My Carry-On
10 years ago by
Ahhhh, ma valise carry-on…
Je vous ai déjà dit que maintenant, j’arrivais à prendre le minimum de fringues quand je pars pour une fashion week, mais dans mon carry-on, on trouve toujours à peu près la même chose. Franchement, c’est mon sac le plus important, parce que dedans, je mets mon appareil photo, mon ordi et tout ce qui me permet de tenir pendant un long vol… voilà un petit échantillon pour vous!
Un masque de voyage : Pour pouvoir me reposer un peu, et celui-là est super confortable !
Un casque : Le mien est anti-bruit, vraiment top pour dormir (ou regarder un film).
Une étole en cachemire et des chaussettes : J’ai toujours HYPER froid en avion (je déteste ça !) alors j’emmène toujours un truc cosy dans lequel je peux m’envelopper. Et une paire de chaussettes qui va avec !
Un kit beauté : J’essaie de prendre le minimum! Donc, un baume à lèvres, une lotion pour le visage, un sérum contour des yeux, une crème pour les mains, un gel antibactérien et un lipstick rouge pour quand j’arrive à destination.
Un snack : Parfois, la bouffe dans les avions, c’est comment dire… vraiment pas génial, donc j’essaie de toujours prendre un snack un peu healthy avec moi (héhé, bon, ok, j’emmène aussi du chocolat…)
Et vous, c’est quoi vos incontournables quand vous prenez l’avion ?
Valise, Rimowa; Masque, Muji; Etole et chaussettes, White + Warren; Pochette, Comme de Garçons; Protège-passeport, Smythson; Casque, Monster; Avène Eau Thermale; Lotion pour le visage, Kahina Giving Beauty; Sérum contour des yeux, Clinique.
Je stresse toujours que ma valise en soute soit perdue/sur un autre vol et donc me retrouver sans rien à l’arrivée. Du coup j’emmène toujours une petite trousse de toilette/maquillage, une tenue et des sous-vêt, et sinon livre/magazine, un foulard, appareil photo, chargeurs et un petit encas.
I’m freezing too on planes…this socks idea is great!
XOX, Gap.
i love the noise cancelling headphones: they really work! :)
LOVE these kinds of posts garance – really appreciate seeing some more personal posts, similar to the closet-clean-out and the photos you shared from both the zara photo shoot and your friend’s fashion line! Keep ’em coming!
I agree! :]
Seconded :) It’s more relatable and for me therefor more enjoyable!
I also love so much more seeing the personal side of Garance!!
Thank you for this! For a long flight, I also try to pack a nice sandwich. But this post makes me think that maybe some Garance Dore illustrated travel pouches would also be just the thing to hold my wires, cosmetics, etc. As good as or better than and iPhone case!
Chocolate is a must! A great magazine + books/movies on iPad.
Looks like a perfect list! I’m bringing basically the same thing x
Your list is great, plus I pack my jewelry and a change of clothing because you never know….
Since we’re talking about packing I have some tips on packing toiletries:
I pack essentially the same things, only I add a pair of underwear just incase my luggage is lost and a swimsuit if I am hitting the tropics. who wants to be at the beach without a swimsuit?
have an amazing time!!
Mon nécessaire de voyage ressemble tout à fait au tien, avec en plus un collyre pour les yeux ( qui s’assèchent dans les longs courriers) et une petite trousse à médicaments ( depuis une tourista mémorable dans les airs et rien pour la soigner sous la main!!). Je dois renouveller mon casque antibruit je suis preneuse des références du tiens si il est bien et costaud.
Hey Garance J’adore ton carry on tres cool je jeux voyager avec toi?!
Bisous bisous
J’emporte a peu pres la meme chose. Je n’oublie jamais les boules Quies, la grande echarpe et les chaussettes toutes douces, quelques medicaments, un baume a levres et un bouquin.
Such a great photo. Looking at it makes me want to pack my own and go somewhere far and fun!
Hey, I also have this Comme des Garcons pouch (and this exactly Rimowa trolley actually, hehe), and it’s been absolutely wonderful. Just picked it as a color accent for opera (it’s red) and it stayed with me every day since then. Super useful!
