Paint It!
9 years ago by

I painted my handbag. Yes, this one in the photo.
I know it sounds kind of crazy, but it made me fall in love with it all over again…
After a year of too much use a lot of love, my beautiful white bag had faded in parts and looked like it was at the end of its life. Ask everyone in the studio — it looked like it was time to cut my losses and bid farewell. But, I decided to try one last thing: leather paint.
It took my bag repair guy two days to paint it and — voila! — it’s good as new! The texture of the leather is a little harder, but the color match is perfect — and what a great way to extend the lifespan of investment leather pieces.
Sometimes all you need is a little stubbornness (and a great bag repair guy!) to ensure the love lasts a little longer…
Bag, Givenchy.
Je ne savais pas que ça existait cette technique! c’est une bonne idée mais oui, il vaut mieux un bon artisan!
this item seems brand new!
XOX, Gap.
I’ve done this! I used Angelus brand on a LV Monogram Speedy I couldn’t stand the sight of anymore, against the wishes of everyone I asked, and on a pair of very worn ballet flats and they both turned out great!
Your bag looks like new! Would love to try it on some of my bags!
Wow – who knew? It looks gorgeous!
Warm Regards,
Yes, I’m so happy to have this bag back again! I was so nervous to hand it over, I’m glad it worked haha!
I’ve been thinking about doing the same thing, but I can’t decide if I want to DIY or leave the job to professional. If you don’t mind me asking, how much was the paint job? Did you do any research beforehand? Did you look at more than one repair shop? Thanks!
What an amazing idea. Leather paint. Wow! The bag looks amazing. I must look into this, thanks.
Neada, what brand did you use? Or would you mind sharing your magical bag repair guy’s name? This is brilliant–wish I’d known about it before.
I’d love to know too, especially if they’re in NY. I have a really lovely cobalt bag with some unfortunate sunfading (and a PS1 that a drunk friend spilled beer on!!!) that could use a little TLC.
Coucou Neada, c’est genial mais quel genre de produit faut-il utiliser pour colorer un sac à main faux-peau ??
Merci pour le conseil. Bisous a vous du Studio xxx
I repaired my gorgeous Prada messenger bag just this last winter and it is stunning! It was falling apart and you should see it now! In fact, it looked so good, I took in my worn-down and broken, tall, suede Italian boots, and now they look like new too! This year I’ve decided to buy nothing new until I fix the pieces that I love…
Great, I did not know this was possible ! it would have been such a great waste to throw this beautiful one away !
xo CarolineJ
Wow. I never knew this was an option. How much does the service cost?
I’m wondering if you could give us the name of your bag repair guy? I’d definitely pay him a visit to treat my leather bag. It is black and the color is still rubbing off on my garments after almost a year – help!
such a cool idea!
Amazing! I had no idea leather paint existed. Was this something your bag guy had done before? Did he paint the entire bag, or just the area that were looking a bit worn? About how much did it cost, if you don’t mind me asking?
Although there are bags that I admire the look of, generally speaking a bag is a bag is a bag to me. So to spend a lot of money on an investment leather piece kinda goes over my head and my budget. But knowing that a bag can be painted…makes me reconsider.
J’adore ce sac!
Il fallait oser, surtout sur un Givenchy. Mais le résultat a l’air vraiment pas mal.
Moi qui travaille le cuir, je vais devoir me pencher sur la question!
Je ne connaissais pas mais dis donc, il a une super technique ton maroquinier!
C’est vraiment génial, surtout si le sac est blanc ! En revanche j’aurais quand même un peu peur… En tout cas, celui-ci est sublime comme ça !
I thought you actually painted it yourself, which would take a lot of nerve. I wonder if it will start to crack, keep us updated.
What a great idea! It would be a shame to ged rid of such a quality item. Now I wonder if it could also work with different colors. Need to find a bag repair guy (or gal) ASAP!
How magical! I had NO IDEA you could do this. The bag looks as good as new! Wow.
Thank you so much for sharing and have a great weekend!
I salute you for carrying a white bag. The bag looks nice and that was a cool idea.
Lily | Handpicked by Lily
This is amazing – thank you for sharing! I had no idea… what a great way to restore a great bag!! Looks great!
What an wonderful idea! And “she” certainly is very beautiful and so sparkling white! x
Hala oui, trop canon… Merci pour l’info
Bonne journée,
recommendations on your leather guy?
Eh ben l’effet est vraiment super ! Il a l’air nickel. J’aurais bien besoin de trouver un magicien du sac en cuir près de chez moi, j’en ai un qui demande un ptit coup de main ^^
Je ne sais pas dans quel pays, ville tu habites, mais j’ai quelque adresses si tu le souhaites !
WOW! This ist amazing. i love white and this is a very cool idea.
You need to look into the work of Holly Fowler, she handpaints dresses and bags, it is amazing!