Sexual Healing
5 years ago by

I don’t know about you, but I’m the type of person that has a specific playlist to get me in the mood for whatever event comes my way. Whether it’s to brighten a gloomy Monday or to kick off a fun Friday night, I curate them to absolute perfection and let me say, I’m quite proud of this one.
This month, we’re talking all things sex here at Atelier and I want to highlight the importance of self love and the songs that make you feel ~some type of way~. Happy or pumped up songs are great and all, but it’s the ones that actually make you feel absolute comfort in your own skin that really make an impact.They’ll make you feel so at ease, that they’ll even inspire downright sensuality. That’s a feeling we all want to achieve because it leads to having complete knowledge of your body, with all its dents, ridges and curvatures. I invite you to prioritize it because hey, self love is the best kind of love.
I hope these songs give you a sense of empowerment and total control of your body. Don’t be afraid to really express yourself! Wear whatever makes you feel sexy, light up that candle and slow dance all over your room with the best person you know…yourself.