Anda & Masha

14 years ago by

Last week, I spent a lot of time taking photos. One of the shoots lasted three days and that’s where I met Anda & Masha, two stylists whom I just love working with. These girls, lemmie tell you, TOO cool.

I love their simple style, perfect for working in a exhaustingly fast paced rhythm in an exhaustingly hot weather with the most exhausting photographer.

So I noted three things :

• Just like me, Anda is on team eyebrows, ahah. There are the girls who can’t stand when you see their eyebrows over sunglasses, and others that think that it hides all your expressions. As for me, I like when you can see my eyebrows. Ok, so set aside how dumb this point is. Ok, I’m really afraid of nothing. Ok, maybe I’m a little afraid of how stupid some of the stuff is I talk about. So, moving on, to point number 2.

• Just like me, Anda loves oversized denim shirts. Except for unlike me, who looks a little bag flying in the wind when I wear the old shirts I stole from my father’s closet that’s how much I’m swimming inside them, she had the wonderful idea of cutting the sleeves. That way, you can see her arms and that balances out the silhouette. What do you think I did right when I get home? Wait, where are the scissors?

• Real working girls wear flats. Long live derbies, Converse, and hello to whatever shoes Masha is wearing below, half espadrilles, half sneakers, and EVERYONE is wearing them in New York this summer.

Voilà, besides being fantastic, Anda & Masha make hats, and so I told them that I love hats and I want to see what they’ve got, and they said ok, let’s meet as soon as we make it back to L.A.

So if they’re not too afraid after reading this post (who could blame ’em?), I’ll get right on showing you some of their designs. Anda is wearing one of them in the photo right above, that’s a good start, don’t you think?

Translation : Tim Sullivan



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  • Aaah les chemises en jean oversize, tellement confortables que ça en devient gênant.
    Hâte de voir leurs créas! :)

  • The looks suit them. Loving the oversized denim shirt. Its great to take photos of friends and show the world how fantastic they are.


  • Are they these, Tom’s shoes?
    I really want a pair too!

  • Yes, I am quite sure those are Toms! I have a pair and they are quite comfortable. They come in tons of colours and styles, and for each pair you purchase, they donate a pair to a child in need somewhere in the world. ?

  • Ca s’annonce même très bien ! Les photos sont géniales en tout cas. J’adore l’idée de découper les manches des vieilles chemises en jean, je cours le faire !

    Vivement ton prochain article, xxx.

  • Great girls. Love the casual looks. They are wearing flats! So they are my icons.

    And love Anda’s tattoo peeking out of her denim shirt sleeve…

  • Again – lovely lovely photographs.

  • J’aimerais bien bosser dans une ambiance aussi sympa! Hélas, ce n’est pas du tout le cas. Ces stylistes ont une allure vraiment cool…
    (Moi aussi je suis de la team eyebrows…)

  • Un style que j’aime déjà, à l’image de leurs looks. Quand on bosse on a pas le temps de se préparer nikel chrome et le confort prime !
    Hâte de voir leurs travaux !

  • Hello Garance!

    Vas tu prendre qq vacances Garance! La photographe harassée et harassante que tu es en a sans doute besoin… :-)
    En tout cas, j’aime beaucoup la première photo, Anda est trés jolie et la lumière…mmm…ça sent l’été “made in NYC”! Hâte d’y retourner fin septembre! …bon ce sera l’été indien mais peu importe! :-)
    Bonne journée Garance!

    PS/ tes réflexions sur ce que tu es écris me font toujours sourire “…Moi j’aime qu’on voit mes sourcils. Ok on oublie ce point tellement il est con. Ok j’ai vraiment peur de rien.”…, héhé! c’est vrai tu n’as peur de rien… c’est ce que j’aime chez toi :-) xx

  • Wow, they are absolutely fresh… The colors, the simplicity, the lightness, all that I aspire to lately… The blues and whites are wonderfully relaxing and modern. And one final point; I think Converse is the epitome of design that doesn’t and will never age…

  • Ces deux filles respirent vraiment la joie de vivre sur ces photos!
    J’aime beaucoup leur côté cool, pas prise de tête! d’ailleurs je me réjouis de voir leurs chapeaux !

