The Travel Size
10 years ago by

Bon, on sait déjà que je ne me déplace jamais sans l’intégralité de mes produits beauté .
La plupart du temps, ça veut même dire que je suis obligée d’enregistrer mon sac parce que bien évidemment, eye-liner doré liquide (« Impossible d’aller à Las Vegas sans emmener un eye-liner doré. »- Moi), brumisateur d’eau thermale, fixateur de make-up, écran total, base, parfum, dentifrice, vernis à ongles, sérum, gel exfoliant, shampooing et j’en passé ne risquent pas de tenir dans ces ridicules petits sachets à liquides qu’on est censé caser dans un bagage à main.
Le problème, c’est que je n’ai pas de mini-doses de voyage des produits que j’utilise parce qu’ils n’existent pas (ok, ils existent peut-être mais je ne les ai pas trouvés). Donc, voici ma question : Comment vous réussissez à tout faire tenir dans un sac microscopique, vous ? Vous avez des doses de voyage pour tous vos produits ? Vous les transvasez dans des flacons plus petits quand vous voyagez ? Et non, n’insistez pas, je ne renoncerai pas à l’eye-liner doré…
I’ve found that many are available on 3floz (for liquids), but also if you plan ahead, you can ask at the makeup counters in the beauty department of stores. If they don’t already have samples or travel versions, they can usually request them. Sephora as well. I’m not a fan of « downsizing » my products for longer trips when I need to still look 100% (ie: not makeup-less on the beach). I also used to keep my collection of birchbox samples, that I liked, for trips. Also some makeup is now « overlooked » in the ziploc flying rule. I have kept my makeup in a separate smallish clear makeup bag, and put it through the xray with my liquids bag, and it’s been fine.
i use travel sizes for what i can and the full sizes for the rest. doesn’t everybody do the same? :)
I don’t like to check my bags so I won’t even consider a product unless it comes in a travel size!
Thanks to Muji for all the little bottles that help me for most of my beauty set and for my make up, no travel size unfortunately…..I am taking the minimum make up with me during the flight but never do compromise on lip balm, hand cream, toothpaste….
Je voyage 2 à 3 semaines par mois donc c’était un problème constant pour moi. Ma solution, je prépare une mini trousse transparente maquillage et une autre pour les soins (ok, parfois j’en ai même une troisième…et des collègues sympas…). Chez Séphora on peut acheter tout ce qu’il faut pour transvaser les produits essentiels, et même de l’eye-liner doré! Je n’ai jamais eu de souci pour franchir les contrôles de sécurité avec mes petites trousses (parfois 8-10 flacons, mais tous de petite taille).
For products that I don’t have a strong preference for (e.g. moisturizer), I will pack a sample size product that came with, say, a Sephora order, if I have any. For products that I refuse to compromise on, I will put them into smaller containers. I get mine from Daiso, which is like a Japanese $2 store, but similar containers are found at Muji. The best is when I can get a deluxe sample of a product that I use regularly! I save those for traveling and I’m constantly on the look out for deals that come with deluxe samples of my favourites.
Anytime you receive a sample that comes in reusable packaging, clean it out and reuse it. I have quite a few great little containers from Mario Badescu that hold maybe one or two teaspoons of product, with good sealing lids. They are tiny – the size of a quarter. I also use a super sturdy set of see-through pump bottles from Flight001 which are life savers. I decant extra product into them so I have facewash, etc. on my sink and in the shower, then toss the smaller one in your bag for travel. No need to buy special travel sized products unless you actually need more of the product.
Une de mes copines a transvasé ses produits pour un voyage à New York et à l’ouverture de sa trousse, plusieurs avaient coulé donc je ne suis pas tentée du tout. Perso je prends le minimum ds mon sac à main (mini dentifrice,désinfectant,crème visage et crème main en mini ainsi qu’un échantillon de parfum). Dans ma valise le reste mais un maximum en mini versions ou échantillons que je garde exprès pour mes voyages.
Je pars à New York bientôt et je vais essayer de réduire un Max ma trousse…un défi!
Mini make-up bags and cases are a life saver. Although I tend to bring powder with me which eventually just spills everywhere.
Your Friend, Jess
I agree – I wish all products came in travel sizes but unfortunately, they simply don’t (or they are so expensive). And, I’m not going to risk trying a different product on my trip just because I can find it the right size. So, I buy little clear jars from Container Store (in their travel section). I sort of miss the elegant packaging from the actual product…but not enough to have to check my bag!
All year I collect travel size product and samples and I also put necessary products into small containers. Sometimes I change some products for their non-liquide twin, for example I change shower gel to soap, cleansing lotion to cleaning wipes and body lotion to lotion bar,… and my best tip is to travel with a man :) They don´t need so much products, so put something what is over limt to his bag.
