
The Power of Plants

5 years ago by

In Partnership With Standard Dose

I’m a strange person for many reasons, but one of them is this dichotomy in my personality where I’m immensely skeptical of just about everything (okay, and everyone), but I will also try ANYTHING and make friends with ANYONE. So, I’m basically a skeptic walking around with her arms wide open.

This skeptic has finally decided it’s damn time she make friends with this little cannabinoid known as CBD. You might have heard of it, it’s having “A MOMENT,” as the kids say. But due to said skepticism, I wanted to be introduced to CBD with knowledge, guidance, and a little science to boot. That’s where Standard Dose comes into play.

Standard Dose is an online CBD retailer that’s — ahem — setting the standard for CBD retailers everywhere. It was founded by Anthony Saniger with the intention “to share the benefits of CBD and create a space that offers natural options for relieving stress, pain and anxiety on a daily basis.”

The Power of Plants

What sets Standard Dose apart from the other retailers is that they emphasize educating consumers about CBD as a key component of their business. They understand we’re all a bit confused, and sometimes intimidated, by CBD so they want to bust down the stigma, educate you on the science, and guide you to make a choice that fits your (and ONLY your) lifestyle.

So, to answer your first question (okay, to answer my first question), what the hell is CBD?

Anthony explained, “CBD is a hemp derived cannabinoid that works by nourishing our body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS). This biological system is responsible for regulating physical and cognitive functions including our stress and anxiety levels, pain, inflammation, memory and sleep patterns. So once we ingest CBD, through oral or transdermal means, it interacts with the cannabinoid receptors in the areas where we’re most deficient – which is why CBD is also considered an adaptogen, because it’s a multi-target remedy that adapts to our body’s needs and deficiencies.”

A common misconception (okay, my misconception), is that CBD gets you high like marijuana. This is incorrect. Because CBD is a hemp derived cannabinoid, and not a marijuana derived cannabinoid it does not have psychoactive effects, because there is no THC in it. What CBD can do is promote more regulated sleep, aid in pain relief, decrease inflammation, and even reduce anxiety and stress.

atelier dore standard dose cbd
atelier dore standard dose cbd

I know what y’all are thinking (okay, I know what I was thinking in this stage of my CBD education so let me try to guess what you’re thinking). You’re thinking, “wait — how does CBD help with all those very different human ailments?”

This is the point where CBD really started to win over this skeptic, so listen up buttercup.

Anthony mentioned CBD was an adaptogen, and you might have just glossed over that term (at least I nodded at the term like I knew what an “adaptogen” was), not knowing it was the key to unlocking literally everything CBD has to offer (btw, you know I’m passionate about this if I’m using the term ‘literally,’ because I literally hate literally).

Adaptogens are herbs or plants that support your adrenal system. What this means is that they balance your hormones so you can respond to and manage stress on a case by case basis. They regulate our system to keep it sympatico with everything that’s coming at it from the outside world (i.e stress).

So on it’s own CBD is already fighting the bad guys — the stress of the outside world — by supporting our adrenal system, but when it’s combined with other ingredients, it can target specific needs such as sleeplessness, inflammation, cramps, sore muscles… the list goes on. Not to mention, the more CBD is used, i.e. the more you flood your body with the good guys (the adaptogens), the more you’ll experience CBD’s benefits.

atelier dore standard dose cbd

atelier dore standard dose cbd

atelier dore standard dose cbd

So now that we’ve tackled CBD 101 — let’s talk products! But you see how long it took us to get here? That’s because Standard Dose, above everything else, wants you (and me) to be educated.

Now that you’re ready to dip your toe in the CBD pond, which product and what dose is right for you?

Saniger explained, “when it comes to CBD, there is no standard dose.” The company’s name is tongue-in-cheek. Everyone’s “standard dose” is completely dependent on how your body adapts and reacts to the ingredients in each product. So it’s up to the consumer to play around, test, and reflect on what products, and what dosages are right for them. Standard Dose is simply here to help educate the consumer and put forth vetted and tested products to help consumers find their standard dose.”

Yep. Vetted AND tested. This isn’t hocus pocus. This is plant derived medicine that has been put under a microscope — and slathered on plenty of skin — to ensure they deliver. Saniger explained that at Standard Dose they, “require all brands to provide lab test results to ensure product quality and to validate their claims. We then conduct our own independent third-party lab testing to confirm that the provided information is accurate. The products that are selected after both rounds of testing are then sampled by our internal team, which ensures that they meet our standards of efficacy and experience.”