Tout pareil ! Une seule petite chose en plus pour les très longs vols : un pantalon de pyjama, histoire de dormir comme un loir.
Eh bien à peu près la même chose parce que c’est vrai qu’on a frooiidd dans l’avion alors bien cosy c’est primordial.
Ensuite comme tu le dis si bien la nourriture est .. alors je prends des fruits séchés et bien sûr du chocolat..(pour le côté cosy..) et une fois bien installée, j’ai mes boules quies et mes magazines/livre. Parce qu’au moins je ne suis pas dérangée dans l’avion et avoir à ma portée ces magazines que je n’achète pas forcément en temps normal, c’est presque jouissif!! lol
Je n’oublie pas mes crèmes hydratantes mains et visage et ma bouteille d’eau.. Je voudrais juste trouver, enfin, le remède miracle pour le jet lag…
I like these types of posts too.
As photographer i love carrying my camera everywhere I go. Therefore a must in my luggage is my DSLR Camera bag by Flashbag
It is stylish and I use either with a classic or trendy look. Absolutely love it!!
Shop new designers from places you’ve never been on:
As photographer, I do love carrying my camera everywhere. Hence, in my luggage a carry always my DSLR Camera bag from Flash bag.
It is very practical and stylish! It can be combined with a classic or trendy look!! I absolutely love it!
Shop new designers from places you’ve never been on:
J’adore la photo !
Hi Garance, which type of lens is on the photo?
Can’t wait to hear from u ….Paris
Knee-high support hose. They really help keep your legs and feet from swelling during a long flight. The lovely young pharmacist who fitted me swore by them, so they aren’t just for old ladies–she wears them daily.
Layers. Just as awful as freezing is being too hot.
A couple of changes of clothes, especially underwear. My checked luggage has been lost several times. And my SIL was stuck for a week at the airport in Bangkok after the Iceland volcano stopped flights to Europe. You never know when you’ll be living out of your carry-on, nor for how long.
I always carry a cashmere hoodie – my favorite is from White + Warren, and a merino wrap . I hate being cold on a plane! I also have noise canceling headphones and several nature sound apps on my phone (thundergod is my favorite) and an eyemask. We fly a lot and those few items make all the difference in my comfort level.
Garance, could you tell us what camera and lens are these in this photo? xoxo
Comment dire… Je voyage rarement avec plus qu’un baggage cabine ! Pour une semaine ou même 1 mois, je me contente d’un carry on. Ca me force à être efficace :) Mais bon, après je ne suis pas en mode fashion week comme toi.
J’ai développé une habileté particulière au tetris avec pochettes de rangement et trousse toilette maquillage muji. Parce que ce serait impossible si je n’avais pas ces trousses de toilettes parfaites, ces petits flacons, tous ces petits trucs de voyages et les housses pour ne pas froisser les vêtements et organiser dignement ma valise (en cas de fouille). J’ai d’ailleurs toute une gamme de produits de beauté solide juste pour les voyages (savon, déo, make up etc…). Je me contente en général d’un cabas à la main (ou sac à dos si je pars en mode roots) pour caler l’écharpe, le bouquin, et une pochette (qui sera mon sac classe une fois sur place, si besoin) avec les essentiels, passeport & co;
Malgré tout, j’arrive toujours à faire une crise, dès la sécurité passé en hurlant « MERDE, je retrouve plus mon portable/portefeuille/chapeau (rayez la mention inutile), qui est en fait au fond du sac (ou rangé si stratégiquement que je sais plus ou).
Ah et ma valise est un accessoire look à elle toute seule : imprimé léopard (oui madame), achetée 30£ chez Primark il y a 5 ans (déjà) : jamais abimée (et pourtant elle a été au Chili, en Thailande, en Birmanie et même à NYC), elle se voit de loin, et on se fait même des potes avec !
Almost the same minus the camera & headphones (definitely good earplugs are a must). A good eye mask, cashmere wrap, socks and now « First Class Natural Skincare » (an all-inclusive flight package) for sensitive skin that will hydrate before, during and after a flight containing 4 products. A gentle eye + face makeup remover, hydrating facial mist,
facial oil, and a balm specifically for eyes/lips/cuticles. If interested here is the link:
À bientôt!
