11 years ago by
The first day of New York fashion week, my friend Daphné (You’ve seen her here and in this Pardon My French and who has the coooolest style) told me that she started her own mini fashion challenge during fashion week.
I immediately thought : “What a delightful idea !”
We should all do that, right? Fashion challenges. C’mon, it’ll be fun.
She decided that she was going to try wear a white shirt every day.

(No, the yellow taxis in the background weren’t on purpose. We really were looking for a taxi after the Phillip Lim show.)(I know, we’re so stylish that the taxis coordinate with our outfits.)(It should be noted that we ended up spending like eight hours trying to find at taxi.)

So I haven’t been following her around like a crazy person (almost though), but the days that I have seen her, she has stayed true to her challenge.
Mucho respecto.
Oh, I am thinking about what could be my own fashion challenge, what to you think of old rock / sports tees ? Is it too easy ?
Wahouuuuu quel look ! Vive la chemise blanche !
I love white shirts! Old tee are easier to wear than an white shirt DURING fashion week! But you’d rock that look for sure! New post on the blog
Xoxo Cory
nice outfits :)
I love her , she has amazing style!
C’est un concept qui me parle vu que tous les mois je fais des projets d’une semaine de ce genre sur mon blog, et ça aide à imaginer des tenues auxquelles on n’aurait pas pensé à la base!
Un turban ?
Hmmmm… try red shoes, maybe?
Or a black tuxedo blazer. Or a sequined skirt (especialy now, that we have this skirt over pants look)… And why stop with the clothes… try letting your hair down the entire week… or sporting a black cat eye eyeliner. And if you do, plese post :)
“Corse” le challenge (Corse the challenge! :-)
chemise en denim tous les jours (tu devrais y arriver)
Très sympa, ce challenge ! D’accord pour le t shirt rock/sport ! On attend tes looks avec impatience !
I really like her style and that white shirt she wore perfect. On too many ways. Have a nice day.
Mais non, pas des tee rock, c’est passé! Une marinière peut être? Une marinière par jour c’est très très français!
All her outfits look great, gorgeous girl.
I really love her style!! it’s fresh and beautiful!!!
Jolis looks !
Je trouve ça très cool comme idée!
I’d love that! Old rock/sport t shirt is a good idea. Or how about a tartan shirt in this tartan crazy time? xxx
Il y a tellement d’options de tenues que parfois c’est vrai, on en perd la boule et c’est pas mal de se concentrer sur un élément qu’on affectionne. Le ts rock euh je sais pas trop :-)
Elle a très bien réussi! Moi, j’aime beaucoup la versatilité et aussi l’élégance d’une chemise blanche.
Et faire le même avec de “tee rock”, c’est génial! Ça sera inspire…
I love the second look!the pants… the shirt’s neck and the coat… amazing!
t-shirts??? much too easy.
only midi skirts.
Plaid shirts
Total looks by color, one different color each day
Wes Anderson characters. ah ah
I see you trying it with your WHITE JEANS !! I think it’s your thing….????
Beautiful photos as always!
Dress To Cook Blog
Dress To Cook Page
“Le style se jette à nos pieds”! très vrai!
La note de musique tombe au bon moment
le fille passe juste quand il faut
ou la voiture
ou l’oiseau
certains parlent de hasard
de regard…
une amie dit “Dieu ne dort pas”
joli, non?!
love the challenge idea! heck this could also be something we could do right now…
Défi réussi et surtout avec grande classe !
j’aime beaucoup ce défi relevé à mon avis haut la main!
Cette Daphné a de la ressource!
bises Garance
Trop facile le T-shirt rock/sport ! Le challenge de la petite robe noire peut être sympa (et au moins, on se trompe pas): comme ça, tu pourrais la revisiter de plein de façon différentes (oui oui, ça demande de la préparation, mais bon Fashion week oblige).
