New Podcasts!?
8 years ago by

A l’aide !!!
Je suis en manque de nouveaux podcasts à écouter et comme avec la plupart des applis, je n’ai pas encore trouvé la formule qui me permettrait de savoir ce qui pourrait me plaire par la suite. Mes deux séries en podcast préférées sont :
Here’s The Thing avec Alec Baldwin et Serial…
Et aussi Invisibilia de temps en temps.
C’est un peu court, je sais. Mais je me dis que vous aurez peut-être des suggestions pour moi… Quels sont vos podcasts préférés ? Merci pour vos conseils !
Slumber Party with Alie and Georgia:
America through the eyes of two American-Americans:
Off Camera with Sam Jones is very similar to Here’s The Thing; I also love Starlee Kine’s quirkily hilarious The Mystery Show, and The New Yorker Radio Hour is quickly becoming a favorite too. I haven’t listened too much to Invisibilia but I’d think Only Human, Note to Self, and Radiolab, would be of the same vein… (Can you tell I’m a bit of a WNYC nerd?!)
Thanks Sara! Going to have a listen this week :)
LOVE Mystery Show, by Starlee Kine! A favorite of mine and so, so entertaining. :D
Call Your Girlfriend
Slow Home
Happy listening!
Try the Jess Lively show! I thought it’s quite inspirational !
Podcasts on my iPod: MacBreak Weekly, This Week in Google, Security Now, Triangulation, This Week in Tech, Book Review, The Nerdist, The FrogPants Studios Ultra Feed, WTF with Marc, The Partially Examined Life Philosophy, The Sword and Laser, You Made It Weird with Pete, The Writers Panel, JV Club with Janet, Dana Gould Hour, This Week in Science, Naked Scientists, Freakonomics Radio, The Critical Path, Ihnatko Almanac, The Incomparable, Splendid Table, Complete Guide to Everything, Keith and The Girl, Radiolab, This American Life, Uhh Yeah Dude, KCRW’s Good Food, The Let’s Go Eat Show, Sam Livecast, No Agenda, Dining with Doug and Karen, Joy The Baker, Unprofessional, Totally Married, Weird Adults With Little Esther, The Sporkful, Accidental Tech, This Week in Computer Hardware, Windows Weekly, Quit, The Talk Show With John, Current Geek, Totally Mommy, Strangers, Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History, Common Sense with Dan, Modern Love, Fempire, Stuff You Missed in History Class, Arts and Ideas, America’s Test Kitchen Radio, Cooking Issues, Let’s Get Real, Monday Morning, Truth Iliza, Lady Lovin, DateFails, The Story Grid, The Girls on Games Podcast, Re/code Decode hosted by Kara, The Philosopher’s Arms, KCRW’s Bookworm, Useful Science, Call Your Girlfriend. Done!
This list might take me all year- but THANK YOU! WOOWOWOW
The Mortified podcast is very funny and the Moth is always worth listening to too!
Call Your Girlfriend, The New York Times Book Review, and You Must Remember This. All solid gold wonderful, guaranteed.
The Dinner Party Download
Style Scouting with Alia Ahmed-Yahia
That’s So Retrograde
This American Life (of course!)
Oh Boy (Man Repeller podcast)
The New Yorker Radio Hour
Common Sense with Dan Carlin
The Mystery Show
The Frame
Monocycle with Leandra Medine
The Rich Roll Podcast
Stuff You Missed in History Class, Stuff Mom Never Told You (both are awesome), Infinite Monkey Cage, This American Life. There are two related Serial Podcasts, Serially Obsessed and Slate’s Serial Spoiler Specials.
Amazing!!!! Thank you – Serially Obsessed sounds insane.
Totally Married – LA-based comedy writer Elizabeth Laime and record producer husband Andy answer listener questions with their ‘unqualified advice’. Very funny and very honest.
Desert Island Discs – UK radio show that’s been going since forever and has everyone you can ever think of on it. Actors, musicians, politicians, artists, the whole shebang. Guests have to choose 8 songs to take to a desert island which naturally kickstart stories about their lives. Fascinating.
Everyone needs to be listening to Mortified!!! And the classics: Radiolab, This American Life, The Moth. I listen to podcasts in the studio but when Mortified comes on I realize I’ve done nothing but howl or cringe or laugh for 20 minutes and accomplished nothing studio-wise, in the best way : )
I love The Lively Show & #Girlboss Radio! These podcasts are sooo inspirational! Happy listening!
Crybabies. Seriously. It’s a podcast hosted by Susan Orlean and Sarah Thyre where they bring in guests as diverse as Amy Poehler, Tavi Gevinson, Kristen Schaal, Hilton Als, Moby and many others to talk about things that make them cry. It’s genius!
There is a podcast collective called Radiotopia, which in my opinion has the best ones. The Memory Palace for beautiful historical based stories, Strangers for all the feels, 99% Invisible for design and architecture and Radio Diaries for real life, Criminal if you are a fan of Serial. And finally, Love + Radio. The episode « The Living Room » is the best podcast episode I have ever listened to. So powerful. The Mystery Show is also a bit of fun.