Don’t forget a toothbrush, mini toothpaste and a small facecloth. Great for washing up right before you land!
I’m big on taking advantage of the time in flight for a little extra skincare. Grab a packet of Bioderma Crealine wipes while you’re in Paris. I put a few in a snack-size Ziploc bag and use one when I get onboard to take off everything but my eye makeup. Then a spritz of Dermalogica Antioxidant Hydramist, then a thin layer of a clear moisturizing masque. Wait few minutes and repeat with a thicker layer of the masque. Tap on a sample of an eye cream and lip balm. I’ve got Flight 001 Molded Eye .Mask that allows you to blink when you have it on. Noise cancelling headphones. Tide pen or wipes (got a complimentary bottle of champagne after I gave the wipes to a flight attendant who’d just spilled a whole tray of orange juice on her uniform). No Jet Lag tablets. Extra charger and cords for iphone and mini iPad. Homeopathic sleeping aid. Travel pillow. Wisp waterless toothbrushes. Before landing, I use a Bioderma wipe to clean away the masque, mist again, then put on some bb cream, a combo lipstick/blusher (I love the YSL Babydoll), a little spritz of a light cologne and I’m good to go!
I really appreciate this stylish post. I have a weakness for peanut M&Ms when I travel; they always seem to make it into my carryon. You should also consider packing a mobile charger for your phone and iPad. Very portable, very convenient and you can customize it with one of your beautiful illustrations.
I make sure I always have face wipe so that on arrival I can have a fresh looking face. I also
make sure to have episodes of Sex and the City to watch on the flight, I love watching it!!
instagram—- wendcarnaci
First, I just love your suitcase, it’s fantastic! I have to admit I bring very similar items on the plane with me.
Paper and pencil and earplugs. I like dreaming and writing when I fly. Just water to drink. Those hours are a good time to lose weight.
dear garance! you should really moisturise more. lisa’s video is very helpful.
Je remarque aussi un petit carnet, pour prendre des notes ou dessiner sûrement ?
…sudoku or crossword magazines, chewing-gum for ear-popping.
my laptop , plugs, adaptors, Ipod, make up case, jewelry , Bose earphones, 2 or 3 books, fresh almonds , a big note book , pens, sharpies, fluo highlighters, pen drives , hard drives, eye mask, sets of keys, 3 phones .
TOTAL = 12 kilos…I can hardly lift it up on to the overhead compartment
I always carry with me: my neck pillow for sleeping, a water bottle (empty & filled after I got through security), hand lotion, advil, face lotion, chapstick/lip balm, earphones, my journal and pens, and light snacks!
I always fail when it comes to packing. Case in point, today I packed for a weekend away and although I’ve made progress packing my essential clothing (perhaps one unnecessary jacket I could have lost to lighten the load). The real culprit to my epic traveling dilemma is my incessant need to always travel with healthy food alternatives, which weigh a lot and take up room.
True story, I traveled with a stem of kale to Norway (wilted upon arrival).
True story, I packed chia seeds, an heirloom tomato and avocado for this weekends trip.
True story, I’ve prepped entire salads and meals to bring on the plane to avoid at all costs airplane food.
What can I say, I am always thinking about my next meal!
What a lovely looking carry on! I try to limit my carry on as who wants to be carting around a heavy bag or case? Generally my carry on must have my camera and electronic device (certainly do not trust this to be checked!), lip balm and hand cream. I sleep very easily so luckily the noise cancelling headphones are not a necessity for me!
I actually often am on so many short trips I have to pack everything in my carry on but I think frequent travellers often have similar carry on favourites. I always carry an eye mask but you have inspired me to invest in one a little more comfy than what I have now for those long haul flights!
With love
How do you protect your camera? Also: is there such a thing as a beautiful camera bag? I’ve been on a mission to find one for quite a while, but no luck yet…
I enjoy this type of post also, but wonder how you manage to access this hard-sided carry-on in flight if necessary (for wrap, eye mask, lipstick…). Those are the type of things I keep in a soft bag under the seat in from of me.