Let's Talk About

The Short of It

9 years ago by

The Short of It

Long nails used to be the ultimate sign of femininity and cool.

I always wanted to grow mine but the real world never allowed it. I think I was having too much fun (which is the best reason!). I would almost get there with a perfect set and then one would break, and the rest would follow. And, even though I would get suuuuper frustrated every time, I kept trying. For years.

Then one day I decided to give up and stop trying to grow them… I embraced my short nails.

Now I prefer them — I actually think they look more chic. Shorter nails kind of scream this woman’s life is too fun and complete for long nails !  And I think fun colors looks better on shorter nails, so I’ve become so much more daring when it comes to color options… though pastels will forever be my favorite :)

And with some beautiful rings, all hands look pretty… right??

Do you prefer your nails long or short?


Add yours
  • I think short if I’m painting them, long if I’m keeping them bare!

  • MissPimpin December, 4 2014, 11:51 / Reply

    Ongles courts, depuis toujours, même à la grande époque des ongles longs et rouges

  • les ongles longs, c’est simple, c’est immonde…

  • Je les porte courts, avec max. 1mm de “blanc” qui dépasse mais toujours bien soignés. Ce n’est pas vraiment par choix, pour le violon il ne faut pas avoir les ongles longs et même si je n’en joue plus tous les jours, j’ai gardé l’habitude ;) Et les ongles longs présentent trop de risques de crissement sur la vaisselle!


  • Short – no question

  • Courts. je déteste les ongles longs. Et, bien que j’adore les bagues et les bracelets, dans la vie réelle je n’en porte pas, idem pour le verni. Je sais que pour quelqu’un d’assez coquet c’est bizarre. Mais je m’en fiche des mains (si elles sont hidratées).

    Toute mon attention se porte sur les vêtements, chaussures et rouge à lèvres (quand j’en porte).

  • Definitely short.

  • Courts, depuis toujours.

  • Angelina December, 4 2014, 1:36 / Reply

    I think it depends on my mood and of course if they break or not.
    For reds though, I like short! :)

  • I agree with you – short nails look a lot chicer! I used to rock long nails, they were super healthy and people never believed me that they were real. I would paint them bright pink; hello early 2000s…

  • I love my nails to be short. I also have long nail beds so my nails always look longer than they are.


  • I used to always keep them short, as they would break every time I tried to grow them. Shorter nails are definitely more practical and I agree they look more chic (especially in bold colors), but I have another issue – mine are quite ‘small’, so if I go too short, I instantly look like a school kid. My solution is to grow them a bit, but not to the point where they look like fake nails + I try to give them a natural shape.

  • Courts, soignés, et nets.

  • Short ALL the time! Long nails are so impractical in my life (horses and general farm life). I don’t know how people manage with long nails, even tapping on the iPhone with long nails drives me mad! I guess I always use the top of my finger rather than the pad.

  • Courts , sans hésitation, nets , ça fait de très jolies mains modernes , pleines de vie . Les ongles longe me paraissent vulgaires !!!

  • Short nails for the win! I used to LOVE long having my nails long and I would always paint them a dark red color. This was high school. But now I cannot bear when my nails are too long – if I make a fist and can feel my nails on my palms, I just cringe inside.

    ~ Christina

  • Short is neat and more hygienic :)

  • Short! There is nothing more hideous than long talons tapping at an iPhone screen.

  • Deux petites madames chic de mon entourage sont toujours amusées de voir mes ongles rouges ET courts, elles me le font TOUJOURS remarquer. Mais moi j’adore mes ongles comme ça !

  • Short always!

  • Caroline Mt December, 5 2014, 5:02 / Reply

    Longs ça fait vite vulgaire, et puis….trop d’efforts.

  • gris-gris December, 5 2014, 5:13 / Reply

    Courts toujours ! Toujours propres, toujours nets. En rouge, nude ou noir, tout leur va. C’est soigné et “so chic” !

  • I like long nails, but they’re not comfortable and they’re difficult to maintain. When I have short nails I use more colors of nail polishes. When I have long nails I usually choose red, pink or metallic polishes.

  • Long or short as long as they’re tidy!

  • for all those saying their nails break – take silica – you will see amazing nails after 1 month. promise.

  • Way back I used to have long nails and then I started rock climbing and now I can never go back. I’m a huge fan of short nails!

  • I used to keep my nails long…and they grew long, since I have strong nails. Now I like them short – as short as I can get them.

