9 years ago by

The other day we paid a visit to Phillip Lim‘s showroom and studio. It’s every bit as beautiful as you would imagine… (or more!)
I’ve always adored the space he’s created, so I wanted to share some photos with you. It’s filled with light (coming in from the stunning atrium ceilings) and there are so many small details that Phillip added – perfectly picked flowers, the coolest unique furniture pieces (a lot from BDDW – an amaaaazzzing store here in Soho) and of course art!!

One of the coolest places in the office is the library you walk through to enter Phillip’s office, with shelves lined with books divided by season – each nook holding the inspirations to one of his many collections through the years. It’s so interesting how he set up the office — purposely placing his office right between the design team and the pattern makers so he can always be close to the process.
I so admire the time he spent in creating the perfect working environment (we’re getting there with our studio — I can’t wait to show you soon!) – even making sure his business partner Wen’s office was equally as beautiful. That couch is too lovely, the plants, the paint color.. ahhh all of it!!!
I’m so happy to share a little bit of Phillip’s world with you, a perfect send off to the weekend.
p.s. If you’re in New York, there is a beautiful new Phillip Lim store on Great Jones Street!

Quelle chance d’avoir pu visiter ces lieux magiques! Les photos sont absolument sublimes. Bon week-end :-)
Merci pour ces magnifiques photos!!! <3
Quelle chance!
Bon week-end!
Le monde des petites
it’s wonderful how the flowers and the plants change the entire mood! :)
Beautiful space! Love the flowers and Phillip’s taste
This is going to sound weird, but the translucid ceiling picture… looks like an angelic orb there :))
Autant de lumière et une atmosphère unique, ça doit être bien pour l’inspiration. Le rêve de travailler dans un lieu pareil!!!
Hâte de découvrir le Studio aussi!
Bon weekend :)
Un bel appartement avec du végétal vivant à l’intérieur, j’adore
Superbe endroit, merveilleusement mit en valeur. :)
Such a beautiful, light-filled space! Those Coke cans are fabulous…
xx, Kristi
J’aimerais vivre dans son studio/bureau, tel qu’il est. Ce flot de lumiere m’enchante.
So bright, I love it x
Il ressort plein de serenite de cet endroit. Un lieu prêt a créer ou on aimerait aussi installer son cosy home…
Je veux le meme a la maison!!
Bisous Bisous
Salut Garance !
J’adore cette manière de présenter les photos, à chaque “scroll” on a la surprise. Très classe.
Chez Philipp Lim … le canapé vert eau, super nice et puis je prendrai bien le manteau gris !!!
What a great place looks like it has a good Feng Shui (chinese philosophical system of harmonizing everyone with the surrounding environment.) which is absolutely a mast to create around you so people can live happily and that good energy will circulate in the place…love it
Yael Guetta
awesome place
giveaway on my blog!
I love the quirky, clean cut design of this, the colour and the placement of things like the books and the plants- it feels so airy and clear but not empty at the same time and I really think they have acquired a good balance of work and relaxation here. It looks great!
Ce lieu est sublime! Magique cette lumière
Beautiful space!
Simply lovely. Always wonderful to work in a serene environment.
Priscilla Joy
Dutch Caribbean
Wowww, perfect balanced! Intensive colored versus soft shaded – wood,leather and green leaves versus steel, glas and marble.
Garance, ce qui est un peu dommage dans le nouveau design du site, c’est que certaines images ne peuvent plus être “enregistrées sous”, pour la première photo et les photos d’arrière-plan. Or ça a toujours été mon petit plaisir d’enregistrer mes photos préférés pour me faire mes petits moodboards.
C’est volontaire ou tu crois que ça peut facilement être corrigé? :)
I absolutely adore Philip Lim and I am so happy that u shared this pictures with us.
Très beau, le rêve de travailler dans un endroit aussi inspirant et élégant.
Je veux la même chose chez moi ! :-)
c’est très raffiné, à l’mage de Phillip Lim
An awesome work environment always does wonders to the quality of work I believe xx
Merci de partager ce si bel univers avec nous. Je comprends que la bibliothèque soit ta pièce préférée.
I admire the light, airy, and minimalistic feel of the space. Incredibly chic and giving me major design inspiration! Also how cool would it be to have that library in a house?
Like the flowers & the secretary’s table!
What a great studio! So luminous, clean, well-decorated, etc.! I’m so happy for him that works in that inspiring space!
Love it but I tried to pin an image and i couldn’t!! There is a problem with pinning images from your page