The Power of Plants
atelier dore standard dose cbd

atelier dore standard dose cbd

atelier dore standard dose cbd

So where to begin? I cannot suggest the Standard Dose Tincture enough. It was developed by the Standard Dose team to be an optimal product to flood your body with the good-guy-adaptogens. Saniger threw himself into the development of this product because, “given that CBD’s benefits increase with regular use, it was important to me to identify the optimal concentration of CBD that we could consume daily. So after personally trying over 250 tinctures and extensive testing and research, we developed the Standard Dose Tincture with MCT Coconut Oil as its base carrier – chosen for its added health benefits of increasing brain function and lowering cholesterol levels. It was also important to me that it could be both consumed on its own and combined with all beverages, so we went to further lengths to design it with a clear and scentless formula – making it extremely adaptable.”

atelier dore standard dose cbd
The Power of Plants
atelier dore standard dose cbd

Beyond that, you still have a plethora of options — as you might have noticed from the oh-so-lovely photos that have accompanied my words. If ingesting CBD feels right to you, beyond the Standard Dose Tincture, they also offer such food products as Vireo Olive Oil and Potli Honey — two kitchen ingredients that a large swath of the population uses daily. Add a scoop of Potli Honey to your afternoon tea or swap out your EVOO with Vireo and BAM, you’ve got your daily dose of adaptogens.

If you’d rather try something transdermal, may I suggest all of the patches? Each patch from The Good Patch offers a different aid, from menstrual cramps to a sleep aid. Our favorite? The hangover patch ;) Aren’t we all still looking for that magic cure?

Even if you’re a skincare junkie who miraculously has no other ailments you’d like to address, Standard Dose has got you covered. From Hora Overnight Exfoliating Mask to Khus + Khus Rasa Restorative Potion, you can still maintain a top shelf of products, and benefit from the properties of CBD.

So what’s next on the agenda for Standard Dose? Anthony is, “looking to expand the conversation on holistic wellness and offer trusted CBD products through immersive retail experiences, the first of which is launching in New York this spring.”

Can I get an amen?

The Power of Plants
The Power of Plants


Add yours
  • This was such an interesting feature, thank you for this!

  • I literally know nothing about CBD (and have been hearing about it forever!) and this was so insightful and such a good read! Thank you!

  • Wow. So interesting. Who knew CBD could help with so many chronic issues! Love the education section on their website too

  • Frédérique February, 21 2019, 9:49 / Reply

    Thanks for clarifying! Really insightful and finally get better understanding of what everyone is talking about … Seems pretty cool actually. Ready to test the benefits of this natural treatment!

  • Mary Leonard February, 25 2019, 12:32

    Hi Frédérique,
    So happy to hear you liked the post! We would love to hear which products you decided to test and if you have noticed the benefits!
    x Mary

  • This is wonderful post very informative and helpful thank you for sharing.

  • Jorge Alexandre Teixeira February, 22 2019, 3:24 / Reply

    WOW !!! What a Delightful Article and You All Killed (again) It in this Amazing Shoot !!! The Photos are Tremendous , Bog!!! Thank You V, Chris , Beverley and Mrs Kissi !!! And i must say …this SD products look very Appealing !!!

    Bom fim de semana !!!

  • Jorge, what a delight of a reader you are! Thank you! We always work hard here to make our readers happy :)

  • Whatever the actual science behind CDB might be (and, looking into actual scientifical research, it doesn’t look like there’s any rock hard evidence that it does anything more than other placebos – and placebos actually do something, there was a real, documented article about it in the NYT a few months ago), I find it a bit ironic that a skeptic would turn to evidence provided by a company’s marketing team – and that the article would be written “in partnership with” said company. Doesn’t this go a little bit against the ethical stand that AD has been taking? I don’t mind light health entertainment, but PLEASE don’t call any of this “science”, it is, I find, offensive to actual research. This being said, I’m a sucker for alternative, soft, natural solutions. I’d be a lot more interested in a honest, real experiment from YOU, in partnership with nobody. It wouldn’t prove that CDB is universally potent or not, but it’d be honest. :-)

  • Hey Veronica, Thanks a lot for your article! Beeing a fellow sceptic who is, at the same time very curious i’d like to know: have you tried it yet? If yes, what did you experience?
    Greetings from Germany!

  • Elizabeth February, 24 2019, 7:10 / Reply

    Was Standard Dose lab testing its products on human subjects only?

  • Mary Leonard February, 25 2019, 12:30

    Hi Elizabeth!
    Yes, Standard Dose has only done testing on human subjects; However, CBD has proven to be extremely effective for animals (dogs with anxiety, joint pains etc.) but they have not gotten into the pet space yet.

  • Thank you for this article. Do you know if this company tests on animals? I have been to their website and cannot find information there. This is an important detail that will help me decide whether to buy their products.

  • Mary Leonard February, 25 2019, 12:29

    Hi Ines!
    Standard Dose has only done tests on human subjects. Although CBD has proven to be extremely effective for animals (dogs with anxiety, joint pains etc.) they have not gotten into the pet space yet.

  • I have been using CBD 10mg oil capsules for a few weeks and I have seen some assistance in sleeping, but not in pain relief yet. I will continue to use this and see if it makes a difference.

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