From the Beauty Closet


7 years ago by


J’ai presque toujours eu une frange.

J’ai brièvement tenté le look sans-frange, mais avec mes cheveux fins et sans volume, j’avais l’air d’une triste dame de l’époque victorienne avec ma raie au milieu un peu sévère. Je suis donc rapidement retournée à la frange et ne l’ai pas quittée depuis.

Malgré tout, la frange, ça peut être un problème. Ça colle au front quand il fait trop chaud, ça frisotte de manière hyper moche au moindre petit épisode humide (c’est-à-dire tout le temps sur la côte est), bref ça peut vite tourner au cauchemar et vous donner un petit air échevelé. Quand je vais danser, je ne sais jamais comment ça va se terminer : est-ce que j’aurai l’air d’avoir échappé à une averse ou est-ce que je m’en sortirai en tamponnant mon front avec des serviettes en papier entre deux déhanchements sur Rihanna ?

Le pire étant la vitesse à laquelle ça pousse : un petit rafraîchissement s’impose régulièrement pour éviter de ressembler à Bo Obama : vous voyez, ce petit clin d’œil pas hyper charmant parce qu’on a une mèche dans les yeux ? Sur le Premier Chien des Etats-Unis, c’est mignon. Sur moi, manifestement beaucoup moins.

Je suis un peu flemmarde quand il s’agit de couper ma frange : déjà, je suis nulle comme coiffeuse, et en plus, je n’arrive jamais à trouver un coiffeur qui accepte de me la couper pour un prix raisonnable et à l’improviste. Soyons réaliste, personne n’a envie de prendre rendez-vous chez le coiffeur juste pour se faire couper la frange… c’est bien trop protocolaire pour quelque chose qui prendra 10 minutes.

Pourtant, la frange présente quelques avantages : elle donne à 99 % des femmes un petit coup de jeune (statistique que je viens d’inventer) et à la plus basique des queues de cheval un côté glam. Enfin et surtout, je ne m’imagine plus sans elle. Anna Wintour porte la sienne depuis, quoi, 50 ans ? Je ne sais pas si je garderai la mienne aussi longtemps, mais pour l’instant, ça me va très bien… malgré ces petits inconvénients.

Et vous ? Vous avez déjà tenté la frange ? Vous avez quelques astuces magiques à partager pour qu’elle reste propre et fraîche plus longtemps ?

By Anne-Sophie, intern at the Studio


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  • Bangs depend on the face. I always thought I had a round face and needed my hair off it. But then I realized I had a big forehead and it looked better covered with hair. Add to that the beginnings of wrinkles, and I am too happy to have bangs. There’s a darling stylist who grew out her hair and she also has a large forehead that you notice now that she has no bangs.
    For those on the fence: it’s worth a try. After all, it’s only hair and will grow back.
    My hairdresser will trim bangs for free, but I still feel guilty about popping in for that. I try to DIY.
    Worst about bangs to me: when it’s windy and they blow straight up.

  • I’ve had bangs for a year now and love them. I live in North Carolina where the summers are crazy humid. A mini flat iron is a girl’s best friend for keeping bangs from curling in hot, humid weather. I visit my hair stylist once in between cuts for a free bang trim. Even though it’s only a ten minute service, it’s worth it.

  • BOBBY PINS AND DRY SHAMPOO! Without either of these I would severely suffer! Finding a stylist you trust to do a good job with bangs is huge–I NEVER see anyone other than my lovely Anita because I made that mistake once and it took me nearly two months to correct the bad cut by another stylist. I do call ahead, but luckily with Anita, she knows it’ll be quite and sometimes will even take me in when she’s coloring another clients hair (aka when they are sitting with the color, she’ll jump and cut my bangs). I also love to dance and find bobby pins to be the best option. If I do end up sweaty, it is a breeze to just pull up the bangs and rock the forehead (don’t even need a mirror to do it). Dry shampoo of course to help combat sweaty bangs!

  • I swore them off for years. Then one day I opened a magazine and this model had the coolest hairstyle with bangs. I took a picture sent it to my mom and my BFF hairdresser and they both replied YES! So I did it and feel like a new person. It’s amazing. Love them. I still have styling issues especially when it’s 105 out but it’s getting better. I do make trim appointments every three weeks.

  • I can recommend using a little dry shampoo in your bangs (fringe in the UK where I’m from) even just after washing to keep them looking fresh. And also buy some proper hairdressing scissors and it’s easy to trim them yourself, just be slow and careful and cut less than you think

  • I’ve had bangs since I was a little kid & I love them. It’s my signature & it brings out my hazel eyes. I have them cut every 3-4 weeks & change it up every now & then. I.e. straight across or chipped into diagonally or whatever I want. I leave them be even when it’s humid. I live in Oceanside, CA. I ‘ve tried w/o & didn’t like it @ all. I have an oval face.

