I can’t remember a time when I was not doing art in some context….painting, illustration, sketching. My mother owned an art store in our small town in Maine, and it gave me access to a seemingly endless amount of mediums and tools to try out. As my skills evolved, I started applying to art colleges — initially for illustration, but then I switched to graphic design when I realized that I could learn a more “marketable” skill (*sigh*) and still use my illustration skills.
Arty Parties with Julia Sherman
Julia Sherman is our kind of creative genius. Laidback but with creative energy for days, she released a new cookbook just in time for the holidays called Arty Parties. We caught up with her in her home in Pasadena and chatted about her favorite entertaining tips and why one of them involves pistachio butter.

All is Well with Dr. Anna Gold
As we gear up for the holidays, and the inherent stress that comes with them, we wanted to take a little extra trim to ground...
From the Archives
- This or That
- Holiday Gifting
- Happy Holidays!
- #AtelierDoreDoes
- How To...
From your mom who answers your calls no matter the time of day, to your best friend who always laughs at your memes, to your little sister who still eye rolls at your jokes, we wanted to put together a list of gifts to make them feel seen, loved and pampered. Because what would we be without the women in our lives?

From the Archives: Coming Home
“This is a list which was taped inside my closet door in Hollywood during those years when I was reporting more or less steadily. The list enabled me to pack, without thinking, for any piece I was likely to do....