Pocket PMF: Gut Health
5 years ago by
On ne peut parler de nourriture sans parler de la santé de nos intestins ! Et même si certains pensent que c’est un sujet tabou qu’on ne peut pas aborder directement entre collègues, et encore moins sur un podcast, ce n’est pas notre cas à Atelier Doré ! Christina, Bogdana et Sarah expliquent à Garance les désagréments liés aux ballonnements, les bienfaits d’une routine et parlent de l’intérêt ou non des lavements. Nous ne sommes certainement pas des expertes mais nous sommes à la recherche constante d’intestins heureux et en bonne santé !
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Gut health makes a lot of sense–we have a garden inside us, and we need to take care of it. Having a loved one who just went through surgery for colon cancer really brought it home. Luckily here in France, it’s pretty easy to eat real foods that aren’t heavily processed, and when I go to the U.S., I find that everything has a funny chemical taste to it. Cooking from scratch definitely takes more time, but what is more essential than what we eat? And it affects not just our guts but also our skin and our overall sense of wellbeing.
Hello! the initial speaker was I think talking about Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). This is about somatised anxiety, look it up. There are ways to deal with it and peppermint tea is a helpful one. Also being aware what stresses us out.
Good luck!