
The Revenant

8 years ago by

The Revenant

Just hand Leo his damn Oscar already.
It’s about time.

This film, the latest offering from one of my favorite directors Iñárritu, is an epic, beautiful and emotion-stirring portrayal of a man struggling to survive in the unchartered wilderness of North America in 1823. DiCaprio’s depiction of Hugh Glass, a man on the edge of humanity, struggling to survive in an unjust and violent world is completely mesmerizing. A tour de force. I cried.

Basically, don’t go and see it on a first date unless you really like the guy and I recommend some waterproof mascara. It’s more of a movie to see with someone you’re totally cool with being all puffy-eyed with like your best friend or long-term significant other. I sat on the edge of my seat for at least 85% of the movie, cried a few times, blew my nose, and basically crushed Drew’s hand in suspense during several different scenes.

I love Iñárritu’s directorial work (Birdman, Babel)(he’s a creative genius, no?), but it does feel like DiCaprio’s movie. He does have a great cast supporting him, including the swoon-worthy Tom Hardy (who plays morally repugnant Fitzgerald)(still, can’t help but love him!) and you might recognize another face from Peaky Blinders – Arthur Shelby (actor Paul Anderson)!!!

I loved it, would see it again. Completely recommend seeing it at the cinema… Guessing this will take home at least a few Oscars (it’s been nominated for 12!). At times it’s maybe a little intense to a point where you might think, “Come oooon!!!” But it’s, overall, 156 compelling minutes of screen time.

Have you seen it?


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  • J’y vais la semaine prochaine avec une amie. Can’t wait !

  • Haven’t seen it – not sure I will. No doubt about Leonardo’s talent and the fact that he is just a good human being. Not sure I can stomach a reminder of our country’s history then, with its brutality among humans and towards native peoples and towards animals and wildlife…

  • I HATED HATED HATED this movie. It is beautiful, Leo is amazing, Tom is amazing but the entire thing left me angry for wasting two hours. Thank god it was a screener and I didn’t pay any $$ to see it. But don’t pay too much attention to me; I HATED The English Patient just as much.

  • Caroline January, 21 2016, 5:35

    Why did you hate the film?
    I don’t like Inarritu (at all, I find his American films voyeuristic and tacky) but this one hasn’t come out in France though, so I’d like to have more reasons not to see it…

  • So this film is beautiful, DiCaprio is amazing, Hardy is amazing but you wasted two hours of your life?!? How is it possible?

  • I actually cannot make up my mind about this movie.
    I saw it twice. At the first screening I left amazed: by the landscape, by Leo, by the beauty of the photography. At the second viewing, I thought it was too long and the violence of it all made me feel uncomfortable- which is weird since I saw it before…
    I think the screenplay is a little thin, simplistic. It lacked real depth.
    Leo will probably get an Oscar for it, and it is a bit of a pity since it is not his best role by far

  • Maybe you should stick to books? The English Patient book by Micheal Ondaatje is beautiful, I love it, and the movie really couldn’t fully capture everything in it.

  • Leo (oui je l’appelle par son petit nom parce qu’on se connait bien ! ah ah) est l’acteur qui me bouleverse le plus. Ce mec a une intensité dans le regard qui me bouleverse ! Il ressemble vachement à mon frère en fait. Il y a 25 ans (ça fait rêver hein) j’avais parié qu’il serait un acteur essentiel et je ne me suis pas trompée. Donc je peux l’appeler Léo, on est d’accord ! :-)

  • J’irai définitivement le voir, en espérant que Leo soit récompensé ! x


  • I saw it this past weekend -I am also a huge fan of Alejandro’s work, he always takes his movies to incredible heights. I thought the movie was incredible – it felt real. Leo’s acting was amazing, hands down even with the few words he said you could feel how he was feeling and knew what was going through his mind. However, it was on the more gruesome side, which I am not a huge fan of, so I can’t say I enjoyed sitting through some of those scenes.

  • Don’t forget to mention the amaaaaaaaazing cinematography by Emmanuel “El Chivo” Lubezki, with a movie recorded only with natural light, he is very likely to take the statue home, which would be his 3rd Academy Award (Gravity 2014, Birdman 2015) and that would make him the first cinematographer to achieve this. In case you haven’t already check his instagram! http://www.instagram.com/chivexp

  • ManueElla January, 21 2016, 6:07 / Reply

    Léo je suis fan! je l’ai même vu en chair et en os et à moins de 30 cms lundi dernier lors de l’avant première du film à Paris…donc OUI j’irai voir le film.

  • J’ai carrément super envie de le voir ! Il est sur ma watchlist depuis quelques semaines. Hâte qu’il sorte dans les salles en France. :)

  • I saw it and I loved it. DiCaprio is amazing, as always, but knowing the way this film has been shot makes me appreciate his performance even more!
    I loved every film by Iñárritu I watched, most of all 21 Grams.
    The cinematography and the make-up effects are incredible.

  • I heard it was described as “suffering porn” — so I’m not that enthusiastic about it…

  • Wanted so badly to love it, but couldn’t do it! The cinematography was so breathtaking, Inarritu is a great director, but sometimes he’s work just misses the spot. Not sure what it is, but I felt the same way about Birdman – not a fan. And I just think Tom Hardy is so much more deserving of an Oscar, although I absolutely ADORE Leo. I don’t know, this movie just didn’t thrill me.

  • J’ai adoré! Le jeu de Léo est parfait, mais Tom Hardy est tout aussi bon! Plus surprenant à la limite. La photographie est superbe aussi. Le film est intense de bout en bout et on retient son souffle! Un grand moment de cinéma. Mention spéciale au rapport du personnage de Léo avec la caméra! Courez le voir!!

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