From the Beauty Closet

Nailed It

7 years ago by

Nailed It

After several gel manicures, a try at acrylic (just once), and arguably too many layers of polish, I probably shouldn’t be wondering why my nails are so fragile.

For the past year, I’ve been sticking with natural – keeping them short and polish free in hopes of making them stronger and healthier. After months of good nail behavior, in the spirit of seasonal dressing, I took a stab at wearing them long and painting them dark. And what happened? Within 24 hours I had broken one and chipped three.

Is it payback for all of the years of damage I inflicted upon my nails?

I’d really like to find a way to keep my nails long and strong. I’ve tried hardening polishes and nail serums (aren’t oils supposed to solve every beauty ailment?), but I’m still struggling – I’m even considering vitamins or supplements.

So if anyone out there knows of a miracle solution for healthy nails, I am all ears!


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  • Biotin supplements!! They’ve done wonders for my nails (and hair). Past years of nail abuse would not be affecting new nail growth. If being kind to your nails and applying lotions/oils isn’t working, the cause is most likely internal. Try the biotin, and make sure you don’t have any dietary deficiencies. Good luck! :)

  • Be careful with Biotin ! A few months ago, it made me breakout like crazy, and after some research, it looks like many people have suffered of the same side-effect, so I would advise not to take Biotin if you’re prone to acne.
    In my case, Mavala Scientifique (don’t know if it’s available out of France) and a glass nail file (rather than a cardboard or iron one, or scissors, or whatever else) to shape helped a lot.

  • Try OPI Nail Envy – it works great!

  • J’ai eu des ongles bousillés après une manucure semi-permanente… Un seul essai pourtant… Je suis vaccinée ! J’étais désespérée de l’état de mes ongles et j’ai trouvé deux produits “miracles” qui ont bien marché pour moi (tous ne se valent pas, j’en ai vraiment testé plein) : le durcisseur waterproof de Beguine (hyper efficace, avec une vraie bonne tenue) et le nail and skin serum aux algues bleues de Essie (que j’applique en couche généreuse le soir pour le laisser poser toute la nuit). Depuis ce “carnage” j’ai pris vraiment soin de mes ongles avec ce sérum, qui m’a sauvé la vie (enfin, la vie de mes ongles) et je retrouve enfin, au bout de quatre mois de repousse, de jolis ongles (je les porte toujours courts mais ils sont redevenus sains et quel plaisir !). En ce qui me concerne, plus jamais de semi-permanent ! Bon courage !

  • Pareil pour moi et après pleins d’essais de durcisseur et autre produit miracles j’ai essayé l’huile pour les ongles au Marula de ciate. Je ne sais pas pourquoi celle ci marche mais mes ongles ont cessé de se dédoubler, sont moins cassants et plus sains. Je crois qu’ils étaient très déshydratés.

  • Wearing your nails BARE is a bad, bad idea if you want them stronger.
    Always keep them polished (regular polish, I like OPI or Essie best, but not gels). A strengthener as a base coat is a good idea, the one I use regularly made my nails rock hard. Plus, cuticle oil. Strengthens the nail too and combats brittleness. I make my own, because I’m in charge of ingredients that way.

  • J’avais fait Shellac 2-3 fois d’afillé. Je ne vais plus le faire. Le résultat est vraiment très beau. Cependant, ça a vraiment habimé mes ongles. Ils sont laids. Tout ce qu’il faut, c’est laisser pousser mes ongles, c’est vraiment la meilleur solution. Je mets du vernis régulier, le temps de camoufler leur laideur. Sinon, ils ne sont pas fragiles, c’est juste la machine qui a trop polie mes ongles, il a des marques. J’aime beaucoup le Nail envy de chez OPI, qui protège bien mes ongles. La nuit pour nourrir mes cuticules je mets Crème Abricot Fortifying Cream de Dior. Je les beaucoup, le matin mes ongles sont beaux. :) Avant, je ne voyais pas l’importance d’avoir de beaux ongles, mais depuis qu’une amie m’a montré qu’avoir des beaux ongles ça fait toujours du bien, je prends soins et je comprends maintenant.

  • I’m thinking about visiting the dermatologist to look at my nails. They are thin and have developed ridges and have always been soft….

  • Ridges is caused by iron deficiency so definitely get that checked first.

  • OPI Nail Envy. It is the best ever!

  • Super naturel et super efficace : le beurre de karité à appliquer en massage sur les ongles tous les soirs (au coucher car très gras). On en trouve dans des grands pots à un tarif bas dans les épiceries africaines.