    I actually cut and file my nails before I have a manicure every 2 weeks – the skin under my nails grows up past the tip of my finger – I have very long nail beds. My nail tech is always afraid she will cut me – she never has – but it’s easier for me to take care of it.

    My mother and her father had the same type of nails…and my grown sons have the same situation under some of their nails, not all. I remember my piano teacher telling me my nails should be shorter…but they were as short as they could be!

  • Short. Always. With work and life,I’ve no time or patience for long nails!

  • Moi j’ai toujours préféré les ongles courts. et puis plus par necessité, car je travaille comme créatrice alors mes mains elles sont dans un sale état…Ça permet de faire beaucoup de choses, et l’entretien est plus facile.On peut mettre des vernis plus flashi (je trouve que ça fait moins surfait avec des petits ongles) et avec les bagues, c’est sans souci!

  • Ongles courts! C’est plus chic et beaucoup plus pratique.

  • I keep my nails rather short and find it is more practical for my lifestyle.

  • Nino piccola December, 5 2014, 11:44 / Reply

    Short. Always.

  • Christina-Anna December, 5 2014, 11:47 / Reply

    Couldn’t agree more! Short is the new black as they say! Sometimes it also means that you aren’t allowed to have the perfect nails you want.When i was studying architecture at university all i wanted was long chic nails. But with all the projects and models we made every week, it was simply impossible to maintain any manicure! So, i comprised with this idea early on in my life.

  • short – I think long nails are ugly AND the are unhygienic!!!

  • i have very small nails so when i was a kid i dreamed of having beautiful long nails that my mom and my aunt had – i thought they would grow too as i grew! truth is, of course, they never did. that didn’t bother me much because as an adult, i much prefer short nails and yes they are much more chic!

  • Katherine December, 5 2014, 2:04 / Reply

    Mostly short; I’ve come to appreciate the look as well! However, Each July/Aug., my normally soft dry nails harden up & grow like crazy. I think it’s the humidity. I can barely keep them under control. For a few months, I have strong, mid-length natural nails, & I admit I love that time. Then they all shatter in late Oct., & it’s short & chic until late next summer.

  • Well… I would be so inclined to agree with you, if it wasn’t for how really short my nails look when they’re short. You see, they don’t go even near the tip of my fingers when they’re cut short. Plus, my fingers are also a bit on the short side and the tips are really round… Yup. Nail disaster. Just like you, every single time I’ve tried growing them, one would break ruining the whole set. I just have to live with horrible fingers and nails. Bummer :S

  • I have the same exact problem and I was seriously starting to think no one else dealt with this, but me.

  • Je parle personnellement, moi ca fait très longtemps que j’ai les ongles longs, c’est inenvisageable de les avoir courts tellement que je suis habituée (mes repères et tout). Je les préfères sans vernis ou bien juste un peu lustré. Parce que justement avec un vernis flashy, rouge, ou noir, ça fait vulgaire et je vois que cela alors je ne supporte pas. D’ailleurs, j’ai remarqué qu’à chaque fois que je mettais du vernis ils cassaient plus souvent. Donc, c’est fini.

    Va pour le long, naturel et propre. :)

  • I love short nails – with or without colour. I think they are much prettier and more elegant than the long ones!

  • definetely. short !

  • Longs.
    Oui, c’est démodé, oui ça peut vite virer crado si on ne fait pas attention. Et pourtant, je me sens plus féminine avec des ongles longs, soignés et laqués de rouge. Oui c’est cliché, mais plus personne ne rentre dans ces codes là. Pour moi c’est associé aux chignons, aux talons hauts, à l’effort. Oui, ça fait tellement plus cool d’avoir des ongles courts, ce côté “effortless” mais c’est justement pour être à contre-courant de cette mode que je les aime longs.

  • J’avais les ongles longs et je viens de les couper à l’instant même. Je suis entre deux. Ça dépend comment je me sens. J’aime avoir les ongles mi-longs et desfois courts comme maintenant. Je suis en fin de semestre et je préfère avoir les ongles courts, c’est plus pratique. Je les laisserai pousser quand je serai en vacances d’hiver. :D

  • I prefer my nails short too!! I’m a mum , so I ‘m always washing my hands , or giving a bath or doing the dishes…
    So my nails get wet and they bend or fail. And sometimes kids complaint they are so big that scratch them…
    I try to have a manicure from time to time , gel nail polish is good too , but never let them get too long.
    I agree they look chic and I think they suit me too , because although I ‘m a fashion adviser I am also very pratical!!

    Happy holidays and best wishes from lovely Lisbon (Portugal)
    Diana P

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