4 years ago by

So many of you have been asking for us to bring back Pardon My French and Pocket Pardon My French, so, while we can’t fully re-launch within the confines of quarantine, we did decide to hope on Zoom and record a quick little video in the style of Pocket Pardon My French. There are a few times when service / video quality is a bit… meh. But bear with us, we are scattered around the globe so being able to connect like this is pretty impressive to us — not to mention imperative these days. We can’t wait to embrace IRL, but till then, enjoy this little video of us updating everyone on what we’re doing during quarantine…and please leave a comment about what topic you’d like us to discuss on the next one!


Add yours
  • Where are Garance’s glasses from?

  • This was fabulous. So genuine. And hilarious. Very refreshing, and the perfect ending to the week. Please keep them coming!

  • Love your authenticness (honesty) … interesting to hear your 3 experiences of the same global situation…Kool podcast… Veronica it was very enlightening to hear you’re experience of the C19 virus ..you are an inspiration ….regards to talented Christina

  • Estelle April, 18 2020, 9:06 / Reply

    Très chouette vidéo ! Alors quelques questions pour la prochaine ! : Garance, comment se passe la cohabitation avec des ados (si j’ai bien compris) ? Et à toutes, qu’est-ce que vous envisagez de changer dans votre” vie d’après”? C’est une question que je me pose pour moi…

  • Garance! You’re looking better than ever! Apart from love… I want to know what skincare you packed for lockdown, routine etc!? XO

  • Thembeka April, 18 2020, 9:40 / Reply

    I loveeeed the podcast/video! It was so natural and relaxing .. and the fact that you are in three different situations was a bonus (so sorry about the breakup V) Thank you guys. Looking forward to more.

  • Patricia Resl-Rojas April, 18 2020, 12:25 / Reply

    That‘s a nice idea!
    I loved to see and hear you again.

    I think it whould be interesting to get to know your thoughts about what changes you want to bring into your life after corona, because I think, it is such a huge impact what we are experiencing right now.
    For me, definitely there will be a “before Corona” and “after Corona”.
    I still have to think about it and some of the changes maybe come by themselves, but the meaningful choices have to be thoughtful.

    Sending you lots of love, stay save!

  • Karen Murphy April, 18 2020, 12:42 / Reply

    So wonderful to see your lovely faces, to hear your struggles and your laughter, to have a moment of being all in on this together. x

  • Loved this and you all look beautiful x

  • That was so fun. Would like to see your outdoor hikes and having a zoom dinner or cooking. Keep safe.

  • Hi, I am so happy to see that Pocket PMF is back, especially during this period. This makes me so happy! For the next episode, I would like to have your thoughts on how this pandemic is going to effect the fashion/ luxury sector? I’m thinking that it will be very difficult for it to recover from this, maybe even more so for the bigger brands. I don’t see anyone rushing to buy overpriced bags after this period of uncertainty and instability, no matter their income. I feel like people will really be gravitating towards essential buys and investing or saving their money. Do you agree?

  • Jorge Alexandre Teixeira April, 19 2020, 5:17 / Reply

    The Three Musketeers !!! *_*

  • Veronica, I feel you! Im also in a bubble with my ex. We separated after 9 years, just one week after lockdown. I really love to hear you discuss mental health. How to stay sane-ish when youre mostly by yourself. Im letting go now of the rigid structure that i began the quarantine with. Not sure yet if thats a good or bad thing..

  • Teresa Matas April, 19 2020, 7:53 / Reply

    You guys are great! I had a big grin on my face while watching, loved every second of it! Please, please do more! Staying connected with your subscribers is at these terrible times more important than ever.

