A Party in Monte Carlo
6 years ago by
I don’t know where to begin to explain all the things I love that I’m going to tell you about in this post. Maybe the best thing would be to make a list. But first, a little context. I’m currently working with Le Méridien. They have hotels all over the world, one of which is in Monaco. For their summer program, I’m working with them and The Gathery as a…hmm, how should I put this…Creative Ambiance Ambassador in Chief? Professional rosé drinker? Bed quality tester? Basically everything that goes along with the arduous task of working in hospitality. We are planning parties and creating ambiance.
For our first Au Soleil party, we decided to start with the Monaco location, which is one of Le Méridien’s most beautiful properties. They even have a private beach, which, if you’re familiar with Monaco, is kind of a miracle considering the lack of space in this tiny country. So I’ll start by listing the private beach as one of things I love that I wanted to include in the party… And a few other things that just happened by accident!

– First, the French Riviera. I’ve lived there, and what can I say – I adore it. Monaco is a little different, but it has its own charm… especially on the private beach.
– Which is why we decided to host the party there.
– The weather was magnificent.
– I ate the best pudding of my life for breakfast at the hotel there. I don’t even know how to describe those mouthfuls of pure happiness, almost not even sweet.
– I got my sister, Elisa, JJ and Héloïse together. If you’re going to have drinks, it’s better to be with friends – and besides, it had been so long since we’d seen each other, we had whole lifetimes to catch up on.
– Nouvelle Vague, a band I love, came to play some songs. Elodie Frégé is crazy and amazing.
– There was a rosé bar, which I ended up taking over at the end of the night (and no, I wasn’t drunk).
– And we had pissaladières (a delicious tart from southern France)!
– We danced, pretended to remember how to play backgammon, and it kind of felt like we were in a Slim Aarons photo, to be honest. All we needed was Marisa Berenson.
– There was even an incredible female DJ.
– For dessert, we had a variety of sorbets and huge platters of fruit.

And we took our time like only people from the South of France can do. The afternoon at the beach turned into happy hour, happy hour turned into a party, and the party turned into a late-night dance party. But it all happened so naturally – we just let ourselves go with the simplicity and magic of the moment. It made me nostalgic for my old life in the South – and I already can’t wait for the next party…
ow, what a fresh post. Garance Dore’s career moves are so inspiring. Thanks for sharing :)
There’s something about the way this post was written that I really loved. It captured the vibe so perfectly without the language being too flowery. Wishing I were in Monte Carlo!
briana | youngsophisticate.com
Ca fait tellement plaisir de te lire Garance; tu te fais trop rare sur ton blog… Merci pour ton post! Et vive l’été sur la côte d’azur!
Oui, tes posts me manquent aussi… Même si je me rends bien compte que tu dois être très occupée avec tous ces projets et la nouvelle maison.
Je t’embrasse, et te souhaite un bel été+
A moi aussi tes posts manquent ! Toujours un plaisir de te lire Garance… profite bien de l’été !
That’s amazing! I love the list! It shows the little thing that makes us happy!
There is nothing better than nice afternoon drinks turning into a late-night party. When it just flows naturally like that, it’s because people are having fun. The photos sure show it.
Bonjour Garance !
j’adore te lire et attends toujours tes articles avec impatience
mais cet article je n’ai pas compris quelle histoire qu’il veut nous transmettre ! D’accord, il fait beau à Monaco…
Je rêve qu’un jour, plus tard, tu écrives un grand roman , en changeant les noms (tu peux garder les initiales) sur le petit monde que tu connais maintenant si intimement, qui suivrait différents parcours plusieurs années…
Le temps vécu quoi ! Tous ces selfies mis bouts à bouts, que racontent-ils ?
Garance, your career is so inspiring, following you makes me feel like I can do amazing things, too. What flows from your post is a feeling of freedom. It’s something so important and I’m trying to create it for myself.
Awesome post!
wanderful! Vengo anch’io?
Super post, qui donne la pêche ! Merci
On a l’impression d’y etre ! Le soleil, la plage, la musique et…le rose !
Belle joie de vivre.
Cela me rappelle la série TV: Sous le Soleil :) Bravo – so much fun, freedom and sun. Beautiful! Magni-if-que.
Lovely post but why can’t she be just a DJ? Why must women be “female this” or “female that?” Its as if to say, she’s good, but she’s still female.
Loved the post! But have to agree with this comment. Doesn’t help the process of normalisation.
What words can describe this experience, yours can . A fantastic post and so well written. My memory of Monaco was being taken by grandparents as a young child . My souvenir was some commemorative postage stamps honoring Princess Grace and Prince Rainer. What a magical place, would love to attend your party !
Dress The Part
Awesome post! I love Monte Carlo-home to the in crowd!