  • marielena December, 9 2016, 10:32 / Reply

    oenobiol…french…expensive…but really good!

  • Dior apricot nail cream. I apply it every night and have for 10 years. It now has a cult following. But I knew it when!
    It brought my dry damaged nails back to health & I’ve never looked back.

    It’s amazing and my nails are proof.

  • Celina Yanez December, 9 2016, 1:18 / Reply

    BIOTIN homie! I have the exact same problem. Now my nails are strong and although they break here and there, I know they’ll grow back strong. Word of caution: once you stop using the supplement they will be weak again.

  • Hi
    Virgin coconut oil is a miracle product for nails ( and hair and skin ! ). Organic would be even better .
    Rubbing a few drops on the nails , at the base of nails every night does wonders for the health of nails and one can see effects starting from day 10.

  • Ekaterina December, 10 2016, 1:29 / Reply

    When my nails were very weak I did gel manicure with the special vitamin base for 2 weeks, thick coverage protected my nails from braking and supported their growth…even after coming back to natural manicure nails became more healthy.

  • Vitamins. Just a good strong multivitamin and make sure you’re getting enough vitamin D. I had the same problem and almost gave up on my nails, but vitamins really helped. Suddenly I noticed they weren’t cracking anymore. Also make sure you’re getting enough Omega 3.

  • Surtout éviter tous les durcisseurs qui contiennent du formaldéhyde, ca durcit les ongles oui, mais après des semaines de traitement les ongles sont tellement durcis qu’ils deviennent cassants comme du verre…

  • Depuis que j’utilise la crème vita citral pour main très sèches, j’ai déjà les mains douces ceux à quoi je m’attendais et en plus une bonne surprise au niveau de mes ongles qui sont devenus forts et ne se dédoubles plus. J’abuse de cette crème avec plaisir elle n’est pas très collante et surtout ne fait pas de “paquets” je dirai quand on la masse trop sur la peau. Et en plus elle est fabriquée dans ma région, c’est pas beau ça !

  • Wear gloves when washing dishes and trim nails often. Most important, what you eat affects your nails. Sounds like your body is not getting the right nutrients it needs.. use natural remedies though and be sure to massage in and around your nails when applying these remedies, stimulates blood flow. Eat better and avoid the chemical stuff which is only a short term solution and bad for you and the environment.

    Good luck, from someone who had the same problem but now have to cut my nails because they grow too fast and don’t break anymore!

  • Beaucoup de problèmes d’ongles également. Ce qui a marché pour moi : les algues type spiruline chlorella, le vernis kure bazaar, l’huile de ricin sur les ongles, la tisane d’ortie…

  • Use a glass or diamond file to file your nails in one direction.
    Push back your cuticles after showering – don’t cut them.
    Use Vitry Soin Reparateur on a daily basis for up to two weeks then use Vitry BB Base Lissante weekly.
    Use Trind Cuticle Balsam daily.
    Wear gloves and keep your hands moisturized.
    Eat well, stay hydrated, get adequate sleep and exercise consistently.
    Best wishes.

  • Nail strength is largely genetic. Similar to hair and skin, some people require little effort or can use the harshest products and still have great nails/hair/whatever.
    Mine are definitely the strongest when I leave them bare and apply cuticle balm every night just before bed (Jurlique has an amazing cuticle oil!!!).
    Mine are medium strength but acrylics, SNS, shellac and constant nail polish wreaks havoc for me.

  • brigitte bizien December, 12 2016, 1:52 / Reply

    Plus de vernis et de l’huile de noix de coco tous les soirs

  • About 2 months ago I started taking Vida Glow marine collagen in an attempt to help grow my hair longer. I’m beginning to see results there but saw an almost immediate improvement in the strength of my nails which would always flake off and chip. The flaking has stopped completely and they are growing much faster and more evenly. I have also made the switch to a glass nail file recently too!

  • Start from the inside with vitamins and mineral supplements. And take care of the outside of your nails with oils like almond or coconut oil. All natural and gentle.
    I started with vitamin and mineral supplements 6 months ago to recover from a long time of illness. To my suprise, my nails started to grow faster and are now much stronger.

  • Vitamin D! Of course, check with your doctor first but for me in was a life changer! It improved my skin, hair and nails miraculously! And I have a trick: I wear nail polish one week, the other I left my nails au naturel. If they are healthy they will look clean and pretty with no nail polish!

  • Sunflower-seeds, helpfull for all body.

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