You Must Remember This.
Little Gold Men (Oscar Podcast from Vanity Fair).
This American Life.
I love Here’s the Thing with Alec Baldwin! Good choice!
‘Criminal’ is amazing.
Follow Listen Hear – Ellie gives amazing recommendations –
Stuff You Should Know; Startup; Reply All; Mystery Show; Death, Sex, and Money; The Nerdist; WTF; Bullseye; The Tim Ferriss Show; Detective; Planet Money; Freakenomics; The Moth; Fresh Air; Vogue Podcast….ENJOY!!
Some of my faves: A Few Things With Claire and Erica (of; Death, Sex and Money; Dear Sugar Radio (I love Cheryl Strayed); I just started listening to Anna Farris is Unqualified, and the forst episode is with Alison Janney who is amazing; Fresh Air (it is worth going back to Terry Gross’ interviews with Jay-Z and Maurice Sendak, SO good); Burnt Toast (Food52’s podcast); The Lively Show; Criminal; Love + Radio; Women of the Hour.
Lady Lovin, Radio Cherry Bombe, ultimate Health podcast, A Few Things with Claire and Erica
I second Oh Boy, tons of inspiring women and great conversation. Recently also started listening to Girl Boss Radio (by Sophia Amoruso (Nasty Gal)) which is pretty good! Food wise – Burnt Toast (by Food52), Dinner Party Download, and Bon Appetit’s Foodcast! :) And obviously Serial.
Try The Jess Lively Show and The Good Life Project!
I’ve really been enjoying the podcasts from Man Repeller: Oh Boy! and The Monocyle. Serial is also really great, but you already know that! However, I’ll also be browsing these lists, because I was just thinking the same thing! I need a new podcast to listen to.
I LOVE most of the podcast mentioned above.
If you’re a fan of Downton Abbey, Up Yours Downstairs is a hilarious recap of each episode. I am literally walking down the street laughing out loud.
Radiolab is an absolute must. As is This American Life (they have wonderful, in-depth stories each week, and Ira Glass is kind of the God of radio). If you like Serial then you might like Criminal, which features a different story every podcast, and is much shorter. If you like podcasts about blogging (as I do!) I’ve really loved listening to Make It Happen by Jen Carrington. Oh, and Love + Radio if you want something totally wacky and experimental! They’re fantastic.
Bonne ecoute!
I keep recommending these: Startup, mystery show, reply all, this american life, the longest shortest time, 99% invisible.
Check out this article for some good intro-episodes:
There’s no such thing as a fish – my favorite podcast- it’s full of funny and interesting facts, I learn heaps and laugh til I cry.
Mamamia Out Loud is phenomenal! Three women talking about everything. You’ll be in stitches. I also second Leandra’s Monocycle!
I looove podcasts!!
Hardcore History
The Tim Ferriss Show
This Week in Startups
American Fashion Podcast
The New York Public Library
HBR Ideacast
Tara Brach (has great guided meditations)
State of the arts
Found my Fitness
The Intern
Doing your Business
No such thing as a fish
Intelligence squared (both, one british, one american)
Product Hunt
recode decode
recode replay
Fashion is your business
And yes, I listen to all of these every week, they are all amazing. (believe it or not, this is a curated list)
BBC Front Row, Longform, World Book Club
Podcasts by Gimlet Media are awesome : Start-up, Reply all, Surprisingly awesome are my 3 favourite
Death Sex and Money is also great
Enjoy !
Happier with Gretchen Rubin
The Great Debates
TED Radio Hour
Freakonomics Radio
Women of the Hour with Lena Dunham
Thank you for the post, thanks to everybody’s comments, I got lots of new ideas!
And Brie, sorry but I listen to mostly French podcasts (from France Culture), so a list wouldn’t be of much help for you…
TheRead is mandatory.
You’re Gonna Die, Girl! It’s a weekly horror movie podcast for scaredy cats hosted by two women. I should note I’m a scaredy cat and the co-host! :)
The Broad Experience is an excellent podcast on issues as they relate to women in the workforce. I also love Call your girlfriend, Mystery Show, and Wiretap.
The Moth, This American life, Dear Sugar, Strangers and You must remember this. X
Planet Money
Seriously!!! SOO good. They cooked a peacock recently!! (And recorded the process + history that goes along with it)
Try the podcasts from Monocle.
They’re golden and I’m already obsessed:)
I can’t believe nobody has mentioned Mysterious Universe!! It’s been my favorite for years and years. The title is pretty self-explanatory, but they talk about the weirder side of the world, the paranormal, the supernatural, etc, with just the right amount of skepticism. It’s fascinating, Ben and Aaron are hilarious, and I could listen to the Australian accents all day.
Older son, a musician, turned me on to « The Memory Palace, » historical snapshots that are transformed into beautiful stories with amazing background music.