  • Oh Wow! These girls could have invented the word ‘cool’. I love the cream shorts, leather belt and denim shirt ensemble! Fantastic! x

  • J’adore!!!!!!! les photos sont magnifiques et qu’est que j’aime leur style
    Merci Grance de nous faire découvir des gens comme ça

    PS : a quand la suite de tes jobs d’été ? bisous bonne journée

  • Oh yeahhhh je voudrais bien voir toutes leurs créas ! :)))
    J’adore leur style, so cooool !
    Merci pour cette bonne humeur !

  • Elles sont superbes!

  • Love their relaxed, casual & practical style…’too cool’ is spot on! ;)

  • lovely



  • je suis team eyebrow aussi!!!!

  • Yes! Real working girls do wear flats. Yes, these are Toms and yes, we all have a pair cause they are so comfy.
    A bonus, they are also perfect for wearing in rocky ocean water cause they dry quick and look best bleached out and faded.

  • they look so happy!
    best kind of photograph.

  • Coucou Garance !
    Un grand bol de bonne humeur avec ces deux filles qu’on a envie d’avoir pour amies rien qu’en regardant tes images… pourtant je suis plutôt exigeante avec mes amies je crois ;)
    Juste “ci-dessous”, y’a pas d’image… Alors le chapeau, c’est la sorte de casquette géniale “ci-dessus” ou bien juste il manque une image ?
    En tous cas, j’ai hâte de voir ça en tant que grande fana des chapeaux itou…
    Tu en ramèneras en France dis hein dis ?
    Bisous et amuse-toi bien.

  • The_Dark_Lady_2 August, 2 2010, 1:02 / Reply

    Love these girls – beautiful smiles and great attitudes. Really want to see more of their hats. XXXX

  • I adore this post. I adore both outfits – so simple and chic. And I agree with you, I’m one on these girls who can’t stand when the sunglasses hides my eyebrows.

  • Elles ont l’air d’un naturel incroyable! en tout cas, c’est ce qui se dégage de ces 2 photos!!

  • j’adore leur style!!!!

  • Jane with the noisy terrier August, 2 2010, 1:13 / Reply

    Ah, doesn’t everyone want a photo with their best friend like that last one? Garance, you really caught their infectious “joie de vivre.” I have a pair of Toms in a blue and white tribal print (yes, I am a NYCer!) and the best part is how supportive the inner sole is, unlike most espadrilles. Well, that and the fact the company donates a pair to a third world person for every pair sold. I want the silver ones!

  • j’adore les photos ! et la chemise en jean sur la 1ere photo géniale !

  • Les chaussures de Masha ce sont des Toms shoes non? En effet tout le monde en porte ici, à Montréal c’est la folie! En plus quand tu achètes une paire, une autre est offerte à un enfant dans le besoin quelque part dans le monde, bref c’est vraiment une cool marque comme on aime :D
    Merci pour l’idée de la chemise, je vais mettre ça en pratique aussi je crois! ;)
    Les filles ont l’air trop cool, des sourires et tout et tout, ça commence bien la semaine!

  • I’m definitely on team ‘no eyebrows’. I can’t stand it when I can see them through my sunglasses. I think about this way too much!

  • they look so cute together and super stylish!!!

  • Yes, appreciate as well the casual easy outfit. Their personality and the little details like the color pop in her sun glasses are already enough, even though the sun glasses itself has a great frame shape!

  • Girls are like a breeze of fresh air! There is nothing laborious, nothing complicated! Totally simple and absolutely beautiful!

  • Hello Garance!
    Quelle attitude, cooolissiiiime! hâte de voir leur designs! trop marrant ton auto-passage photographe harrassante ;-)

  • Elles sont funky j’aime !

  • how cool is making hats?! i love both of them. they look so happy and hip and cool.

  • Love their style! Love New York & New Yorkers. Those shoes Masha is wearing have been popular in Australia for the past year or so, but her style makes me actually want to buy a pair!

  • I always prefer my eyebrows hidden! I just think it’s neater. So funny how we humans actually think about these things…

  • Totally cool and inspired, I too always wear my dad’s old shirts, in fact just blogged about it this weekend, but have also been afraid to cut them up….just did it!


