The Berlingot
11 years ago by
Those Céline clutches…
An object of our Pinterest affection, we’ve had the Berlingot clutches from Céline on our minds since, well, their February debut. Not your everyday shape…or fabrication for that matter, but there are few things that I currently desire more.
But of course, with all fashion obsessions comes a good, healthy debate. Is everyone going to be carrying it? Is it one of those pieces you buy, stash in your closet and start using three years from now (mmm fashion nostalgia)? Is it better to gaze at it from afar than actually own it?
Here at the studio, we are all pretty much drooling over it and feel like we have to have it. What do you think?
Hmm, I do like this clutch, it fun and different. But the colours and especially the shape are so distinct that this will probably be a piece that everyone will wear at the beginning of the season, and once everybody realises everybody has the same, it will totally disappear and never be seen again. Like the big coloured Prada furs: they were absolutely cool and perfect, but waaaayyyy to popular and so after a couple weeks they were gone… too bad, ’cause they were fabulous!
She Wears: Fashion Illustration Blog
If you really feel passionate about it, you should have it (if you can afford it of course)!
Si tu as un coup de coeur et que tu sais déjà comment le stylisé, fais toi plaisir! L
celine rarely fails to impress :)
Hmmm, I think the fabrication is very cool, unlike the clothes I’ve seen that look like they’re made out of those cheap plaid plastic suitcases you see overstuffed in international airports. It’s the shape that I’m more puzzled by. How do you carry this without looking like you’re holding a leather ice cream cone? And what can it actually hold? It may be one of those things that you crave, you buy and the first time you carry it for more than an hour, you’re cursing the damn thing and regretting you can’t return it. (I’m looking at YOU saddle bag that slips off my shoulder like it was waxed!). Pass.
I was just drooling over these and that entire collection! So beautiful! But since I can’t afford the clutch I am going to make myself a similar one! I can see it already: black and shiny faux-fur:)
Does it come in different color….then it can become popular…..if it wasn’t Celine would u like it….not a fan at first sight
perfect to hold french fries lol
Thanks for publishing a picture of it, as I was thinking about making one (as I was falling asleep last night!) in the same shape and needed to look at the show pictures to see it. But I may have to make a trip to the Celine boutique to see it in real life. I can’t make out if it has 3 sides or 2. If you do buy it, it might become a collector’s item, like the original Prada bowling bag. I still use mine and love it even more because no one is carrying them now!
I think it is a cylinder of fabric, then pinched and sewn in different directions on the ends. Imagine a cardboard tube pinched vertically on one end and horizontally at the other.
Je pense que ça vaut le coup de l’acheter! La forme est particulièrement, mais c’est justement ça qui fait toute la différence, et les couleurs peuvent aller avec tout!
I think if you’re gonna go for it, GO FOR IT, and use it endlessly, in multiple contexts, not be too precious about it, let it wear, maybe get a little dirty, worn in, let it’s shape morph, rendering it seasonless, truly loved, and perfect.
Um….I can think of many things more desireable than a c(horn)icopia of…nothing?
What a fun and different clutch! When it is so different and impractical, I think it is better as a art piece to gaze from afar. :)
Superbe cette pochette!
I like it!!
wow i love it
I cannot get enough of this! Hey, the triangular shape might be a little hard to work around when you are trying to stuff a million things in there, but I think it is totally worth it.
Definitely on my wish list.
mouais, si on ne peut rien mettre dedans et que c’est casse pied, au bout d’un moment ça finit ds un placard..
You remember Prada clutches with lips and coctails? Well, this is it…
C’est le genre de pochette dans laquelle tu es sûre de ne jamais rien retrouver!! Heureusement qu’elle a un joli design!
Interesting. Great day.
Ahah justement j’ai fabriqué le même berlingot sac à ma mère y a 6 mois!!! J’adore les designs Celine pure et séduisant. Mais si vous êtes un peu habile il est très simple de se faire le même à moindre frais :)
Elle est canon mais c’est surtout sa forme qui m’intéresse, car ce sont des petites pochettes comme celle-ci qu’on fabrique parfois, en papier, pour offrir des graines. Je suis architecte paysagiste donc ça me parle plus particulièrement!! Très poétique du coup, non?
Elle mérite un petit DIY, bientôt sur mon blog je pense! Merci de l’avoir mise en valeur!!
Hum… Je ne sais pas trop… Elle est belle, curieuse et étonnante. MAIS, comment la prendre sous le bras ? Je pense qu’on s’en lasserait vite. Alors je préfère baver dessus derrière mon écran et la laisser aux fashionista qui ont plus d’entrainement que moi…
Je la trouve superbe. La forme berlingot est facile à coudre, alors pourquoi avant de craquer, ne pas la tester dans un cuir plus simple ?
Entre française on a des lubies communes!!;))
Regarde mon com’ juste au 2 au dessus du tiens!!lol!!
Bonne journée!
Most unappealing bag I have seen in a long time. To me it screams ‘fashion victim’. Sorry, just not my cup of tea :)
Cool clutch! Something different! XX Dianne
je l’aime beaucoup, certes pas pratique mais je suis sure que les grandes enseignes vont “s’en inspirer” et je vais en profiter pour essayer
Superbe mais importable au quotidien !
I’m not crazy about it, but I know there are people who can make it look fantastic.
Hate it…
So lovely. Reminds in (in shape only) of the zip bags from Japan:
J’adore la trame, la forme et le design, comme un objet intéressant.
Contrary to the Celine ravings from the last post, here I really can’t say the same:
this is pretty, but 100% useless. It is a nice material and the clothes are intriguing from that collection. But this is the most unpractical bag/pouch/carryingobject EVER.
Like, it opens on two ends, and they don’t even connect. So it’s a constant top bottom top bottom top bottom turnover, and if you don’t close it, stuff will fall out.
The other ceine bags this season have other faults: e.g. the update on the phantom, is too cute (where do ribbons fit into the Celine woman’s equation? NOWHERE!) and weights like a ton. So really, if you are looking into a replacement to your gym anerobic routines, that’s made for you. Otherwise, nope, thanks, and defnitely nope for that price. I can get dumbbells for 10 bucks.
The only nice innovation are the shopper bags… so sleek. And beautiful material. In particiular the single shopper.
But all that pochette business is just stupid fashion bs. AMEN.
La marque Libanaise Sarah’s Bags l’a fait depuis longtemps!!!!! sur le modèle d’un ancien carton de jus de fruits :
This is my favourite clucth from the collection!!
I believe she’s done the same in wool. Something pliable would make it work for me.
wanted !!!
I think it’s another Fashion Week Monster…
J’adore c’est magnifique !
Aesthetically I like it, but I don’t find clutches practical in terms of fitting stuff inside or easy to carry.
Moi, j’ai eu l’occasion de l’essayer mais en cuir bleu. Très, très chic. Peu pratique, mais un vrai coup de coeur. On l’écrase contre le corps, comme un doudou. J’ai finalement préféré l’achat d’un manteau au dépit du sac . . . le manteau durera plus de saisons! Mais non sans un pincement de coeur …
Bien trop chic pour mon cornet de frites bruxelloises ^^
On dirait un étui pour lunettes !!