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@sundays_are_for_ lovers

6 years ago by

@sundays_are_for_ lovers

A love letter from our intern, Olivia.

I started following @sundays_are_for_lovers in the midst of a blossoming relationship. I had met someone that my journal entries describe as being “perfectly designed for me by the universe.” We were entering the mushy phase of wanting to spend every second together but being slightly careful not to. We explored New York City together and planned a trip to Havana for a weekend, clinging to each other through my poor Spanish (his nonexistent) when our Airbnb’s water stopped working.
Through that time, @sundays_are_for_lovers was like the air under the Instagram wings of my relationship, reaffirming my belief in true love and the most romantic of sex and coupledom. The quotes that follow each post that are culled from famous authors and reader submitted thoughts on love, serve as almost constant reminders that there is depth, lightness, and constant possibilities for growth within the best of romantic relationships.

“I have late night conversations with the moon. She tells me about the sun. I tell her about you.” @sundays_are_for_lovers

And now they also guide me through each phase of my break up.

Still talking to the ex but trying not to talk; the two of us having to remind one another continually that we must stop talking.
Tears while having a final conversation around the fact that we must stop talking. 
Rage at all men who exist on the planet and who attempt to engage with me romantically despite my expressions that I am not ready for this. 
Self-education, through books, about the nature of relationships and of male behavior.
A brief, elated phase of: I AM DATING MYSELF! How exciting!

The urge, when I am at my very strongest, to reach out to this person I just broke my own heart over.

Shortly thereafter, an intense spiral/vortex of the kind of shit I did not even know I had within myself, as well as anger at things I did not even know I was angry at:

“Contacting you feels like being tempted to touch a wire with 10,000 volts in it – you know it’s going to hurt but something makes you want to do it anyway.” @sundays_are_for_lovers

The realization that there are some things I could work on myself.


More relief. 
There are more spirals to get through before the pain is over, I know, but I do know that when I need a little pick-me-up, Sundays, as I colloquially refer to it, is there.

“Two people don’t have to be together right now, in a month, or in a year. If those two people are meant to be, then they will be together somehow at sometime in life.”@sundays_are_for_lovers

Olivia Dillingham

1 comment

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  • philippine March, 24 2018, 3:26 / Reply

    bonjour Olivia,
    je suis très touchée par ton article que je trouves particulièrement bien écrit… et tellement vrai…
    Je crois que nous avons tous traversé cette spirale à un moment donné (ou pas) de notre vie…
    Et je trouves magnifique de le partager…
    Pour que nous ne nous sentions jamais seul…
    Pour que nous n’oublions jamais, et surtout lorsque l’on trouve la “bonne personne” que tout peut basculer d’une seconde à l’autre…
    Et qu’on travaille donc avec cet amour pour le faire durer et le garder en fleur le plus longtemps possible…
    Meme si cet amour change au fil du temps…
    Il ne faut jamais oublier que l’on perd toujours la personne que l’on aime… Si ce n’est pas à cause de la vie, ce sera celle de la mort…
    Alors pensons positif le plus souvent possible!!!
    En étant persuadée qu’une personne est la bonne, elle le deviendra forcément.
    Et vous le deviendrez aussi pour elle…
    Car on attire toujours ce que l’on veut si cette envie est bonne pour nous, saine et POSITIVE…


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