  • Garance, les chausseurs sont appelles Tom’s- REGARDEZ! :)

  • These two have the most joyful energy! It’s a great place to look up to as an aspiring stylist. Great post, Garance, you really captured the fun these two can have in an exhausting profession.

    Hand drawn:

  • the shoes are call alpargatas, they are from argentina but tom shoes took the idea and they are making them in the states
    they are suuuuper comfortable i love them

  • I was about to make the same comment. I’ll just add a little thing: for each pair of Tom’s you buy, they give one pair to a barefoot kid in 3rd World countries. Bises from Buenos Aires Garance, j’adore ton blog!

  • Hahaha, j’adore te lire Garance !
    Je t’ai envoyé un petit mail, j’espére que tu aura le temps de le lire :)
    J’adore leur style !

  • Victoria August, 2 2010, 3:26 / Reply

    Un grand air de sourires, de joie et de bonne humeur! Tout simplement des filles qu’on a envie d’avoir à ses côtés, comme deux super bonnes copines!
    AHAH! Qu’est-ce que j’aime ton auto-dérision. Tu n’as peur de rien effectivement, et c’est ce que j’adore chez toi. :) (Un smile en prime, c’est trop COOL!)
    Ah oui est aussi, j’aime beaucoup l’idée de couper les manches d’une vieille chemise en jean. C’est une astuce que je retiens.


  • these girls are amazing – and im a sucker for a flat so great to see such stylish ladies keeping a “low” profile:)
    Style Storyboard

  • yes! these ladies look great.


  • Hooray to Chucks and Toms! Chuck Taylor Converse and TOMS shoes, that is. I adore them. I like mixing Converse with dressier pieces and wear them at work, as I prefer a somewhat casual and boyish look.

  • tres chic,oh lala….

  • great translation in English.I like the whole take on fashion you are a creative genius….keep it coming Garance.

  • Love the idea of cutting off the sleeves of baggy denim shirts!

  • j’avais repéré que t’avais repéré, le coup de la chemise aux manches TRÈS retroussées (une sacrée bonne solution au risque masculin “too much” =j’ai eu la flemme de m’habiller); ça fait classe, y a pas à dire… Et en parlant de plat, il y a de superbes mocassins cuir naturel, très très sobres, chez Zara en ce moment. Très genre style Garance Doré en short + chemise, ces mocassins camel… je te recommande!:-)

  • These photos emote so much happiness!

  • Are her shoes Tom’s? They look like them but I’m not sure!

    They sound like awesome, extraordinarily talented and yet down to earth girls. Post about your meeting in L.A. when it happens!

    Love To Vogue Or Bust

  • Quel plaisir de te lire encore et toujours Garance!
    En effet ces Toms sont non seulement pour la bonne cause mais en plus elles sont super confortables!
    Des bisous

  • Great girls…Love the casual looks…the first shot is fantastic

  • So funny about the Tom’s shoes …. They are completely going global. At first I suppose they were a CA/NY type deal, but I have friends all over the world that own them! remarkable!

    PS I’m on team eyebrows!

  • That bright blue shirt is perfect.

  • Thejulia August, 2 2010, 7:21 / Reply

    Those are SUPER sunglasses from Italy! Flat Top Shields!

  • allison August, 2 2010, 7:34 / Reply

    garance…i have long been a (silent) admirer of scott’s blog…i did not know of yours until just today…and i am without words to describe how your photography, your sense of style, your whimsy, your warmth make me feel. i believe i have fallen in love. thank you for putting so much beauty and energy out there for us to enjoy.

  • Garance, tu m’inspires!

    I sometimes stop to think whether similar comments I make sound rather stupid and irrelevant but hey, they’re not exactly meant for saving the world, are they? so whatever, it’s not so serious, let the eyes observe and the mind wonder!

  • They look like such fun girls. I love the easy, laid-back style. And, especially, their smiles! Beautiful photos, Garance!

    ps. She is wearing Tom’s shoes. Tom’s is an incredible company that donates a pair of shoes to a child in need for every pair purchased. Everyone should have a pair! They’re comfy, too.

