsuit, but not sure I can pull it off. Wouldn’t be very flattering on me!


  • Romain Gary September, 29 2014, 11:07 / Reply

    Dear Garance,
    this post and the one of two weeks ago about les robes de soirée are so sparkling that they reminded me of a little novel you’ve probably heard about …

    “Natasha was going to her first grand ball. She had got up at eight that morning and had been in a fever of excitement and activity all day.
    All her powers since morning had been concentrated on ensuring that they all she herself, Mamma, and Sonya should be as well dressed as possible. Sonya and her mother put themselves entirely in her hands. The countess was to wear a claret-colored velvet dress, and the two girls white gauze over pink silk slips, with roses on their bodices and their hair dressed à la grecque.
    Everything essential had already been done; feet, hands, necks, and ears washed, perfumed, and powdered, as befits a ball; the openwork silk stockings and white satin shoes with ribbons were already on; the hairdressing was almost done. Sonya was finishing dressing and so was the countess, but Natasha, who had bustled about helping them all, was behindhand. She was still sitting before a looking-glass with a dressing jacket thrown over her slender shoulders. Sonya stood ready dressed in the middle of the room and, pressing the head of a pin till it hurt her dainty finger, was fixing on a last ribbon that squeaked as the pin went through it.
    “That’s not the way, that’s not the way, Sonya!” cried Natasha turning her head and clutching with both hands at her hair which the maid who was dressing it had not time to release. “That bow is not right. Come here!”
    Sonya sat down and Natasha pinned the ribbon on differently.
    “Allow me, Miss. I can’t do it like that,” said the maid who was holding Natasha’s hair.
    “Oh, dear! Well then, wait. That’s right, Sonya.”
    “Aren’t you ready? It is nearly ten,” came the countess’ voice.
    “Directly! Directly! And you, Mamma?”
    “I have only my cap to pin on.”
    “Don’t do it without me!” called Natasha. “You won’t do it right.”
    “But it’s already ten.”

  • I am a sucker for jumpsuits and these fitted ones are great.

  • they’re both such great choices. I love the classic suit, but the jumpsuit has a very retro feminine vibe that is very nice

  • I love jumpsuit ,and it works only on a very tall &size 38 girl.and only than it is sexy otherwise you better find a dress that will be more flattering to your body…and the possibilities are enormous,,,
    Yael guetta

  • I love a fancy suit. the first one is professional and even sexy!
    Xo, Belen from A Hint of Life

  • I adore jumpsuits if they are well fitted. The black one in the second photo is just lovely.

  • i love great jumpsuits! the right ones are really comfy and stylish

  • Definitely try the jumpsuits! Loving the 70’s Ms. vibe…

    xx, Kristi

  • I like the bold and powerful look you can create with a jumpsuit. While I’ll never give up dresses altogether, it’s nice to have options when a different mood strikes!

  • How do you go to the restroom in these suits? Do you have to take the whole thing off and sit behind a flimsy wall half nude?

  • Who is Sandra Semburg ? Is she replacing Garance as a photographer ? Will she be presented in a future post ?

  • I was wondering too. Is Sandra Semburg the new photographer?

  • Hi Jodie!
    Sandra is a very talented photographer whose work we have always admired here at the studio. We work with a mix of contributors here and Sandra is one of them. You’ll always see a credit on any photos that she’s taken, and there will continue to be photos by Garance and the studio team! xo Alex

  • I love Stella McCartney jumpsuits! They are perfectly sexy, modern, and elegant all at the same time! That said, I would only wear a jumpsuit if I could afford a Stella one.

  • A wonderful look! So flattering and elegant!
    Daisy | Simplicity Relished

  • Definitivement combi au lieu de la robe du soir. La deuxieme est parfaite avec son style smoking.
    Elle peut etre “casual” ou habillee selon les accessoires mais definitivement sexy et chic. (Surtout avec les cheveux courts et un superbe rouge a levres !)

  • JennySimone September, 29 2014, 1:39 / Reply

    Waited 3,5 years for a fitted jumpsuit …. and did secretly give up on this wish when Zara came along with a black lady-like and Superbe fitted jumpsuit. Feels like Abba with these long flaired legs.

