nyc ballet garance dore photos

9 years ago by

There is something so beautiful and inspiring about the ballet. It’s more than an appreciation of the skill and discipline of the dancers – it’s the feeling you have when you watch each of those motions become a seamless narrative.

Dance has played a leading role in my life; I grew up dancing all different styles. What’s unique about ballet, though, is the connection you feel to others when you dance it. You give a bit of yourself each time – to the audience and to those who have danced it before you, the likes of Balanchine and Baryshnikov.

Although I danced, ballet is something spectacular even in the abstract. You don’t have to be a dancer to be swept away by the movements of the story. Watching from the audience, you still have the experience of release – of both mind and emotion.

We love dancing in the studio (Erik instigates desk dance parties all the time!), so that might be why visiting the New York City Ballet was so special for all of us. Their winter season is a big deal in New York, so we wanted to show you an intimate look inside their opening night.


nyc ballet garance dore photos
nyc ballet garance dore photos
nyc ballet garance dore photos

nyc ballet garance dore photos

nyc ballet garance dore photos

nyc ballet garance dore photos
nyc ballet garance dore photos

The company has 93 dancers, with nearly 150 ballets in their repertoire. So, they have a strict schedule, which begins with a warm up in the morning. They dress for the benefit of their body, to keep their muscles warm and relaxed – leg warmers and knits – not to make a fashion statement.

Throughout the day, the dancers will rehearse the numerous shows scheduled for the week (three were performed on opening night alone!). Partner sequences take a lot of strength and a lot of trust. We got to watch Sara Mearns, one of the principals, practice with her partner in a very close rehearsal space.

Here are the images from the first part of the day! There was so much to capture, so make sure you come back later to see the rest – including images of the performance!!

nyc ballet garance dore photos

nyc ballet garance dore photos

nyc ballet garance dore photos
nyc ballet garance dore photos

nyc ballet garance dore photos

nyc ballet garance dore photos

nyc ballet garance dore photos

nyc ballet garance dore photos


nyc ballet garance dore photos


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  • Wow! These photos are so beautiful. They remind me to the paintings by Degas. I can’t love more ballet, I studied ballet for many years when I was little.

  • Beautiful photos and an interesting insight! Cannot wait for the follow-up.

  • Amazing pictures…beautiful …it’s a dream of every little girl…but mostly the feeling of lightness and the clothes more than the hard work..the commitment…
    Yael Guetta

  • Brie……thank you so much! I love dance, I love ballet and I always find rehearsing dancers so inspirational. They can wear rugs and still be the most elegant people ever. Beautiful pictures!

  • Sublimes photos, l’univers du ballet est très inspirant, j’adore. Ce contraste unique de force et de grace..

  • So perfectly said!

  • Moi j’adore le côté un peu suranné du mode de la danse classique! C’est beau et calme, les ballerines sont tout en discrétion et si menues et en même temps on sait que c’est une discipline tyrannisante pour le corps. Je suis fascinee, éblouie…


  • Beautiful photos and I love the contrast of the sumptuous red chairs at the end.

  • Studio Dore’, on est jamais trop tard pour prendre des class de ballet, a NY vous avez des ecoles magnifique avec cours adults! Courage, allez!!

  • Valentina Jean Noël February, 3 2015, 4:33

    Pouvez vous nous faire parvenir une adresse? Merci déjà!

  • C’est magnifique ! Merci pour ces photos. Je fais de la danse classique et j’aime tellement ce genre de “reportage coulisse” ! C’est toujours fascinant.

  • Hi Brie,

    Thanks for this post. I love dance, and classical ballet in particular. I started dancing at age 3 (contemporary), and turned to classical at age 9. I’m still dancing today at age 38 (4 and a half hours a week)! Despite the injuries and pain and frustration (at times), it’s in my blood. I’m an advanced-level amateur dancer. What can I say, I just love it. I love the exhiliration and how rewarding it is. Such a noble art.

    While nursing an injured leg (hamstring) with my physical therapist (he also works with the Paris Opera dancers) a couple years ago, I started some friendly chit-chat with one of his other patients was there (a professional dancer), and he asked me what company I danced with! Ha! If only! Well, in any case, that was really good for the ego. Lol :))))

    In any case, it’s great to see that ballet is back in the limelight. I mean, it was never out of fashion, but a lot of people have this very dusty image of it. They’re convinced it’s boring. When debating what type of dance class to sign my 4-yr-old daughter up to, someone told me: “As long as it’s not classical! It’s just so dull.” Dull???!!!
    The strength, dedication, grace, technicity, etc. it requires, not to mention the rich variety of choreographies and creation, makes it anything but dull. Sure, not everyone has to appreciate the same things, naturally (I still can’t get my husband into it). In any case, it seems to me that lately, ballet has been benefiting from a new light, and that’s just awesome.

    Dancers are not only artists, they’re also athletes.

    Like Emilia, I really enjoy photos and videos of dancers rehearsing. It’s so inspiring. I try to learn from them.

