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I’m Watching…

8 years ago by

I’m Watching…

Just a little mini post to talk to you about the series that I’ve been watching lately. What are you all watching? My shows of the moment are:


Created by Darren Starr (yes, the one from Sex & The City), Younger is the story of a 40-year-old mother who makes herself pass for a 20-something girl so she can find a job. It sounds kind of dumb when you put it that way, but it works pretty well, and I got hooked. Kind of like Sex & The City, it’s fun, poppy, colorful, smart, short, and it’s a nice break from the super heavy dramas like a lot of other series right now. Okay, it’s not going to shake up your neurons, but sometimes it’s nice to check out a bit, right?

The Affair

Hey, speaking of a good series that’s super heavy emotionally, you have to have pretty solid nerves to watch The Affair, but it’s worth it. I won’t tell you anything about the story, the title reveals enough, but the second season just came out on Netflix and I almost wish another snowstorm would hit New York so I’d have a good reason to stay in bed with my giant iPad (another thing I recommend for watching series cuddled up in bed — the iPad Pro!) and a jar of peanut butter.

Still just as good, even though it’s several years old now:

Friday Night Lights

It’s on Netflix now and I’m more or less re-watching it with Chris, who is totally addicted. I never would have been able to be interested in the lives of teenage American football players, but now that I’m watching it a second time, it’s pretty amazing. The camera work, the honest and tender exploration of middle America, it’s really a gem not to be missed if you haven’t already seen it. The actors are incredible and if nothing else, it’s worth watching so you can admire Taylor Kitsch and his three and a half facial expressions.

Oh and since you insist, here are the other series I’ve finished recently and loved, like really loved:

Doll & EmMaster of None, and of course, Narcos.

What did we even do before TV series?

Translated by Andrea Perdue


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  • Margaret March, 2 2016, 12:20 / Reply

    For years I ignored people who told me Friday Night Lights was worth watching. I laughed in some of their faces because I was so sure I would find nothing worthwhile in a show about football players from Texas. I was totally wrong. It is a good show with interesting character arcs – and – much to my surprise, it is a show that handles the teenaged female characters way better than most.

  • On finissait rapidement ses devoirs et on attendait impatiemment “Club Dorothée” devant sa télé cathodique…
    “The Affair”, un véritable coup de coeur… tant pour le jeu des acteurs, le scénario que Montauk. J’ai trouvé qu’en plus, la série est montée en puissance, la deuxième saison étant tout simplement géniale. “Master of None”, bien aimé également. J’ai commencé “Flesh & Bone”, l’univers impitoyable du ballet mais pas que. Je l’ai quelque peu délaissé, j’y reviendrai sûrement plus tard. Sinon, une de mes séries préférées de ces derniers mois : “Broadchurch”, saisons 1 & 2. (vivement la saison 3). Loin d’Hollywood et des grandes villes, on ne peut rester insensible au monde paisible de cette bourgade (inspirée du comté de Dorset situé dans le sud-ouest de l’Angleterre) secoué par un évènement tragique. On s’attache rapidement aux personnages, les images sont sublimes, l’intrigue prenante. Maintenant, j’ai bien hâte de me distraire avec “Younger”. Merci pour cette sélection !

  • Ha, The Affair ! J’ai dévoré les 2 saisons.
    Je regarde aussi Girls dont la saison 5 vient de débuter. Orange is the new black est très bien aussi , mais la série que j’aime plus que tout, c’est quand même Breaking Bad (qui a détrôné Six Feet Under, resté number one pendant des années).
    Mais en ce moment, à part donc un court épisode de Girls par semaine, je ne suis pas de série de façon frénétique, too much work to do ! and i love it !

  • It’s all about Tim Riggins, one of the all time cute guys. Too bad he grew up.

  • I just love Friday Night Lights, i fell in love with most of the characters. And Tim is so durn sexy!

