NO WAY. I love this. Despite (or maybe because of?) her barbarianism, she is femininity incarnate. This is my new favorite picture <3 I think all women have something like this inside of them, a self-assured wild woman, you know? great find :)
I’ve been following your posts about Bella’s Home and I have to say the home is brilliant! The attention to detail is nothing less than astounding and the very fact that so many corners in her home inspire you; says something. I absolutely love!!
I saw a documentary about the extreme intelligence of the octopus. At the end of it they called them: an extra-terrestrial civilisation having an evolutionary blast right on the Earth – in our oceans.
She seems to be very comfortable with it ;))
Ahhhh the bun!! As you know, in my past hair life I was totally a top knot girl. But there is something about the low chignon that I also really love....
Years before I ever realized that I would actually end up working for her, Garance was my introduction to a certain kind of fashion. At the time, she...
Until recently, I was a hard-core bronzer fanatic, it was my hero product in my beauty routine since high school. I tried every version under the sun...
J’aime beaucoup.
À bientôt !
cool pic! :)
Un poulpe sur la tête ?????
Oh ! Un poulpe sur la tête ,nouvelle tendance pour l’été ,
Tu a même une teinture naturelle …
Tous les petits détails chez Bella sont bien chouettes, elle a un intérieur incroyable!
Mafalda ?
Beautiful photo and wood frame!
That photo is really so nice.
La photo et le cadre sont très jolis, mais je n’aurais pas mis je ne poserais pas avec un poulpe sur la tête!
Increibles detalles ,fantastica!!
Un beso.
Love this frame. great pic.
Beautiful photo in a perfect frame! xx
wow this is extraordinary
who is she?
Est-ce que Bella a un poulpe sur la tete ? Si oui, elle a un extra-ordinaire sens de l’humour !
un poulpe…un chapelet…quelle signification ? image inquiétante !!!
NO WAY. I love this. Despite (or maybe because of?) her barbarianism, she is femininity incarnate. This is my new favorite picture <3 I think all women have something like this inside of them, a self-assured wild woman, you know? great find :)
mysterious and beautiful
I’ve been following your posts about Bella’s Home and I have to say the home is brilliant! The attention to detail is nothing less than astounding and the very fact that so many corners in her home inspire you; says something. I absolutely love!!
très belle photo!
beautiful photo
J’adore !
I saw a documentary about the extreme intelligence of the octopus. At the end of it they called them: an extra-terrestrial civilisation having an evolutionary blast right on the Earth – in our oceans.
She seems to be very comfortable with it ;))
superbe image!
vraiment fan!
@ Lucia, I would love to see that documentary. It sounds absolutely amazing. Could you by chance recover the name of it? Thank you, thank you !