
Looking Back Upon Looking Forward

5 years ago by

Photos Jane Kim

I feel like it’s all anyone has been saying this past week, so I hate to be the 1,000th person you’ve heard it from, but SERIOUSLY…HOW IS IT ALREADY 2019??

This year has FLOWN by. It’s been a busy one at the Atelier. We’ve grown our team, met new friends, and worked on a whole array of new projects!

That’s why it was so lovely when we got to take a moment this week to come together and celebrate! The team enjoyed a festive and delicious dinner at Augustine (a super chic French restaurant in downtown Manhattan). We went around the table, toasting to what a year it’s been and why we’re so excited for the one ahead!



We’ve traveled from New York to Los Angeles, from Montauk to Monaco, from Texas to London, from Italy to the Chilean desert

Emily got married! Garance’s house renovation is underway! Veronica broke all her bones and then recovered! Mary tried Shake Shack for the first time!

We’ve talked about our values (community, humor, style!), our relationships, our ideas of nourishment, and our homes!

We’ve re-launched the podcast. We’ve partnered with philanthropic causes. And we’ve engaged in exciting dialogues with readers across the world!

Looking Back Upon Looking Forward



So, yes, it has been a big year. But, what I can’t stop thinking about is something Garance wrote in her “Happy New Year!” post from this time last year. She wrote, “Falling in love with our lives is what I wish for us in 2018.”

And I’ve found myself coming back to this because I’m finding such comfort and beauty in the hopefulness of her message. Because, in a way, “falling in love with our lives” doesn’t have to mean a huge life change, a process that occurs by a set date, or the excitement of having a fabulous year. It’s a continuous project, forever ongoing, that we can tweak, adjust, and grapple with at every turn! And what is so exciting about realizing that this process is never-ending is that each new year, or even each new day, presents an opportunity for us to inch closer to the possibility of it. So, whether you’ve made a big move this year (like me!), re-committed yourself to a hobby, or even just created more time for yourself and the things that make you happy, I hope you’ve been able to take one small step towards a life that you love.

Looking Back Upon Looking Forward
Looking Back Upon Looking Forward

So on that note, we’re going to be taking a break from the site until the new year. We believe the holidays should be spent laughing with loved ones, turning off our phones, and reveling in the “magic” of the season. It’ll be the perfect interlude as we plan to start 2019 off with some self-reflection and self-discovery.

Wishing you happy holidays, a happy new year, and lots of love and warm hugs for 2019. See ya in the new year!

The Atelier

Looking Back Upon Looking Forward


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  • Polly Ali December, 21 2018, 9:52 / Reply

    Wishing you all a happy holiday and best wished for 2019.

    I’ve followed the blog for years and thank you as always for your good cheer, inspiration and sharing your experiences with us. And yes I hope we all fall in love with our lives. Thank you Garance for this brilliant message.

    Love Polly xxxx

  • Happy Christmas and Happy New Year full of the happiness and inspiration you create!

  • Thank you for all the interesting, inspiring and beautiful content that you share. It is one of the things I look forward to each day and means a lot.
    What a beautiful wish for all of us to fall in love with our lives- through all the ups and downs it is precious and unique and something to be grateful for and celebrate each day.
    Love and peaceful wishes to all of you!

  • Beautifully written! Happy New Year to you too! Look forward to reading this site every day in the new year!

  • Beautiful written! Happy New Year to you and the team too! Look forward to reading the site every day in the new year!

  • Thank you for another great year Atelier Dore! You always make my mornings special! Here’s to a happy, healthy, and fun 2019!

  • Mariateresa December, 21 2018, 4:45 / Reply

    Grazie!!!E a voi pure, tanta felicità, happiness!!!

  • Enjoyed spending the year with you guys and looking forward to 2019 xx

  • Merci pour tous les beaux inspirations pendant l’année. Vous êtes absolument merveilleuse et votre contenu signifie beaucoup pour nous! Bonne fin d’année et votre avenir en 2019!

  • Raquel Garcia December, 24 2018, 10:59 / Reply

    Como me gustaría pertenecer a vuestro equipo!!!.

  • Yes, another great year! I hope the next one will be as good as this one.

  • It seems Le Colbert à Paris :) !. Thank you, happy Christmas en retard..et bonne année 2019 for you too ! :)

  • Dimanche 30 Decembre.
    Bonne annee 2019 a toute l’equipe Atelier Dore.
    Impatiente de decouvrir vos nouvelles aventures pour l’annee a venir.
    Happy New Year !

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