  • Great post :)


  • The affair wow une vraie claque. Enjoy tu as de la chance d’avoir la saison deux devant toi ca monte en puissance. Une tres belle reussite cette serie

  • The Affair ! Vrai promis ! cela me prend la tête actuellement, surtout qu’en France on a droit qu’à 2 épisodes ou 3 bref… trop courts par semaine sur Canal. Juste après Homeland mon autre série fétiche du moment. Je sais pas pourquoi j’aime trop Carrie l’héroine.
    Avant les séries télé… bah on vivait notre série à nous :-)

  • Barbara March, 2 2016, 3:18 / Reply

    Je suis FAN de Younger!!!!!!!!! Tout est parfait !!!

    La série est drôle et crédible ! C’est léger, parfois émouvant et effectivement très coloré!

    Même si j’étais triste pour leur séparation au dernier épisode, j’espère qu’elle va se mettre avec Charles… Je sais, ce n’est pas très original mais tant pis ! J’assume !

  • I want to watch The Affair — another great show is The Wire


  • Pia Uthaug March, 2 2016, 3:35 / Reply

    Oh, I grow restless and a bit desperate if I don’t have a handful of shows I can watch during the week. Yup, I am a junkie.

    What I am watching at the moment are the following series: Elementary, Billions, Vikings, Lucifer (by Tom Kapinos who created Californication) and Modern Family. I just finished Transparent, which I loved. And I’m waiting for Grace and Frankie, and Ray Donovan. Those are the ones I remember just now, but there are probably some I forgot.

    Thanks for your list – I will check them out :) .



  • Loretta March, 2 2016, 3:39 / Reply

    Currently watching Vikings and Better Call Saul. Waiting for GOT!!! :D

  • Carrie March, 2 2016, 3:40 / Reply

    I don’t watch any American television series but love The Legacy (Danish); Bron/Broen (Danish Swedish crime – U.S. did try to remake); and Borgen (again Danish). All sublime. All smart. Those Danes can take a common premise and turn it on its head!

  • Camille March, 2 2016, 3:43 / Reply

    Love de Judd Apatow ! Les 10 premiers épisodes sont disponibles sur Netflix. Ca se passe à Los Angeles et c’est très drôle. Je suis accro !

  • Belinda March, 2 2016, 3:48 / Reply

    Now I’m inspired to continue watching The Affair. Have finished (and loved) Mozart in the Jungle and Transparent. And watching Judd Apatow’s Love and Togetherness for a fix of LA and millennial malaise :)

  • On vient d’avaler 4 saisons de Mr. Selfridge….genial, les acteurs, les costumes, l’histoire…. J’ai vraiment adore downtown abbey ???????????? et la on a commencé Empire….

  • Sandy Aldrey March, 2 2016, 6:25 / Reply

    Garance! You have to watch “Gran Hotel”! I just ate 3 seasons in days and I don’t normally get that hooked. I got into it after feeling desolated by The Affair…Gran Hotel is an Spanish show on netflix…suspense, muders and spanish humor.

  • Fabienne March, 2 2016, 6:47 / Reply

    Bonjour Garance, à la lecture de votre post j’etais super contente d’apprendre la venue sur Netflix de “the affair”. Or je viens de verifier et elle n’y est pas. Voire, parait-il, Show time ne cède pas ce programme. Avez-vous un Netflix canadien ? Car ici en Californie, rien de cette série. Merci

  • The Americans!!! Hands down- sexy, 80’s, suspense, writing! This is a weekend binge waiting to happen.

  • How good is The Affair? A little bit scary too but I love Ruth Wilson as an actress, she was so fabulous in Luther. Tu regarde le nouveau saison de Luther aussi? C’est très bien. Et on regarde 11.22.1963 – the new TV show with James Franco in it. It’s gripping!




  • Merci pour les tuyaux ! Ça me dit bien Younger. Master ou Nine j’ai regardé sur Netflix aussi et j’ai adoré ! Je vais pouvoir occuper intelligemment mes moments de flemme ;-)

  • Clarissa March, 3 2016, 3:30 / Reply

    Moi non plus je ne pensais pas m’intéresser à une série sur le foot américain mais c’est tellement bien Friday night lights. J’ai été trop triste à la fin de la saison!