    – Catherine at Littlehouse of Style

  • Yep, she’s wearing Tom’s in the last photo, which I absolutely adore – such great rapport reminds me that fashion is not always about the clothes but much more about the vibe and energy you bring to a shoot. plus the lighting ;-)

  • ohhhhh!!!!!! Garance!!!!! what a surprise I loooooove this DUO!!! They are so fresh and amazing together!!! Though I havent heard of them so long!!! I am so glad you came with them!!!

    Besos de Madrid!!!

  • Cristin August, 2 2010, 9:09 / Reply

    My God Garance, you are unstoppable !!
    Again great photos, I would call them “happy photos” because they both look so relaxed and funny and playful. My favorite is the first one, her style is just perfect, from head to toe (not sure about what’s going on with the collar of the shirt). Some people just have that special touch, a perfect sense of balance and aesthetic.
    Thanks for sharing (for taking the time to share!!!!)

  • Cristin August, 2 2010, 9:25 / Reply

    Oh, by the way I’m on team eyebrow as well.
    Had no idea that was an issue to some people!! – God I’m so ignorant, but I’m counting on your posts to fill me up in these matters!!!

  • Team eyebrow all the way. In fact I’m one of those annoying gals who can’t stand over plucked eyebrows AT ALL! These girls look like a lot of fun!

  • what a fab profile on these adorable ladies.
    JJ Scholl

  • Bonjour Garance! Those are TOMS shoes…fantastic shoes and for every pair you buy a pair is donated to a child in need :)

  • Très jolies photos. Tu as mille fois raison pour les sourcils. Pour les chemises en jean, regarde, il y a une belle photo d’une jeune femme qui disparaît dans sa chemise en jeans (, cela me fait penser à ce que tu dis…

  • Love! Stylists that look beyond cool in a I can work in this fabulous way…rockin girls!

  • J’adore! Thanks for sharing these beautiful photos! xo

  • They look like Toms shoes to me –

    You seem to be posting more, keep it up! I love it!

    xo from Mpls!

  • Cool girls, cool style and very cool hat!
    -diary of a belgian stylist-


    beautiful, funny, and inspirational post as always xx

  • i so appreciate your endorsement of flats :) yay! i walk EVERYWHERE, i’d be lost [or at least crippled on a street somewhere] without them!


  • I love all of your posts, but these are my favorite! real inspiration, real people. so much fun! Thanks.

  • those are toms!
    i love them!
    my current ones are these yellow linen ones
    my sister picked them out for me because i needed new ones and gave them to me as a little gift <3

    they are sooo comfortable!
    the reason i love them so much
    is because for every pair bought, they give a pair to a kid in need !
    love your blog!

  • i own those exact Toms (the navy blue shoes)…They are so comfortable. And if you buy a pair, Tom donates a pair to a child!

  • I agree with everything in this post! Their style and eyebrows!

  • Hi Garance – Speaking of summer sneakers, I have two questions. Do you like Bensimon? Would you say it’s the French equivalent of Converse in terms of its fashion identity and popularity? J. Crew has introduced Bensimon to American consumers, but I’m undecided about the sneakers. They look a bit like Jack Purcell Converse – a boat-like, vintage look – rather than the classic Converse.

  • They’ve mastered the art of dressed-down chic perfectly…women after my own heart! Fabulous post…

  • I love this post!!
    Garance, you are adorable! :)


  • they’re FAB girl…. i’m adoring your blog more Madame Garance…..

    Beny Ricardo Sadewo

  • Garance, agree totally cool – do you know where Anda’s glasses are from? (top photo)


  • Garance,

    Vos photos sont si belles que mon esprit déjanté à envie de porter tout ce que je vois sur votre blog! Mais…

    Alors! ALORS! J’ai adoré le look d’Anda & Masha mais MAIS…Comment qu’elles font quand même pour vivre leur vie de working girls dans leurs derbies sans avoir les pieds qui saignent?! Hein?! Comment qu’elles font??? Parce que j’ai tenté les derbies! Quand le cuir est tout neuf et brillant, il tellement tout dur qu’il faut un shoes assistant pour les enfiler les 10 premières fois et après les porter sans chaussettes c’est prendre le risque d’avoir les pieds à Shrek vers 18.00…
    Et la chemise toute belle toute cool là, moi aussi j’veux la même…Mais je suis gironde et petite alors! ALORS?! Mais quand j’en porte une je suis Atchoum dans Blanche Neige. Qu’on me trouve plus dedans, qu’il faut un spéléologue pour me retrouver dedans.