  • J’adorerais pouvoir avoir une frange… Sauf que j’ai 3 épis sur le front, donc pas possible d’avoir une frange bien droite. En plus, mes cheveux sont implantés pour pousser vers l’arrière de la tête. Alors, peut-être dans une autre vie.
    Belle soirée

  • I love having bangs (or as we call it a fringe) but I also live in a country that has really humid weather in summer, so I alternate styles – winter bangs, summer side sweep. My hair grows pretty quickly but I don’t mind it getting in my eyes, I like peeking out from under it but I’ve also got an amazing hairdresser who likes experimenting on my hair and she doesn’t charge a thing if I need a trim. I like the idea of changing your style to suit the environment and bangs look great in winter.

  • I had bangs years ago and swore I would never have them again due to ‘cow licks’ and humidity – but then my stylist offered to just keratin my bangs and cut them and voila I’m happy and apparently look 10 years younger (according to friends and family).
    I do cut them myself at times – and still envy my friends who look lovely without them – but for now – they are mine and I like that I don’t look like everyone else!

  • Bangs create so many emotions!


  • I’m currently struggling about this. To bang or not to bang? I have wavier hair now then when I was a kid and I rocked some seriously bang, plus my nose « has grown up ». I’m in the same situation, what to do?


  • Great article!

  • J’ai une frange depuis des lustres parce qu’à chaque période de repousse j’en ai marre d’avoir les cheveux dans les yeux sans pour voir les coincés derrière mon oreille, et je coupe tout…
    Je suis coincée dans un cercles vicieux de franges éternelles :-D



  • CUT LESS THAN YOU THINK! But do I ever listen to my own advice…?
    Result: refusing to look in the mirror for at least two weeks.

  • J’ai une frange depuis que je suis enfant (et j’ai 26ans maintenant..) et je ne me vois pas vivre sans ! Limites les gens de me reconnaissent pas si je l’enleve !
    Une frange faut bien l’entretenir ! Coup de ciseaux toutes les 3semaines et lavage + brush tous les matins !!


  • I can’t have bangs. Seriously. My forehead is so greasy that the bangs also look greasy in half a day. I haven’t found a solution. Plus I would hate the bangs in summer under a hat.

  • J’adore, j’aurais pu écrire ça, la frange et moi c’est une histoire d’amour. J’ai la mienne depuis petite, un peu rebelle au collège je l’avais abandonné. J’y suis revenue avec une moitié de frange, tu sais le truc qui prenait la moitié du visage. Pas vraiment terrible. Et puis finalement en 2004 j’ai retrouvé ma vraie frange, celle qui fait complètement partie de moi aujourd’hui. Jusqu’au nom de mon blog lancé il y a 2 ans. C’est dire :)

    J’ai beaucoup aimé cet article.


  • Ah je me reconnais bien là! Je ne peux pas me passer de ma frange!! Comme j’aime la porter en dessous des sourcils, j’avoue faire des petites retouches moi même de temps en temps, quelques légers coups de ciseaux et c’est joué ???? !
    J’aime beaucoup tes articles et comme je débute un blog si tu veux y jeter un coup d’œil et me donner ton avis ça serait top ????

  • I had mine for 10 years. I had a very good routine. As I’m lucky to have to wash my hair only once a week, I was doing some mini washes of the bang only, and then brushing it with a round hot air brush, it was always perfect. I had to give it up when I moved to Dubai and the heat was so strong that I had to wash it every day and in the end it was looking very bad at the end of the day. But I must admit that it was also at a time where I was starting to question myself if I still wanted to wear it, starting to move to the next step of my life. The heat was an a semi-excuse in the end.

  • Every time I go for a style that does not have bangs, I’m disappointed, so for most of my adult life (I’m 40), I’ve had bangs. They become kind of my thing – people think I don’t look like myself when I don’t have them.

    I trim my own, using small Kai scissors. A funny story though: A year or two ago, I thought I was slowly losing my eyebrows and it was making me so sad. One day when I went to trim my bangs, it dawned on me that I’d accidentally also trimmed my eyebrows. Ever since then, I either take extra care or, when I’m feeling very conservative, put bandaids over my brows while I trim. :)

  • I’m glad I stumbled upon this post! I have to say, I love how bangs look – I feel that it just gives that chic, Parisienne air, sort of careless but yet classy. In my experience, bangs are just a bit too high maintenance for me: trimming, styling, making sure the hair doesn’t look greasy (if it’s windy, forget it!). I love love love the look but I just realized that my life is a bit easier if I keep my hair one length.


  • I do not have a shape of head suitable for a fringe — but I like it on certain types of faces. It can definitely add on character, charm. And here I also love Caroline de Maigret! Although I think she looks gorgoeus without bangs as well, maybe I like her even more without it. By the way, it would be great to have more posts featuring Caroline! :)

  • I tried them a long time ago. They were a disaster. I have thick, wavy hair and bangs do not work with it at all. Of course, I had to figure that out that hard way and walk around looking awful until they grew out. But it was a good lesson in learning to make the best of what I’ve got, not trying to recreate somebody else’s look on me.

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