Studio Visit

A Studio Visit with Marleigh Culver

A Studio Visit with Marleigh Culver

We first came across Marleigh’s beautiful paintings on Instagram and immediately started following her for daily color inspiration. When we dug a little further and found out she works...


2 years ago by



We are thrilled to show a few pieces from Egg Collective’s new group exhibition, Designing...

3 years ago by

Studio Visit: Colleen Herman

Studio Visit: Colleen Herman

I can’t remember how I first came across Colleen Herman’s work, only that I was...

3 years ago by

Studio Visit with Rosa Halpern

Studio Visit with Rosa Halpern

We are headed up to Toronto today to bring you a fun and leather infused Studio Tour with Rosa...

3 years ago by

A Studio Visit with Ashleigh Holmes

A Studio Visit with Ashleigh Holmes

We’re taking a quick trip down under to visit the studio of Ashleigh Holmes and chat all...

4 years ago by

Studio Visit with Olivia Villanti

Studio Visit with Olivia Villanti

Olivia Villanti has a home grown studio in Mexico City where she produces the most exquisite shirts...

4 years ago by

A Studio Visit with Sophie Monet

A Studio Visit with Sophie Monet

We fell in love with Sophie Monet’s jewelry the minute we saw it dangling from our...

4 years ago by

dore studio visit catbird brooklyn

Studio Visit / Catbird

Si vous avez déjà mis les pieds à Brooklyn, vous avez sans doute déjà pu admirer de délicats...

5 years ago by

dore fleurotica studio visit robin rose flowers

Studio Visit / Fleurotica

Robin Rose parle la langue des fleurs. Soit, pour être précise, la langue propre aux gens qui sont...

5 years ago by

dore lisa says gah studio visit style story

Studio Visit / Lisa Says Gah

Il n’y a pas de boutique qui, je crois, m’a apporté plus de joie ou d’inspiration que Lisa...

5 years ago by

atelier dore studio visit foundrae and bode cfda emerging designer nominees

Studio Visit / Foundrae + Bode

A l’atelier, nous aimons soutenir les créateurs émergents. Même si le monde de la mode à New...

5 years ago by

atelier dore studio visit maria cornejo

Studio Visit / Maria Cornejo

Maria Cornejo connaît le métier. Depuis la fin des années 90, quand elle a ouvert son atelier à...

5 years ago by

atelier dore style story lauren lorod

Studio Visit / Lorod

Sur son site internet, LOROD se présente ainsi : LOROD crée des interprétations modulaires et...

5 years ago by

atelier dore studio visit streicher sisters striiike beauty

Three Sisters on Creative Entrepreneurship

Les soeurs Streicher sont passées maîtres dans l’art de la beauté “de la cool girl”. Et je...

5 years ago by



La designer Batsheva Hay n’est pas vraiment la mère typique de l’Upper West Side. Enfin, sur...

6 years ago by

Studio Visit / Geronimo

Studio Visit / Geronimo

Je n’ai encore jamais rencontré Jihan Zencirli, une source d’inspiration constante, et sa...

6 years ago by

Studio Visit / Meta Flora

Studio Visit / Meta Flora

Meta Flora fait partie de nos comptes Instagram préférés. Nous avons même eu la chance d’avoir...

6 years ago by

Studio Visit / Chrissy Angliker

Studio Visit / Chrissy Angliker

Si je n’étais pas écrivain, je rêverais d’être peintre. Il n’y a qu’un léger problème,...

6 years ago by