Ou encore le “ceinturé” (je ne vois pas comment l’appeler autrement), avec du genre, un manteau ou une veste oversize ceinturé(e) à la taille, ou un pantalon 7/8ème taille haute ceinturé (avec une sorte de foulard en soie, noué comme un “noeud lavallière”), ou une robe joliment ceinturée à la taille ! Ok ok, mes idées sont plus difficiles, mais si tu y parviens, tu deviendra sla grande prêtresse du challenge de la Mode (#ohyeahbaby).
C’est une super idée ce défi et je reconnais que chacune de ses tenues est réussie :)
Son pantalon moutarde est parfait et alors, la coordination avec les taxis, j’adore !
I love her continuity! What a great way of identifying yourself and your style. Even though she wears such a basic piece each day, she reinvents it and gives it an entirely new identity and function.
Please oh PLEASE do a vintage T styling challenge! I want to see how you style them so that I can attempt to make my vast collection less high school and more elevated. Sigh… so many awesome t-shirts, so many workdays that I can’t wear them to the office…
J’adore le façonnage de pantalon jaune, tellement chic et classique. Quant à la chemise blanche, elle aussi est quelque chose de facile à porter qui donne de la sophistication à n’importe quelle tenue!
ou alors une coiffure différente chaque jour !!! ah ahh ca c’est du challenge !
Trop facile comme challenge – non, quelque chose de plus difficile comme “variation autour d’une jupe plissée sans être tata” …
un vrai chalenge se serait une semaine de tenues avec une veste en jean, difficile (surtout par ce temps) mais ça c’est du chalenge de modeuse!!
I love the idea of a challenge, what a great way to add fun to the wardrobe saga every morning. And I’m a big fan of a good white shirt. A x
I think old sports/rock tee’s are great! It doesn’t matter which item you pick, it’s always getting hard to style after a while ;) xx
My pladoyer: no challenge at all, binds to much energy, which can serve for more important things to think about or to do ;-) Thank you though, Garance, for all these nice ideas, to initiate a dialogue with your readers!!
Oh Garance, you sneaky thing, t-shirts! As if. No mademoiselle, too easy for you BUT I agree it should be something endemic to your environment like a denim shirt or white jeans. Your muse Daphne took the white shirt and styled it very differently everyday, which is the real challenge with a piece you love because it’s hard not to see it as the star of the show. Also, no reaching for something without thinking because your day started late or snowy or you became distracted by instagram and twitter.
I say “you” meaning “I” and “we” of course.
I love the idea of a fashion challenge, but how difficult can it be to wear a white shirt every day…? I wouldn’t mind, but then again, I don’t need to attend fashion weeks :)
How about un challenge “couvre-chef” ?
Le Fedora, un bonnet, une casquette, un foulard, un turban, etc…..
You know the subways are super fast, better than waiting for a taxi for 8 hrs. Just a thought …”when in Rome…”
T-shirts à la fashion week c’est déjà un défi, mais si tu en met avec des marques de sport, là c’est le délire!
Cool example of how a white shirt can be just perfection!
I did this once, but with Harley Davidson Tees!
I’d do vintage rock tees personally because I love music. (When styled the right way). If I tried to do sports teams I would totally be fronting, because I can’t think of more than 2 teams that I actually like! Back to rock tees, I wore a Joy Division tee under a slim black button up and my only accessories were red nails, a red lip and some sort of animal print belt. Simple but got unexpected compliments from JD fans who recognized the small, obscure bit of album cover that showed thru. Great convo starters ;)
I love the idea. She looks great in all these looks. I also like that she’s wearing completely different style white shirts.
There is something very self-respecting about a white shirt isn’t there? Fabulous outfits!
Respect = Respeto (without the c )
Respecto = in relation to, about that, on that subject, etc…
…rock those vintage rock tees ;)
Great photos and great post. Lots of good ideas.
1st: the “old rock / sports tees” challenge is such a good idea! There are so many ways to do it. 2nd: Daphne’s “white shirt” challenge could be considered too easy she is totally rocking it. i love it.