Have a nice day.
many products offer mini sizes…just need to reseach it…sephora has a lot as well…and i love that…even my rodin olio lusso has a travel package with travel perfume, face oil, body oil, hair oil….. i think you need to purchase from the rodin olio lusso site…..happy monday everyone! xoxox
Moi j’essaierais de tout transvaser dans des petits flacons pour pouvoir les emporter avec toi sans souci
Bisous Bisous
Depending on what I’m taking, I use contact lens cases to put various beauty goodies in. I like to put lipstick and/or cream blush in the little pots, as well as facials masks and eye cream. Bonus, it’s easier to slip in your purse for touchups too.
Arielle from Tangled Musings
I’ll pick up travel sized versions of shampoos, conditioners, and body lotions and put those in the little Ziploc quart bag they require, but makeup items I use full size and pack those in my makeup bag like normal. Sometimes I have to pack two makeup bags, but so long as there’s no liquid item (like foundation- that goes in the quart bag) in the bags, I’ve never been stopped for it and I’ve been flying for fifteen years. If I don’t get stopped for mascara, I don’t think your eyeliner will get you in trouble.
So the next time you travel, toss your shower [and other liquid-liquid] stuff in a plastic Ziploc bag and then just put your makeup in your makeup bag as per usual. If you get stopped by airport security, they’ll just check your bag right then and there. Otherwise, you should be good to go.
les femmes sont appelées à se déplacer de plus en plus et ce serait bien super si les marques réduisaient leurs contenants. Effectivement souvent c’est plus économique, mais souvent aussi nous ne finissons pas nos pots attirées par un autre nouveau produit. Et que dire du poids de certains rouges à lèvres au demeurant fort pratiques !
Je trouve les produits de soins en petit format, sinon je transvase et je reduis ma trousse a maquillage au minimum.
Depotting is the key! I put a glob of things like foundation, concealer, skin cream, eye cream, and even tiny slivers of lip gloss into contact cases. Then I put things I need a little more of, like shampoo, body lotion, hair spray, etc. into air travel sized bottles from the pharmacy. Finally, I do buy some minis! Sephora has a great selection of them (including makeup setting spray, eye makeup primer, tons of mascaras, etc.) Lastly, if something is questionably not liquid I don’t put it in the baggie. Is lipstick a liquid, a gel, or a solid? I say solid. Is mascara a liquid, gel, or paste? I say paste. I have yet to have a problem with putting not-quite-liquids in with my non-liquids.
— Alex at Cashmere Kangaroo
Contact cases as in contact lens cases?? That’s brilliant. I don’t know how I end up with so many but I never know what to do with them (although a total no-brainer). Thanks so much for that idea!! <3
PS: Container Store has a great BPA Free line of travel containers.
Contact lens cases – colorful ones from Target – come in handy in holding squirts and pumps of my favorite cleansers, serums, primer, you name it! Yes, original idea stems from a blog somewhere.
story of my life…yet I only use like 3 things!
I downsize to clear travel bottles. Write what it is on the bottle and cover with strong clear tape. The writing will be waterproofed. I never put my lipstick, eyeliner, mascara, etc in my plastic bag. I keep them in my makeup bag. I’ve never been stopped and I travel all the time. I’ve even forgotten about the small hand lotions in the bottom of my purse and never been stopped. Also, there are nice plastic make-up totes are there with zippers on the top that are a « bit » bigger than a zip-loc bag and hold so many more bottles. TSA accepts them.
I try to get travel sizes, oh yes. Every now and then I fly off with a cheap ticket and I can only take 10kg total .. so travel sizes are a must. For more proper trips I like them a lot too – the less I have to carry with me, the happier I am (less stuff to drag around and more space to buy new goodies, YAY!).
Alors là je suis obligée d’intervenir pour te raconter mes péripéties :
sur mes 3 derniers voyages à Barcelone (pour le week-end) :
– 1ière fois j’avais oublié les règles de sécurité, du coup la moitié de mes produits de beauté a été jetée (non tu ne veux pas voir la tête que j’ai fait)
– 2ième fois : là c’est bon j’avais tout entassé dans une sacoche transparente, bonnes contenances des produits etc.. : ça passe.
– 3ième fois : un agent de sécurité zélé me fait remarqué que les produits ne peuvent pas être entassés dans la sacoche transparente, on doit pouvoir les mettre à plat. rebelote la moitié de mes produits part à la poubelle.
I have small MAC bottles for liquids. And if the trip is really short (1-2 days), I take testers of good shampoo and hair conditioner and shower gel with me! They are almost invisible but enough to use once;)
Hey Alex!