    I live in Alicante (Spain) and lockdown here is being tough. Absolutely no one has been allowed to go out for a walk or anything other than going out to get groceries or meds and we’ve been isolating for 5 weeks so far, and as of yesterday, the government has extended confinement until May 9th. Maybe, just maybe, after the 26th of this month, children 12 and under will be allowed to go out for a short walk with a parent. So, everyone is feeling restless including myself. I live alone and I have no one “in my bubble”, so I rely on my cell phone texting and making calls to vent and keep my sanity. Nonetheless, I’m teleworking a bit so that is my personal “ventilator” and of course doing a lot of writing as well, as you can see (hahaha)

    As for more subjects to do in future PPMFs, I’d like to suggest sharing what is on your “new” bucket list. What will be the first thing you’ll do after this is over? and most importantly… why have you chosen that will be the first thing? …I’m working on mine. I’ll share after you.

    Thank you very much for your efforts to make the video connection, which is not easy under the circumstances! Love

  • Natasza April, 21 2020, 10:35

    Great idea with the bucket list”

  • Raquel Garcia April, 19 2020, 10:10 / Reply

    Me encanta el vídeo. Estoy aprendiendo inglés y me viene muy bien.

  • Loved this. Missed the PPMF!!! Keep ’em coming.

  • I enjoyed every second of this and can’t wait for the next one ! Thank you for your openness, simplicity and sincerity ! I would be very interested to hear about how your business is impacted by this crazy but yet dramatic situation… How are you all dealing with it ? How is atually the Doré team adjusting to it ? I started a small business a few months ago. Now the whole world is on hold, so am i, and that brings up so many questions and uncertainties. Clearly, we’re all facing up the same apprehensions but I’d love to know your feelings and opinions (which are always so inspiring and helpful to me). I wish you all the best wherever you are. Stay safe and take care. Much love from Belgium !

  • Christie April, 19 2020, 4:48 / Reply

    Thank you?? I’ve missed your podcast, and this was fun getting a piece of this. Love this!

  • I always listen to the podcast and it was the first time I saw Veronica’s and Emily’s faces. That was cool!
    Also, keep up! I had a bad day today and you made me laugh, thank you!
    At 6 o’clock here also: bring the alcohol, please!
    In lockdown in Buenos Aires, Argentina for a month now with two boys and my husband.
    I enjoyed your conversation.

  • Therese April, 19 2020, 7:32 / Reply

    I enjoyed this. I would love to know how the 3 of you think your lives will be different when we are able to go back to normal. Do you see positive things coming out of this?

  • Oh this was so lovely. thank you for sharing your covid story. And this really made me feel a little less lonely. the zoom format made me feel like I was hanging out with you all. thank you.

  • Maureen April, 20 2020, 2:34 / Reply

    I like this even better than pocket, it’s nice to see you guys. Also interested in the glasses ?

  • How lovely to put your faces to voices! My GFs and I love Pocket Pardon my French.

    COVID-19 has certainly made everything a little bit more challenging. In a weird way I kind of like another challenge. If my relationship can get through this, we’re solid (right?!) ..

    A bit over a year ago my long term partner (of 10 yrs) broke up – he cheated.. WTF! After the initial shock and grief passed, I made the conscious decision to let go of the bitterness. I had a tonne of fun dating and had really positive experiences meeting men. I have a theory it was because I wasn’t seeking to meet my forever person- more like practising meeting people and squeezing every drop out of life. I ended up meeting two men that I felt like I was falling in love with. Seemed a bit greedy when some of my friends were not having the same “luck”. I won’t give too many details away here (like GD, I can talk). Anyway, I ended up “choosing” one who was perfect on paper…and then reverted back to the other after he made some big beautiful gestures of his adoration for me. It was always him but it took me a while as he has a few children (I was initially hesitant about dating a guy with kids). I now advocate for it – dads can be so attractive. It’s made me think about the stigma attached to being a stepmum. Why is stepmum associated negatively (the evil step-mum)? Is this the same in Europe? It may be too early to discuss with GD, but I’m curious how’s she’s managing? I added a bunch of stepmum books to my cart, but never actually purchased… am I a stepmum if I’m dating a man with kids?! So far my experience has been amazing but challenging and plenty of RAW discussions with my partner. He’s an amazing man, and a great communicator. Gosh, the love and passion we have is strong!