  • Love the photos. The jumpsuit idea doesn’t seem to inspire me personally, just not sure I could do it. But it does seem to be trending and could be a great alternative to a dress.
    For Carine’s maybe a great black pencil skirt with an amazing top??

  • Robe, sans hésitation :) Très belles photos!

  • With my hip and my height… I’ll stick to dresses thank you very much.

  • Under 45? Do the dress…(cocktail length if you are more comfortable “moving.”) Over 45…try the jumpsuit, but
    I still think they are matronly.

    I hope you weren’t thinking that either of the jumpsuits above were black-tie?

    Need the plunge or you look like you are at a business party..or worse working the event!

    Garance – you are so adorable, how can you possibly have an issue finding awesome black tie?

  • I’ll go for the jumpsuit…I’ve already comment about this, and I stick to it. Jumpsuits can be very sexy and elegant, and with the right material very “black tie”. I did it several times …I think there are even faux jumpsuits, that are really two separated pieces that look like one, easier to manage in the loo issue. Good luck with the party and show us some pics of your outfit!

  • Addict des robes mais j’aime les combinaisons de temps en temps si elles sont bien coupées ! La seconde combi est vraiment belle version smoking !

  • The problem isn’t a guy taking it off; it’s you having to take it all off in a potentially tiny (and potentially not clean) toilet stall so you can pee.
    They just don’t seem comfortable to me; at least as I remember because I have assiduously avoided them for years. A fitted dress rises when you sit down, and so does a jumpsuit, but it’s going up your crotch. Not ideal for sitting through a dinner. Maybe if it’s a standing cocktail party…..
    Personally, I prefer the Carolina Herrara look of a crisp blouse with a big skirt (even for black tie), that even has pockets. Class and comfort, combined.


    There has never been a better season to go to work!!

  • The color of the sepia one is sublime!!

  • Junpsuit ! Now you’ll have to post what you chose….

  • Absolutely love jumpsuits and very much enjoy this season when we can find them everywhere, from Zara, DVF, Theory to Valentino!!!!

  • Agree with Catherine, love the look of a beautiful crisp white shirt (with collar up of course) and flowing full skirt with pockets. Should be easy to find someone to make the skirt if you can’t find one in a shop.

  • Je deviens de plus en plus fan de combi… Effectivement, il faut trouver la coupe qui va bien avec sa morphologie et opter pour un modèle au déshabillage aisé ! Je suis totalement convaincue que c’est une pièce qui dit de moi : ‘je n’ai pas essayé de ressembler à l’une de ses stars déambulant sur les red carpets, mais je suis quand même super classe ce soir !’
    J’adore cette tenue qui finalement colle à mes envies vestimentaires !

  • I love the fitted one jumpsuit, even better when it’s suits well at the lower back and the hips.

  • La robe et la combi forment deux styles différents mais peuvent être tout aussi classes l’une que l’autre.
    La robe offre une image peut-être plus féminine et fantaisiste de la femme mais en hiver, on aime bien porter une combi pour protéger les jambes (mieux que des collants, n’est-ce pas?). En revanche, en été on préférera la robe qui porte un peu moins chaud et nous permet de respirer :)
    Ainsi, selon moi, on peut être aussi classe et sexy en robe qu’en combi ! Merci Garance!

  • Has a very 1940’s vibe. Would look great on a tall, slender frame. I’d wear either in a minute!

  • Could you please turn the illustration of the devil-ball-gown into a print for purchase?!? I just love the pout, what a fantastic piece to put above a dressing table! :-)

  • I love fitted jumpsuits. I guess i don’t have big problems with going to the bathroom. Its not like a I pee a hundred times a day, and Its not that tough to slip it down.

  • Yes, jumpsuits looked very cool in the Eighties too.

    But going to the bathroom while wearing a jumpsuit still SUCKS big time.

    (If they wanted to bring back the coordinating bodysuit with snaps at the crotch instead, maybe… MAYBE.)

  • Zip in front or back, I just can’t accept the impracticality if jumpsuits. Please, a collection of separates with the same effect! After all the look is so chic. How about top and bottom same color and fabric, tuck top in or something?

  • As long a you don’t have to use the loo and thus completely undress, they’re great.

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