As others have suggested I recommend putting what you can into smaller bottles and tubs that you get from the pharmacy or discount store! So much easier to travel light without compromising on your products! And where you can, get samples because they can definitely see you through a few days.
Do you think you could do a post about make up brushes? I am at a loss as to what we should be using and what brands are good, or what we should be looking for in our makeup equipment!!
I personnally use amples or smaller versions of my products when I travel.
travel sized makeup brushes are a must!
i found Nars makes a Laguna bronzer and Orgasm blush duo- Bam! two in one solved!
I travel A LOT. so one would think that i had this down to a science, but also i do not.. I am still trying to figure it out. i do a little bit of everything- packets, birchbox samples, small bottles, etc etc.
Pourtant un eyeliner c’est pas assez grand en termes de volume pour qu’ils te demandent de le jeter, si?
En tous cas, quand je voyage, je met mes produits indispensables dans des mini flacons fait spécialement pour ça, que je trouve chez Héma. Bon, on est d’accord, c’est pas très glamour mais c’est efficace et les flacons n’ont pas de branding. Sinon pour les shampoings je prend l’occasion pour tester les versions minis qu’ils vendent un peu partout en pharmacie.
Les flacons souples de chez Muji, simples, épurés, pratiques et fiables. Rien trouvé de mieux à ce jour.
Lots of places (Sephora) will give you samples in little pots. I just save them, clean them and use a label maker to indicate what they are. Major space saver for all of my different moisturizers/serum, etc! I find this saves space in the quart sized bag for things like mini shampoo/conditioner that take up more space. Hope this helps!
I’m taking a break from packing for an international trip to post my comment. TSA approved travel containers are available all over the web, every box store on the planet, and samples of your favorite products are everywhere for the asking. I have traveled domestically and internationally for 34 years without ever having anything confiscated at security. Simplify, simplify, simplify. Make sure you have your travel goals clear, vacation, business, family holiday, personal retreat. Leaving part of your routine at home can be very liberating. Focus on the journey, the experience, the excitement. You would not want to miss sunrise over the Indian Ocean because you were busy applying make-up.
I used to have all travel size versions of my skin care products until I expanded into serums and more makeup. Now I really cannot do a carry on and need to check my bag in. I try to find travel size versions of my products to lighten the load of my checked in bag but if not I just take the whole thing. Hey, beauty is so important!! :D
It’s easier than you think. I get trial size items whenever I can, opt for solids (perfumes, facial soaps, etc.) and make trial sized versions of other things (my Weleda deodorant goes in little sanitizer spray tubes.) And I carry it all in a (round) quart sized bag – this includes: nail polish, top coat, BB cream, nightly moisturizer, shower gel, deodorant, Tide pen, sanitizer, cuticle cream, rollerball perfume, coconut oil for moisturizing, occasional shampoo/conditioner (I don’t wash my hair so often), toothpaste and probably a few other bits and bobs. Invest in a small set of travel size containers and refill them between trips. I travel often, and the thought of luggage being lost without basic toiletries is heartbreaking.
Airlines just require liquids to be 3oz or less and fit into the plastic bags but they don’t require you to use only one plastic bag. I regularly pack 4 or 3 small pastic bags w/ my cosmetics and toss them on the conveyor through the security scanner – no one ever gives me a second look. I’m also a big fan of using old bottles of travel sized products that I no longer use/are already emply and filling them with the product I want. Lastly, in WCS go to the beauty store and ask them for a sample size of my product – most of the time I’ve found they put it in a small vessle for you. Happy travels!
This is something that always frustrates me. When living in London, I used to travel a lot by Ryanair (a super cheap airline that always wants to make your life impossible, especially when it comes to luggage), and had no money most of the times, so I would always take only a cabin baggage with me. So, I would take the beauty products I had bellow 100ml, of course. Luckily the things I have are all bellow 100ml, so that was ok. But after a while, I started having more essential beauty products, like my acne routine things, my moisturiser, eye cream, exfoliator, all my make-up… you know, very important things I had to take with me. It obviously didn’t fit in one plastic bag, so I started putting in more than one. There were two or three of them, but all with bellow 100ml products, so I thought it was ok. Out of nowhere, the security in the airports started to annoy me about the quantity of products I had. Once they asked me to see if I could trow something away, and I was like ‘OF COURSE NOT!’. That happened twice already, and I think is so so so unfair. I feel your pain Garance!
We have been selling travel size for years now. Will be able to customize depending on your skin type and needs. Hope would be of help to all of you travelers.
Go to the MoMA Design store. The best travel size containers ever, even one for spray.