    On date 3 after I decided to put aside my biases, I asked him about kids and he reassured me he was open to it “what more of a beautiful thing than creating a child with someone you love” he said. Of course, as time and the realities of life chime in, the discussions change slightly. It’s not off the table but I struggle with this a bit as I wonder is it something I want more than him? If I don’t mention it ever again, will he chase me for it? Why do I want biological kids? Do I definitely? If I do and miss out, am I compromising something I want for love. This is my most recent battle. In a time where the challenges of parenting are illuminated to the max (homeschooling, tantrums galore), it’s not a cute time to plan for more kids.. is it?

    WOW – what a long post. to hit send, or not to hit send.. ah what the heck *presses send*

  • cristina April, 20 2020, 10:21 / Reply

    Nice! So glad you are back :)

  • Loved it ! What will you be doing first when the lockdown is over ? Who will you be seeing first ?

  • I love how casual this post was! What Veronica said is so true – social interaction via events is a stress reliever and i’ve been missing it. It feels like a part of you is missing. It’s definitely not the same on Zoom.

  • Garance, would you share your experience and expertise on photography and offer some lessons, tips on how to shoot/style for interiors?

  • Meryonne April, 20 2020, 12:02 / Reply

    Yes PMF is back ! Can’t wait to watch more :) Thank you Dore Team

  • Maritoni April, 21 2020, 1:21 / Reply

    Yay! Been waiting for this and it’s a bonus that we can also see your faces. :)

  • viviana bohorquez April, 21 2020, 6:57 / Reply

    Loved it !! I watched it till the end!! Please continue!!

  • evacharpz April, 21 2020, 10:42 / Reply

    Total feel good video <3

  • Somehow, your talk about quarantine managed to take my mind off my quarantine ! Thank you for that. (+ this is my first time listening to Emily & Veronica, you are lovely, ladies :) )

  • Thanks for sharing this bit of girl talk – I watched till the end!! For future topics, one thing I grabbed on to is Emily sharing that she is alcohol free… did you say 2 years sober?! Amazing. I decided to stop drinking on Feb. 1st of this year, and of course didn’t anticipate the crazy coincidence of this overlapping with a pandemic. So I went into our lockdown with 5 week sobriety, and have managed to keep it up thanks to sober podcasts and other sources of distraction / inspiration. It really helps me to hear women especially talk through their relationship with alcohol, good or bad, so that I can process my own feelings.
    Other than that, I love to hear more details about hair styling!! My husband helped cut mine and I attempted to add in a few layers, but it’s not quiiiiite right!

  • Emily Note April, 23 2020, 9:18

    Hi Cindy!

    Congrats on your sobriety! That is a huge achievement, especially during a time like this. I stopped drinking over 4 years (!!) ago due to health reasons–my body just can’t handle alcohol anymore due to my gastroparesis, so I’ve been alcohol free for a very long time. Definitely something we can talk about more, as I know this is a challenging time for people when it comes to substance use.

    Glad to hear you’re doing well, and don’t worry–that haircut will grow in before we’re out of this ;)

    xx Emily

  • Lisa Walker April, 22 2020, 11:10 / Reply

    This made me feel normal again, thank you, ladies! XOXO

  • I had such wonderful time listening to all of you. So funny. It feels like some fresh air. Thank you

  • Jessica April, 23 2020, 1:46 / Reply

    Many thanks!
    So happy you guys are doing this!
    I’ve missed the podcast very much :)

  • I like hearing and seeing you all talk! Somehow inspiring. Thanks for sharing!

  • Tatiana April, 25 2020, 3:50 / Reply

    Love it ! Keep it on ?

  • angelica May, 3 2020, 5:41 / Reply

    Oh ladies, that was OH-SO-FKN-GOOD! Pardon my French.

    I watched the 2nd one first but I really loved the rawness of your 1st one… I think more. Soz!

    Thank you, though. Thanks for the honesty and insights and making us all feel like we’re not alone.

    bisoux bisoux, mwah mwah!

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