  • she is wearing toms!

  • Toms stole those shoes! They are alpargatas – traditional gaucho (cowboy) shoes worn for generations by gauchos in Argentina. A footwear icon of the Argentinean state of Corrientes.

  • Love the photos and the post; love the girls! Great spirit. Great hat. Will cut my shirt also. Is that a tatoo I see?

  • Sunny Side August, 3 2010, 6:43 / Reply

    Oh j’ai cru voir sur la première photo une des assistantes italiennes d’Anna del Russo … Elle a beaucoup d’élégance et de chic avec sa chemise râpée au col et sa pose clownesque !

  • magnifique! j’aime beaucoup la chemise en jeans!
    et on a hâte de découvrir ces fameux chapeaux!

  • beautiful girls with a contagious smile! Great pics, well done! <3

  • Chemises en jean vintage oversize: J’AI !
    1 manche, 2 manches… JEU, SET & MANCHES COUPEES !

  • Rosemary August, 3 2010, 8:46 / Reply

    Love the choice of the white shorts with the denim top! very nice. Great work at capturing such joyful moments too <3

    Skin & Wood Vintage,

  • No point is dumb! I have an eye for detail and it drives everyone insane except for me. There is a man at my work that wears clogs 24/7 and no one else has noticed this. I said “Have you noticed Nic’s clogs?” and the reply is “Noooo”. How can you not notice a man wearing clogs in New Zealand? Seriously. And the other night at the pub I got into trouble for looking a colleague up and down – supposedly in a judgmental manner. I was looking her up and down because I loved the cut of her trench… but it turned out to be a jacket, not a coat. Naturally I looked disappointed. Garance, what does one do when they have an eye for detail?!!!!! HELP!!!

  • ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
    Suis super fan de ces looks
    Lisa Marie Diary

  • I love these girls, they were stylists on a couple of seasons of America’s Next Top Model, and they did an amazing job!

  • J’ai hâte de voir leurs créations! Ca promet si elles sont aussi cool que leurs créatrices!! Mon aquisition de la semaine dernière: les nouvelles converses slim basses en blanche. C’est bien mieux que le modèle original en ce qui concerne la finesse du pied! Parfait en short ou jupe!

  • Garance! They are TOMS! xx

  • Masha is wearing a pair of Toms :) I love them! Best and coolest shoes ever! Buy a pair and Toms gives a pair to a child in need :)

  • Très jolies photos!! Elles sont pleines d’energie et d’élégance, ça s’annonce très bien!!

  • Great shots. Now we all love these too, to. Xxxx

  • The shoes are in fact TOMS. I was one of the first to begin a TOMS campus club.
    For every pair you buy they give a pair to a child in need in Ethiopia, Argentina and even right here in the states, New Orleans. They send thousands of shoes when they go on these “Shoe Drops”. As far as the comment above about how they stole the original Argentinian shoe, alpargatas, it was in fact, this shoe that inspired the design for TOMS. These shoes are growing in demand and fashion with the creation of new styles such as the TOMS wedge, the wrap boot- inspired by polo wraps for horses, cordones- which resemble a sneaker, and the botas- which were an all purpose shoe that is water resistant and created for the winter. The purchase of these shoes is a wonderful thing that continues to give… Please check out the website for new styles and recent information from their headquarters.

  • Les chaussures que porte Masha sont des Alpargata, c’est un type de chaussures argentine========> <3 <3 <3 <3 VIVA ARGENTINA <3 <3 <3 <3

    Ps: on en trouve facilement sur intenet

  • J’adore la chemise en jeans d’Anda!!
    une off-topic question: Masha, j’ai kiffe ce prenom. elle est de quelle nationalite?=)

  • cut the sleeves. that’s genius! i also had to comment because i just started a blog and i tend to edit myself a lot in fear of over sharing what may seem to be just my stupid thoughts. thanks for posting and your site is truly inspiring.

