Love Languages
8 years ago by

We all know that love is a universal language, but it still feels so complicated at times.
As a self-help book junkie who, right now, has a simple desire to decode the magical feeling of love on a more practical level, I downloaded Gary Chapman’s book, ‘The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts’. I raced through it in two days flat, completely absorbed so I could answer the questions honestly…
I found out a lot about myself, and what my love personality is. Like, I feel loved when people spend undivided quality time with me and that I also love love cuddling. There was more, but the real benefit I felt from reading this was that it helps my boyfriend understand what I mean when I say I feel like we haven’t hung out (even though we live together!).
The takeaway really is that, though love might be universal, everyone has their own personal love language. What do you think yours is?
Bonsoir Madame Doré,
après près d’une décade à vous suivre de près puis de loin à présent, je me permets non pas de rebondir sur votre post mais bien sur ce grand sujet qu’est l’Amour! Et en particulier en ce que je remarque comme tendance générale et ce qui a pu vous arrivez aussi, à savoir comment rebondir après un échec amoureux, comment retrouver confiance en l’autre, en l’amour mais surtout en soi.
Je suis un bon nombre de bloggeuses et j’ai remarqué ces 2/3 dernières années le nombre de rupture de ces jeunes femmes avec leur copain de longue date, voire de leurs débuts sur le “marché” du blogging et de la notoriété et des rencontres qui en découlent. Je n’ai jamais osé laisser de commentaires sous leurs photos féériques de leur nouvelle idylle.
Mais Garance j’aurai voulu avoir votre ressenti, comment l’avez vous vécu et quel a été votre moteur déclencheur pour reprendre du poil de la bête (hormis j’imagine votre vie professionnelle très prenante).
Je m’excuse de la longueur de ce message, mais si vous aviez un petit moment pour répondre même succinctement à cette grande question, qui au final recoupe avec l’intérêt que je porte aussi pour le développement personnel.
Bien à vous,
Chloé (@Cocolicious97)
interesting post. i’ll check out the book! :)
This is actually one of my favourite books regarding relationships. What people may not understand is that everyone shows and feels love differently and the REAL key is understanding when your spouse is trying to show you love even if that’s not the way you perceive love and vice versa!
have to check out this book
Ahh I love this! I read this book shortly before I got married and it was so so helpful. My husband and I scored oppositely; his favorite love languages of quality time and acts of service were my lowest scores, and my love for thoughtful presents and cuddles were much lower for him. We try to meet each other where we’re weak, and our marriage is more understanding as a result.
Ça a l’air super intéressant ! Comme j’imagine dans tous les couples, la compréhension mutuel est la clé d’une relation harmonieuse!
Amazing book. I’m 1. Physical Touch and 2. Quality Time. I’ve used these details in a lot of relationships, and it does really help to understand your partner’s needs. My last relationship my BF was 100% quality time, and would be upset if I didn’t make a lot of time for him. The problem I always seem to run into, though, is that I try to speak their language, but a lot of my ex boyfriends wouldn’t do the same. They knew my love language and theirs, but would still demand that theirs be met and when done so, didn’t try to speak mine (because they were then satisfied…). So, I think these languages are only as good as your partner is WILLING to speak yours as well as you speak theirs.
Nice post :)
My ex boyfriend ‘made’ me read this when we were having relationship troubles – I really did not like the religious side to the text but found the message relatable nonetheless. I scored ‘physical touch’, this helped me understand why I feel soooo heartbroken & rejected when I’m with a man who spends QT with me, buys me gifts, but won’t hold my hand or kiss me in the street!! I now know that about myself and feel I can explain my need to my partner better, so I’m thankful I read the book!
Yup, read the book 5 years ago. Still remember it today, it`s wonderful to understand and appreciate how to give or receive love.
Amanda, just wanted to say thank you for introducing me to this book! I just finished reading it and it Is having great impact in my life already????
I was trying to remember where I saw this post. It inspired a blog post on my site! Yay for cookies and crazy tracking of Facebook. I’ll add the link to this post into my post.