    Improving one’s technique, etc. is a continuous work in progress. I’m continually trying to see how I can improve the flexibility and technique. One of my strong suits is high jumps. On the other hand, I have to work very hard to hold my back and to try to improve my turns. I’ve recently changed the way I place my arms, and I’ve been getting double pirouettes in nice and clean. Such satisfaction at my little amateur level!
    Plus, I’ve been doing an average of 300 abs virtually every night, and that helps a lot! This is turning into a fitness post from yours truly. Ha! Sorry!

    Well, I could go on.

    Thanks again for sharing.

  • Hi Camille,
    Love hearing your tales of endurance with ballet! I was once again so moved I’ve decided to take classes again, there is no age to old to relive ballet. And all those sit ups don’t hurt either ;)
    Brie x

  • Superbes photos!Ma fille fait du ballet depuis 12 ans. On a regardé les photos ensemble en espérant qu’un jour elle va devenir une ballerine comme les jolies danseuses du ballet. Merci de nous faire rêver; on attend impatiemment la suite…Bisous d’Athènes

  • I can’t wait to read more, ballet life is fascinating! x

  • ça fait rêver, même si on sait que derrière il y a beaucoup d’efforts et de travail!
    Les photos sont très belles!


  • Je suis tellement contente que vous ayez fait ces photos ! J’adore la danse classique également, mais je trouve que vous arrivez parfaitement à retranscrire ce mélange de grâce, de technique, de beauté et un peu de douleur aussi !

  • Hi Caroline – its so true, classical ballet really is both grace and strength!

  • “ladies of the ballet” – how chic is that.
    Lovely Thank you for sharing this.
    Priscilla Joy
    Dutch Caribbean

  • Beautiful pictures!! I love ballet. I don’t dance myself, but love going to see a performance. It’s graceful and there is something about these particular movements that haunts me, takes me someplace else, to a different mindset. It grounds me, lets me enjoy the moment while transporting me to a world far far away – where movements become emotions.

  • Loved this post! Love the ballet and dance.

  • Très beau sujet, très différent de ce qui est habituellement traité ici. Voie à explorer davantage !

  • MissPimpin January, 29 2015, 10:55 / Reply

    J’espère que je ne vais pas avoir l’air vexante, parce que ce n’est PAS DU TOUT l’idée, mais en regardant tes photos, on s’aperçoit à quel point tu es une VRAIE photographe, pas juste de mode
    Tu dois être une bien belle personne

  • Lucie Coquette January, 30 2015, 8:13

    Exactement, c’est précisément l’impression que j’ai eu également! Bravo!

  • Quel bonheur, ces photos ! Une fois, j’avais pu assister à une répétition d’opéra (Ariane à Naxos), c’était tellement intéressant. Les personnes sur scène s’étaient prêtées au jeu de l’interview. C’est un moment que je n’oublierai pas.
    Et aujourd’hui, c’est amusant, tu parles du New York City Ballet, celui que j’aimerais tant aller voir un jour. Je fais partie des personnes qui sont transportées par cet art de la danse, classique ou moderne. Je sais à quel point cette compagnie recrute d’exceptionnels talents… J’aurais voulu être une petite souris et venir regarder le travail qu’il y a derrière les spectacles. Alors merci pour ce superbe coup d’œil !
    (On ne t’a pas laissé filmer un peu ?
    Une petite vidéo… non ? ;) )

  • Ana January, 29 2015, 10:55 / Reply

    I remember sawing the ribbons! :) I love ballet and have trained (as an amateur) for years. I love how it combines physical activity, music, art and clothes (anyone else gets a thrill from getting new pink tights ?) My favourite dancer? Sergey Polunin- I’m utterly mesmerised by his dancing. Throw in the beautiful body, the sharpest cheekbones I’ve seen in my life and I can’t take my eyes of him. ” Ogling time ” I say to my man when I watch yet again recordings of Polunin’s performances :)

  • These photos are a work of art, they are so captivating. It is a dream of mine to go to opening night of the ballet in New York. The dancers are so inspirational, their dedication to be the best they can be is astounding. Thank you for this beautiful post, Brie!
    xx, from Los Angeles

  • Nini piccola January, 29 2015, 11:05 / Reply

    Thank you for this!!!

  • Les photos sont incroyables ! Les danseurs, les costumes… c’est un univers tellement attirant !
    J’ai hâte de voir les photos de la première !
    Merci de nous faire partager ces petits moments d’intimité, c’est sublime !

