I Like to Cha Cha
8 years ago by

New Yorkers are obsessed with drinks – from juices to kombucha to iced coffee to cocktails. Everyone has a preference and everyone likes something somewhat bespoke and new.
Now that iced coffee season is finally upon us, I have been noticing that it isn’t cold brew keeping the cool New Yorkers cool anymore – it’s iced matcha! This stone-ground green tea is highly caffeinated, but promises not to give you the jitters and shakes often associated with cold brew (I am looking at you, La Colombe). And much to everyone’s surprise and delight, it is also a natural calorie burner!
So now that you actually want to drink this earthy, milky green tea concoction– where do you go? If you are in New York, the only answer to your conundrum is the newly opened, Cha Cha Matcha.
The new downtown hotspot boasts the ever-trendy shrubbery we all can’t get enough of, and vintage Cha Cha record sleeves mounted on the pink and green walls. Between the good vibes at the café and the amazing health benefits of this cold green drink, Cha Cha Matcha is bound to be the watering hole of choice this summer in New York.
Are there any great matcha places in your city? Where else can we get a good matcha in New York?
Written by Hannah Safter
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Hi Camille,
This is not a sponsored post! Just an ode to a spot Hannah loves in New York City. x Natalie
Ah, so true. New Yorkers LOVE their drinks, and I too have been obsessing over matcha this summer. I get mine at David’s Tea or by CHLOE. :)
One of my indulgences in life is to start my mornings with a matcha late and a piece of dark chocolate. (one,, single, solitary piece – I promise) ;)
The caffeine content does not seem to bother me – I don’t feel “revved up” the way I used to with coffee or even loose green tea.
The smooth, creamy texture of the matcha, the slight bitterness of the chocolate – sigh – it makes me want to jump out of bed faster.
And, if my day happens to go off the rails at least I had a wonderful, sweet start. Life is good.
Inspired me to go this morning, it’s SO cute and delicious!
I prefer my regular cappuccino or latte even in summer! No ice coffee for me!
I’ve never tried matcha, maybe it’s because the texture and color remind me of pressed grass…but I could give it a try!
Here in Italy it’s the caffè shakerato season…Shaked coffe with ice and liquid sugar. I could drink liters of it!
Yummy! Where is it located?
le plus authentique à ny c’est IPPODO <3