Great outfit!! Mustard yellow is really vintage!!! Good choice!!!
Take a look at my blog Elen and the city:
Love her style!! I think you should try it!!
beautiful photos, and yes, rock n roll tee is the easiest challenge in the world, they’re even selling these in target for babies. try something that would be flattering yet still a risk to do every day…. e.g. hair adornment (headband, clip, turban, hat, beret) and it’s cold enough where ppl will think hm, how creative is garance in keeping her head stylishly warm??
or only green shoes (do you have green shoes..?)
NIce bag!
Disons que la chemise blanche étant un bon basique, ça reste facile, le Tshirt rock aussi…placer des escarpins vert émeraude par exemple, ça serait un défi! sur une semaine! pas évident?! tu relèves le défi?
I love her white shirt. Where did she buy it?
The t-shirt challenge sounds like a good idea (white shirts are easy too). What about flats (brogues, sneakers..)? Or party dresses (dressed down to look cool and not “girly girl”-ish)? It would probably be very convenient to do a challenge like that, then you have a starting point when getting dressed.
Or what about sweatshirts (with logos and such)? It’s sort of along the line of the band/sports tees.
“Daphne and the White Shirts” is a great band name.
So great!! I love to combine white shirts creating different styles!! I especially love the last photo, it’s very beautiful!
Your style is gorgeous! And I believe you would love what we have in-store at Spaces and Gems. Check us out: http://spacesandgems.bigcartel.com/
J’adore son pantalon moutarde!
A white shirt everyday without looking like a waiter or air steward! They are excellent and eclectic shirts too…a reminder to buy one when you see it.
I think it’s tres interesting how yellow taxis=wearing yellow. Snow=wearing white. I opften think about how we subconsciously dress to match our environments. I was at yoga the other day and my tights were the exact colour of the mat (blue) and my tank was the colour of the bricks (purple). I was like, oh, I’m invisible….
In the city folks often wear grey/concrete colours, and in the country folks wear green.
Ouf !!! Je cherche un sac rouge parfait depuis plusieurs années… Sans jamais réussir à tomber en amour sur un en particulier… Et là, que vois-je ?? Un sac rouge comme je souhaite !!! De quelle marque/modèle s’agit-il ??? Je vous remercie pour l’info ;-)) Bises et bonne FW
J’adore le concept ! Ne pas trop se prendre au sérieux et jouer un peu, ouais pourquoi pas, j’adhère :)
ah mais J’ADORE ce look !!!!
The idea of having to wear old T-shirts all week scares me until I realise I could always take them where they’re baggy and make them AMAZING. :) You go for it and show us the results!
Est-ce que tu avais suivi le Uniform project il y a 3 ans (www.theuniformproject.com)? Durant une année, Sheena Matheiken avait porté la même petite robe noire, accessoirisée chaque jour différemment, et postait les photos de ses tenues. C’était génial et très inspirant. S’imposer une contrainte vestimentaire de la sorte permet vraiment de libérer sa créativité pour le reste de son look.
she looks fantastic in every one!! i especially love the first outfit though! that jacket is incredible + i love the yellow! it’s good to challenge yourself like that once in a while – makes you create something you may never have thought of!
january, x
Love this idea! My own variation was to wear elbow-length black leather gloves with everything… For an entire month. It really jazzed up my wardrobe in unexpectedly happy ways.
Why not challenge yourself during the next fashion week (going to be in september) with COATS (as the great element of this season)!!!
No, just kidding, till to certain point, I would suggest to use underneath your clothes the swimming costume as an accessory to create the seeing through effect of the season that is just vanishing and the new one that is arriving!
LOVE! Adding color to any winter look allows for the outfit to stand out in the midst of all the dark toned layers. The StyleUp (www.thestyleup.com) helps gals all around the world get together looks as trendy as these by emailing a look the night before catering to my personal style for me each and every night so I can look as trendy as this gal everyday of the week.