  • GUILLERMIN Anna January, 29 2015, 11:42 / Reply

    Je suis le blog depuis le début, depuis mes 13ans… J’étais à l’époque en sport étude de danse (classique) en france et j’en fait maintenant mon métier… J’ai déménagé à NEW YORK, la même année que Garance pour la danse (encore une fois) où j’ai passé mon BAC au Lycée Français de NY et où j’ai dansé comme une folle pour pouvoir arriver enfin un jour à en faire mon métier… De suivre le blog depuis tant d’années, me donne beaucoup d’inspiration, et me permet comme toujours de me remettre en question sur tas de choses. Voir ces photos de danse moi qui suis du milieu, me remplis encore plus de joie, car je crois que sur ce blog vous aviez parlé de tout. sauf certainement de la danse et de la rigueur que ce métier demande.
    C’est vrai que malheureusement il est dur de garder au quotidien du “style” dans nos tenues… Plus on est emmitouflés dans des sacs à patates en polaire et des boots fourrées par dessus nos pointes mieux on est… c’est peut-être ça finalement notre mode à nous. Car autant vous dire que malheureusement moi qui suis fan de Mode, de vêtements, chaussures, accessoires bref tout quoi mais surtout d’exploration de nouvelle tenues etc… Et bah non. J’ai pas le droit je passe ma vie en jogging repetto, polaire quechua et chaussettes chaudes. Les seules rares fois ou je peux m’habiller parconte je m’enflamme là ^^ ! Bref. Merci pour ce poste, qui donne un aperçu de notre quotidien à nous les danseuses qui n’avons pas vraiment de talent fashion dans notre quotidien… AH SI ! la seule petite folie que l’on peut avoir c’est créer ses propres tuniques de danse YUMIKO (choisir les matières, couleurs, formes etc) CA C’EST LE TOP DU TOP DE LA TENUE ORIGINALE DE LA DANSEUSE !

  • Bérénice January, 29 2015, 9:21

    Bien d’accord pour les léotards Yumiko! ;)
    Bon succès pour la suite de ta carrière!

  • Hey! I’m a LFNY alum myself!

    All the best for your career!

  • bavarian_blue January, 29 2015, 11:53 / Reply

    Magnific! Preparing the pointe shoe is an art in itself. Love your pics! And seeing “pt.1” in titel i’m hoping for more of that.

  • pure beauty. xo

  • Ballet is amazing world of beauty, very elevated and sophisticated…I used to practice it so I know enough)) Very alluring post, though when talk about ballet I think no one mention that this beauty is strongly attached to the unbelievable pain, deformed fingers and restrictions….


  • Thsi has to be my favourite post in this blog EVER. I love ballet and even though I wasn’t meant to be a dancer, I work in cultural management just to be close to this, the most amazing kind of art. Looking forward to seeing more images!

  • Stunning photos, ballet is an art.

  • I can never get enough of ballet backstage photos. Such a big contrast: bright shiny picture on stage and tons of hard work in reality.

    BarbarianMe Blog

  • I dance myself – ballet – and have danced almost all my life. I know the NYCB quite well, and when visiting New York last week (I’m from Paris) I got to see a performance – it was All Balanchine night. Sara Mearns, saddly, was not dancing that night, but I appreciated this amazing company like always. The photos are extraordinary, I think they capture perfectly the essence of this beautiful art and of the NYCB. Can’t wait for the rest!

  • I did ballet for a long time, it was part of my dream to be professional, but somethings aren’t meant to be. I believe this may be my favorite post of all time from you. The images are so beautiful and it makes me so happy and sad all at the same time!

  • Thanks so much for post about ballet! :) Stunning post. … and the art of photos is beautiful
    ..there is also very beautiful eastern equivalent of ballet- classical chinese dance- Shen Yun doing it. They just have shows in NYC and else. if have a chance to see, don´t miss it!

  • Sabrina Delafield January, 29 2015, 4:58 / Reply

    Thank you so much for featuring ballet! I am a professional dancer and a huge fan of your blog. It is always fantastic when the world of ballet can be shared with a different audience. If you are ever in Dusseldorf, Germany check out Ballett Am Rhein. Can’t wait to see more.

  • Oh how exciting to get to cover this! So inspiring Garance! I was obsessed with the show “Breaking Point” shame it was cancelled. Thanks for featuring this, you should read Maggie Shipstead’s new book “Astonish Me” great cover design too.

    Allie of ALLIE NYC

  • Oh my goodness. So beautiful. Brought tears to my eyes. My daughter will be so excited to see these photos. She is a 10 year old ballerina.

    – Meredith

  • Wonderful!

    What camera and lens were used, please? Merci!

  • Bérénice January, 29 2015, 9:27 / Reply

    Thanks you so much for this beautiful post! I am a big fan of NYCB.

    For anyone who loves this kind of behind-the-scene ballet pics, I suggest this Instagram account: @dalberda
    Devin Alberda dances with NYCB and takes gorgeous pics.


  • peter betts January, 31 2015, 8:55 / Reply

    Glad to see ballet getting it’s due! Catherine de Medici started it in Florence, Italy. She married the king of France and moved to Paris, but missed the ballet, so she sent a messenger to Florence to bring it to Paris. She wanted to have them perform at a party she had planned in a few weeks, but the dancers had disbanded except for the teacher, who went to Paris by himself. The only people in shape were the fencers, so they danced and everybody loved it, and we still have lots of ballet moves from the fencing!

  • j’ai fait plusieurs années de danse classique dans mes jeunes années… c’est vraiment une superbe discipline !

    xo CarolineJ

  • Love the photo with the ballerina sewing her pointes!

  • J’adore Sara Mearns.

  • Stunning photography!

  • Love those pictures!

    The blonde girl in warm-up class is wearing those beautiful, beige-grey, long legwarmers – does anyone happen to know the brand?

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