Si je devais sortir avec ce look, que trouverais-je dans mes armoires…
Un foulard de BENARES,
Une chemise Levi’s REBEL,
Un petit Gloss Sephora,
Un vieux cabas Galeries-Lafayette….
Après, ça se complique …. le short pas pour mes cuisses, mes Wayfarer pas c’est pas pour ce look
Mes basket elles ont la même forme, sont anglaises, bleues et façon Croco, c’est pas pour ce look.
I always fall for the checkered shirt. And this one comes in lovely colors. Thank you! If you´d like a little retro feel have a look at the time travel we did at It´s the 60ies revisited :) Have fun, x from Berlin, Alex
Ahhhh the bun!! As you know, in my past hair life I was totally a top knot girl. But there is something about the low chignon that I also really love....
Years before I ever realized that I would actually end up working for her, Garance was my introduction to a certain kind of fashion. At the time, she...
Until recently, I was a hard-core bronzer fanatic, it was my hero product in my beauty routine since high school. I tried every version under the sun...
Si je devais sortir avec ce look, que trouverais-je dans mes armoires…
Un foulard de BENARES,
Une chemise Levi’s REBEL,
Un petit Gloss Sephora,
Un vieux cabas Galeries-Lafayette….
Après, ça se complique …. le short pas pour mes cuisses, mes Wayfarer pas c’est pas pour ce look
Mes basket elles ont la même forme, sont anglaises, bleues et façon Croco, c’est pas pour ce look.
the bag looks timeless and i like that! :)
It is a lovely selection- I would choose the tote, the shirt and the sneakers! Thank you for sharing:-)
LOL i looked closer at the white short….of course AW luv luv luv
Love the scarf!
gotta love it
I just know that shirt is one you would end up wearing and wearing. Lovely.
Buenisima selección !!!
un besoteee enormeeee
Lovely selection! The shirt (almost) has me looking forward to Fall! (although does summer really need to end??!!)
– A.
visit our website for simple but exquisitely made handbags – coming soon!!
looks like a little 90s fall
That’s exactly what I thought! I wore the same kind of shoes and shirts at high school! ;-)
It really feels like going to school…
Yael Guetta
I always fall for the checkered shirt. And this one comes in lovely colors. Thank you! If you´d like a little retro feel have a look at the time travel we did at It´s the 60ies revisited :) Have fun, x from Berlin, Alex