Pocket PMF: Childhood Homes
5 years ago by

Au moment de lancer notre mois sur la maison, Garance et Vanessa ont passé un moment avec un couple de nouveaux arrivants sur ce podcast pour réfléchir à leur vie dans la maison de leur enfance. Elles ont parlé de couvre-feux, de disputes entre frères et soeurs, du fait de quitter la maison pour la première fois, et de la manière dont ce qu’on garde de ces premières années influence le type de maison et de vie qu’on veut en vieillissant. A quoi ressemblait la maison de votre enfance ?
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Damn , G., you were wild , Girl !!! I guess everyone but, in my teen years in High-School ,growing up preppy, I had those secret crushes on girls that didn’t give a shit about anything, the red Dr Martens grunge girl weed smoker type! Anyway ,long story short, my childhood home was pretty much me and my brother watching our parents go to work at 7 and 8 a.m then start those fights, with lunch breaks,of course, that lasted until like 6 pm,half an hour before they came home to clean the place up!!!And food , always Great food !!! My Mom was a Great Cook an a Warrior too , you Know? Imagine a 14 year old girl coming to Portugal from Cape Verde (a portuguese colonie during dictatorship )alone and make it on her own starting to work as a House Keeper in some rich family’s House ? I Really Miss her , and my Dad too but as we say in Portuguese : «Mãe é Mãe !!!»But, hey… Life is all about Laughs and Cries , right ?
Who are the guests in this podcast? Xx
Hi Kelsi! On this episode of Pocket PMF, Garance chats with several members of the team at the Atelier – Vanessa, Bogdana, and me!
xx, Linne