  • Master of None is genius, and the new Apatow one, “Love” on Netflix is pretty great too

  • I wrote the whole list of my favs a month ago here: http://www.lazysundaycooking.com/best-tv-series-of-2015/ but since then found a few new favs on Netflix- Love(I got crazy about that one last week) , Marco Polo and documentary Chef’s Table- which will have you drool all the time ;)

  • I just finished watching LOVE and it’s really, really good. A sort of cold reality meets DTLA thing. House of Cards, which has a new season released tomorrow and Modern Family! Want to start watching Narcos as well!


  • Chelsea March, 3 2016, 9:47 / Reply

    Vinyl has become a new favorite, beautifully shot, and the mise en scène is superb (the silk, the colors, the HAIR).

  • Hélène March, 3 2016, 11:30 / Reply

    Loving The Affair. Also getting hooked on The Night Manager with Hugh Laurie – intrigue and danger in glamourous hotels.

  • mosaic_world March, 3 2016, 12:50 / Reply

    I thought Bleak House by the BBC was really well done (mystery/legal drama based on a Dickens novel). I think it is several years old now. it starred Gillian Anderson. I like Alun Armstrong and his eccentric characters. there were a lot of really strong actors in it.

    found this initially on hulu.com but I eventually finished it on dvd’s at the library.

  • My absolutely favourite serie is HOMELAND! Season 1,2, 4 and 5 Are just amazing (only the 3rd one is a bit boring.) The actors are so impressive.

    I also started EMPIRE one year after it started as at the begining I thought it would be a cliché ghetto style series but I was so wrong! It is as well brilliant, fresh and daring and the actors are amazing too.

    Then I used to be a fan of SCANDAL until now, this last season is a bit boring but I hope they will revamp it. Though it is worth watching the first 4 seasons as they are fun.

    HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER is full of clifhanger and surprises and Viola Davis is being great in it,

    As for GIRLS, I like it but I feel like sometimes the episodes are quite empty… It is not a very exciting serie… But a OK one when nothing else is on.

    I guess I will have to add The affair to my list.


    -The diary of a fashion designer-

  • Two British great shows on Netflix: River (short – 6 episodes) and Luther with Idris Elba…excellent!

  • Jasmin March, 3 2016, 9:11 / Reply

    Never would’ve thought a high school football show would hold my attention for more than 5 minutes but I absolutely loved Friday Night Lights. I recently finished the series and am in slight withdrawal.

    For something totally different I’m really enjoying Vikings right now. It can be a bit of a gore-fest but it has a sort of intense epic feel you can get lost in, and gorgeous scenery.

  • Chloé March, 4 2016, 3:32 / Reply

    J’ai bien envie de me laisser tenter par The Affair !
    En ce moment, je dirais que ma série préférée est How to get away with Murder, ne serait-ce que pour le jeu d’acteur de Viola Davis et son personnage absolument fascinant, et pour l’intrigue qui te tient toujours en haleine.

    Côté série française, je viens de découvrir Baron Noir, avec Kad Merad, et maintenant je regarde tous les épisodes en replay! Ca fait du bien d’avoir une bonne série politique française, et de voir Kad Merad dans un registre totalement différent de d’habitude, mais qui lui va très bien!

  • Younger !!!!
    Merci garance pour le tuyau!
    Des barres de rire et le beaaaauuu miroir ;)


  • Steffi Peters March, 7 2016, 8:00 / Reply

    Younger is such a funny show, it’s easy to watch and like you say, not to much drama. And for sure it reminds me of Sea and the City.

  • J’ai aussi ADORÉ The Affair. J’adorerais ne pas l’avoir encore vu pour retrouver les mêmes sensations que j’ai ressenties lorsque j’ai visionné les premiers épisodes. Ces temps, j’adore Billions. Il y 6 épisodes pour le moment. C’est sur le monde de la finance. Immoral à souhait. Je ne comprends pas la moitié des termes liés à ce monde là mais je suis ACCRO!!!! Avec l’acteur d’Homeland. Top top top!

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