  • The first look is stunning!

  • TOMS!!! :D I own a pair in a lighter blue than those Masha is rocking, but seriously… $40 USD plus tax will you get a pair of those, Garance ! :D

    Oh, and you don’t even have to go online to get them; just use the store locator to find the nearest retailer in NYC; that’s how I got mine in Louisville (merci Luna).

  • i absolutely love this post!!!

  • Hi Garance!!
    I always love your blog and your illustrations!
    Was very inspired when your illustrations were exhibited in Sydney!

    I loved your shot of Anda and her style so much it made me draw again in 4 years!!!
    I’ve posted it in my blog.

    :) Much Love

  • The whole cutting the sleeves of the denim shirt idea is brilliant. I just may try it! And you’re so right, flats are great for working girls.


  • Wow encore garance tu m’as inspirée!! J’aime beaucoup leur style très simple et comfortable à apporter.. Not ‘too much’, it doesn’t have to be expensive to be stylish and chic..

  • J’ai bien aimé le point numero sur la “eyebrow team”. Je suis de celle qui n’aime pas qu’on voit leur sourcir avec des lunettes. Je suis tellement rassurée de savoir que, non, ce n’est pas un toc, et que oui, toutes les filles ont leurs preference!

  • oh garance! et c’est pour ca que je t’aime this exactly the kind of thing that i love becouse even when i adore fashion, am a student there’s just no way i’m gonna be running around in pretty clothes and highheels and besides the clean simple wearable look just looks great

    thanks for the post ;)

  • Real working girls wear flats… Soooo right. Now, depends on where you work. While working in Finance, it was heels, heels heels. Esp. in Madagascar where working gals, esp. those below middle management, like to overderss… buuuuh! Top management gals like to dress but they have the money, the power, hence the confidence to wear what they like and not feel having to compete with other females. Working in Europe was more diverse and fun, in my opinion. Flats were OK, heels too… it’s how one wears them that counts. They suit the wearer or not. Of course there are circumstances where heels are more suitable..
    Pretty glad about that return of flats…. loafers, derbies, ballerinas and flat maryjanes (the later, don’t have any pair of them but I use to find them cute).
    Enjoy NY!

  • shark mombassa August, 5 2010, 4:15 / Reply

    you could always roll up the sleeves … rather then cut them..

  • great casual relaxed look on these girls..

    join my blog

  • what a great idea to do your job and to enjoy doing it :)
    may be one day it will happen to me too…i hope…
    these girls feel good and they are full of positive energy, i adore thees photos :)

  • What a beautiful blog xxx

  • beautiful ladies, lovely blog….

  • Katherine August, 14 2010, 1:38 / Reply

    Love my gold glitter TOMS, love this post, LOVE your blog!


  • TOMS are everywhere, including singapore!
    it is so true that real working women wear flats, can’t imagine how they’d carry out their jobs in heels! i believe that you can look casual & chic at the same time:)

  • Oh, my, I remember Anda being my fellow designer at Express, ahmmm, 10years ago… :)

  • HA. Je suis tellement eyebrows moi aussi !!!
    Merci merci merci !!!
    How wonderfurl you are !!!

  • yes they’re TOMS! I’ve had mine since 2007 and looove them! California is passing the trend on to east coast finally!

  • Garance!!!

    GREAT BLOG!!! Seeing your pictures and reading your stories… just great. Well, I know it’s a little bit late (December, not August) but /and since I like stories from the beginning (I started reading day one, 2006)… anyway I don’t know what I am saying so I’m going to move on to my intended comment.

    This was my point: What Masha is wearing on her feet are “Alpargatas” (, soooo from my coutry (Uruguay, next to Argentina). It’s like from the 18th century or I don’t know… but we wear these a LOT here, men, women, kids.

    Simple (black, white, green, any color) or refined (See “El Cardón” in Buenos
    Aires –

    Bonne jornée!

    PS: I don’t know why they call them espadrilles, they’re ALPARGATAS… not more, not less, not other than that.

  • HAHA! I love Lee’s comment! Yes, it is wonderful to show off ones friends to the world!

  • women in bensimon shoes look really cute. thanks to all those women who wear them

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