Alison Beckner

Navajo Nation

Navajo Nation

This week the Navajo Nation became the #1 in the USA for Dikos Ntsaaígíí-19 (COVID-19) positive per capita. For almost 2 months now, Amy Yeung – a former fast-fashion exec and the...


4 years ago by

Mackenzie Drazan Wants to Revolutionize the Way We Access Mental Health Care

Mackenzie Drazan Wants to Revolutionize the Way We Access Mental Health Care

Over one billion people are affected by mental illness every year. Around one in seven people...

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Emma Allen and Everyday Oil

Emma Allen and Everyday Oil

Emma Allen is the founder of Everyday Oil, a game-changing blend of organic cold-pressed,...

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Lita Lewis Dore

The Strength of Lita Lewis

Lita Lewis alterne entre de nombreux rôles, professionnels et personnels. Le dénominateur commun ?...

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Natalie Kuhn on Leaning into Discomfort

Natalie Kuhn a grandi à LA avant de passer 14 ans à New York pour étudier le théâtre et la...

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How To / Feng Shui

Meghan Wallace James habite à Los Angeles et je l’ai rencontrée par hasard il y a un peu plus...

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