The podcast that got me hooked on podcasts, is Lore… They are seriously intriguing, slightly spooky, and thought provoking 20 minute episodes that explore different urban legends and actual historical events. HIGHLY recommend.
What’s the tee? from Ru Paul!
Here are 2 podcasts that I love and listen to now:
– The Intern
– Start Up
Radio Lab, 99% Invisible, and You Must Remember This!!
Emperors of Rome, Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me, Biography, Ask Me Another, Planet Money.
Savage Lovecast is a sex advice podcast and it addictive highly recommended!!.
Srsly, Call Your Girlfriend, Storyclub, Black Girls Talking and BBC World Service: The Inquiry.
Est-ce que quelqu’un peut recommander quelques podcasts français?
Sur Inter, je recommanderais Sur les épaules de Darwin, Le Masque et la Plume, Le billet de François Morel.
Sur France Culture, Une Vie, une oeuvre, A voix Nue, Sur les docks, Culture Musique.
Career Tools and Manager Tools will help you with so many professional situations, their advice comes in handy all the time!
Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History is really good! I thought it would be boring because it is a history podcast but I’ve been hooked since the beginning!
Radiolab is the best and my favorite
This American Life has great stories every once in a while
TED Radio Hour
What a great topic! I just added a ton of new podcast –
I totally agree with Love + Radio. The episode “The Living Room” re-featured in RadioLab was amazing!
Radio Lab and Ted Talk Radio hour are my favorites
I like the Hidden Brain too, American life but I cannot wait to listen to all the ones I just added
Podcast are transforming my commute to a great moment of my day instead of a long boring and stressful time –
Oh I also listened to The Big Magic podscasts by Elizabeth Gilbert and it made me want to do my own :) > creativity inspiring
Doug Loves Movies.
I am completely addicted to Sophia Amoruso #girlboss podcast, it just gets better and better with every new episode
Oh Boy! Podcast from the MenRepeller’s team, very fun
For cool fashion news : Fashion is Your Business
The Girl Means Business – for female entrepreneurs
The Lively Show – for those who love to live life with an intention, Jess is a great coach!
Of/A Kind – podcast lots of cool tips for living a stylish life from the creators of legendary blog.
Thank you for the shoutout! I cannot tell you how wonderful it is to see Manager Tools (my company) on Garance, whose work I have followed for years! What a treat!
You’re welcome, thank you so much for the podcasts!
I’ve been listening since 2008. Please tell Mike and Mark I said hello from Cincinnati!
This American Life
Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me!
Car Talk
Snap Judgment (basically any NPR podcast is a good bet)
Gilmore Guys (two guys bro out about Gilmore Girls. This podcast will have you in stitches.)
Great suggestions and a lot of my faves are here! (Happier with Gretchen Rubin, The Memory Palace, Burnt Toast, 99% Invisible, Stuff You Should Know, TED Radio Hour, Radio Lab, Reply All, The Moth). Except for Another Rouse. LADIES, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE CHECK OUT ANOTHER ROUND!!!! If you are into strong, educated, stylish, and hilarious women, this show is for you!!!! Also, NPR’s Fresh Air is great. What an embarrassment of riches.
Have you checked out Song Exploder? Great to hear artist’s break down how the song was conceived and the hear the whole song.
The Nerdist podcast makes me laugh because Chris Hardwick is a hilarious guy with great guests that often surprise me (as in i thought i knew them)
I echo many of the great recommendations others offerred so will close with additional thought, I think Stitcher is a better podcast app than the standard itunes one — sounds like you’re off and running.
Even if you have no intention to read all the books: New York Times Book Review is excellent.
The School of Greatness, Lewis Howes
Cooking Issues, Heritage Radio Network with Dave Arnold (hilarious if you’re into food)
BBC Kermode and Mayo’s Film Review… Very british, very witty weekly review of films by two critucs – has a huge following, dont miss it!
Does anyone know what brand are these earphones?
Hi Charlotte! these are from Panasonic!
« Why Shamanism Now » – Christina Pratt – Everything falls into place about anything and everything …
I love Duncan Trussel Family Hour- lots of in depth spiritual talk- and funny as hell with really interesting guests from the entire spectrum of Buddhism- Comedy – writers – entertainers.
I also really Love Joe Rogan- okay I dont listen to the episodes that are too dude-centric, or have anything to do with MMA, but his other interviews are awesome.
Im taking notes of lots of people’s suggestions- yay! I just really dont have that many hours in the week- but its really more excellent for me when excersizing than music- I want to do the extra 20 minutes so the podcast is finished.
You should try Woman’s Hour and Desert Island Discs both on BBC Radio 4.
Here are my Top 3:
Weird Adults with Little Esther
Bret Easton Ellis Podcast
Mental Illness Happy Hour
Death Sex and Money with Anna Sale
The Refashion Podcast covers fashion, personal development and entrepreneurship!!
do you know about frech podcast, french girl podcast?